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Everything posted by altrocker1807

  1. ZOMG it's tomorrow!!

  2. someday. ugh. too hot....and i've been missing out on NBDs so far.
  3. hi to you too =]

  4. helloo :happy:


    i have to say...your signature is highly amusing :LOL:

  5. and you doubted yourself...:rolleyes:

  6. why fight? when you can sit back, enjoy, and relax? ;)


    (hi duck! cool avi, by the way)

  7. (that was your hint, btw)

  8. oh come on! :LOL:

    just think about it....

  9. youz get a chocolate chip cookie for breaking that sad one-man messaging :LOL:

  10. well isn't this sad fzkjdls;fjasdfjlksdjf

  11. at least the weather's cooling down this week. didn't get to go to the beach last weekend though...it was perfect BTW: does anyone here know how the high/low tides work? when do they occur?
  12. testingtestingtesting



    omg it works :LOL:

  13. hi everyone! ((whoa this board upgrade thing has gotten Facebook-y...kinda impressive ))
  14. Muscle Museum (holy eff, FINALLY!) -that audio of that infamous performance ruined it for me; as much as I tried, I wasn't able to take the song seriously afterwards. I mean, every time I hear that intro, I have got to say "HEY YOU CRAZY KIDS!" and giggle. Hmmm what else? Hyper Chrondriac Music, Sunburn (especially the piano bits), and....Starlight.
  15. I finally watched the Unintended music video late last night before going to bed. then in my dreams, a friend was squiggling/twisting/spiraling like in the video.
  16. LoL at the video store RIGHT when i finished paying for my movies, Supermassive Black Hole comes on. So I took my sweet time baby-stepping from the register counter to the door (which is like...4 feet apart). The manager saw me and he asked if I needed help with anything else... But I only got it through to the instrumental break, because it got embarassing afterwards.
  17. Just had one from my nap earlier this afternoon. My friends were helping me out with prom b/c I was bummed about not having a date to go with. They picked out my dress, shoes, hair, jewelry, makeup, and flowers. I ended up looking like Laney from "She's All That" (but my dress was a silky burgundy-ish wine color instead). Prom was located in this beautiful theater auditorium place in Long Beach (theater's probably non-existent; I totally made it up in my head ). We go inside and I was looking for the blind prom date that my friends set me up with. That person turned out to be DOM, but he looked more like a car mechanic (uniform, grease marks, and all!!) rather than a suave prom date. Dom didn't look too thrilled amongst Matt, Chris, and other guys, because my friends payed him to be my date (), but once he saw me he eased up and became quite the gentleman he is. This slow swing jazz song comes up and we started to dance. Eeek and we were clooose! But I messed up on some of the steps, and we stopped so that Dom could teach me how to dance. BUT THEN I WOKE UP. BTW: My actual senior prom experience sucked. I never got a date, some girl fucking had the same stand-out dress as I did (which TOTALLY defeated my purpose in having a unique dress like no one else's!), the Long Beach venue that held our prom was cruddy, my friends were busy having their own prom nights, and I never danced with Dom (let alone ever met him my lifetime so far!).
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