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Everything posted by Citizen_Eraser

  1. I'm not saying I would ask people not to vote for other rare songs. I'd like to hear any of those I mentioned. But I'm saying we should make an effort to get another unplayed song like SU into the forefronts of people's minds while they're voting. How else did EM and Easily make it?
  2. I just got wind of this US by Request possibility...if this gets announced can we please get a concerted effort together to spam the fuck out of a #ShrinkingUniverse? I don't want a retread of Glorious, Easily, Futurism, Eternally Missed. If we could get another mega B side pulled out randomly I think Shrinking Universe would be top tier to get a pro shot of. EDIT: I'm not saying I wouldn't be absolutely ecstatic to get any of the rare songs from the first two by request songs, and I hope we get a few of them. But I want to see if we can make a board effort to get another ultra rare unplayed song into this set. Shrinking Universe was the first thing that came to mind for me. Open to other suggestions (Recess?) but I think we should pick one and get behind a hashtag that makes the band and people going to the show aware to vote for it.
  3. Well dig down isn’t their worst song anymore. At least it sounded musey albeit weak and poppy musey. This sounds like Matt featuring for some pop band. I know it’s easy to say forget the past they’ve changed but it’s hard to when these guys wrote OoS and Abso.
  4. I mean we are pretty sure Morgan has always been miming right? For a few years I was ignorant, but what has the guy not made a mistake in 12 years with the band live? He showed up in 06 right?
  5. So after a couple weeks have passed and we've heard it live who's opinion changed on TC? In either direction. I liked it at release as a guilty pleasure. Still like it, like the live version even more.
  6. Living in America. I would probably pay $1000 a ticket for something like that. Especially being that I live in the midwest. And the Drones club shows in America were like NYC and LA only. If they did a few shows around the US and threw in a Chicago show I'd make the 4 hour drive and pay thousands to see it.
  7. Can we just spam the hell out of Shrinking Universe hastags until they play it?
  8. He used to put alot more effort into the vocals in the chorus compared to recent years. Just look at Earl's Court. This version is pretty close. And also all the riffs at the end. I want execution commentary and more, not just Reapers outro.
  9. Now if they play this in proper 2004 style. Song has gotten alot worse live over the years.
  10. Yes...wonderful. Thanks for pointing that out. Didn't think you could until it was fully finished streaming and converts to a regular video later.
  11. We got it at the STL date on the American tour. Extended but no falsetto.
  12. Fucking ATT modem rebooted in the middle of SMBH, just came back up. I missed a Bliss with all out falsetto? Fucking hell...
  13. I think I'm at the point now where all I need is a proshot of Shrinking Universe and I won't need anything from Muse ever again.
  14. He sang waaaay way deeper way more hero vocal in 2011. Go back and listen to it. This is a nice middle ground between earlier whinier years and full blown hero vocal.
  15. Osaka Jam not being played as the jam during gigs like this is a huge missed opportunity.
  16. His voice wasn't as good in 2001 as it is now other than his falsetto being better in the earlier years. The majority of live pro shots of that song are from that era. Maybe just personal preference but I like his smoother deeper voice more.
  17. Jesus christ SD vocals sound amazing. Maybe the best ever...Haven't played it since what 2011 festivals?
  18. To have his vocals quiet? Probably was. Hasn't been the case in any other song has it?
  19. Probably his kemper trying to mimic the FF instead of actually using FF. Sounded shit for sure. But the other quieter bit of the solo was fucking majestic.
  20. That was probably intentional for that song since it hasn't been played really ever. Drum and Bass was overpowering everything.
  21. Sounded a little rough for the first time, and the intro and synth were dead silent. But man I liked it live. It's going to only get better the more they play it.
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