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Everything posted by WutDaFucksy

  1. I can understand the whole dropping of older songs thing...but not when they replace these with ones like Guiding Light and Undisclosed Desires... Anyway: Invincible is underrated, especially live. Actually kind of miss it.
  2. Ohhhh ok :LOL: Not sure why I would delete that :LOL:

  3. Really? :LOL: I can't


    I did go through a massive deleting spree of the word "hucks-y" (without the dash thing) because of real life peoples but iunno :LOL:

  4. Wow! :LOL: I can't remember how it appeared! I just thought of it and it stuck!

  5. Um no, it's just a very average album, trying to fit too many styles in one. Their best albums (regarded here at least) all have the same sort of sound throughout (OoS and Abso). Also, about the songs individually, what track on The Resistance could actually challenge for best Muse song?
  6. The only bit of feeling I get from the song is the bit near the end "take us away from here, protect us from further harm, resiiiiistaaaance", like he only seems to actually go for it then...it's just half-arsed.
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