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Status Updates posted by Sventington

  1. My Christmas was ok. I don't have a computer at home so I haven't been on, in fact I'm at the school right now as my computer still hasn't arrived!


    How was yours? Oh and don't be afraid to tell me if you don't like the movie, not a lot happens in it and in the end the underlying concept itself is very simple. I just like seeing Mickey Rourke put on such a subtle performance, it's actually my favourite movie.

  2. Hooray! I hope you don't hate the movie!

  3. yo,


    did my package for you ever arrive?

  4. I stole it from Rage Kitty!


  6. One of my favourites!

  7. I suppose I don't need to rule. No need for a marriage based on subservience, but this goes both ways. NO EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION :mad:

  8. You are so demanding. Don't get used to acquiesence, I will wear the pants in our household.

  9. Look at all the delightful technicolour dancing birds on your wall now. I have spruced the place up!

  10. Clearly you underestimated the depths of my shallowness (CONTRADICTION ALERT!)

  11. A nice Fedora, and a straight razor so I don't have to keep buying disposable ones.

  12. It will all depend on your dowry.

  13. No worries! Enjoy!

  14. Not your thing I take it :(


    Ah well! There will be others!

  15. Aaah well alright. I'm all out of questions! Best of luck with the film distribution company, hopefully their new hire won't work out.

  16. How did you get involved with that! If you've been working there for 3 years then you would have been 18 at the time, when did you have time to get schooling done for that position?

  17. What do you do at the advert firm?

  18. It was job for the provincial library system of Prince Edward Island. It involved acquisitions and cataloguing mostly I think.


    What kind of a job are you looking for?

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