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Status Updates posted by Sventington

  1. with this post, I have ended Ulla's reign of terror.

  2. Nope, that was my third and final one. Now I just need to finish off the year, pass the exams, and go looking for a job.

  3. update:


    The placement was great! The library catered specifically to ministry officials (mainly civil servants, there's a legislative library for the elected officials), and it offered a wide variety of specific services which was neat to see. The people there pretty much let me have a go with everything, from easy things like circulation to technical services like subject and descriptive cataloguing. I got to try out a catalogue system I hadn't used before (Sydney), got to take part in interlibrary loans for the first time, and also got to do monkeywork like weeding and loose leaf filing. Everyone was super nice and talkative and supportive, so it was a great placement.


    There ya go!

  4. I will be sure to let you know!


    My last two placements have been nice. The first was in a highschool library, which was surprisingly fast paced. That library had fairly excellent resources for a school library though, as it was kind of a special arts highschool. I actually really enjoyed it, you never have enough time to get everything done, but there's always lots of things to work on, so you can switch it up.


    The second one was incredibly unsupervised, and they mainly had me developing sections for a wiki and doing processing. It was nice to be given that independence though. It was in a public library, but the section I was in was funded by the province, so in a sense it was a seperate, special section. Very quiet.


    I honestly have no idea what to expect in this upcoming one. It's a flat out special library, and I don't have considerable experience with the subject area. I really can't imagine what they'll be having me do.

  5. Aaaah it doesn't start until the first week of March. I appreciate you congratulating me, however I don't deserve it, as the school arranges all of the placements for students. I had nothing to do with it, haha.

  6. Oh yes I did on banter! I did a vanity search and saw your reply and replied back I believe. I know it'll be a good opportunity but I hate the initial adjustment period, getting into the routine and that. Ah well, that bit'll be over before I know it. We'll see how it goes.

  7. I missed your message! Nothing much was up, just unwinding I suppose. Either way I'm not worse for wear now, so all is well.

    How are YOU?

  8. I will look into it when I get home. For some reason I have trouble streaming videos using the internet available here, but all is fine back home.

  9. I'm at a loss, what is bowie doing with that pig?

  10. ew to your LEGS

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