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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. Haha, yes i'm a predictive text user. I'm not so bad with getting words wrong now but there is the odd time i confuse people, lol. And yes! That jack comment is awesome, I think it needs to go on facebook where Rich will see it though. And no more spoilers on Lost please, i haven't watched the last few episodes yet As for neutron star collision, the day i was up from 6.30 watching birds I had it stuck in my head all day. I've just seen the the video once. They could have done a better job by just putting a few relevant movie scenes instead of a whole lot of random worried faces everywhere
  2. Hey guys. How's everyone doing? I'm just finishing my bellbird feeder watch for this afternoon. It's been going well here but not so many birds today. I saw a family of orca whales on saturday i got some really cool photos of them too which i'll put up when i get good this weekend. That sucks about richard not coming here. I'll have to annoy him by text, lol. Hope you are all having a nice week. Chow.
  3. What's Rich up to anyway? Busy working on his dissertation? I was expecting to catch up on more than this Don't worry, they'll either be here the few days before or after the aussies so it should be after your exams
  4. Hey moas. Bellbird releases are all over the place. I might finally get to see some released on Tuesday though. My 19yr old intern from America was so excited to buy alcohol for herself for the first time on the boat back to the mainland this afternoon We (my other intern from Holland and a girl from uni helping with the birds) had quite a bit of fun surrounding all the work and stress this weekend.
  5. Not sure now if I'll be able to get to the release next weekend as I have to go back to Tiri on Wednesday and my supervisor booked me til Sunday. I'll find out what is happening tomorrow hopefully. That's a shame you didn't get through to your mum. I got to spend yesterday with the family for Mother's day, we had a nice feed
  6. So I'm back home already. Half an hour before the last boat left we got told the release is being postoned due to one bird testing positive for a disease Poor birdies will have to wait til next weekend, but oh well, at least they are being spoiled with heaps of nice food and I get a few days rest. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend
  7. Great to hear your party was awesome!! I just got back from Tiri today. Going to Motuihe tomorrow though. The bellbirds are set to be released on Sunday which will be exciting, I've never been to a release before. Anyone is welcome to come over and watch Finally saw little spotted kiwi last night, so cute The night before we also got to help band some grey faced petrels. I held their head back to keep them still, one of them was a biter. Kakariki were the worst biters though. Untangled one out of the net for my first time on Tuesday which left a few bite marks, my fingers are still a little sore
  8. He was being naughty, but he was cute this morning when I walked past and he looked guilty by hanging his head down, I couldn't resist giving a comforting pat I was told he has also now found where their pellet food is, so we wonder how long it will take him to figure out all he needs to do is take a bite of the bag and free pellets for all + 1 Every draw and wardrobe is stuffed, even after getting cleaned out
  9. Yeah, he walked underneath my chair to check out my bag on the other side, so when he came out from underneath was the perfect oportunity to sneak a pat. And yes, kaka are cool. I still remember the time I gave a peanut to one at Auck zoo when I was a kid. The kaka at welly zoo were fun to watch too.
  10. I want to give them a cuddle too! I want to bring Mungo home to wander around the backyard with my rabbit. Ah well, getting a pat was good enough. I heard people saying that the Takahe on Kapiti aren't as friendly as these guys which are mainly just looking for food from us.
  11. ^ Late Septemberish. Congrats! So I've been on and off Tiritiri, so tiring but so fun too When I was there working by myself in the weekend, I had Mungo the Takahe follow me from the garage, down the road to a patch of bush, into the bush for 100m while setting up a transect, back out and then down another 100m path with stairs. He cut through the bush and was back at the garage after I had finished Other highlights include seeing wild tuatara, patting Greg the Takahe while he had a poke around in my bag and a grey-faced petrel running into me while we made funny noises to attract them one evening Going back tomorrow til Friday. Then Motuihe on Saturday and back to Tiri on Sunday. I'm going to be knackered after all that.
  12. Yeah, but they still seem to classify it as season one (upto S01E18). Oh well, I'm sure there will be enough drama still going on for another season after this Another thing to do is freeze left over home made patties which can be quickly heated up in the oven, this makes a quick weekend dinner. I also freeze pre-cooked pizza bases from my left over dough, so quick n easy until I have to make more
  13. It is indeed It'll be interesting to see how long the series will go for. Once this series is over, I'll hopefully get round to catching up on Being Human as that is pretty cool too. :LOL:Cheese. It would be more accurate it it was 'sugar!!!!!!!!!!!!!' as those birds really seem like they are on a sugar high with the sugar water/nectar being abig part of the diet, but cheese is funny. I'll try upload my 2 videos later. Good luck with the job stuff!
  14. That is a concern with the back log being up to 2 weeks and the unknown of how long the ash will last (plus the chance of it's bigger neighbour going off ). Here's hoping it'll be cleared up by then for you to go! But then it might be better to delay (if you can) until things get sorted out over in the UK. Oh, and just looked at the Slendour In The Grass line up I totally agree with you Rich, I hope we get an influx of those bands over here or I would be very tempted to go!
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