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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. Was it coming that close to you or were you on zoom? I don't think I'll ever get into that farmville thing, but I have started using my zoo You could make some plastic tunnels to cover the traps with a little entry at the front, that way the rat just sticks its head in to take the bait then, bam! Although, again it doesn't always work if the trap isn't set light enough or bait is loose. Although, I tend to go with "yeah, lol" more often
  2. Oh, true true. Oh awesome. Where abouts were you tramping? From what I've read, they aren't very common, still quite vulnerable but IUCN says "locally common in north and west South Island". I've just seen them in captivity. They keep the rodent population down, nom nom.
  3. Poor fellas, but surely the females would have let them in their habitat when it was mating time Sorry to hear about your mum Kat. I hope she is feeling better and gets through this quickly And thanks, if I pass the test I'm sure you will be able to as well! Cool coat. I like my grey one that I got last year, it's about the same length but it has no hood. None of my winter jackets have hoods, which is annoying as hoods are useful when there is sudden rain. I just saw one yesterday. Not much point joining them unless you really want a pickle to have more fans, but honestly who cares? But that sucks you couldn't get it. Hopefully you'll at least find a similar coat. Oh dear I'll just try to think of the tester as a driving instructor, as I wasn't too bad with him. Laughter is a good recovery. + peanut butter. Not very nice, but it's quick and has to be done
  4. Haha, lucky you Rich. My friend has been putting off sitting her full for ages because she is worried about mucking up her parallel parking although she has done it fine when I was with her once. I should tell her and maybe that'll get her to sit it. My dad taught me ages ago. I did it today getting in behind a little truck parked on the road, and it was ok, but then I had my mum telling me what way to go, etc.
  5. Yeah, from what I've heard it seems like they only test either three point turn or u turn, which I was fine at both today. The pamphlet on what the restricted test is all about says it can also test reverse parallel parking, but everyone says that's not til the full test, right?
  6. Thanks. The main thing I'm worried about is reversing into a driveway (or car park if they do that too) as it isn't something I do regularly. So practiced it today and I got better, but I'll just have to practice everyday this week and if I can't get it right in one go on say Friday, I'll have to change the date of the test That should keep you nice and warm then if it gets cold. All this talk of teddy bears + coats =
  7. Yeah, a long thick coat is a bit too "I'm off to head out into the snow". I haven't done any knitting for ages too. Last thing I knitted was a jumper for my dog, but never got round to getting my grandma to show me how to finish the edges and stich it together, so he never got a chance to wear it *sigh*. Ooh, thanks for the info. I see there is one in Albany too, so I might pop in there one day when going out there for uni. That is too Nice, those guys sure love to dance. I'm going to do some driving today to practice for my test next week. I really don't want to fail
  8.  Oh yay! Was it a special recipe or just a general one you can find anywhere? I'm quite proud of the pizza dough recipe I found for the bread maker. It makes such a nice dough that cooks evenly and is soft     Wow, that is interesting. I wonder if they would like it more than peanut butter. But I'm guessing antifreeze would be too expensive for long term pest control...   I would were that coat too! Long coats look awesome, but I really see them for sale in winter.
  9. I did indeed, thanks. The kiwi in the native encounter was very dozy and stuck around to eat all it's corn, so my friend was happy to see a kiwi up close at last Even the nocturnal house kiwi were quite active up the front of the glass. Makes sense. Don't worry, I don't remeber much Maori from school either.
  10. Thanks! I booked it for the 17th to give me a little more time for practice. Looking at cars now as I will have to start going over to Albany for uni soon. Finding something affordadble and good is always a mission though. Haha, when he turns to the camera and realises! :LOL:
  11. I wonder if I'll be bothered to watch this years season, maybe at least that episode Nice! That flag is a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Woo, I finally booked a date to sit my restricted test
  12. I went yesterday! The new ride Invader is That's a shame, I was going to see Nine. I guess I still will though since not much else to do Sorry to hear about all the stuff you have to put up with your mum. But what about the Kareoke night? That'll cheer you up for sure! USA and Auckland
  13. I want to watch that episode again. I need to go through what I have on dvd to see if I have it. Aww Cool. The backing vocals starting at 1.25 are a bit creepy though Indeed. I wish the weather forecast will stop saying there will be showers so I can plan my trip to Rainbows End and the zoo. At least I got to the Waitakere Ranges yesterday for bird watching. My mozzy bites are more itchy and swollen today though so I got some Anthisan, which hasn't lasted very long on some of them, need to put some more on. Oh dear. But for Sheldon on the tv.
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