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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. Indeed. But not so much action when a tui is around. They can't get into the feeder but they sure like to find a way. One tui spent maybe 20 minutes coming back and forth, climbing all around the feeder (even under it!) and just stood outside the entrance as if thinking of what to try next.
  2. I see, hopefully you'll get your mark soon! I'm just on and off Tiri still, haven't been to Motuihe as much but there are about 20 bellbirds still there which isn't too bad. And while at home, I have to sort out my data. Today I watched some more of my camera footage and I got 334 male bellbirds coming into a feeder in just one hour. They are hungry little sauages
  3. I've gotten something like that too! Last week on Tiri it felt like my asthma was coming back and it got more persitant when I came home. So I saw a dr yesterday and he said it must be an infection triggering it as my temperature was 38.6!! I have no other symptoms and he said I didn't have a chest infection, so it is still asthma but potentially could be influenza... So I'm not allowed to go to uni or anywhere until it it has cleared up in hopefully a few days. If not, I have to go see the dr again. I'm not sure if you have a history of asthma Rich, but if it starts getting too uncomfortable and makes you cough, you might want to go to the dr to get checked out.
  4. Wow, that would be an awesome day! Over in Europe they are even just lucky getting awesome support bands. Just imagine how crazily fun and exhausted we'd be from a gig with White Lies and Muse! I've noticed that a lot of bands are all coming here the end of July and beginning of August. I'm still undecided whether to go the Florence + the Machine and The Temper Trap. Just brought new hiking shoes and being waterproof they took a big chunk out of my bank account, but I'll probably dump them on to my ever growing loan
  5. I really want to go see it before I go back to Tiri! Think I'll text my friend now to see if we can go see it tomorrow. I saw the new Shrek last weekend. It was good for laughs throughout the movie but that's about it.
  6. My dad likes maple syrup on his. I haven't dared to sway away from brown sugar yet, I don't have it that often though. Really? He looks quite mellow to me. My friend showed me how to grip properly which I think helped quite a lot. I've probably forgotten it now though.
  7. Ooh, whacking golf balls does sound like good stress relief. I'll keep that in mind for the months ahead But anyway, isn't this a cool picture? It was from an article titled Sperm whale poo helps planet.
  8. I have been fine thanks. Been on Tiri following the birds around to see what their eating, nom nom. Then yesterday sitting at home my thigh muscle and knee gradually got really sore. It's not so bad today, so hopefully all it needs is a bit of rest. How have you been? Enjoying your break or still winding down from finishing?
  9. Thanks! As for Lost... Haha, that is too cute and one tolerant ram! :happy: :LOL: From my records, ahem, I see that we didn't get told about the tour dates until mid August... So we might be in for a bit more of a wait I want a boat.
  10. Probably I watched the end of Lost today Hahaha, that picture is going to stick around in my head for a while. Aww Nice. I'm quite happy with my new sleeping bag at the moment though, haven't gotten cold a single night night in it Great job!
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