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Wowee zowee

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Everything posted by Wowee zowee

  1. Gah why did you say :'( Thongs and Cameron's ..not a nice combination.


    I think I regonised him in it actually:LOL:



    I have seen Pariot Games, it's been a very long time though. My dad was a big Ford fan so we'd rent all of new films:awesome:


    Have you seen K-19? :LOL:!!


    I think we spoke before about imdb and how insane people are on there! I'm pretty sure I added a few comments after I saw the film as someone said it was really overrated and shit.

  2. Well I sort of don't mind it in a bun or a pastry...so odd:(


    I think most of us have imagined Brosnan nude due to the amount of sex scenes he went through with Bond.


    I love Harrison Ford, wouldn't say it was the reason I watched Star Wars:p The originals are far far superior to the prequels. I can't stand what's his face who played Anakin:noey: even Ewan..


    Course I've seen The Prestige! I was thinking about watching it the other day. One of those where you left the cinema and really had a good discussion about it:happy:

  3. :LOL:but wanting Brosnan nude is wrong :p


    It has the cool voice over by Harrison Ford<3


    Totally! Has to be my fav ending to a film ever, well aside from True Lies

  4. I recall once I may have tried to use a cheat to get lara croft naked:shifty: although it was all a myth and my efforts were wasted :(


    I have the special tin edition with all the versions :awesome: I think I've seen them all now even the rough cut one.

  5. What are you trying to imply? :p

  6. It was like blade runner with the lead character having giant boobs! You played 3 characters and it had a sort out Japanese mythology about it.


    In the 2nd one she became a lesbian :eyebrows:




    oh was it a hog?:LOL: there's been so many games where I've just given up on because it was annoying.

  7. Oddworld was sooooo hard! I don't think I ever completed it. I was just immature and liked to make him fart.


    I never had spyro but I had Crash:D the part when you're riding the boar, so annoying!


    Did you ever play Fear Effect?


    Yes:shifty: I've been reading up on some things about how it's 3 times bigger than SA:eek:

  8. Uncharted 2 is really good, but I was slighty let down because of the hype for it.


    I really liked tools of destruction! Fun just smashing stuff up and getting insane weapons.


    What kind of platformers? Did you like Abe?

  9. So which game out of the ones you bought are you going to play first? :awesome:

  10. I'll sort it tomorrow when I'm on my computer.

  11. It's a good one! :D

  12. Across the sea

  13. Oh yeah! I love when a TV series reference previous seasons<3


    I did wonder that now people would want to know how the mum got there..

  14. Argh episode was epicccc. I don't care that not loads was explained and why should it?! Loved the last part going back to season 1. Ahh such an awesome show.

  15. My mate told me today that last nights episode was EPIC and it will really be the deciding factor on whether you think Lost is shit or amaaaazing. This better be good :phu:

  16. Charlie's death was the most upsetting but then again I already knew he was going to die :( as it was spoiled.


    You need Red Dead so you can be in my posse online :D and we can round up bad guys :LOL:

  17. It's like May swapped with April:noey:


    Vincent should have some role as he just wondered off and never came back :( I hope All the dead people get a big montage which brings a tear to my eye like Micheal, Locke, Charlie and of course Mr Eko!:D


    Are they doing another O2 tour?

  18. I can't wait for it:D haven't been properly excited for a game in ages.

    I thought you were a big Muse fan, you disappoint me Lianna:noey:

    Is that the tennis in Germany right?


    We were discussing where Vincent went, probablu got eaten by Bernard :yesey:


    Thanks :happy:

  19. You should have taken up your ps3! Anyway exams are over soon, I've got my one and only exam tomorrow.


    You should, I don't obviously go to muse gig ones :D We all had a good Lost discussion and I shouted Waaaaaaaalllllllttttttttt.

  20. How come? Exam stress?


    Yeah it was fun, although it was really cold on the sat and I forgot to bring a coat.. stupid weather! Was cool meeting everyone though, had a few laughs :p

  21. Haven't spoke in a bit! How's it going?

  22. *hug* Yeah tomorrow.. kicking myself for a really stupid mistake. Can't do anything else really.. so we shall we how it goes I guess..

  23. I forgot to hand in a few videos for my prototype so it doesn't work properly... so it'll stop working half way through :( I'll be marked down for it.... stupid mistake. Feel like I want to chunder.. :/

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