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Wowee zowee

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Everything posted by Wowee zowee

  1. Heeeey! I'm pretty good, how about you?! My calves are fine now:awesome: I haven't been running for a few days now, not been very nice weather! and yesterday I went to a jazz festival which wasn't exactly jazz but more like acoustic..


    I watched the Murray match yesterday:facepalm: what a fool.


    Here are some pictures








    Some weird glitter I found in the woods!





    I find it more fun doing the challenges than the actual game:LOL: I was saving some woman the other day and suddenly a pack of cougars jumped out of nowhere and killed her :LOL:

  2. A wine avatar?

  3. It acts as a fetish of pain for pleasure


    I don't know what else you like apart from Lost and Dexter! Hard to recommend:p

  4. Yeah I like thick wool socks:happy:


    Well I'm on my phone now so I can't offer more choices at the moment.

  5. I have a sock fetish.


    You should have


  6. He probably enjoys it, like when they get home he's probably all horny "UGH YOU DIRTY BITCH FUCKING THAT OTHER GUY GGGRRRR ARRRHGHGHHHHHHHGHGHGHG UUUGGHHHHHH" *takes off socks* etc


    You clearly need a better av than him :p

  7. Couldn't get the first part in as it would make it extra huuge

  8. Yay:awesome: haha maybe! You never know you might be better than me:p Aqua is just to get me pumped up!


    It was really good actually, I took some pictures as well which I'll show you later :D there's a weird house in there which looked like something out of a horror film.


    The back of my legs hurt though:( I haven't done proper excersise like that in ages so I probably over did it. I might go for a walk later just to keep up with it all.


    Is it nice to be home?:happy:

  9. Well they're not real so I doubt it! :p Maybe he likes them :LOL:

  10. Surprise motherfucker!

  11. Why aren't you following me on twitter?:mad:

  12. I hope so:eyebrows: I fancy Debra :$

  13. Aqua were cool, I had the barbie girl single:phu: they were Danish too. Ok so we'll start off with Swingball then tennis, running, COD4, red dead and then finally who can eat a mars bar the quickest :D The overall winner bragging rights 4eva:p



    I think I probably would watch too much TV! Yeah I want to explore Europe more


    I didn't think you liked BSG. Are you starting from the beginning? I've never seen Spooks, think my parents like it though.. but they like midsomer murders so :p I've got Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Deadwood, Fringe to watch:D

  14. John Lithgow was amazing, I always loved him back from when he did Harry & The Hendersons and Third Rock :LOL: but to play such an evil character.. I have to say of recent memory no one else has ever actually made me feel so ... how shall I put it.. sick with what he did over that season.


    It'll be interesting how he'll cope with being a single parent. I guess he could hire a nanny and then go out and kill bad guys!

  15. It's going to be colour coded as well. Which colour do you want to be? I'm thinking Aqua and I'll be Light Green:p


    Aw I'm completely the same! The only time I've been good at a fighting game was Street Fighter 2 with E Honda as he does that slapping attack and it's pretty impossible to counter :LOL:


    I'm just slow:supersad: It was really fun though and I'd probably do it again.


    Why should I live in America? :phu: just because I'm a big hipster? :p It's quite hard to get a green card over there actually as my brother went to Chicago for a bit and he had trouble with it.

    Yorke feels :supersad: I imagine.


    Yeah it's a proper western! Basically it's a town called Deadwood where there are no laws so all the seedy characters go there and set up saloons and what not! I've actually only seen about 5 episodes of the first season.. It's on my to do list:$

    What are you going to watch now that Lost is over?

  16. I am actually! I was pretty disappointed with the third season and the forth with Trinity really made me love the show again. I thought with the third they tried to go back and do a sort of Doakes thing again with learning about he's a killer etc and it didn't work, whereas having a proper killer like the first season with Trinity was the way to go.

  17. Bring it on:phu: I'll make a spreadsheet to keep score :nerd: Your secret shame being frisbee:chuckle: HMM what am I lame at... well I'm pretty lame at fighting games :LOL: Just can't figure out the buttons! Also I tried go karting last year and came last :D Pretty much got lapped by everyone and the stewards kept flagging me to move over so they could overtake me.


    I've been to Leeds. It's hard as a lot of my friends aren't really into what I like so it's kind of hard to just go a long as I was invited to Download this year but it's not really something I want to spend money on! I'd love to go to an ATP. Are you going to any this year?


    Hmm Die Hard 4 was ok.. I didn't overly like the main villian as it just seemed so.. lame. Timothy Olyphant is a good actor though, kinda attractive too :eyebrows:


    Have you ever watched Deadwood?

  18. Is this another one of our challenges..swingball?:chuckle: Me and my parents used to go camping to the new forest,devon when I was about 8-10 so we'd bring swingball and velcro bats:D I'd like to do camping again one day just to relive those days, like playing cards in the caravan when it rained.


    Are you lame at frisbee then?:p It had gold dots on the top side, pretty classy:cool:


    Yeah the really recent one, it's really

    good! The Rocky films are pretty good apart from V which was epic fail. Sly was far more impressive in that than the last Rambo...pretty much never reloaded and just shot everything :LOL:

  19. If there was a swingball championship I'd so win:phu: I'm sooo going to buy a swingball set when I move next. You do seem pretty competitive :chuckle:


    We bought the worlds worst frisbee in tescos though for like 60p and it wouldn't go anywhere! I caught it a few times because I'm :awesome:


    :LOL: I wish I did have that! Did you see the last Rocky?

    I just like listening to music on the go and then just switch odd my music and listen to the quietness/wildlife <3

    So I assume you don't listen to music when you drive?:LOL:

  20. I always pack really early, I seem to want to things over with asap:erm:


    Velcro bats!:eek: I used to have a set years ago and it was awesome:D did you ever have swingball?


    It should be fun! Need to make sure I've filled my iphone with motivation choons. I'll probably get lost :chuckle:

  21. Super Size Me made me never want to eat in mcdonalds:vomit:


    I love Dexter! I need to read the book I bought.

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