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Wowee zowee

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Everything posted by Wowee zowee

  1. I can't sleep either :(


    I've got the poster sorted and the layout for each slide, just need to add in the text. I've got a few days.

  2. Hope your exam prep is going alright

  3. They look like Morris dancers :LOL:

  4. :ninja: maybe, your username on the forum is "Roger Me Fed" right?
  5. Aww:p how are they trolls? Like they just keep posting FED SUCCKS SWISS PENIS? Or something equally cutting?

  6. Ahh. You seem pretty clued up on all things tennis :chuckle: I just find it hard when it's not on tv, I know you can watch it on the net etc

  7. Where's my man Tommy Haas:(

  8. There's a massive plot hole which is amusing. You know the other girl they kidnap and he finds...so much for caring at the end:LOL: or telling her parents.


    Eurosport are showing WTA:indiff: the score didn't update on this app so it looked as if nadal was choking :chuckle:

  9. It's the best isn't it?! :LOL:


    My fav scene is when he's under cover in their place with them all sitting at the table


    Bryan: [to Marko] You don't remember me? We spoke on the phone two days ago. I told you I would find you.


    Then blows them all away:awesome:

  10. Exactly :yesey: nighhhttt!

  11. Tall women are scary :chuckle: I'm like 5'8ish not overly tall. I should go to sleep I think :sleepy:

  12. How tall are you?:chuckle:


    Psssh I'm your film buff guide, like that Roger Ebert guy:p

  13. Well do you like walking down a highstreet in the rain with tonnes of people holding umbrellas trying to poke your face in?:noey:

    Oh tourists are annoying but it's not like they're a problem in Stoke:LOL:


    I wonder what else I can get you to download:shifty: :chuckle:

  14. I'm not a huge fan of crowds as people are generally rude whilst shopping. I think it depends if it's raining tomorrow as rain defeats me.


    Exams are no fun :( You've had a few days rest so you've told me:p so you can power through tomorrow.


    I'm very persuasive then:p I know you'll love it:happy:

  15. I might go into town and do some clothes shopping, not sure if that's a good idea on a Saturday though! I think I told you about the trousers etc. Then I might look at sorting out my presentation/poster and mayybe watching Cliffhanger<3


    Aw you little worker:p which exam is this for?

    If you don't watch Taken soon it will be frowned upon:phu::p

  16. That did seem quite...sad:LOL::facepalm:

  17. :eek: I know I've said this a lot but honest lianna you need to see it asap like download it right now or tomorrow because it's just so awesome. I've seen it about 4 times... ok I'll shut up now:shifty:
  18. He's no Liam Neeson :phu: have you ever seen Taken?

  19. But he's not THAT amazing not like on my Keith David scale of amazing.

  20. Why would I want to wear a corset?:chuckle: Oh I didn't mean I was unimpressed with her boobs in POTC!! I meant I didn't like her acting:p



    Really?!:LOL: she was a big tom boy:p but kind of cute though.

  21. Is that with Keira Knightly where she shows her boobs? I recall being rather impressed but then I watched POTC and have despised her ever since.

  22. I'm bored talk to me :supersad:

  23. I can't contain my happiness right now.

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