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Wowee zowee

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Everything posted by Wowee zowee

  1. Red things?!


    Well I can't stand onions for instance..and I have a hate of lasagne at the moment. I'm not THAT bad just sometimes slightly fussy.

  2. Aw :LOL:


    I can be too fussy with food:facepalm:

  3. Is that all you're having? :eek:

  4. Yeah I should... but I won't :p It's all sorted now, woooo!


    Silly nerves :noey:


    What are you going to have for lunch?

  5. Well I got an email earlier saying my supervisor has left my document in the office with some comments... yeah like 5 days after I gave it to him.. so I have a few small bits that I need to add:indiff:

  6. I got invited to be on the Danish Davis Cup team :phu: impressed?

  7. Oh ok, what's happened? :unsure:

  8. Well I'm not going to be nosy, hope it's all good now.

  9. I really like it too:happy: I think my fav is The Lonely from the first album. I don't really have fav bands but if I did they'd be up there for sure.

  10. Do you like British Sea Power?

  11. Aw you'll do fine! think positive, you're smart remember :p Is your first one in 4 days then?


    I'm ok, slightly weird that I've got no more lectures ever again.. just got to finish up everything else now. Then I need to go out into the world :supersad: scary.

  12. It's like he's doing a corkscrew :LOL:


    How are you today?

  13. Intense does sound scary! There has been a few gigs where I've felt like I've been intensely ear raped...if that makes any sense.


    I really want to see these sometime soon


    I imagine their sound would be awesome live.

  14. Deerhoof are pretty crazy so I can let you off :p although Deerhunter I won't if you don't like them:chuckle:


    I could pin a Danish badge on :phu:

  15. I did have the perception that you were loaded:chuckle:


    They're both great songs :happy: I don't know what I'd do without my music.


    That's a nice hat, however I feel this is more me


    What do you think?

  16. I have no idea what a twee hat is!


    You buy CD's that you don't listen to? :chuckle: Yeah they're AMAZING


    Video freaks me out though.

  17. :LOL: that does sound awesome as I love a bit of Belle and Seb :D someone I used to work with used to call them Belly and Sebastian :noey: wouldn't it be too hot for a cardigan though?


    Do you like Grizzly Bear?

  18. I bet you're twee!

  19. Awesome! now I just need someone to go with :LOL:

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