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Wowee zowee

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Everything posted by Wowee zowee

  1. I was just looking at our logs and say it was 7-7-09 :eek: Well I'm sure we've briefly spoken on banter :phu:


    Hows it going with life?

  2. We haven't spoken properly in over a year.



  3. I usually don't agree, but in this case I will. Still it's an awesome cat. Does it have a name? Clearly it should be Tobias.

  4. Even better than yours?

  5. You'll be the proud owner of this in 4 years time if they qualify



    I'm sure you can settle down nicely in it.

  6. Das ist goood. That's all I know:(


    Aw well I'm sure you'll sort it out! Have a good trip:happy:

  7. Lianna, when are you off on your travels?:awesome:

  8. Sadly I just shaved all my hair off yesterday.

  9. I guess! I totally need a new shirt & tie:cool:


    Haha he's so damn smug, I wanted to punch him in the faaaace. The tombs were easy apart from one where you had to flick this switch and climb about with the water.. ugh took me a few goes.


    I want implants in my stomach so I'll look buff all year round.

  10. Haha it's alright I was only kidding :p Yeah got it today:cool: should be an experience, not overly confident but we'll see :LOL:


    How are you liking Danny Wallace?


    :LOL: that would be funny! make sure you take loads of pics!


    Ugh no thaaaaanks!

  11. It takes two to van tango.

  12. Fine don't reply:phu:

  13. I sleep like a caterpillar, which might be problematic, along with the obvious bruising



  14. I bruise like a peach!

  15. I'm sure I could learn to live with it, just we wouldn't have much sex if that's ok.

  16. What a turn off! and I thought we had something going.

  17. Her arm is bigger than me.

  18. But girls with muscles is :eyebrows:

  19. Yeah same I got too lazy during uni and just kept eating snacks :( I've still got a bit of a belly which isn't a great look when you're skinny :LOL: which is why I'm trying to do some running and I just found my bike so I might chuck it in the car and go somewhere.

  20. I lie, I'm actually skinny and trying to get myself fit again! I've been running a lot lately :awesome:

  21. I thought americans loved beefy guys :(

  22. My physique is my number 1 priority.

  23. goodsport.jpg

    I'm so hairy.

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