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Wowee zowee

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Everything posted by Wowee zowee

  1. I'm sure he won in straight sets:indiff: You off tomorrow then?


    I played some frisbee in the park :D and bought some trainers so I can run! If it's nice weather tomorrow I might drive to these woods and go for a run there:happy:

  2. Yeah I know:(


    Have you had a good day? I assume you've been watching tennis mostly :p

  3. :LOL:! You need to check out Breaking Bad after you finish Dexter as I think you'd enjoy it :yesey:
  4. I like Jack again now. I'm tempted to watch season 1 again now just to see if I notice anything.

  5. Did you find one?:sleepy:

  6. Yeah that's where I watched her from. That seems cool! think I'm just going to do some causal running though as I'd probably die going up a hill! :chuckle:


    You should totally tweet :D


    Try checking google blog search, ustream, justin.tv! I'm sure they'll be at least one.




  7. I do tweet or I have done for the past few days.. I just kept reading celebrities ones and thought maybe I just join in and post my interesting thoughts. http://twitter.com/iamthealphabet


    Well you must be quite fit if you run up all those hills:eek: I always had you down as someone like


    I'm pretty sure I said on the board that I liked her :LOL:!


    Not my lovely horse :( I named him Locke:supersad:


    Yes I'll be up at 5am :awesome: probably posting spoilerzzz in the thread :D

  8. :LOL: I thought I'd keep up with being... odd :p I recall you saying your hair was.. brown.. maybe:shifty:


    Do you use twitter?


    Aw, what kind of dog was it? My dogs are pretty friendly to everyone they meet, they bark a little but they're so small I don't think anyone would be threatened :LOL:


    Yeah inland places are rubbish! I used to live by the sea in Denmark, pretty much went down there everyday walking, far too cold to swim! Wasn't a great beach though, one of those just pebble ones, so barefeet you're constantly going..ow...ow..ow..


    But I like tying up my victims:eyebrows:..

  9. Easy :p


    Red hair is nice! not sure about orange though :chuckle: I'm not going to go through every page to find you :LOL:! and plus I'm not anonymous as I went to the meet up:phu: anyway if you had facebook this wouldn't be an issue :phu:




    You can clearly tell I'm :awesome:


    Wow that looks beautiful:happy: wasn't that mega cold? I was looking on the news weather and they said the sea was about 12 degrees or something.. There's no beaches round here at all.. I totally need to go on a road trip to llandudno as I think that'll be the nearest..


    Erm I'm not too far in, just got the lasso. I keep getting distracted by things, like a random person will need help to get back a safe and I've been online a bit so there is plently to do! Have you got a mic?

  10. Srs:phu:It probably would:D although we could pretend.. I could wear face paint:ninja: and you could dye your hair?


    it was just once and at school:phu:


    I was playing with a few friends earlier online, it's a massive shoot everyones horse and then shoot them in the head:chuckle: it's all very cool:p I won't say anymore so you don't die :supersad:

  11. I'm the white Doakes :phu: And am I to imagine that you look like leeloo 4ever?:awesome: pic swap?:chuckle:


    I had a bad knee once so I had a strap on it and this girl gave me loads of sympathy, I kept it on for ages even after my knee got better:awesome: I'm so bad ass


    Red Dead is really cool! Riding a horse is hard at first but you get used to it. Just shot some bad guys :cool: you won't be disappointed!

  12. Aw:chuckle: have you got any magic spray or creams for it?


    You may imagine me playing it, but just this once:phu:

    I'm about to head off and get it.. my friend has forced me to drive over and pick him up too:LOL: geeks 4ever

  13. That's pretty good going, well done:happy: I can see someone on the right hand side looking at you:chuckle:


    Did I show you laddergoat? I actually cried with laughter :LOL: it's so silly but infectus laughter..

  14. Aw:chuckle: how many did you find?


    Yeah I had driver:D I remember getting the third and it was awful!



    I was playing Mafia early and the police come after you if you jump a red light or go over the speed limit.

  15. I was round my friends the other day playing army of two and I shot an innocent person which gave bad karma, my friend complained about it saying why did you do that:chuckle: we had an argument about how he likes to play games properly..whut.. it was pretty odd as it's not like I'm a a violent person who goes out in the streets and shoots people..


    I was looking at the app a few weeks back. I might download it and try and find a few.


    I'll be applying today if I'm happy with the letter, it's the first job anyway.. won't get my hopes up.

  16. I don't watch wrestling no more:phu: well not for about 2 months..


    I saw a video of someone putting a woman on the train tracks and the train went over her:LOL: I wonder if you can do that online as I'll do it to you:D


    Have you got that geocache app or just use the website?


    I've finished my cv just need someone to look over my letter. I haven't checked careers service..

  17. Would it be ok if I sent you my cover letter? It's not entirely finished, but it could do with someone suggesting something with it..

  18. You'll be finnnneee


    You've clearly made a massive mess then :chuckle: they charged me for really stupid things when I left my place.. like scuffs on the wall which were already there when I came in! and also someone broke the coffee table.. which I believe was some knob bodyslamming someone on there.. I hate students :p


    I can't wait to get it :D it's like being 14 again :LOL:


    Yeah I can't get the wording right and what I want to say to impress them...

  19. Hey:happy: how do you think your exam went?


    It's hilarious! the accents in K-19 :LOL: they all try and put on these russian accents.


    :chuckle: it's not too bad though


    Haha NEEEERD :D When are you going home? I intend on purchasing on friday:awesome: I've been watching the first 15 mins on eurogamer and it looks aaaamazing! sort of spoiled bits for me though, oh well!


    Yeah I'm good thanks! Yep I'm jobhunting :sleepy: I've found this really good post grad job with web design, just trying to write a cover letter and up date my CV.. not sure if it looks ok though:shifty:

  20. Finnnnnneeee :phu: good luck with your exam!

  21. You never replied back :supersad:

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