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Wowee zowee

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Everything posted by Wowee zowee

  1. Aww 12 hours that's quite an impressive sleep! How many more exams have you got left?


    Ohh what channel is the tennis on? I've seen it's on eurosport, think I have it.


    This year has been ok I think. I haven't had a part time job or girl distractions so I've probably done better than last year :chuckle:


    Flatmate beef is never nice. I couldn't stand living with mine so I left :D


    Yeah it was with Dara! I love him:D I just have a thing for accents <3 have you got an accent?:p

  2. Hey! yeah I did:happy: although as soon as I printed off the correct pages I noticed another issue with the contents pages so I had to print off it again :chuckle: ah well it's all over now, just got the presentation next week to do.


    I'm glad your exam went well:happy:


    Ireland is also on my list as I watched that three men in a boat program, not sure if you've seen it? but they were over there and it looked really nice.


    I'm glad you like it:happy: I think I've got to know what you like now :p How come you're cheerful?

  3. I still need to visit Scotland one day as it's been on my to do list for ages. I was going to go to that meet but my stupid car had to fail.


    I haven't got a specific place in mind but it would be nice to move where I'd know at least 1 person! but in the end as long as it's a job that I'm happy with and I can enjoy myself outside of work, then it'll be all good :yesey:


    I'm addicted to this at the moment


  4. Psssh :p Yeah it could well of been stress as I think I remember telling you that I got ill due to stress with work and uni work, it wasn't nice at all :noey:


    Nope I want a change of scenery. There is nothing holding me in Stoke apart from friends and family which well as long as I don't move 1000's of miles away.. I can still visit etc

    It's like how do you choose a place to live.. I so need to talk to an advisor for which jobs to go for and maybe that'll put me in the right direction.


    Oh and the film was rubbish btw :(

  5. So you don't deal with stress well?


    That sounds really nice and being on a tiny street it'll be nice and quiet. I really need to move somewhere else :yesey:



    He is?! Well he was in Punk'd that MTV show with the pranks..think he just moved onto comedies as I've seen him in a few other ones. Just always plays a dumb guy.

  6. I guess I can also relate to a fear of failing. In the end as long as you do the work to a standard that you're happy with as that's what really counts. I think we all have some sort of flaw with certain things like this.


    That's cool :happy: have you got a picture to show me?


    Do you of Dax Shepard? He's in this film and he's rubbish:noey:

  7. I'm hoping the tech desk is open as I can put money towards printer credits. No harm in going in early to have a look or I could find my supervisor.


    I know yeah:p least we can complain together :chuckle: just always the little things that get you and I'm a bit of a perfectionist..so if something is slighty wrong I've got to change it right away or it'll bug me for hours. Trying to watch let's go to prison to ease my minnnndd.

  8. They're not into what I listen to :p not helpful :(

  9. but then they'd have to come in and login to their computer and print the work off and then go to the printer.. it's all very complicated :p

  10. I don't know :supersad:yeah it has to be in for tomorrow. There is a slight chance I could go in extra early and print off a few of the pages correctly and then use the stupid binding machine.. but I've forgotten my password for the printer/no credits. FML.

  11. I got my report bound.. just noticed on flicking through that one of the titles goes onto another page leaving a blank page... I haven't got time to change it :supersad:

  12. I'm sure it'll be fine




    I was looking on the eurosport app a min ago and noticed he went out :LOL: I thought you'd be annoyed:p

  13. Lianna, how did your exam go?

  14. Thanks! I have an obsession with watching AD again.

  15. I'm glad I could help :happy: good luck with the exam you'll be fine. Let me know how you think you did!

  16. Thanks :D I've got no wall space to put it though.. I'm sure one day it'll find a home on a wall.


    Running Man rules



  17. Oh you've really put me on the spot now :p


    Die Hard

    True Lies

    Mad Max 2

    Lethal Weapon

    Bourne Ultimatum

    Raiders of the Lost Ark

    Black Rain



    Total Recall


    Escape From New York

    The Running Man


    Fuck YES Tango & Cash!!!!!!!!



    Awesome soundtrack too



    God I miss 80's soundtracks.


    Have I ever shown you this poster I made from a book I bought at work years ago of 80's film posters?


  18. I go through phases.. such a nerd :LOL: If you looked at my DVD collection they're all in order of director/genre..:$ so I have Lynch, Cronenberg, Coen's, Wes Anderson, studio ghibli, 80's films, Carpenter, action films..

  19. Eternal Sunshine is fantastic, haven't seen it in quite some time though. It got me obsessed with Gondry<3 Science of Sleep is awesome if you haven't seen it! although Be Kind Rewind I was disappointed with :(

  20. Yeah he does :( when you watch the ending there is a cool little twist which will keep you thinking. What's your fav Jim Carrey film?

  21. Yeah he's fantastic! probably one of the best roles or at least up there with Truman Show. You so need to see it :yesey: although it gets really sad at the end :(

  22. :LOL:


    Haven't you seen Man on the Moon?

  23. I wouldn't go as far as inventing :p.. maybe Andy Kaufman did that? probably the oddest ever.

  24. I was odd first:phu: oddball elitism :p

  25. Haven't you figured out that I'm a pretty odd guy :LOL: It's just so filling and ugh I dunno... :facepalm:


    God I hate mushrooms as well.

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