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Wowee zowee

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Everything posted by Wowee zowee

  1. Thanks :)


    Have a good time!

  2. My mum volunteers at the cancer research shop and she is always coming back with stuff :LOL:

    Hmm that is pretty interesting, do you have an article which I can read about it?

  3. Well I'm generally not a fan of people who preach, I'll listen to what they have to say and make my own mind up.


    Primark sales rose by 19 per cent in the 16 weeks to 2 January.


    But amid bumper warm clothes sales in the chilly weather, Primark garment workers remain frozen out of its success, the charity War on Want claims.


    It said people making Primark clothes overseas struggled to survive on poverty pay.


    Last month the charity's research showed that workers toiled up to 84 hours a week and earned as little as £19 a month - less than half a living wage - making Primark clothes in the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka.


    And its report on three Primark factories in the same city just over a year ago revealed workers earning as little as 7p an hour for up to 80-hour weeks.

    Majority of people don't care because it doesn't affect them and it does annoy me but I can't stop people buying the clothes..


    "the shop just encompasses "replaceable one-use" society" you have a point but then again I think clothes are one thing that you're never going to get reduced in terms of people buying.. We still live in a society where alot of people don't use charity shops because they're not in fashion and not new...


    How come?

  4. Yep you're a mac histper :p Well it all depends on what you want to do with a computer and the mac is a very reliable computer in the long run as it's so well built. I'll probably get another one day.


    My friend who lives in Poland now was a complete enviro hippy but used to lecture me on loads of other stuff too and it's surprising how much you take notice. Like she would explain all the details of why Primark used child workers etc. Then moving onto eating meat etc.. she made an awesome Ethiopian meal once and it was reeaaaal good!


    You're a vegetarian right?

  5. You mac person thingy :p I used to own a mac and it was lovely though.. I just couldn't do all my geeky things on it so I had to sell. I do miss all the cool applications I had for it though.


    I got about the same for the first two tests I had :LOL: Passed the third time with like 3 minors though.


    Hmm I'd like to say I'm a envrio friendly driver these days! I have no idea how she marked me down for it really.. I never rev the engine like a mad man or break like one.. I'm a good driver :phu: apparently.. I do like to use my horn though :LOL:

  6. :LOL: "turn left at next junction" I could imagine walking past a few people with that blaring at you.


    You should look after your gadgets :phu:


    Did you pass first time?

  7. How can you drop it?! :eek: I do want myself one when I get a job and can actually pay for the huge contract :LOL: I think my dad has a GPS car one... I don't think that would help much :D


    Aww still I bet if you went into a car today you'd pick it up in no time!

  8. Used to take me about 1hr 30 mins to get to college/uni when I didn't drive.. I'm pretty sure I walked at least a few good miles! 7 miles is a bit much everyday though :p


    Are you one of the cool kids with an iphone then? (to find them)


    She's looking better today, eating a bit too! ran up the garden this afternoon the loon! thanks for asking though :)

  9. Boards of Canada :happy:


    When it rains a lot you can't go across! 13 miles is mighty impressive though. How many geocaches have you got now?

  10. Speaking of pitchfork.. I don't know what music you like..


    That sounds like fun! how many miles did you run? I really want to go to Dovedale with the stepping stones but no one ever wants to go with :(



    I've been on and off my project today.. messing about with lost photos was my distraction :chuckle:

  11. Damn :( ah well still got the boxsets :awesome:


    I'm joking I don't really :D it's just one of those stereotypes of being a hipster you wear skinng jeans.



    I made this today after making Stephies birthday Lost pic



  12. Ohhh right.. erm I haven't heard much on it actually, but I'm crossing my fingers as it is such a great show.



    I'm surprised David Cross isn't in more comedies! I remember seeing him in Eternal Sunshine..


    I also wear really tight skinny jeans and threadless t shirts, is this a problem? :p

  13. AD?


    I watched Fantastic Mr Fox a month back and was so impressed with what he'd done with it as usually they rip it apart and make it all American.. but I actually found it really charming.

    I think most people see his films as ones for Hipsters :chuckle:

  14. Wall-E?! it's basically like Futurama but the future is full of dumb people. It's funny in places but not nearly as good as Office Space. I'd probably recommend seeing it though.. I quite like Luke Wilson.


    Yeah I've seen Juno, I didn't really like it too much... Bateman isn't great in it:( I miss Aressted Development. Juno is one of those films with "what are you listening to?" "sonic youth".. "cool dudddde".. :p(kind of like Garden State too) I do have a thing for those types of films though as I have quite a few quirky comedies.. Do you like Wes Anderson? Rushmore is amazing :yesey:

  15. It made a stain in the carpet/wall as well!


    :LOL: then he has a heart attack. I could so watch this right now :happy:


    I'm getting hold of Mike Judge's last film Extract with Jason Bateman <3 Did you see Idiocracy?

  16. They'd just leave crisp packets in the sofa.. plates on the table for days :noey: we had a dishwasher too, hardly the hardest thing in the world to operate. Worst thing was emptying the bins.. they'd leave it out in the hall and I'd get home and see this massive bin bag smelling next to my bedroom door!


    Office Space is just the best comedy ever made! I literally don't know anyone that has seen it and it shocks me. It has so many little quirks about it like the whole Michael Bolton name thing to him locking the door when he's listening to rap music :LOL: then Milton with the stapler :D

  17. I used to live with really messy people too :( I would literally clean the entire kitchen/living space on my own just to feel... right.


    Have I told you my love for Office Space?

  18. You're an obsessive tidier too? :awesome:


    Yeah it has got pretty tiring.. I just want to settle down into a 9-5 getting paid and repeat.

  19. Is lab work what you want to get into?


    I feel like I've been in education for far too long.. all my school friends graduated years ago and I have gone from college to college.. from uni to uni..

  20. Yeah defo need to practice more.


    5th?! what year are you in at the moment?

  21. It's worth 2 modules. My report seems pretty good just the actual thing I've created isn't amazing.. just hope I at least get a respectable mark out of it.

    Basically instead of doing a dissertation we do a project where you create a system and research into it etc! I have to present it next month which I'm not looking forward to.

    When do you do your dissertation?

  22. Ooh 28th is the day I have to hand in my final year project. I have an exam sometime in May but I'll worry about it when I've finished all my other work *sigh*. I've never been very good at exams.. just crumble.

    You'll do fine though because you're smarter than the average bear.. not that I'm saying you're a bear.

  23. You could watch it on your breaks :supersad: I have to say his character in it is the scariest I've seen in any series.. just vile and ugh.


    When are your exams btw?

  24. He was killed off far too early :( I do have a thing for black characters.. like Lethal Weapon, White Men Can't Jump.. maybe I secretly want to be black.


    You mean you never saw the last season with John Lithgow?:eek:


    Baldies rule! Locke, Willis, Patrick Stewart.. erm that guy off the Gadget Show? :erm:

  25. Holy crap how did I not notice it was Des! :LOL: Come on Doakes rules and you know it :p you'd grow to love the lack of hair :phu:

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