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halo eighteen

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Everything posted by halo eighteen

  1. Voted CoD and MKU. I do love both of those songs, and even though I'd get infinitely more excited at reading Showbiz/Cave, etc. I'm just not prepared to deal with the annoyance level I'll have that they waited until Europe for those.
  2. Munich Jam ? Looks like somebody uses setlist.fm while writing their minimally researched articles. Can't blame him for being honest, only knowing four songs. Sadly right on par with the majority of the audience, too I'm sure.
  3. You could be in the very "back" of the floor section anywhere in front of the circular stage and still likely be fine. The stage is supermassive (yes i went there ) - it practically takes up the whole floor. We were front row of the lower bowl section last night and still felt right there. I figure it was maybe only 10 rows of people standing between us and the stage? Way different than if you were at the back of an end stage GA show. Despite the comical malfunctions of some show aspects, I feel like this really is a great production. My major complaints are the setlist (how/why were they mixing things up more in the first few shows?) and crowd reactions. Seeing most of the Joe lose their shit when they started Resistance last night was an eye-opening experience for me. That's the people they're pandering to.
  4. omg, that was so stupid last night. They had people go through security into the building, scanned tickets and everything.. then corral everyone back outside in the cold into a barricaded area to filter back inside when the doors officially opened. Then it looked like they had let a certain amount of people into the arena floor before blocking people off for some unknown reason. Maybe it was just VIP people who had access during that time though, I was too busy getting food/drinks to really pay attention to what was going on.
  5. What Jobby said. Plus I had work at 6:30 this morning and it's a 90 minute drive from Detroit for me. Staying for that last song and trying to leave with 8,000 other people would have easily delayed me getting home 30-45 minutes. Too old to party all night long anymore.
  6. Seriously watching that gigantic dildo come out wobbling all over the place, immediately nosediving into the stands and watching pieces of it tragically float up to the rafters was the biggest Spinal Tap moment yet. So comical. And during such a "serious" song too hah. All in all, it wasn't a bad show. Given the choice between Eurasia and nothing, I'm actually quite ok with nothing. Despite skipping a song, the show honestly felt like it dragged at points. "Resistance" getting perhaps the biggest crowd response embarrasses me beyond belief, too. Muse and its targeted fanbase are light years away from where they were in 2004-2007. Style over substance - the rockier songs were great though. Stockholm or Assassin could've left a better lasting impression to break up the downtime and pop stuff (Undisclosed Desires, seriously? Why is that still a thing in 2016?). Also wasn't that House of the Rising Sun played briefly before TIRO? Setlist fm doesn't list it, but does list Jimmy Hendrix before SMBH which I don't recall at all. That just sounded like generic kaoss wankery to me.
  7. Haha, I tried catching some in my mouth to test the salt level. I did end up taking several pieces home so maybe if I get drunk enough. The screen visuals for the globalist were outstanding, actually. Same with handler and undisclosed. And I get the whole drones twice thing to bookend for the concept or whatever, but then playing Mercy right after makes zero sense. It just feels like at least 20 minutes of the show was filler to prep the production, when they ought to be spending that time playing actual songs. Reapers probably got the loudest applause ofof any song when they finished it.. While Resistance and Starlight sadly got the biggest crowd response when they started. I left as soon as Man with a harmonica started though, so it's quite possible Knights could be added to that list. Crowd turnout also way better than i was expecting. Only the corner/side areas of the upper deck were curtained off. But some holes all throughout. The two seats next to me in the front row of lower bowl were empty all night, wtf.
  8. Fuck off no, but seriously. I didn't even notice the missing piano song until about Undisclosed, and the gig felt long enough as it was. And finding out it was intended to be Eurasia... No loss there. I did think there was an issue with the piano, but Matt did have it for the globalist, so... A couple drone malfunctions, one smashed into the stage and needed to be carried away. Another hit the crowd. The dildrone was fucked. It came out immediately looking like an angry giant wobbly black dick. The side missiles either fell or got pulled off and drifted up to the ceiling of the arena. Have fun getting those back. Honest thoughts: te globalist is boring as fuck live with the exception of the heavy part. Drones does NOT need to be "played" twice. There is a comical, excessive amount of drones confetti being used for the climax of the show.
  9. So because I got bored, I went through all the prior Michigan setlists and figured out their top 15 songs played here. Kinda interesting, some stuff on there we'd be really lucky to see now: Apocalypse, Bliss, Butterflies, Citizen, MotP, Small Print, Sunburn.. Also of note that New Born has been played at every Michigan show up until now (and Stockholm was until last tour), so that'll most likely change.
  10. I'll probably be headed for bed just as they take the stage so will have to check this one out in the morning. Or maybe I shouldn't just to keep at least some element of surprise for Detroit - like was Apocalypse just a treat for the rescheduled shows? My enthusiasm walking in is probably at an all-time low. I'm hoping the visuals and musicianship can make up for the banality of these setlists.
  11. I'm still worried that they're cutting the setup time very close with this one coming off a Chicago drive (in Central time) the night before. Looks like the weather shouldn't be an issue tonight though, so at least that's a plus. I'd prefer to not have a delayed Dallas scenario. Fingers crossed!
  12. Doors will more than likely be 6:30. Mayyybe 6:00, but I doubt it.
  13. From looking at Taylor Swift's setlist.fm it seems like the only major difference night-to-night that she did was perform acoustic covers of artists probably from each city on the tour. Even that is still a good deal more generous than what Muse seem to be doing.
  14. They'll probably play MM for the two gigs and then go back to standard blandville for the rest of the month.
  15. Mutemath sent out an mp3 for Christmas this year. Pearl Jam does it right and sends out an actual 7" vinyl to their fanclub members every year.
  16. ^Metronome basically. Something some musicians use (particularly drummers) in their ear pieces to keep on time and to make things match up exactly with any production (video,pyro,etc.) - I'm not sure how this would entirely affect the audience, as it wouldn't be audible. And this probably isn't the first tour Muse have used click tracks.
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