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Status Updates posted by Meep

  1. :LOL:!

    We got no new lost memes this week :(


    :chuckle: I can't even deny it, my serve sucks. You win by default, loser :phu:

  2. Hiring desmond on a boat? :wtf: Do you WANT us to get shipwrecked on the island?


    I'd dropshot you to hell :phu:

  3. It definitely is, you Stoke lot make me chunderrr.


    Can I live on your boat please? Actually, I want my own. I'd have a no football law :phu:

  4. I'm from Sheffield, I'm grittier than aaaaall of you.


    I know, "Gaawd I have a degree, where is my 30k job?". I'm happy with the degree I did as I enjoy it as a subject, plus I think it'll lead to a decent job one day. Until then you just get on with life right??


    I just can't believe that brown thing yesterday :LOL: Anyone who goes into politics is braver than me.

  5. :chuckle: Blesss :p


    I think it's getting obvious now that Cameron will still win :( Most things he says seem so abhorrent to me, but apparently it's what our country wants *shrug*


    Nick was making me laugh :LOL: "I'm from sheffield I was like, born in a factory".

  6. I reeeally was :supersad: I remember so much every semi final he made. I really believed it would be his year :supersad:

  7. Wozzy will win a slam one day :yesey:


    Nope, because Fed was bound to make the final and I don't think Murray could touch Federer at Wimbledon until Fed is an ooooooold man :noey:


    Don't mention Tim and Wimbledon to me :supersad: Such a heartbreaker.

  8. I knoooow :supersad: I hope he gets his confidence back before wimbledon, it'll be a shame if he goes out early. I don't want the british press to start getting negative on him.. they can be really harsh.


    Wawrinka beat soderling too! Gawd this tournament was a letdown. It was all set up for a soderling vs nadal quarter final (he knocked rafa out of the french open last year) and then a nadal vs fed semi. But no.


    Lol, why does tennis rule my life?

  9. Murray just lost the first set after a wicked dropshot from Ferrer. Of which you could only dream of pulling off :p

  10. Didn't we aaall <3




    Murray is up in a minute. I feel quite bad for him, he's had loads of bad matches recently ... quite want him to do well here :stunned:

  11. Pink for white?? Oli that's quite epic :LOL: My stepdad sees green as red ... I know it's annoying for day to day things but how cool would this be: http://www.aquabrand.com/red-is-green.jpg


    :chuckle: I think smtv live destroyed people's view of brum accents forever:



  12. http://www.bet365.com/extra/en/streaming/live-sport/

    You need to sign up but you don't need to give credit card details/put money in or anything.


    Here's Sean Bean in goldeneye with his sheffield accent in the interview bits here:



    Ugh it annoys me so much whenever I go back home :LOL:


    Dary grey is good :yesey: I always prefer it to black. Is it for something in particular? Black and green are no good for ties, apparently green is a psychologically "untrustworthy colour" :LOL: Navy blue that's not too skinny is always good to have I think??

  13. Just two :happy: Lots of time to prepare for them too..


    Well I don't have a tv up here so I just watch it online, bet365 do a free good quality stream of every tournament bar the slams <3 Wawrinka vs Soderling and Murray vs Ferrer should be really good today!


    Lol that's a good point ... in my old flat last year I ended up going out with one of my flatmates but we broke up quite awkwardly and 3 months before moving out, that was a bit of a distraction :facepalm: No chance of that in this flat :LOL:


    I deliberately tried to lose my sheffield accent, as I don't like it much :LOL: People here used to assume I was scottish so maybe I picked up some twang?? My sister just says I sound posh ... I'm going to say "chunder yah yah" all the time when I get back, to annoy her.

  14. Aaah really happy you could get it sorted :D I was so tired after that exam, I just went for a nap and slept for 12 hours :sleepy: Stupid 3rd year. I think I may watch tennis all day today, just because I can :phu: This year has been quite rubbish - all my time spent at uni, and flatmate beef. Cheery that it's nearly done!! Have you enjoyed your final yeear?


    Was that with Dara O'Briain? <3 Irish countryside looks pretty, but they do have a lot of boggy land... and I have fallen into so many bogs already in Scotland :chuckle:

  15. Hey, did you get to fix your report?? I just had my 2nd exam, it was soooo much better :happy:


    Same with me for Ireland, never been! It's a shame you didn't get to go to Edinburgh, it's awesome <3 I do get distracted and go wandering about a lot here.


    Aaah and this song has put me in even more cheerful mood :D

  16. Yeah, I remember! Eaaasy life is needed sometimes <3


    Ooo, exciting for you :happy: The careers people at my uni are quite good really, I'm sure they'd give you some good ideas :yesey: I'd quite like to spend more time in scotland... or anywhere reasonably close to nice hills/mountains. Really there are great things about loads of places, definitely think I'd move for a job I enjoy rather than hold out to live somewhere specific. Not London though!


    :chuckle: Well now I know not to watch it, so all is not lost :awesome:

  17. I'm awesome with stress, hence why I can be such an awful last minute person and be getting A's :p Buuuut like, my little outbreak of chicken pox last month - my mum (nurse) said that was probably because of stress, and it happens that the week before I'd been reeeally busy getting all of my last lab reports finished off. So I guess my body doesn't like it anymore and I should be more organised :yesey:


    Planning on staying in the same city when you finish uni?

  18. I do tryyy to be less last minute, it's the stressiest thing in the world sometimes :noey:


    No pictures, my friend's dad is buying the place and he'll be doing it up in summer ... I'm particularly happy because it's on a tiny street, and I've lived on this stupid main road in Edinburgh for 3 years, can't wait to leave! :happy:


    Only because he's dating kristen bell! She was fun in heroes, before it lost the plot... Who is he?

  19. Good :happy: I'm sort of the opposite, I put things off too much baaah. But then I was reading about how procrastination is often due to like, fear of failing or not doing it perfect the first time? Does seem familiar..


    Though I did get a nice new flat sorted for next year, bit chuffed :happy:

  20. Sorrry <3 I guess you've already thought of most things though .. no chance you can get to a staffed library desk in time??


    Glad we're both having great days today :p

  21. Bribe them with Vinyl :yesey:

  22. Could you use someone else's account?

  23. Aww no! Hopefully they'll see it as a minor miiiiinor mistake. Are you handing it in tomorrow or something?

  24. Aww :happy: Thanks <3


    It really sucked, he saved six match points then just pissed away the end of the match :noey: He rarely does well in non-slam events but that was some special choking.

  25. I was a bit slow answering some questions, bit disappointed as I could have done better with more time :( Never miiind.


    I got back just in time to watch Federer get kicked out in the 2nd round of Rome too :LOL:

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