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Status Updates posted by Phill

  1. hey, i'm from redruth/portreath.

  2. Nah not much on now. They are throwing the love riots around all over the place but they don't have the same appeal. Seems to be a lot on at isobar, no idea why. It's a dump!

    I'm not sure about the odds of getting tickets. I'd like to say we get priority for being so far west :)

  3. My bro is Nathan Webb. He organised that Santa Loves Mambo ball and he worked on the bar for a while. It used to be good fun :(

  4. Have a look on http://www.flickr.com/surfings_fun

    I think the link is in my sig. I'd have a word with hooglebug too, his work looks excellent!!

  5. Sure, I'll consider it. If you give me a detailed spec and a scale outline for the shape as well as any info you can on the finish, contours, neck profiles etc. No promises but I'll have a look and give you a quote :)

  6. That would be such a nice guitar if it was maple/maple with a plain pick guard and the newer shape headstock... Good price though.

  7. Nice, was that with your VH4? Yeah I found the standard Nailbomb to be pretty thin sounding.

  8. Yeah, I'm good thanks. Been up to much?

  9. Heyyyy :) you alright?

  10. very nice! i'm uploading a response. my first one looks so rubbish compared to the newer two :(

  11. Yeah, I'll wired up now. They sound fucking bad ass, even bigger than the MQs I'd say. The one in the bridge position is really trebly, but the 2 together sounds really chunky. It's surprising how different the tone is between the 2 even though they are both by the bridge.

  12. Hey hey,

    Niiiice, bet she's a sexy guitar in the flesh! Give that MQ a good going over, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. They have a fair bit of grunt in them and loads of attack. I really like the MQs in my black one. It's not as tight as a humbucker, but as meaty in it's own way. The P92's in my new guitar sound huge :awesome:

  13. Phill

    Nah, afraid not. It's a copyrighted shape so it really wouldn't go down very well, I'm finding it hard finding time for my own builds anyway. Sorry Tom.

  14. Phill

    Hi Tom, I have never made any replicas for anybody I'm afraid. I make guitars for myself just for fun :)

  15. It's the graphtech ghost saddle and the ghost preamp. Tune-O-Matic bridge. It's pretty tasty :)

  16. Ooh nice, I'm in Portreath. Pretty close!

  17. Where abouts in Cornwall are you?

  18. and you like Jimi Hendrix!

    *High Five!*

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