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Status Updates posted by Phill

  1. Either one or two nights I expect.

    Knowing which pubs to go to is the most important thing isn't it? You had better keep your promise:) xx

  2. I've been looking at flights but nothing's booked yet. RyanAir's website was playing up. Accommodation is pricey for me on my own so I need to convince someone to come with me really. I'd love for you to babysit :) xx

  3. I have my ticket for Marlay Park :) x

  4. :) yes mistress!
  5. Yeah, it seems like a good way to justify it :)

  6. You big tease :p

  7. Bed time, good luck with the salt wash x

  8. Rawr indeed :D That would be a bad idea and I couldn't be held accountable for my actions!

  9. There you go, proof! :p

  10. *goosebumbs*

    I'm a big fan of neck lovin'!

  11. Don't get me started on the neck! :p

  12. You know it, I'm getting a bit hot under the collar...

  13. It could. *Gargles salty, bloody water* mmmm

  14. Ha! It sounds pretty sexual. Will you punch me in the mouth? Otherwise I'll struggle with the blood and it's just not the same without it :(

  15. Sounds far too good to pass up!

    You'll love the salt water gargle. *Shudders*

  16. Yeah, that tends not to go down too well!

    Ok, I'll head on over, see you shortly. Good luck with the clots!! :)

  17. Where abouts are you? I'm in Portreath :)

  18. Ah I thought that's what you meant. Yeah a bit, too many people in the way is always annoying :(

    Come and get them :p I think dabbing whiskey onto the gums would be good, it would numb them for sure! Give it a go :) The only downer is it'll also thin your blood and make it less likely to clot and stop the bleeding.

  19. Did they bother??

    I've got some hardcore painkillers here *tempts* I think knocking you out would do more damage than good haha. Maybe have some whiskey?

  20. Nope, just a lot of tourists.

    Ouchy, poor thing!

  21. Would I be right in thinking you're Cornish?

  22. I survived. Not the most successful surf ever though... How's the mouth?

  23. 4 pints :)

    Off surfing now haha, should be interesting. Hope it's ok, good luck x

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