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Status Updates posted by Phill

  1. Aww xx

    It'll be ok. I've been down the pub sat in the sun :D How come you can get any meds for an hour?

  2. You had better! Good night, enjoy the salt (and blood):supersad:

  3. Haha I know! The waves have been really bad, but flat water is great for wakeboarding and yeah, it is a really good gapfiller!

    Better than Begins ay, can't wait to see it :D

    Nerve damage sounds painful, I hope they come out ok. You'll be washing your mouth with hot salty water for a day or two. Yum! I best get some sleep, good luck tomorrow, let me know how it goes. I'll look into my Jawa past :) x

  4. No surfing sadly. Went wakeboarding on last week though. That's great fun! Should be some surf on Wednesday though. Can't wait, haven't been surfing in a few weeks now.

    Batman Begins was great, I'm sure I'm going to love this one. It's ok about the later release, you get used to it over here haha.

    So how come you've got to have your wisdom teeth out? Not enough room in there?

  5. Haha I will.

    Yeah, I was having quite a fun night until one of the guys started sulking and the other two started bickering... I was great relaxing in the sun :D

    How is the Dark Knight? I'm looking forward to watching it. I don't think it's out here until Thursday or Friday though.

  6. Maybe I was. Sadly I have a poor memory of my childhood. Perhaps that's why.

    Oooh getting teeth out is never good. I hope it goes ok for you. I'm sure it'll be fine. My weekend was ok thanks. A bit quiet really, nice and sunny though! I went out on Sat night but was the designated driver so it wasn't too eventful. How about you?

  7. Yeah, I am a bit tall for a Jawa. Maybe a super Jawa? With really fluffy hair, damn hairdressers washing it...

    How are you? x

  8. I'm flattered! :p

  9. Ok cool, thanks a lot mate! I'll keep that in mind :D

  10. Yeah some serious snowboarding would be great :D I bet it's such an amazing place. Canadians all seem to be awesome.

    Yeah I had a look at your photos :p Looks like you had a good time. I bet Rage was insane! Glad you're doing good, I'm pretty good. Been having plenty of fun. Been getting into wake boarding in the last week. That's a lot of fun!! xx

  11. Haha oh yeah, oops! That's what happens when you're hammered. Not sure which part of Aus yet. It might even be a winter in Canada which would be really cool :D

    How was Oxegen? Photo's look like you had a fun, although messy, time.

    How are you these days anyway? xx

  12. A highoutput humbucker really kicks them up the ass. I've gone back to the overwound MQ though, motherbucker was too shit for anything but riffing.

    Yeah i'll be interest to hear the results of the pedal! Clean boost seem to work great with it.

    Is there plenty of building work happening in Melbourne?

  13. Hey, you should come to Aus for the winter. I'm really considering it. I'm trying to sort out something for the muse gig but struggling to find the company. Hope you get over the cold, at least it was worth it. I'm expecting to be feeling slightly bad when I wake up. Yes I am on here at 3:40am, how sad ;)

    Night x

  14. It is paradise. One of my favourite places definitely, it's a long flight but so worth it. I've got a travelling itch too, back to Australia perhaps. I'm keen for Ireland for sure, just need to round up a few people to go. Are you still nursing a hangover from your travels? Looks like you ought to be! :D xx

  15. Hey you. Looks like you've been having some fun. Photos look great. I've been to Costa Rica and had some great surf, other than that just working. Hope you're feeling alright. Come down to Cornwall and party in the summer :D xx

  16. Hey Stephie, how're things? x

  17. Thanks, I might just take you up on that xx Same goes for you! x

  18. No problem, just found out my ex was shagging someone else before we broke up. I'm fucking hellish! >:( bad times!

  19. That's tragic :(

    Good night x

  20. We had a week of two of really nice weather but it's gone a bit shitty again. Hopefully it'll improve soon.

    Shame about the hangover, I was slightly this morning. Hopefully I'll be ok tomorrow. Should get some sleep really. Nice talking to you :) xx

    PS. Come to England soon!

  21. I don't actually know what the holiday is in aid of. Start of summer perhaps? Can't complain, even though summer hasn't exactly gotten off to a good start. How was the hangover after Friday? x

  22. Good thanks, public holiday tomorrow so no work. A little tipsy obviously :D

    How about you? x

  23. Big hug for Stephie xx

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