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Status Updates posted by Caff

  1. For some reason the board didn't notify me that you had commented! But urgh Max and Furiosa running a garage alt universe fic? That just seems even more lazy than usual. Like the author went "well...because Mad Max has cars in it!" I can't imagine it was very interesting!


    Definitely stay away from Star Wars stuff! It can only be even worse.

  2. That comic is even more win than usual!

  3. Hello,


    Sorry for the delay in replying, I had to ask for input from the others.


    I don't know if you've been told this already but there's not a lot the board staff can do for you other than direct you to someone better suited with dealing with your problem.


    I'm not promising anything but you could try contacting the management via the email address listed on this page http://muse.mu/contact-us/ if you have not done so already.


    I'm sorry that this has happened to you - hope whoever did it gets caught and fingers crossed someone might be able to help you.



  4. Hello,


    I didn't get asked to run the Keeper Thread and I don't think I should. I was asked if the thread could be started again with a new person in charge. Redstar hasn't got back to me on who everyone had in mind.

  5. Caff

    I can delete it for you, which thread is it?

  6. Merry Christmas you big n00b. I was amazed to see you had been on the board at 12:30pm our time. Stu rang me and we assumed you wouldn't be awake yet :LOL:


    Hope you have an awesome day x

  7. I can't believe you've left me :'(

  8. What a strange thing to ask! I doubt it, he has a wife.

  9. They actually came on at 9:30 in Manchester! I think it depends on the venue but I expect it will be between 9 and half past for you as well.

  10. Around 9pm!

  11. Hey! Sorry, was away for a couple of days.


    Not heard from you in a while...HELLO! :)

  12. I just love that they believed everything had its opposite and so they had their good god/bad god theory, which is what got them into trouble really. I had to read up on them a little as background for my MA and found it made more sense than mainstream religion...somehow.

  13. Hello new friend also. I can't believe I don't have more of the Glasgow 14 on my list yet :p

  14. Yeah well, I like winding people up too. And generally being right. So when I'm talking to people who also like being right it's the apocalypse.


    And stop distracting me from my work you twat! :p

  15. Batman is not my life you know! Anyway, hate is such a strong word. You are a bit of a twat sometimes. Something tells me you like it that way.

  16. Who told you that? :\

  17. Happy Birthday Helen! Tried to leave a message on your facebook but it keeps telling me your profile isn't avaliable! :(


    Hope you have a good day :) xx

  18. Shut up, they're two sides of the same coin...they need each other...they're the exact opposite of each other...they're *insert more hero/villain cliches here*

  19. Aww. I'm sorry, forgive me? Even though your new profile picture sort of makes us mortal enemies now...

  20. Well, we're even on that one...cos I hate you and love Alex too.

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