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Everything posted by TheSmallPrint02

  1. --Uncommon opinion inbound-- I actually really like Aftermath. The lyrics carry a lot of weight, the video is sentimental, I just have a sweet spot for it. Given that they've never done it live though, how would it be included at the end? Would a sound check variation really work? Or, Would they have especially filmed it just for the film?
  2. I'm just gonna wait for it to be released on Amazon or some other service as someone mentioned further up. Reason is I literally can't be bothered to go all the way to my nearest cinema because it's upwards of an hour away. I would be surprised if Something Human premiered with that 'Credits' tease. Chances are it's a Dig Down reprise or something lmao.
  3. Rock in Rio again next year? That would be interesting to see. I always thought they put around 3 -6 years in between attending festivals or for some even longer. The way it's looking for the rest of this year is "Something Human" coming out this month, another single (guessing it's either "Algorithm" or "Dark Side") coming out in the Autumn, before the full album finally drops in November.
  4. I think Matt said that next year will be another proper tour as their new album is getting released this November. There could be a few festivals still, but they will have their own official ones mostly and there will be a lot more too. I wouldn't get too excited for a By Request show soon however, as Chris has only just had his operation and is now in recovery. He will be for the next few months.
  5. I really like that fan cover, Is it just me or does his silhouette look similar to Chris' outline? Speaking of which, I'm glad to hear about the success of his surgery. (Sorry for off-topic remark) This "Globalist Erased" thing could work really well live by the original band. Even as just a one-off thing like the FAWY riff before Knights that one or two times.
  6. This year was with Matt on the piano and Morgan is playing one of his - what looks to be - synthesizers. Though I'm not really sure what layer of the ending section is Morgan's doing.
  7. Actually when you put it like that... Yea actually, I suppose it could work. Morgan and Matt would have to swap for it to work I think since Matt would already be on the piano and Morgan would need to play the guitar in that case.
  8. It certainly would be exhausting, but Dom said the same thing about Knights being at the end of the set. For me it wasn't anything to do with the Globalist being a sequel to CE, in fact I really don't believe that at all. The idea for me came about because they're some of the few Muse songs that can be categorised as 'Progressive Rock'. Sure, B&H is also prog rock, but it wouldn't fit as well to either of the aforementioned songs, methinks.
  9. Putting the highlights in the teasers is most likely done because of how good those moments are. They know that people will look at them and think, "Wow, these guys are actually pretty good. Perhaps i should watch this film." And of course the trick works pretty well on non-musers for that reason - they don't know what to expect.
  10. Imagine if they went from Citizen Erased into the Globalist? Like during the piano section at the end of CE, Matt messed around for a few seconds during the interchanged and then the Globalist began. Or even more crazily, imagine if in the middle of Citizen Erased they went into the Globalist riff.
  11. I hope all goes well for Chris with his surgery. I would imagine that's why they've ended their "big concerts" in the middle of the year. That's absolutely fine, you can't really argue when it comes to health.
  12. I reckon it's going to be like with Thought Contagion earlier this year. What I mean is, they will release the song, then several weeks later, there's going to be a By Request gig where they open with the new single, then Matt's like "Thank you, thank you, we know you didn't come for that." Hoping for CoD to finally return, especially given Matt's recent mentions of a new acoustic one and CoD itself.
  13. Well... Night then y'all. Have fun with Starlight, TIRO, and Mercy. Gutted to be missing the encore of Take a Bow, Uprising and Knights, but it's not like they're under played soooooo...
  14. If it's Madness next, I really can't be asked to sacrifice anymore sleep.
  15. I agree. The sequence before hurts my ears too. This rendition of Stockholm Syndrome sounds better than recent gigs as well I think. I also liked the enhanced "Runnnnn" part in Resistance. (Just as I said Stockholm was better than before, Matt just completely flawed a falsetto)
  16. Stockholme Syndrome now. Can tell by the opening riff.
  17. We have indeed. Supermassive, Madness, Starlight, TIRO, and Mercy all coming our way. Honestly the best part of this gig is the fact that the crowd isn't silent for once at a festival.
  18. Well, look's like we're getting Resistance. I can't complain to be honest, but I still don't consider it a rarity, we've had it once this year already. Would've like another tour debut song.
  19. Judging by previous setlists, if there is by some miracle a rarity, it should be up next. If we hear Supermassive Black Hole come on, then we know they aren't doing anything special. What is interesting is that Isolated System is back in that first vocal break after being pulled out last time, which makes me think we'll hear Unsustainable later on.
  20. And sure enough they both were. Likely to be Hysteria, Plug in Baby, Dig Down and so forth now. Probably won't even be a rarity like last time I reckon.
  21. The instagram story indicates that Thought Contagion and Psycho will be played - though anyone could've predicted this already.
  22. Out of all the popular European festivals, Rock Am Ring seems to be the most popular judging by the statistics of overall attendees this year. Even without Rock Am Ring, I don't expect anything too rare to happen tonight. I'll still watch, and if there is by some miracle a rarity, I'll own up to being short-sighted.
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