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Very True. BUT when it was Chris's first born back in 99, he sucked it up and promoted Muse while also being with Kelly. Now, I understand Muse was just beginning then and now Matt can take off and not break a sweat -_- Sooo...this is really all up to Matt and if a month is enough for him. But I would think he would be able to take some time. I mean, Kate is technically doing all the work. He isn't physically having the child. Chris did it...five times...why can't matt do it?



What a bizarre post and who says "Matt can't do it"?! :rolleyes:

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I have kind of lost hope for Lolla this year. Truly keeping my fingers crossed that I am wrong.


Is it all because of the baby thing? Or did something else happen? I'm curious now :LOL:


I've been trying to convince myself that it's not gonna effect Lolla... but I guess we'll just have to wait it out til April and see what happens...

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do we even know if they are in a contract for Lolla other than what know having talked to someone near the band?


Don't know for sure, but I think the headliners would be signed earlier than the smaller acts. And I would certainly hope he could fly up from LA for two days to do this then go back. KH does have an existing support system via her family, and frankly, I was just as happy to have my mother & MIL around to help out initially after each of my kids came along.

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do we even know if they are in a contract for Lolla other than what know having talked to someone near the band?


No, but as someone who goes to festivals a lot and keeps up with fest rumors, I can promise you that the amount of info we have, besides having a confirmation from the band itself, is a LOT. It's about as confirmed as it's going to get before the actual announcement.

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I think that IF they are doing it (and the rumor we have sounds pwomising),they would definitely be contracted by now, and as long as babybell isnt due during Lolla, or within a week or two, then there'd be no reason they wont do it. Most men are ready to get out of the house after a night of lost sleep and a few diaper changes :p

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I think that IF they are doing it (and the rumor we have sounds pwomising),they would definitely be contracted by now, and as long as babybell isnt due during Lolla, or within a week or two, then there'd be no reason they wont do it. Most men are ready to get out of the house after a night of lost sleep and a few diaper changes :p


Too true there hun.


Mind you having said that they won't break contract we are talking bout someone who cancelled interviews because of some earth shattering event (or rather cause he couldn't be arsed).

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I know this is such a stupid thing to say since everybody has said it a million times but...


I really REALLY hope they do this! Everything just fell into place; transportation, money, EVERYTHING. The only thing I need now is that damn line up -_-!!


The so called babybell rumours aren't going to put a stop to Lolla, are they?


My thoughts exactly.


At least you know who lives in the US, so it would only be a couple of days away (no long trip involved).

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At least you know who lives in the US, so it would only be a couple of days away (no long trip involved).


That's a really good point!


I just realized that Muse will be in Buenos Aires during both Lolla Chile days, thanks to the addition of a 2nd and 3rd night. Muse @ Lolla Chile is not happening. Whether or not that's good for Lolla Chicago, I don't know.

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That's a really good point!


I just realized that Muse will be in Buenos Aires during both Lolla Chile days, thanks to the addition of a 2nd and 3rd night. Muse @ Lolla Chile is not happening. Whether or not that's good for Lolla Chicago, I don't know.


Oh I didn't even realize that :D That probably makes Lolla-Chicago more possible. At least we know that if they mention Lolla they mean the one in Chicago.

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About the baby stuff, Kate lives in the US doesn't she? Isn't there a pretty good chance they raise it in the US?


If so, we aren't talking about a tour, we are talking about a one off date in the US. It wouldn't be hard for Matt to leave the baby 2-3 days to pick up a big paycheck. If it was a full tour then yeah, that could be reconsidered, but it isn't.


And also, as Agenthal mentioned, pretty certain for headliners they are locked into contracts and can't get out unless they physically can't play or something.


And I think the no Lolla chile thing is a good sign. Theres too much evidence for this to not happen.

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Gotta say, I'm impressed with your knowledge of festivals. I think you should start up your own. You could call it AgenStock. Pretty sure you would have a kick-ass lineup.


Haha, well, it's actually my dream job to work for C3 Presents in Austin on Lollapalooza and ACL. :LOL: Or any festival really, but I'd love to at least intern with C3. For now, I'm interning with a music blog called The Vinyl District. So yeah, I have a vested interest in this stuff, not just as an attendee, but as someone who wants to work in this industry in the future. ;)

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:LOL: Dom needs to leak more information.


:LOL: I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought he was the "source."


But seriously, I don't think these plans will be messed up. It's just a one off gig, even if they do R/L also. He would only be gone a few days. And, she-who-shall-not-be-named knows she is with a rock star and that he will have to be gone for gigs. I think the only way this *hurts* us is if they don't have much time to practice and we get a regular TR tour set that they probably could do in their sleep by now ;) But, after this long of a gap, I'd happily take the standards, as long as it's Muse. Maybe the SA gigs will give us an idea of what they are practicing and what we can expect.

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