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Your top 5 muse songs


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It's pretty tough to choose, but my current favs have to be:


1) Apocalypse Please (all-time favourite!!)

2) Pink Ego Box

3) Assassin

4) TSP

5) Space Dementia


There are hardly any Muse songs I don't like even remotely.. :)

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Yayz again again!


This time it'll be really tough.


1. Futurism

2. Ruled by Secrecy

3. Take a Bow

4. Hoodoo

5. Stockholm Syndrome


Overplaying of New Born takes its toll.


And that is one more reason why I love yah!!! :D My current top 5 would have to be...


1. Futurism

2. CoD

3. Host

4. Con-science

5. Piano Thing


I think I have a thing for b-sides atm... ;)

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Guest QueenOfNerds

1.Take a bow

2.Hyperchondriac music


4.The Groove



That was hard.

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And that is one more reason why I love yah!!! :D My current top 5 would have to be...


1. Futurism

2. CoD

3. Host

4. Con-science

5. Piano Thing


I think I have a thing for b-sides atm... ;)


Me too. I think I'll redo it though, got a few things to mess with.


1. Con-science (I really love sceaming IN FEEEAAAR IN SORRROOOW when my house is empty. It's so awesome).

2. Futurism

3. Hoodoo

4. Ruled by Secrecy

5. Apocalypse Please


Had Piano Thing stuck in my head today...:stunned:

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Mine as of right now...


1, Map Of Problematique

2, New Born

3, Assassin

4, Exo-Politics

5, Plug In Baby


But really can you choose a top 5 :p


Um forgot City Of Delusion!!!!

And many others, oh come on cant it be the order of your favourite songs lol

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