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Brisbane Entertainment Centre, Are you going?  

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  1. 1. Brisbane Entertainment Centre, Are you going?

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I think there is concern over which gates are closer to the barrier though, and if all the gates will be opened at the same time or not. It all seems a bit sketchy.


i agree, i would feel seriously pissed off if people with silver tickets get on the barrier. or if we miss out because we are at the back entrance. does anyone with a gold GA ticket have anything other than the back gate?

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I contemplating emailing the BEC, and just asking what the go is with the back gates and everything, because it's really playing on my mind. Would be a massive c-bomb effort if I got there at some silly hour, and another douche got barrier instead me purely out of luck.


But anyways. Keen!!!!


EDIT: And if Seb gets to shotty barrier via a tag, I also would like to shotty a barrier. With or without tag, Yay me.

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I contemplating emailing the BEC, and just asking what the go is with the back gates and everything, because it's really playing on my mind. Would be a massive c-bomb effort if I got there at some silly hour, and another douche got barrier instead me purely out of luck.


But anyways. Keen!!!!


EDIT: And if Seb gets to shotty barrier via a tag, I also would like to shotty a barrier. With or without tag, Yay me.


i was just about to ask if anyone wants to volunteer to send an email, or if they want me to do that. it'd be great if you could, i'd sleep better at night :D

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This is what I just sent out now:




Myself, as well as many others, have been a little confused and concerned by the set up of the Centre for the two Muse shows on the 5th and 6th of December. Initially we were informed that there would be a middle barrier, and a split pit, however it is now to my understanding that this is not the case.


In any case, we have also gathered that the gate number on the ticket naturally specifies which gate is to be entered for the show. Our main concern is that despite paying top-dollar, and getting in as early as possible for the pre-sale, many of us have, by sheer bad luck been drawn a gate further to the back. Now, given that most of us are planning on getting to the venue quite early in the day to ensure a position on the barrier, you can understand why we are little worried that our efforts may be in vain, through no fault of our own.


I know this may seem a trivial and petty concern, but given the price we have paid, and the lengths we are prepared to go to, in order to assume top spot, it would be very disheartening if we were to miss out on such a spot due to these circumstances. So basically, is there any flexibility on the entrance of the gates given such circumstances, and/or is there some other set-up in place for this particular event that we are not aware of?


Thanks in advance for any reply, and either way, I look forward to attending both nights of the Muse shows at the Entertainment Centre.



Hopefully we get a reply!!

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Good idea Dean.

I was becoming a bit worried too. Maybe we should all send emails, then they would get the point that there is quite a few people who are worried...

I don't like this randomly allocated gate thing, I think it should be whoever turns up 1st gets to choose where they line up.


Edit: and well written letter haha

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Good idea Dean.

I was becoming a bit worried too. Maybe we should all send emails, then they would get the point that there is quite a few people who are worried...

I don't like this randomly allocated gate thing, I think it should be whoever turns up 1st gets to choose where they line up.


Edit: and well written letter haha


Can't hurt hey! If we bombard them with bitching, someone has to take notice! :LOL:


That is very well written.


Haha thanks, I figured I'd use everything a year's worth of a Journalism degree has taught me (which isn't much) to sound as least like a whinging Muser as possible :p

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Wow fantastic email.:yesey:


This is my last night at home till the 20th, so I wont be on here for a while. Going away to do a training exercise with the army reserves. :D Don't talk to much while I'm gone... (haha not going to happen)


Wow, that sounds awesome! Hope it all goes well for you, we'll catch you up on the shenanigans when you get back!

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Ban? Already? I couldn't do it :LOL:


I might attempt it maybe 3 days out or so though....

Managed to do 2 days before BDO but then it was ruined when my parents turned the radio to Nova on the drive to BDO and Resistance came on :mad:

I'm pushing myself here, I want it to be like going without sex for a month, and then for a grand return. Except hopefully it lasts a bit longer...



Hahaha Muse gods conspiring again. Those sons of bitches.

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Ban? Already? I couldn't do it :LOL:


I might attempt it maybe 3 days out or so though....

Managed to do 2 days before BDO but then it was ruined when my parents turned the radio to Nova on the drive to BDO and Resistance came on :mad:


my ban is actually going alright. i just try not to think about muse that much when i'm using my ipod. other than that, it's pretty much impossible to not think about it


1 month, and 1 day.

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This is what I just sent out now:


Hopefully we get a reply!!


It was the same at the Wembley gigs, plenty of us were in there for the pre-sale but quite a few got really bad gates and unless people swapped with someone who wasn't as hardcore, they had to run like everyone else...whether they got their ticket at 9:01am on the day or a few days later.


These things are planned pretty far in advance and chances are they won't be flexible with gates as this means loads of people will go to the best gates, health and safety yadda yadda.

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I need a quick answer! I'm helping Catherine M. get a brisbane ticket on Ebay, and the one she wants is GA4. She thought that was front barrier. Is it or not? If it's not, she doesn't want it. She's on a train to Philly so I'm trying to get this squared away for her. Thanks for any help! :)


Edit: Going by this venue map, GA4 is back barrier. This is right, yeah? http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:gKxnMIEdPcAJ:www.showbiz.com.au/ShowLogos/VenMap/BRISBANE_ENT_CENTRE_PINK.pdf+brisbane+entertainment+centre+where+is+ga4&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShtyodlJPQOsG72QL9eSpqR6iajs1L6eqxYwc5yxKJHflSoCvSGQX8BjcrPQz6U8RdbEaby9NG1O6uyIUEiXdVmx00dz7twReJUbKZsmz-sCOmGtlgJAuW3dCvkpZ3qXppZCnJ9&sig=AHIEtbSuWw8Y2MZ3HDxgHXIL6WkvpoNQmQ


Or is this right? http://board.muse.mu/showpost.php?p=8325073&postcount=872


This is stressing me out and it's not even my fucking ticket. :(

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