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i had a muse dream last sunday night, (it was a sort of follow-on from a much longer very surreal dream in which someone i believe was matt was involved).




I was in my bedroom that i share with my sister and matt was sat on my sisters bunkbed (yes i know im 20 and i sleep in a bunkbed - the top one might i add) and matt was strumming along trying to tune his new guitar which was his pride and joy, it was about the size of a childs guitar and it had a spongebob pattern on it (the guitar in my dream does exist as well, i saw it in skipton music centre a couple of weeks ago) we were chatting away when i went to get something off my bed - the top bunk - as i stood on the metal bar of my sisters bed the guitar somehow broke. Matt was devastated, and he put the guitar on the floor and knelt down to try and fix it (its amazing how much more serious a broken string can become in a dream :LOL:)

I crouched down beside him appologising over and over again feeling gutted that it had broken and he kept telling me it was ok, it was fixable.

He turned back to the guitar and i was looking at him and inside i felt like i had butterflies in my stomach and i realised how much i loved him. Matt turned to look at me and smiled then went back to fixing the guitar. I carried on watching him intently this feeling in my chest and the pit of my stomach growing stronger.

Matt turned to look at me again smiling telling me it was fixable (i had just appologised again) and he looked at me with a puzzled expression on his face. Then he put both his hands around the back of my neck cradling my head his fingers entwinned in my hair and pulled me towards him kissing me passionately. When we broke apart he looked hot and flushed and grinning like the cheshire cat. It was the best damn kiss ever imho :LOL:


Then i woke up.

However, although it was bellamy in my dream, he wasnt famous or anything. It felt like he was a mate i had known personally for years. (similar to the dream i had had previously1

Edited by colly
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i had a muse dream last sunday night, (it was a sort of follow-on from a much longer very surreal dream in which someone i believe was matt was involved).




I was in my bedroom that i share with my sister and matt was sat on my sisters bunkbed (yes i know im 20 and i sleep in a bunkbed - the top one might i add) and matt was strumming along trying to tune his new guitar which was his pride and joy, it was about the size of a childs guitar and it had a spongebob pattern on it (the guitar in my dream does exist as well, i saw it in skipton music centre a couple of weeks ago) we were chatting away when i went to get something off my bed - the top bunk - as i stood on the metal bar of my sisters bed the guitar somehow broke. Matt was devastated, and he put the guitar on the floor and knelt down to try and fix it (its amazing how much more serious a broken string can become in a dream :LOL:)

I crouched down beside him appologising over and over again feeling gutted that it had broken and he kept telling me it was ok, it was fixable.

He turned back to the guitar and i was looking at him and inside i felt like i had butterflies in my stomach and i realised how much i loved him. Matt turned to look at me and smiled then went back to fixing the guitar. I carried on watching him intently this feeling in my chest and the pit of my stomach growing stronger.

Matt turned to look at me again smiling telling me it was fixable (i had just appologised again) and he looked at me with a puzzled expression on his face. Then he put both his hands around the back of my neck cradling my head his fingers entwinned in my hair and pulled me towards him kissing me passionately. When we broke apart he looked hot and flushed and grinning like the cheshire cat. It was the best damn kiss ever imho :LOL:


Then i woke up.

However, although it was bellamy in my dream, he wasnt famous or anything. It felt like he was a mate i had known personally for years. (similar to the dream i had had previously1


They also sell it in Mansons... Matt could get it modded with lazers from spongebob's eyes and glittery pants and it could be his next weapon! haha :D

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i had a muse dream last sunday night, (it was a sort of follow-on from a much longer very surreal dream in which someone i believe was matt was involved).




I was in my bedroom that i share with my sister and matt was sat on my sisters bunkbed (yes i know im 20 and i sleep in a bunkbed - the top one might i add) and matt was strumming along trying to tune his new guitar which was his pride and joy, it was about the size of a childs guitar and it had a spongebob pattern on it (the guitar in my dream does exist as well, i saw it in skipton music centre a couple of weeks ago) we were chatting away when i went to get something off my bed - the top bunk - as i stood on the metal bar of my sisters bed the guitar somehow broke. Matt was devastated, and he put the guitar on the floor and knelt down to try and fix it (its amazing how much more serious a broken string can become in a dream :LOL:)

I crouched down beside him appologising over and over again feeling gutted that it had broken and he kept telling me it was ok, it was fixable.

He turned back to the guitar and i was looking at him and inside i felt like i had butterflies in my stomach and i realised how much i loved him. Matt turned to look at me and smiled then went back to fixing the guitar. I carried on watching him intently this feeling in my chest and the pit of my stomach growing stronger.

Matt turned to look at me again smiling telling me it was fixable (i had just appologised again) and he looked at me with a puzzled expression on his face. Then he put both his hands around the back of my neck cradling my head his fingers entwinned in my hair and pulled me towards him kissing me passionately. When we broke apart he looked hot and flushed and grinning like the cheshire cat. It was the best damn kiss ever imho :LOL:


Then i woke up.

However, although it was bellamy in my dream, he wasnt famous or anything. It felt like he was a mate i had known personally for years. (similar to the dream i had had previously1


Awww that's so adorable!

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Oh yeah, last night dreamed I had to go to the hospital for some reason, and I was waiting in a line to get like 5 injections (:eek:) and Chris was in the line so I was like "Help!! :'(" and he was reassuring me that it wouldn't hurt.


Hm. :wtf:

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Okay... This one is really odd.


Anyway, I had a dream when I was On School camp where I was watching everyone in my tent from a heat sensing, birds eye camera. Everyone was singing feeling good. It was a barber shop version, and the instruments (except someone playing guitar) were played by noises people made with their mouths :facepalm:


The worst part was that everyone was sleep singing/playing in my dream :rolleyes:

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Okay, don't read this if you're offended easily :LOL:


I had a dream that Dom and Bells were ripping the piss out of the new album, so I told them to stop. We were all in Bells's bedroom, it was red :) I just remember Dom going out of the room and then Matt grabbed me and I took his blue and white stripey shirt of and then we started riding each other. He was about to come out of me but his... dick... got stuck in me. I had to tell my Ma so she could pay the doctor to remove it so she threw all of my Muse albums out!!



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Okay, don't read this if you're offended easily :LOL:


I had a dream that Dom and Bells were ripping the piss out of the new album, so I told them to stop. We were all in Bells's bedroom, it was red :) I just remember Dom going out of the room and then Matt grabbed me and I took his blue and white stripey shirt of and then we started riding each other. He was about to come out of me but his... dick... got stuck in me. I had to tell my Ma so she could pay the doctor to remove it so she threw all of my Muse albums out!!




:LOL: :LOL: omg!!! rofl!

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Don't know if this counts as a muse dream.


I dreamt I was at a party and got dragged outside to talk to some weird old man in a hat, he kept trying to sit close to me and I just wanted to go back into the party, then I heard bliss playing and said, "Sorry, got to go, phone call!" And legged it.

I woke up, yup my phone WAS ringing. (has bliss as it's ringtone)

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Okay, don't read this if you're offended easily :LOL:


I had a dream that Dom and Bells were ripping the piss out of the new album, so I told them to stop. We were all in Bells's bedroom, it was red :) I just remember Dom going out of the room and then Matt grabbed me and I took his blue and white stripey shirt of and then we started riding each other. He was about to come out of me but his... dick... got stuck in me. I had to tell my Ma so she could pay the doctor to remove it so she threw all of my Muse albums out!!







...I can't remember what I dreamt.. But I woke up with an image of Chris holding something, at a beach I think. ..then I fell asleep again and had a crappy dream about school.

..Damn, I wonder what it was.. :erm:

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I had a dream that I got ahold of Muse's notebooks. These were notes for Showbiz and Black Holes and Revelations, only. Anyhoo, it all contained things like album ideas etc. There was this particular song (unreleased), it had a couple of lines off starlight, however, it sounded really good! Sounded a bit like new born at the same time :$


I don't know how I got ahold of it! And I kept it all secret from you guys, because it was Matt's wishes :phu:

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I had a dream that I got ahold of Muse's notebooks. These were notes for Showbiz and Black Holes and Revelations, only. Anyhoo, it all contained things like album ideas etc. There was this particular song (unreleased), it had a couple of lines off starlight, however, it sounded really good! Sounded a bit like new born at the same time :$


I don't know how I got ahold of it! And I kept it all secret from you guys, because it was Matt's wishes :phu:


oh my god! you should totally make a song out of that one you heard! its like your brain inspired you or smthn! :LOL:

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I had a Muse dream a little while ago and it just cracked me up!


I was at a gig, no idea who's it was, but all of a sudden Dom appears onstage telling everyone this was his new band and he was the singer! The whole crowd was pretty happy about it, but I was like 'WTF!? Whatabout Muse?!' but he didn't seem to care! Then Chris ran onstage and wrestled Dom to the ground telling him he couldn't have a new band and he had to be loyal to Muse! Then Matt's MUM ran onstage and started hitting Dom with a stick! I have no idea what Matt's mum looks like in real life, but she was rather scary in my dream!


Needless to say I woke up laughing from that one! :LOL:

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