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Yeah but the Neutron star is sooo dense it may just cancel them both out.


The neutron star is probably around 1.5 solar masses with a 12 km radius (thank you, Wikipedia!) while the black hole has infinite mass.

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Infinite mass?


And object of infinite mass would infinitely bend spacetime around it and collapse the universe.


Black holes have mass that can be measured in solar masses, maximum.


But when all mass is contained in a singularity with infinite gravity near the centre, shouldn't the mass be infinite?

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But when all mass is contained in a singularity with infinite gravity near the centre, shouldn't the mass be infinite?


Infinite gravity? How can that work?


Wouldn't that just completely fuck up the universe?

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Infinite gravity? How can that work?


Wouldn't that just completely fuck up the universe?


I wouldn't know, I've only got C level physics and whatever I pick up to go by as of yet :p


I'm thinking about studying astronomy / cosmology in the university in a couple of years though.

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I wouldn't know, I've only got C level physics and whatever I pick up to go by as of yet :p


I'm thinking about studying astronomy / cosmology in the university in a couple of years though.


I'd love to study it at some point. :)

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According to these articles we won't even hear it on Radio till the 17th. :(




Muse - which the moderator at stepheniemeyer.com calls "Stephenie's very favorite band" - has had tracks featured in the two previous Twilight films: "Supermassive Black Home" appeared on the soundtrack to the Twilight film in 2008, and "I Belong To You (New Moon Remix)" was featured in New Moon.

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Muse - which the moderator at stepheniemeyer.com calls "Stephenie's very favorite band" - has had tracks featured in the two previous Twilight films: "Supermassive Black Home" appeared on the soundtrack to the Twilight film in 2008, and "I Belong To You (New Moon Remix)" was featured in New Moon.


What? :LOL:




Super Massive Black Home?:LOL:

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