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They arent fun : / but webcams do help ALOT. Not in one anymore though, its actually been almost a year now, but I still miss him & care about him alot :( Clearly he doesnt feel the same.


Problem is when one person is still willing to work on the relationship & the other just gives up on it : /


Ok I need to stop being depressing lol



This is random, but I was thinking about it earlier, are/were any of you guys a fan of the show Lost? I was thinking about stuff we could meet up for, and if any of you were fans. In may, there is a celebrity golf tournament here in Greenville, and Terry O'Quinn has come to it for the past two years. I'm hoping he comes next time as well....


I am huge Lost fan. Locke was definitely my favorite character. I also read that O'Quinn and Michael Emerson may be doing another show together. That would be great for them to reunite.

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Haha, it actually grew on me, too, and I cannot help singing along. Plus, I'd rather hear it 100 times over UD, which I think is truly awful.


:supersad: I actually, uh.....well....I friggin' love UD....


As for NSC... :/

The song itself isn't soooo bad I suppose, but the first time I saw that music video, I felt sick in my stomach... It was the first time I actually saw Muse and Twilight together :(

I don't hate the song though. I just hate twilight.


I watched the video. Once. When it came out. I do not watch again. :phu:

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Shhhh! They are doing Lolla. Don't say things like that. Bonnaroo too! :phu::p

Are those confirmed? I really really hope they do! XD



Haha, it actually grew on me, too, and I cannot help singing along. Plus, I'd rather hear it 100 times over UD, which I think is truly awful.




Huge LOST fan here! Oooh, I'd like to see TOQ in person.


OT: Please keep me in your thoughts today when I return to Raleigh to take my daughter and her friend to see NeverShoutNever (YouTube them at your own risk). It's going to be awful. Not only will I be aurally assaulted, I will be thinking about our amazing day/night just two weeks ago. *sigh* I will wear my Muse shirt, though, as a public service to the misguided crowd. ;)


1) Very true. I cannot even listen to UD (and also I Belong to You, bleeeeh) At least NSC is listenable, the thing I really try to block out is the video. It had such good potential as well, I loved the part at the beginning of Matt playing piano.


2) Ooh then you have to come up!


I met him this past time (wanted to go the year before but couldn’t) He was amazing. So nice, and pretty much, between each hole, he would come over & hang out with us fans. (there were about 20-25 there) He would walk along down the pathway with us, instead of over on the course with the other golfers & caddy in his group :LOL: At one point, I was walking right beside him, and I couldn’t help but think “Holy fcking god, I am walking next to LOCKE” Like our elbows were almost touching, it was so cool XD XD XD BUT if you do go, do the simple solution of putting your camera IN YOUR POCKET. They went through my bag & said cameras weren’t allowed. But others got them in in their pockets. So I wish I had had my own camera though, because I so wanted a video of him saying to me “DON’T TELL ME WHAT I CANT DO!!!!!!!!!!!” :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Luckily one girl was nice & offered to take pictures for me & emailed them to me. Otherwise I wouldve been very sad. Pictures>>>>>>>>autographs


Bad thing is, my mom was convinced that I wouldn’t be able to meet him & it would be a waste of time. I was like “I HAVE to try! I don’t care if I just see him from a distance, that’s still cool”


I also found it extremely cool that I got to meet him almost exactly one week before the Lost series finale. It was a Saturday & Lost was ending the next Sunday. And I was very proud of my fellow Losties because nobody badgered him for spoilers or anything about the show. Made me very happy : )









Seriously, it would be so cool if he comes back again next year & if you wanna come up & go with me! : )


Oh and 3) Good luck with that : / I’m afraid to look them up now XD Did you buy earplugs? Lol I would’ve probably just stayed in the hotel during it, but that’s just me.


As for NSC... :/

The song itself isn't soooo bad I suppose, but the first time I saw that music video, I felt sick in my stomach... It was the first time I actually saw Muse and Twilight together :(

I don't hate the song though. I just hate twilight.



And Muse haaaaaas to tour next year :(


Yeah, its really the music video that is the worst. The song is quite stupid & cheesy, but its listenable, but I just keep picturing the horrible scenes from the music video :vomit:

Can I just say how happy I was when I found out none of you guys were Twilight fans (well at least the ones I met) I was expecting the audience to be a bunch of idiots that only knew Supermassive Blackhole (omg when typing that I accidentally skipped the u, and typed ‘sperm’ before I was like O.o and fixed it lmao



I am huge Lost fan. Locke was definitely my favorite character. I also read that O'Quinn and Michael Emerson may be doing another show together. That would be great for them to reunite.

Yeah I heard about that too. They really were great together. Locke never was my favorite character, but he’s an amaaazing actor. I hope filming doesn’t conflict with the golf tournament XD haha god I’m so selfish.




I watched the video. Once. When it came out. I do not watch again. :phu:

I showed it to a friend, for a laugh XD Then I started quoting the goofy lines to the song afterwards haha >.<

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Oh yeah I'll tell you. Married girls, especially ones with kids, are so my type :LOL:


You're making it sound like all female Muse fans are housewifes or something :LOL:

I think more of us were single to be honest, I only remember a few who were married. (meaning single as unmarried, Im sure alot if not most had boyfriends/girlfriends or whatever)

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You're making it sound like all female Muse fans are housewifes or something :LOL:

I think more of us were single to be honest, I only remember a few who were married. (meaning single as unmarried, Im sure alot if not most had boyfriends/girlfriends or whatever)


:LOL: Sorry its jsut the ones that immediately jump into my head are married and whatnot :chuckle:


baha, church, I was right behind you at the concert... xD


Too bad I didn't come on here before, huh? that would have been a lot of fun...


Oh yeah sorry I was going a little crazy :LOL: Were you teh one i kept accidently jumping back into?


Before I forget to ask, was anyone from the boards the ones on or near barrier with lighters during RBS and Nishe? Just wondering. :chuckle:


I did the lighter thing torwards the end. It took me until then to gather myself :chuckle::$

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Before I forget to ask, was anyone from the boards the ones on or near barrier with lighters during RBS and Nishe? Just wondering. :chuckle:


:LOL: Sorry its jsut the ones that immediately jump into my head are married and whatnot :chuckle:




Oh yeah sorry I was going a little crazy :LOL: Were you teh one i kept accidently jumping back into?




I did the lighter thing torwards the end. It took me until then to gather myself :chuckle::$


You held up your lighter?! :eek:Did you get yelled at by security? I can never get away with that at indoor concerts, so I've completely stopped trying. It's a bloody rock and roll concert, but a little bitty fire is SOO dangerous. Waving cell phones about in the air is NOT rock'n'roll! :phu: (Sorry, it's a pet peeve. And I didn't even think of it at this gig...I'm pretty sure I lost all rational brain function.:$)


And :LOL: about mostly female Musers, married with children. Poor Seth!

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I don't think there was much of that section that wasn't going crazy. I thought we had a pretty awesome crowd (where we were at least. Dunno about everywhere else).


were you up there too? from what I saw in youtube videos, the front was absolutely rocking it and then it died quickly for the rest of general admins...

But whatever, since I was up at the front, I really didn't care. :p

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were you up there too? from what I saw in youtube videos, the front was absolutely rocking it and then it died quickly for the rest of general admins...

But whatever, since I was up at the front, I really didn't care. :p


Yeah, I was barrier right in front of Matt. In front and a little to the right of churchy.

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Soo...I just picked up my "fixed" pictures. Even though I lightened them up online, the prints are still as dark as the first ones. I don't understand why these 4 look fine on my computer, but won't print well. Any suggestions? :'( I wanna finish my collage.


Load those pics onto a flash drive or memory card and take them to the fuji machine at walmart. then have them printed off-site (i believe it will tell you the pick up time is 7 days). i had some pics done that way and they turned out heaps better than the ones i had 1-hour printed in the store.



Are those confirmed? I really really hope they do! XD


1) Very true. I cannot even listen to UD (and also I Belong to You, bleeeeh) At least NSC is listenable, the thing I really try to block out is the video. It had such good potential as well, I loved the part at the beginning of Matt playing piano.


Yeah, its really the music video that is the worst. The song is quite stupid & cheesy, but its listenable, but I just keep picturing the horrible scenes from the music video :vomit:

Can I just say how happy I was when I found out none of you guys were Twilight fans (well at least the ones I met) I was expecting the audience to be a bunch of idiots that only knew Supermassive Blackhole (omg when typing that I accidentally skipped the u, and typed ‘sperm’ before I was like O.o and fixed it lmao



1) I really hope they do Bonnaroo since it's so much closer to me than Lollapalooza!


2)I superdeedooper heart "I Belong To You". One of the most attractive things for me about Muse is Matts use of piano & classical piano excerpts. I use to be a classical musician so there you go ;)


3) *donning my flame-proof suit* Don't be too sure that none of us are Twilight fans ;) I'm not ashamed and could give a rats ass if anyone thinks i'm a loser for liking Twilight. We're all individuals here. We all like Muse...that doesn't mean that we all have to agree on everything else in life.


Sorry to be so snippy, Amber. I just don't want to be misunderstood as an "idiot who only knows Supermassive Blackhole". I like Muse. I like Twilight. I LOVE Agatha Christi. I'm a Hare Krishna. I'm Chinese. I have three kids. I have AB+ blood. I am an obsessive Queen fan. I'm pro-breastfeeding. I live in the woods. I don't watch tv. But in the end, who bloody cares?


In the words of one of my fave bands, Gorilla Biscuits:


It's time to stand up, for what you believe. Have no fear of your critics Be proud of the life you lead. You may be different from your friends but if their true they'll understand~


Hold your ground - Be yourself and be the best you can! Step Out!




4) SPERMassive Blackhole FTW!! :LOL:





Oh yeah I'll tell you. Married girls, especially ones with kids, are so my type :LOL:


Why thank you :LOL: Do I get extra points for having 3 kids?



I like how this thread keeps being the most active/fun. :awesome:


Ditto! :dance:

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I like how this thread keeps being the most active/fun. :awesome:


And right as you say that, everything gets really quiet.... :wtf: Haha


My collage is finished!! I took several pics so you can see what all I used, so even though I've FINALLY figured out how to insert images into my posts, I'm just gonna attach'em. I couldn't make up my mind over flash or no flash, so most of them are a little dark. I made little snippets of lyrics to put in as well. Originally, I wanted to put one line from each song on the setlist, but it looked a little too crowded, so I pulled some of them off.


If you see a picture on here that looks like one of yours, it probably is. :chuckle: If you're wondering why, if you look at the tiny Matt to the left of my ticket, that's as close-up as my camera would let me go. Hence the uh...borrowing. So thank you to everyone!! :happy:










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And right as you say that, everything gets really quiet.... :wtf: Haha


My collage is finished!! I took several pics so you can see what all I used, so even though I've FINALLY figured out how to insert images into my posts, I'm just gonna attach'em. I couldn't make up my mind over flash or no flash, so most of them are a little dark. I made little snippets of lyrics to put in as well. Originally, I wanted to put one line from each song on the setlist, but it looked a little too crowded, so I pulled some of them off.


If you see a picture on here that looks like one of yours, it probably is. :chuckle: If you're wondering why, if you look at the tiny Matt to the left of my ticket, that's as close-up as my camera would let me go. Hence the uh...borrowing. So thank you to everyone!! :happy:


It looks great!! I feel so speshul that i'm on your collage :D


I'm currently scouring youtube for videos from the RBC show to see if we are in any of them :p

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Load those pics onto a flash drive or memory card and take them to the fuji machine at walmart. then have them printed off-site (i believe it will tell you the pick up time is 7 days). i had some pics done that way and they turned out heaps better than the ones i had 1-hour printed in the store.





1) I really hope they do Bonnaroo since it's so much closer to me than Lollapalooza!


2)I superdeedooper heart "I Belong To You". One of the most attractive things for me about Muse is Matts use of piano & classical piano excerpts. I use to be a classical musician so there you go ;)


3) *donning my flame-proof suit* Don't be too sure that none of us are Twilight fans ;) I'm not ashamed and could give a rats ass if anyone thinks i'm a loser for liking Twilight. We're all individuals here. We all like Muse...that doesn't mean that we all have to agree on everything else in life.


Sorry to be so snippy, Amber. I just don't want to be misunderstood as an "idiot who only knows Supermassive Blackhole". I like Muse. I like Twilight. I LOVE Agatha Christi. I'm a Hare Krishna. I'm Chinese. I have three kids. I have AB+ blood. I am an obsessive Queen fan. I'm pro-breastfeeding. I live in the woods. I don't watch tv. But in the end, who bloody cares?


In the words of one of my fave bands, Gorilla Biscuits:


It's time to stand up, for what you believe. Have no fear of your critics Be proud of the life you lead. You may be different from your friends but if their true they'll understand~


Hold your ground - Be yourself and be the best you can! Step Out!




4) SPERMassive Blackhole FTW!! :LOL:







Why thank you :LOL: Do I get extra points for having 3 kids?





Ditto! :dance:


If the boys did Bonnaroo.... Oh god I would die.





Are you kidding i would leave my girlfriend for you :p:LOL:

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If the boys did Bonnaroo.... Oh god I would die.





Are you kidding i would leave my girlfriend for you :p:LOL:




I am old enough to be yo' mama! Well, in a biological sense anyway :unsure: Not that I would have been having a baby when i was a teenager. oh wait...i did have a baby when i was a teenager :$


So anyway...Erindal has kids too ;)

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