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Bananas. I don't know if I could live without them. They are yellow and taste good. And they are amazing on pizza as well.


All sources of knowlage bring me to the conclusion that they are holy.


EDIT: Double post. :chuckle:


Interesting. I've dipped bananas in Chef Boyardee (can't remember the spelling) pasta before and while that might sound gross, it's actually kind of tasty! :$ Bananas eaten right after you buy them taste best, don't wait a few days or they'll get too mushy. Quoting Matt, "I quite like them firm!":D


YKYATMW you get an A- on your paper on Stockholm Syndrome. Muse promotes good grades! :)

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bananas are my favorite fruit, in competition with apricots. but i usually just tell people i like apricots, because kids my age are so fucking immature if i say "i love bananas!" they start giggling, and if it's a guy it's just :stunned:




Haley HaleyHaleyHalyeryahgajghalellhahalleHALEY

I dont know who it is :LOL: sorry


It's Mikel [Pronounced ME - KEL ) Jollett [French] :awesome:

He's the singer of The Airborne Toxic Event.. HE'S WONDERFUL IN PERSONNNN :phu::happy:

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Oh my, I don't know what would happen if I forced my friends to listen to Micro Cuts...They would probably very gently call it a shitty song or just look at me like :stunned: and my friend Kim, well, she couldn't even handle Take A Bow. Because it said "Hell" too much. :rolleyes:


I am friends with all the matt bellamys on facebook and yes I am aware that none of them is him ;) and probably just some fans but I don't care :LOL:

Is she a die-hard christian or something?

But you're just making people think that pathetically posing as famous people is cool and gets responses. They need lives.

Totally agree. Although your intentions may be harmless, all of the attention these people can get is what feeds them, and they don't need to be fed. Kanga is exactly right, they need lives (Did I mention I like Winnie the Pooh? My fav is T-I-double "g"-ER!).

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It's Mikel [Pronounced ME - KEL ) Jollett [French] :awesome:

He's the singer of The Airborne Toxic Event.. HE'S WONDERFUL IN PERSONNNN :phu::happy:

He is quite good-looking :happy: and i like that song "Changing" but that's all I know from them....Are you saying that you MET HIM? :eek: or maybe my brain didn't register that right.

Is she a die-hard christian or something?


Totally agree. Although your intentions may be harmless, all of the attention these people can get is what feeds them, and they don't need to be fed. Kanga is exactly right, they need lives (Did I mention I like Winnie the Pooh? My fav is T-I-double "g"-ER!).

She's not religious, just her parents shelter her a lot. In high school and still not allowed to watch PG-13 Movies, can't go anywhere without adult supervision, can't be driven someplace unless the driver is a GUARDIAN--even if they're your 27-year-old brother, can't swear, etc. It's actually really tiring to hang out with her. I predict (and I'm psychic, y'know) that when we go off to college she'll party non-stop and possibly even overdose from lack of exposure. /rant


Yeah, I know they don't deserve the attention and whatnot, but it's all in good fun to me. I mean it's completely different if they are acting like the real Matt and pretending to be him, but if they write clearly in the info "THIS IS NOT MATT THIS IS A FANPAGE" and are only doing it for the lulz...then it's just meh.

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Is she a die-hard christian or something?


Totally agree. Although your intentions may be harmless, all of the attention these people can get is what feeds them, and they don't need to be fed. Kanga is exactly right, they need lives (Did I mention I like Winnie the Pooh? My fav is T-I-double "g"-ER!).


I have a Tigger towel! :awsome: It has a hood with Tigger's face on it, and it used to have a tail but I think it fell of. :( I've had it for as long as I can remember, and I still use it!

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He is quite good-looking :happy: and i like that song "Changing" but that's all I know from them....Are you saying that you MET HIM? :eek: or maybe my brain didn't register that right.


I did meet him actually when I went to see them in concert!! They're one of those bands that stay around after the show and meet and greet their fans! :awesome:

I got to meet everybody in the band except the drummer 'cause he kept walking away from everybody but his fwiends :noey:

You should really listen to more songs then! :eek: They're amazin' ~




YKYATMW: You join Mibba only to read a story your fwiend wrote on there, but are greeted by many people and one is a Muser, so you are instantly in love with that site. Not to mention they have a great Muse forum on there, as well :chuckle:

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YKYATMW MTV does a Muse top 20 and you sit there on the phone with your friend watching the whole thing guessing what one would be number 1


Ooh I get too over-excited when I see those on TV (despite the fact it's always the same one repeated so I've seen it about ten million times :D )


YKYATMW You buy these just because they remind you of a certain drummer (by the way it's bloody massive and I forgot to move my ukulele out of the way :rolleyes: )




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Ooh I get too over-excited when I see those on TV (despite the fact it's always the same one repeated so I've seen it about ten million times :D )


YKYATMW You buy these just because they remind you of a certain drummer (by the way it's bloody massive and I forgot to move my ukulele out of the way :rolleyes: )




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Ooh I get too over-excited when I see those on TV (despite the fact it's always the same one repeated so I've seen it about ten million times :D )


YKYATMW You buy these just because they remind you of a certain drummer (by the way it's bloody massive and I forgot to move my ukulele out of the way :rolleyes: )




WOW:eek:they are awesome:awesome: Dom would love them:happy:

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I did meet him actually when I went to see them in concert!! They're one of those bands that stay around after the show and meet and greet their fans! :awesome:

I got to meet everybody in the band except the drummer 'cause he kept walking away from everybody but his fwiends :noey:

You should really listen to more songs then! :eek: They're amazin' ~

Maybe I will! I can't believe you met him! and that is so nice that they stay after to meet fans...I saw Sara Bareilles a few years back and she stayed after but other than that (besides open mics) most bands dont! :D that would be awesome.

YKYATMW MTV does a Muse top 20 and you sit there on the phone with your friend watching the whole thing guessing what one would be number 1

I've never even heard of these Muse top 20! I need to watch this. Regular MTV? That sounds so unusual....

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Maybe I will! I can't believe you met him! and that is so nice that they stay after to meet fans...I saw Sara Bareilles a few years back and she stayed after but other than that (besides open mics) most bands dont! :D that would be awesome.


I've actually heard the Neon Trees stay out to meet their fans as well.. :happy:

Why can't Muse do that, huh? :eek:



...Well I'd think if they did, they'd get murdered by fangirls and would be there all night and morning of the next day :chuckle::facepalm:



YKYATMW: You begin your learning session to play Muscle Museum on the bass and so far, I've got the intro :awesome:

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She's not religious, just her parents shelter her a lot. In high school and still not allowed to watch PG-13 Movies, can't go anywhere without adult supervision, can't be driven someplace unless the driver is a GUARDIAN--even if they're your 27-year-old brother, can't swear, etc. It's actually really tiring to hang out with her. I predict (and I'm psychic, y'know) that when we go off to college she'll party non-stop and possibly even overdose from lack of exposure. /rant


She sounds like a really fun person. :LOL: when she goes to college... she's gonna be wasted 24/7.


Also, why can't Muse be played more on MTV! Actually, why can't they be played more in general? :mad: WII A11 |\|33|) 5ome My00Z3!


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She's not religious, just her parents shelter her a lot. In high school and still not allowed to watch PG-13 Movies, can't go anywhere without adult supervision, can't be driven someplace unless the driver is a GUARDIAN--even if they're your 27-year-old brother, can't swear, etc. It's actually really tiring to hang out with her. I predict (and I'm psychic, y'know) that when we go off to college she'll party non-stop and possibly even overdose from lack of exposure. /rant


Yeah, I know they don't deserve the attention and whatnot, but it's all in good fun to me. I mean it's completely different if they are acting like the real Matt and pretending to be him, but if they write clearly in the info "THIS IS NOT MATT THIS IS A FANPAGE" and are only doing it for the lulz...then it's just meh.

Ah yes, a sad case, because the parents will wonder what they did wrong, but it's quite clear. That's what often happens to anyone deprived of something too long... when they get the chance, they go overboard. Why do you think those "loose 10 pounds in 10 days" diets don't work? After you've lost that, a week or two later you will have gained 30! But anyways...

When marked as a fanpage, I guess it's a little better.

I have a Tigger towel! :awsome: It has a hood with Tigger's face on it, and it used to have a tail but I think it fell of. :( I've had it for as long as I can remember, and I still use it!



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She sounds like a really fun person. :LOL: when she goes to college... she's gonna be wasted 24/7.


Also, why can't Muse be played more on MTV! Actually, why can't they be played more in general? :mad: WII A11 |\|33|) 5ome My00Z3!



It's the most irritating thing ever for an obsesed muser to live in a country like Greece where any radio station plays silly greek songs and not even a song of Muse!:mad:

I only listened to Starlight once on the radio station where my father works:stunned:

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I've actually heard the Neon Trees stay out to meet their fans as well.. :happy:

Why can't Muse do that, huh? :eek:



...Well I'd think if they did, they'd get murdered by fangirls and would be there all night and morning of the next day :chuckle::facepalm:

Because if Muse did that they would be attacked :p and RAPED. :LOL:

She sounds like a really fun person. :LOL: when she goes to college... she's gonna be wasted 24/7.


Also, why can't Muse be played more on MTV! Actually, why can't they be played more in general? :mad: WII A11 |\|33|) 5ome My00Z3!



Because MTV is mainstream and got rid of all their music because they're sell-outs and nobody likes them and I hope they don't play Muse on MTV because then everyone will start liking them and selling Muse T-shirts and it would be the end of the world.


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Because if Muse did that they would be attacked :p and RAPED. :LOL:



Because MTV is mainstream and got rid of all their music because they're sell-outs and nobody likes them and I hope they don't play Muse on MTV because then everyone will start liking them and selling Muse T-shirts and it would be the end of the world.



I guess your right! If everyone liked Muse then it would be sooooooooooo boring:stunned:

There wouldn't be this interesting competition between Muse Fans and Radiohead fans and stuff:p;)

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Because MTV is mainstream and got rid of all their music because they're sell-outs and nobody likes them and I hope they don't play Muse on MTV because then everyone will start liking them and selling Muse T-shirts and it would be the end of the world.






But... If we could use a few more musers... especially in NYC where the streets are filled with shittay rapz!

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Ah yes, a sad case, because the parents will wonder what they did wrong, but it's quite clear. That's what often happens to anyone deprived of something too long... when they get the chance, they go overboard. Why do you think those "loose 10 pounds in 10 days" diets don't work? After you've lost that, a week or two later you will have gained 30! But anyways...

When marked as a fanpage, I guess it's a little better.

Yes, exactly. Lack of exposure isn't going to do her much good.

Pretty much. I know of several bands that do that, but they're much smaller than Muse. They'd get attacked by a mob of a thousand fans if they did it :LOL:

But it also kind of makes me wonder why they don't do Meet&Greets? Cuz even really famous people do that, my cousin met JB :$, and I know that if you're a member of the Paramore Fanclub for $30 a year, then you get to do a meet&greet when they come to your city. So is it just not Muse's style or something?

I guess your right! If everyone liked Muse then it would be sooooooooooo boring:stunned:

There wouldn't be this interesting competition between Muse Fans and Radiohead fans and stuff:p;)

Yeah! Like when Twilight came out, the soundtracks had some of my favorite bands on them. Muse, Death Cab, The Killers, Lykke Li. And I wanted to strangle Stephenie Meyer. The soundtracks were pretty kickass for a mainstream movie, but it also made it so that all the girls in my school decided to "love" my favorite bands. and if MTV played more Muse, especially Resistance or Undisclosed Desires, it would kind of suck. I like them like this. (+ a meet and greet)


:LOL: I love this board because in our polls like "What's your favorite Muse song?" For some reason, it's always funny to see the option "Radiohead" and that 40 people picked it.


YKYATMW you're making lunch for your family and put on a Muse CD and find that they all know the lyrics to Starlight ;)

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YKYATMW MTV does a Muse top 20 and you sit there on the phone with your friend watching the whole thing guessing what one would be number 1

i wish they showed those Muse specials over here



YKWYATM when...



You name crabs after the band members.... but it wasn't even your idea, it was your friends. :LOL::awesome:


http://twitpic.com/5a8me3 - Dom the Crab, who had somehow lost a pincer.

http://twitpic.com/5a8n0k - Chris the Crab who was a bastard to pick up! :LOL:

http://twitpic.com/5a8nm6 - Matt the Crab, Who was just cute... :happy:

cute :]

Because if Muse did that they would be attacked :p and RAPED. :LOL:



Because MTV is mainstream and got rid of all their music because they're sell-outs and nobody likes them and I hope they don't play Muse on MTV because then everyone will start liking them and selling Muse T-shirts and it would be the end of the world.


i hate what it's become

they have played Muse before, i actually discovered Muse through one of those MTV channels though.

i believe it was called MTV Hits and they played Knights :happy:


Beavis & Butthead are coming back though, so i might tune in this summer to watch :happy:

i wonder what they would say about Muse :LOL:




YKYATMW you tuck your dog into bed and tell her a musey story right before she falls asleep :chuckle:

and when you and your friend see a guy wearing uggs and you respond by saying "That's gayer than brie cheese."

my friend laughed.

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