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That's cool she recognized it!


Oh yea, I do that all the time too, along with some of my other bands.


:chuckle: yea sometimes I hate having to catch up, because I feel that I've missed so much! That's ok though, we understand. Well, I do at least :chuckle:



Bradfield? He's awesome too ya know! But he looks nothing like any of the Muse members...:$:chuckle:


haha, no the actor :]

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You know you're addicted to Muse when...


you spot the Absolution cover figure/shadow things on the floor at about 20:55 minutes into this video http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00wbn7y/The_Beauty_of_Diagrams_Newtons_Prism/

We were watching this program about light in my physics lesson, and without knowing where the presenter was going or why, I spotted part of the Muse artwork over the floor


(for anyone who cant, or just cant be bothered watching, turns out he was going to meet Storm Thorgeson, the guy who designed Absolution, to talk about his design for Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon)

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Thanks guys:)

And I got....a Muse hoodie, a Muse shirt, HAARP (impossible to find here)....a poster of my dearest Matt :D and some other stuff that isn't musey.. therefore, not interesting. :LOL: i keed, i keed. and me and drawakangaroo have sort of the same bday! whoa....so weird....we're wicked b-day buddies. :eek:


Yay, birthday buddy! :D

You're so lucky. I got a $10 FYE gift card, which is awesome, and... a Twilight birthday card. Because my mom thought I liked it :LOL:

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Yay, birthday buddy! :D

You're so lucky. I got a $10 FYE gift card, which is awesome, and... a Twilight birthday card. Because my mom thought I liked it :LOL:

:LOL: I used to like Twilight. :p FYE? We don't have those but I've heard of them! For Your Entertainment, right?

Although I already said "Happy Birthday" to you on Facebook ( :happy: )

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :awesome:

THANKS! Wait, you said happy birthday to me on facebook? so we're twitter, and facebook friends! :D but...I don't know your name on Facebook lol. I must have added you without realizing it was you?

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:LOL: I used to like Twilight. :p FYE? We don't have those but I've heard of them! For Your Entertainment, right?


THANKS! Wait, you said happy birthday to me on facebook? so we're twitter, and facebook friends! :D but...I don't know your name on Facebook lol. I must have added you without realizing it was you?


My name is... :shifty: ... Haley Gamel :awesome:

And yes Twitter & Facebook buddies~

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My ex-friend made me watch the first movie of Twilight (this was before I was a Muse fan :( ) I laughed nearly the whole movie and she kept telling me to shut up :shifty::LOL:



YKYATMW: Uh... Hold on let it come back to me now.. uh... geez I forget :rolleyes::LOL:

Well, just now my sister showed me in her book that someone underlined the word "bullocks" and I immediatly thought of Chris :chuckle:

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Yep, it's got CDs and movies, basically. Pretty cool store. And I used to like Twilight a few years ago before I realised that it was horrible :chuckle:


All the FYE's near me have a ton of Muse stuff :D They have all the albums (even HAARP and Hullabaloo) and an awesome Resistance poster which I waved in some random woman's face because I saw her carrying The Resistance CD....

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