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that is so strange :awesome:

But don't you think that you know what you're typing? Just because you can't see it doesn't mean you planned ahead to type it. I'm closing my eyes while I type this sentence and I think it looks fine.... XD


Well this is me typing eoyj ,u tutd v;pftg, as you csn dee I'm no pyp.


(Well this is me typing with my eyes closed, as you can see I'm no pro.)

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When I'm bored I close my eyes and type randomly into google and search.


I did it just now, opened my eyes and saw I had typed 'muse board'.


And now here I am. :awesome:

i sometimes find myself coming here when i don't intend to

my fingers just randomly take me here



It's really awesome :D People give you really weird looks while you stand there shouting "EURASIA... SIA... SIA.... SIA!" at random people :chuckle:

i'm guilty of that :chuckle:




When you find yourself eating like a pig at a restaurant because you were trying to get a Wolstentweet :$

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Well this is me typing eoyj ,u tutd v;pftg, as you csn dee I'm no pyp.

(Well this is me typing with my eyes closed, as you can see I'm no pro.)

:LOL: oh, i sees!

When you consider Muse's version of Feeling Good as the original version and anyone else's version as a bad cover. :p

:yesey: and have you seen that commercial with a cover in it? :erm: It is just terrible. When I heard the first few bards I was like "DADDY, MUSE WROTE THIS SONG!" :p and then I was like... "eww, wtf is this."

i sometimes find myself coming here when i don't intend to

my fingers just randomly take me here


happens to me all the time...or when I'm bored I end up here.


So my dad's a lawyer, right? He has all these fancy suits and such....and this morning he laid one out on the bed, because he had court today, and was like "Do you like this suit?" and...

YKYATMW you go totally crazy,, :eek: MATT HAS THAT SUIT! YOU HAVE THE SAME SUIT AS MATT!! :D and then my dad said that they're both metrosexuals :LOL: my dad compared himself to Matt a lot... :rolleyes: it's the plug in baby suit. my dad...has...the plug in baby suit... :D

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So my dad's a lawyer, right? He has all these fancy suits and such....and this morning he laid one out on the bed, because he had court today, and was like "Do you like this suit?" and...

YKYATMW you go totally crazy,, :eek: MATT HAS THAT SUIT! YOU HAVE THE SAME SUIT AS MATT!! :D and then my dad said that they're both metrosexuals :LOL: my dad compared himself to Matt a lot... :rolleyes: it's the plug in baby suit. my dad...has...the plug in baby suit... :D

Considering your user name, that's pretty special.

LOL! YKYATMW you use their song lyrics as inspiration for photoshoots. :p


I'm honestly not kidding.


"Oh, don't mind that big black thing behind you. Now just lean back... that's it, can we get the fans on? It's even better if your loosing your balance" :chuckle:


YKYATMW you see a leopard print fedora and must buy it. It wasn't even expensive, so I'm quite pleased with myself. Gah :facepalm: YKYATMW you're pleased with yourself because you bought something with leopard print.

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Considering your user name, that's pretty special.

Yeah, Plug In Baby is...hmmm...my favorite Muse song? I don't want to say it's my favorite because my favorite usually changes a lot; but the second I heard Plug In Baby, I loved it. Immediately...and it's never left my top 5 favorite Muse songs, and the eyeballs came out during Plug In Baby :awesome: and I just...love the song. If I was trying to convert someone to a Muser, I'd show them Plug In Baby because it pleases everyone. It's pretty good lyrically, the guitar, the drums, it really shows off Muse's talent. And it's just the best song ever. :D


Shit, I haven't been on here in a while :erm:


When you're excited about going on a 10 hour bus ride because I can listen to muse the whole time:D:LOL:

I wasn't on here for a few days and it felt like weeks..These threads grow at least 3 pages a day.

:yesey: This!


YKYATMW you're taking a test for English Honors and my teacher says, "and maybe you should write Chambers?" and I said, "but of course!" and Hunter says, "yeah, write your maiden name, just in case." and then Richelle says, "because you're not actually married yet!" and then Lindsay says, "yes she is!" and I say, "Why else would I change my last name?" and hunter says, "i don't even see why you like him...he's pale and british." and richelle goes, "because he's BRITISH! sexy and british!" and i say, "YES! BRITISH AND SEXY!" and my teacher says, "he's very good-looking." :awesome: and there are about 12 other people who were taking the test watching us like :stunned:


...hmm, i had something else to write, but that's long enough. :LOL:

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when you skip school just to follow them to a radio station and then to the hotel; also to go to the football matches; when you stay from 11am to 2.30am (fuckin' 15 hours) in front of a hotel, just waiting for them to come and sign at least a small piece of paper...

or when you join this forum maybe ahahaha

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YKYATMW you have waaay too much fun drawing hexagons in math class.....I ended up drawing the TR cover :LOL:


I tried to do the TR cover for an art folder...


...it's still unfinished.


On the plus side, while I was making it, one of my teachers crept up behind me and said, 'so you like Muse do you?' I was like :eek::awesome:

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When you talk about Muse like they're your friends (ex: Guess what I found out about Dom!) and your family knows who you're referring to!


when you skip school just to follow them to a radio station and then to the hotel; also to go to the football matches; when you stay from 11am to 2.30am (fuckin' 15 hours) in front of a hotel, just waiting for them to come and sign at least a small piece of paper...

or when you join this forum maybe ahahaha

You did that? :chuckle: I would if I knew which hotel they were at and everything, and the night I saw them I visited 2 or three but didn't find them. :LOL: I would follow them if they were here.

when you want to celebrate :party::party: that it's been a year since you join the forum :awesome::LOL:

it hasn't been a year for me but I'll celebrate your year! :party: YAY!

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I'M BACK!! :awesome: *Random coughing fit*

Well, I would like to inform you on as to why I have been gone for a week from the forum..

1) I've been having sort of a .. MCR fanfiction thrash :stunned: I've been reading some everyday for hours :$

2) Obviously schoolwork & time!! :mad:

And 3) I was afraid to come on the forum actually... I thought, "Well I've been gone for a while and I don't want to come on with so much stuff that I missed.. :( "

But I had to come here sooner or later :chuckle:



AND I'm going to see the Airborne Toxic Event in May.. not that anyone should care :rolleyes::LOL: I'm just happy!



YKYATMW: You laugh every time your older sister pronounces her Ws like Rs on accident :LOL:


YKYATMW: You imagine Dom and Matt sharing a drink at a restraunt I went to yesterday :$:p:LOL:

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YKYATMW you have waaay too much fun drawing hexagons in math class.....I ended up drawing the TR cover :LOL:


i love drawing hexagons and that clover from the SMBH cover


YKYATM whenever you get to look through someone's iPod, you instantly check to see if there's Muse on there (no luck yet)

i always do that :chuckle:


i actually found Dead Star on one of my friend's ipod :awesome:

and i had just met her too




When your friend thought the portrait you drew for art was "one of the guys from Muse" when it was clearly James Dean :facepalm:


i didn't hear her say it, but one of my friends told me that's what she said and i was very confused because i didn't remember drawing any of them


she seriously knows nothing

i once showed her a picture of Matt and she thought he was cute though :happy:

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I tried to do the TR cover for an art folder...


...it's still unfinished.


On the plus side, while I was making it, one of my teachers crept up behind me and said, 'so you like Muse do you?' I was like :eek::awesome:

That's cool she recognized it!

YKYATM whenever you get to look through someone's iPod, you instantly check to see if there's Muse on there (no luck yet)

Oh yea, I do that all the time too, along with some of my other bands.

And 3) I was afraid to come on the forum actually... I thought, "Well I've been gone for a while and I don't want to come on with so much stuff that I missed.. :( "

:chuckle: yea sometimes I hate having to catch up, because I feel that I've missed so much! That's ok though, we understand. Well, I do at least :chuckle:

When your friend thought the portrait you drew for art was "one of the guys from Muse" when it was clearly James Dean :facepalm:


i didn't hear her say it, but one of my friends told me that's what she said and i was very confused because i didn't remember drawing any of them


she seriously knows nothing

i once showed her a picture of Matt and she thought he was cute though :happy:


Bradfield? He's awesome too ya know! But he looks nothing like any of the Muse members...:$:chuckle:

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