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ITA. I mean come on - the only thing that matters is, that Matt is happy with his life and with the fact, that he's gonna be a dad! A baby is a beautiful thing...it's perfectly comprehensible, that some of you are still shocked (I'm too), because no one was expecting something like that after they've only been dating for 9 months... I really don't mean to offend anyone here, but we're FANS, you know, so we're supposed to enjoy the music he produces with his band and admire him for what he DOES (of course it's okay to find him attractive, because he IS, but some people are acting as if the love of their life was being taken away from them by another woman) - he'd never get involved with a fangirl either way, so actually, there's no point in getting mad/angry/sad ...


I know, I know - He could have done better concerning the woman he's having his first child with (I must admit, that I don't like her, either), but as long as he's happy with her and Muse stays alive we should be happy for him, too.

I understand that people find it strange, that he's been with Gaia for 9 years and now with KH everything's going so fast... yeah, but who are we to judge?

As I said: I don't mean to offend anyone here, I just think, that many people are being over dramatic... The only reason for me to get dramatic over the situation would be, if he let anything bad happen to the band, but I have enough trust in him to believe, that he's loyal enough to his fans and his fellow band members to not just break up the whole thing.


/end of rant - sorry, just had to get this out :rolleyes:



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YKYATMW in your french presentation, you say that you want to go live in Teignmouth. Then, your teacher asks you if there's a reason why you wanna live there. And you're like "umm...:unsure:" not sure if you really wannna say it, but then she's like "Is it because that's where that band is from?" me: :chuckle: maybe :happy:" everyone in the class ":rolleyes:"



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I agree with all of you but at the same time, you know, he's like, my idol. he's having a baby its just kind of like WHOA! i was shocked...and a bit angry because i know i dont have a chance with him, but of course, i'd always hoped for one. so i got a bit mad... :p

it's not that i'm not happy for him, i really am. just that his choice in girlfriend, if they stopped touring that would be terrible, and that it wasn't planned. that bugs me because he's been fucking her for a long time lol :p YES I AM A SILLY FANGIRL!



YKYATMW your steps on this whole debacle (or event) were: nice joke, guys. lol, what? wait, you're serious? *checks 8 different websites* ohmygosh. *cries*....later goes into shock, then has a bit of denial. more shock. denial. and finally, acceptance. (yes i cried, i'm a goddamn fan girl!)


YKYATMW matt is completely innocent, she threw herself on him. :p

(please no one attack me for this)

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YKYATMW in your french presentation, you say that you want to go live in Teignmouth. Then, your teacher asks you if there's a reason why you wanna live there. And you're like "umm...:unsure:" not sure if you really wannna say it, but then she's like "Is it because that's where that band is from?" me: :chuckle: maybe :happy:" everyone in the class ":rolleyes:"




LMFAO!!! thats awesome! :LOL: iwould have said the same thing...except i only have one teacher who is a half-Muser, :p Lol best story ever.

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I agree with all of you but at the same time, you know, he's like, my idol. he's having a baby its just kind of like WHOA! i was shocked...and a bit angry because i know i dont have a chance with him, but of course, i'd always hoped for one. so i got a bit mad... :p

it's not that i'm not happy for him, i really am. just that his choice in girlfriend, if they stopped touring that would be terrible, and that it wasn't planned. that bugs me because he's been fucking her for a long time lol :p YES I AM A SILLY FANGIRL!



YKYATMW your steps on this whole debacle (or event) were: nice joke, guys. lol, what? wait, you're serious? *checks 8 different websites* ohmygosh. *cries*....later goes into shock, then has a bit of denial. more shock. denial. and finally, acceptance. (yes i cried, i'm a goddamn fan girl!)


YKYATMW matt is completely innocent, she threw herself on him. :p

(please no one attack me for this)


I'm not mad because I'm a crazy fangirl and think i may have had a chance with him (no, i'm not mocking u ;)), I'm kinda mad because it just seems kinda rushed and they havnt been together for that long....and they're not married yet....yes, I am against that.....:rolleyes: that is exactly why i dont like this....

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ITA. I mean come on - the only thing that matters is, that Matt is happy with his life and with the fact, that he's gonna be a dad! A baby is a beautiful thing...it's perfectly comprehensible, that some of you are still shocked (I'm too), because no one was expecting something like that after they've only been dating for 9 months... I really don't mean to offend anyone here, but we're FANS, you know, so we're supposed to enjoy the music he produces with his band and admire him for what he DOES (of course it's okay to find him attractive, because he IS, but some people are acting as if the love of their life was being taken away from them by another woman) - he'd never get involved with a fangirl either way, so actually, there's no point in getting mad/angry/sad ...


I know, I know - He could have done better concerning the woman he's having his first child with (I must admit, that I don't like her, either), but as long as he's happy with her and Muse stays alive we should be happy for him, too.

I understand that people find it strange, that he's been with Gaia for 9 years and now with KH everything's going so fast... yeah, but who are we to judge?

As I said: I don't mean to offend anyone here, I just think, that many people are being over dramatic... The only reason for me to get dramatic over the situation would be, if he let anything bad happen to the band, but I have enough trust in him to believe, that he's loyal enough to his fans and his fellow band members to not just break up the whole thing.


/end of rant - sorry, just had to get this out :rolleyes:


+1000 As long as the Muse boys are happy and we get some new albums, Matt can get impregnated by a Zeta for all I care!



YKYATMW you sneak around your school library's printing policy (only essays or research papers) so you can print out pictures of Muse.

I'm probably the reason the school is losing so much school supplies, but at least it's for a good cause (for ME!)

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can everyone just stop talking about the pregnancy thing and move on

just be happy for him

it's their music that made us love Muse in the first place, not their personal lives


lets get back on topic ffs




on topic:

YKYATMW in your french presentation, you say that you want to go live in Teignmouth. Then, your teacher asks you if there's a reason why you wanna live there. And you're like "umm...:unsure:" not sure if you really wannna say it, but then she's like "Is it because that's where that band is from?" me: :chuckle: maybe :happy:" everyone in the class ":rolleyes:"







When you change what someone wrote on the table to make it say "I love TiRO" :D

it use to say "i love tits"

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You know you're addicted to Muse when... You're holding 'The Resistance' CD in your hands walking to your dad to see if he can translate 'I Belong To You'.... You know the Frenchnessszsz.. And then you drop the CD case and the top pops off and you literally CRYY LIKE CRAZYYYY. WHY?? D:


Well... It's still hard to get over although it happened sometime around November of last year... I believe :p

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You know you're addicted to Muse when... You're holding 'The Resistance' CD in your hands walking to your dad to see if he can translate 'I Belong To You'.... You know the Frenchnessszsz.. And then you drop the CD case and the top pops off and you literally CRYY LIKE CRAZYYYY. WHY?? D:


Well... It's still hard to get over although it happened sometime around November of last year... I believe :p


And I believe this is my 3rd post in a row, but I wanted to say sorry to Matt for being such a fangirl and OBSESSING OVA HIM. I'll let him have his... fun ... for now. BUT DOES THAT MEAN DOMMEHH IS STILL FREE TO LOVEEE? :DD


lol something very similar happened to me...actually when it first came out I was "forbidden to buy it" because i "waste my money on useless shit like Muse merch." and "it's not healthy" that i "am obsessed with the lead singer" so therefore i " can't but anymore." LOL, so i cried. I'm a whiner-baby. I asked my dad to do the same with the French haha, after I bought it :LOL:

also, I wanted to say sorry to him too XD I've got lotsa stuff with him on it..and you know..my walls...my existence :p love that guy TO DEATH! &YES, LETS ALL GO FOR DOMMEH! hahahha :LOL: ur post was hilarious.

sorry dommeh, your sexy, but i stay true to Maffoo.

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I'm not mad because I'm a crazy fangirl and think i may have had a chance with him (no, i'm not mocking u ;)), I'm kinda mad because it just seems kinda rushed and they havnt been together for that long....and they're not married yet....yes, I am against that.....:rolleyes: that is exactly why i dont like this....


see, that part doesn't bother me at all... i mean, no offense, but these days pre-merital sex is normal.. I think it's wrong, too. But Matt's 32 years old.. I think it's okay for him to get some. In any case, he's an athiest, so it wouldn't matter to him much would it?

I'm an aithest as well, but i share your opinion on that part... :happy:

oh and the fact that he is a celebrity makes it more important that he..err..well ya

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I agree with all of you but at the same time, you know, he's like, my idol. he's having a baby its just kind of like WHOA! i was shocked...and a bit angry because i know i dont have a chance with him, but of course, i'd always hoped for one. so i got a bit mad... :p

it's not that i'm not happy for him, i really am. just that his choice in girlfriend, if they stopped touring that would be terrible, and that it wasn't planned. that bugs me because he's been fucking her for a long time lol :p YES I AM A SILLY FANGIRL!


I'm not mad because I'm a crazy fangirl and think i may have had a chance with him (no, i'm not mocking u ;)), I'm kinda mad because it just seems kinda rushed and they havnt been together for that long....and they're not married yet....yes, I am against that.....:rolleyes: that is exactly why i dont like this....


I agree with both these.


I apologize for being overly dramatic, but I was shocked and I didn't know what to think. I guess i was a little afraid that it might change Muse in some way. I don't think people should have kids before they are married and I don't really like his choice in girlfriend either. Its his life. Now that I have calmed down, I am happy as long as Matt is happy and Muse is together and making the music that I love sooo very much! Children are amazing. I love them! And that is one lucky kid to have Matt as a father! I'm jealous!

As for being a crazy fangirl, I AM ONE! It's not like I ever thought I had a chance with him, but it can't hurt to dream right!!? :LOL:


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YKYATMW you get upset that you didn't have time to check the board this morning and haven't been home all day! when you get home, you rush to the computer!

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My sisters and I are doing this cleaning type job right now, so we brought over a stereo. Of course I'm like "Lets listen to Muse!" but my sisters are like NO! but I guess it's a good thing cuz when Muse comes on, all I want to do is sing and dance around and not work. :p


Sooooooo.......YKYATMW you do that I guess.:D

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