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United Muse Fans flag – should we make it?  

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  1. 1. United Muse Fans flag – should we make it?

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:erm: I dunno about that...... I wouldn't want to break AM's computer. Or blind Maffoo....:p


:rolleyes:. Come on - my comp even took drunk Dom :yesey:. So no problem with anyone else :p.


I hope it's not too late, but I'm planning on sending in my picture very soon. This sounds like a brilliant idea; I hope we can still make it! :)




Well, I'll get all the pics tomorrow after school - so it's around 8pm, bah - let's say I'll check email at 10pm (9pm for England etc) and then zip the files and send to graphics :shifty:. But if we don't get enough pics till then - we'll close the FLAG project.

Although - maybe people sent enough pics now :awesome:.

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How is it going to be included into the scrapbook? (Sorry, I'm out of the loop here. :erm:)


Edit: Nevermind, I get it now. :LOL:


So... I can send my photo until the end of the day, right? :shifty:


:LOL:. Yep, We'll also crash ukulele to fit it to the book :ninja:.


:yesey: Yerp. I'll check the email at 8pm tomorrow tho - as I got too many exams for tomorrow morning etc, so if someone's clever enough it's still time :p.

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ok, I'm gonna ask my best friend to send me a pic now, she's not a boardie but a Muser nontheless! :yesey:

We need more pics!


Edit: sent!


As much as I would like to do something for this, I am the most unimaginative, uncreative, unartistic person on the planet! :( Which is a shame cos Maffoo is :awesome:


You can send ur photo for the flag.


Or even write some short "thanks" or a letter to Matthew :). We put there a little bit of everything ;).

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So I got pics (on the flagatto mail) from:


einafets (pic of her friend).




For now we've got about 44 photos. We need at least 50 to make it. As I got exams I'll check the mail again tomorrow at 10pm, so you've got an extra day to do it. But it's the LAST ONE for sure now. Tomorrow I'll send the things to "graphic artist" or not - depends on you guys :).

Wish me luck at the exam and now I'm off :shifty:.




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I'll talk to my other non board Musey friends and see if any of them want to be a part of the flag project! :happy: I really hope we get enough pics, it'll be such a shame if this doesn't happen.


I think so too :(. That's why I change the deadline date adding like 22 hours more to it :shifty:. All I know is that I won't do that with the scrapbook date - most of the things we've got are letters for now :yesey:.


Exactly - it'd be a shame...

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So I got pics (on the flagatto mail) from:


einafets (pic of her friend).




For now we've got about 44 photos. We need at least 50 to make it. As I got exams I'll check the mail again tomorrow at 10pm, so you've got an extra day to do it. But it's the LAST ONE for sure now. Tomorrow I'll send the things to "graphic artist" or not - depends on you guys :).

Wish me luck at the exam and now I'm off :shifty:.





Hiya AM, how are you? It's been a long time I know :$

Also I'm sorry for sending the photos so late.

I've posted something on my facebook, dunno if it will help though.

I'm also finally working on something for the scrapbook, I've bought all the material I need for it, but I don't know when I'll be able to start and finish it, but it shouldn't take too long once I get started :)


So that's it for the moment, September is still so far away :( can't wait

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Hiya AM, how are you? It's been a long time I know :$

Also I'm sorry for sending the photos so late.

I've posted something on my facebook, dunno if it will help though.

I'm also finally working on something for the scrapbook, I've bought all the material I need for it, but I don't know when I'll be able to start and finish it, but it shouldn't take too long once I get started :)


So that's it for the moment, September is still so far away :( can't wait


I'm good - too much work on my head now anyway :(.


Nah, it's okay - seems like most of the ppl send it LATE ;).

Oh, that's good then :happy:. Can't wait to see it - whatever it is :happy:. I'm sure you'll do a great job with it :).


Have fun while creating, crazy scientist :ninja:.


I can't wait to finally PRINT that scrapbook :chuckle:. 20% of stress will go away :shifty:. And I'll know how much it might cost me then :awesome:.


But for now - cheers xxx

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Weee :party:. Cheers for that :).



:LOL:. Who's ugly? :noey:. Ppl act like they've never seen Dom drunk :rolleyes:.






Dwummews these days :noey:.



Ok, gtg now.




:LOL::LOL: I love drunk Dom :D

Good luck for your exam :happy:

I've texted loads of people, so hopefully everything works out and we'll get loads of pics!

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I'm good - too much work on my head now anyway :(.


Nah, it's okay - seems like most of the ppl send it LATE ;).

Oh, that's good then :happy:. Can't wait to see it - whatever it is :happy:. I'm sure you'll do a great job with it :).


Have fun while creating, crazy scientist :ninja:.


I can't wait to finally PRINT that scrapbook :chuckle:. 20% of stress will go away :shifty:. And I'll know how much it might cost me then :awesome:.


But for now - cheers xxx


Oh dear, *huggles tightly*

It's a poster sized thing, I think I should make photos during the whole creation process :LOL:


I hope it will look halfway good, i didn't buy new paintbrushes and all kinds of paint for nothing :LOL: . I feel like I'm back at school :chuckle:


Oh dear I can imagine, hope everything will go fine, other wise I'll go: BARROWMAN!! *shakes fist*


Cheers to you <3 Xxx

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I already said I'd be sending in my photo, but then I feel asleep. It was around four in the morning or something like that. So I'll be sending it in today, I promise.


Anyway, is the deadline for drawings and letters and such for the scrapbook to Maffoo still 1 August?

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I feel sad now :(

I should have checked this thread earlier now the new deadline is May 31st... :stunned:


I really wanted to participate but it's completely too late for me :(

Oh well, I'll just participate next year :D Silly me for not checking this thread earlier :chuckle:


Have fun guys! :happy:


Edit: It's June 1 already here now in my place. Even though if I rush in... in just hours it'll be June 1 there too and my drawing wont get accepted :(

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I feel sad now :(

I should have checked this thread earlier now the new deadline is May 31st... :stunned:


I really wanted to participate but it's completely too late for me :(

Oh well, I'll just participate next year :D Silly me for not checking this thread earlier :chuckle:


Have fun guys! :happy:


Edit: It's June 1 already here now in my place. Even though if I rush in... in just hours it'll be June 1 there too and my drawing wont get accepted :(

No, you're not late! AM delayed the deadline, so you still have time until the evening! :D It's only a little past 9 PM in the UK which means there are a little more than 23 hours left for you to send your photo to that e-mail address. :D

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