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Are you back yeeet?


Back!! :awesome: as Lukas said, we weren't allowed to make recording of any kind AT ALL! But it looks amazing, and the stadium is quite small! I can't wait for tomorrow.


The rehearsal itself was like 1-2 minutes, we had to wait for hours, and we only had a few drinks. And I won't be able to sell my ticket because they don't let us go to Golden Circle after we protest! :noey: but the protesting itself is gonna be fun :D

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Lying on a bench at gatwick, totally not sleeping, lol. It's today, guys, today!


I cant get to sleep at all i've been lying here for 3 hours! I really fancy a fry up


Good luck for sleeping :p and enjoy your flight.

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Back!! :awesome: as Lukas said, we weren't allowed to make recording of any kind AT ALL! But it looks amazing, and the stadium is quite small! I can't wait for tomorrow.


The rehearsal itself was like 1-2 minutes, we had to wait for hours, and we only had a few drinks. And I won't be able to sell my ticket because they don't let us go to Golden Circle after we protest! :noey: but the protesting itself is gonna be fun :D


Well that's a bit shit of them! Have fun being on the stage though! :awesome: :awesome:

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Sorry that it took so long, I had a few calls to anser...


Ok, here we go:


I arrived in Bern at 1pm. and I had my Austrian friend with me (later 3 other friends) - all won.


at the stadium itself it tured out that there are 2 more I know from other gigs :)


We made a bit of sightseeing for the Austrain guy with the "free bikes" you can get near the trainstation. but this certainly doesn't matter to you guys :p


So we were a bit early at the Stadium.


17:30 - All our names got called... There's a funny thing to it: my name got called already and I got my wristband and later on they called my Facebook name "Lukas Türknauf" which is not my real one. I totally LOLed because the Austrian guy must have mentioned me in his mail as well and because we didn't know each other before he thought this would be my real name :)


Then we had to get rid of everything electronical


around 18:15 - In the end everyone got inside the stadium. Well not actually inside we were trapped at an area behind the seated places and were not able and allowed to see anything in the stadium at that time...


They brought some water and a few (very few!!!) cokes and let us wait :(


In there we waited until 20:30... Then they came again and brought T-Shirts. Red and Black ones. Front: A Triangle with a Circle in it that touches every side of the triangel and a big dot in the middle of the circle. The black ones have got a hood, red ones dont. Obviously I got a red one :( Then they distributed black and red little "towels" for around the neck (cowboy-like), Hats for ouver the whole head with eye and mouth holes in it and face-masks (doctorthingy). that took some more of our time. Then the took us outside again and and brought us backstage. There we got signs and flags. On the signs we got quotes like: WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS or WE MUST FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS ... as already expected. All this suff is red or black as well! By then time must have been like 21:00 or even later. We had to wait again of course. Then they moved us to the side of the stage and guess what... let us wait again! Back there we realized. We will never be on stage. there were 20 guys from the muse crew who prepared for that themselves... :( another disappointment. Suddenly we were told to go outside the backstage and walk along the "catwalk" ... (stage was empty except the muse crew guys) we walked like 20 seconds, yelled and showed our signs and flags when Muse suddenly were on stage and started UPRISING ( so this will be the opener ) - we all looked back of course and just after like 5 seconds they forced us back to the backstage. They played a bit longer on the stage but immediately we were forced to walk all the way back to the entrance, leave our signs/flags even the shirts. Then they told us we had to be there tomorrow at a certain time again - after that we got kicked out there, fetched our stuff and had to leave....


sooooooooooooo disappointing. After that I was sure I won't even appear tomorrow for that - at least half of the group thought so. They were really unfriendly, handled us like some poor **** who just do it for the ticket. Of course everyone already has got one...


went on the train 21:40 - 4++ hours for nearly nothing?


Now the huge disadvantages:


- You miss both support bands!

- If you were golden circle you don't get a ticket - you have to use your golden circle.

- They will kick you after the intro out the back door and let you line up at the normal standing entrance to be all the way back of the stadium

- That way you miss some songs of MUSE

- they steal 8 hours of your time for a ticket you already have...

- The band didn't even look down on us for a second neighter said a thank you

- Not a single thanks from the people responsible.

- ... many more ...


Despite all this I made up my mind and we're going to do it anyway and make the best out of it. We got some really nasty plan but won't tell until the show kicks off when you might see it :p Hope you guys will like it because the protest must look awsome from out there.


In the end I'd not recommend you guys to sign up for this job in forthcomming tourdates! It's simpley just nothing for a true fan. It's something for a cheapass who wants a free ticket! I'd rather received something signed from them and I'd probably do it with joy.

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Let us know if it's worth it!


DEADSTAR;7981036']ON stage... well I wish... :(


Yeah, we aren't actually on stage. And as you said, we're not treated like vips or what :chuckle: had to wait for a loong time, no food, no golden circle, but i'm doing it because I enjoy taking part of such a big show. And I think it's worth it (I'm still frustrated about first row though :LOL:), not because we get a reward from it (because it's really NOT the case) but juste for the sake of it! I'm "proud" of helping Muse open the first stadium gig :awesome:


(And Lukas, the band did look down on us!)

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Despite all this I made up my mind and we're going to do it anyway and make the best out of it. We got some really nasty plan but won't tell until the show kicks off when you might see it :p Hope you guys will like it because the protest must look awsome from out there.


Lol, big up the anarchy!!

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Will you not be able to keep that shirt they gave you?


We can keep it, but we had to let it there today, probably because of leaks. Oh and btw, it represents an all seeing eye (formed by the triangles and the dot that Lukas talked about)

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We can keep it, but we had to let it there today, probably because of leaks. Oh and btw, it represents an all seeing eye (formed by the triangles and the dot that Lukas talked about)


Well at least that is something I guess. Unless they will put that shirt in the shop as well. But then, it's about the experience right :) Even though that involves a lot of waiting... and waiting.. and more waiting..

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Will you not be able to keep that shirt they gave you?


I hope we get them but I'm not sure yet. Things they told us were quite common to turn around the next minute.


@nikite: Yeah the "once in a lifetime" and "helped muse at a gig" is the true reward! I appreciate that a lot. I might be a bit sensitive about the disappointment because I hade certain expectations. Now I really need to sleep... Have to pick up our lovely ladies from England at the airport at 9am... jeeeez... NEED SLEEP

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Well at least that is something I guess. Unless they will put that shirt in the shop as well. But then, it's about the experience right :) Even though that involves a lot of waiting... and waiting.. and more waiting..


Tomorrow should be a little better, we have to arrive at 18h30 and Muse go on stage at 20h30. So it's only 2 hours, and we have to get our t shirt, our sign, etc. And I'm so used to waiting because of Muse :p But for me, it's totally about the experience!


DEADSTAR;7981127']I hope we get them but I'm not sure yet. Things they told us were quite common to turn around the next minute.


@nikite: Yeah the "once in a lifetime" and "helped muse at a gig" is the true reward! I appreciate that a lot. I might be a bit sensitive about the disappointment because I hade certain expectations. Now I really need to sleep... Have to pick up our lovely ladies from England at the airport at 9am... jeeeez... NEED SLEEP


Which kind of expectations? I was hoping that maybe we could go on stage, but it makes sense that we can't, could be fangirl-ish, or dangerous for the band :rolleyes:


Anyways, see you tomorrow :p

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Tomorrow should be a little better, we have to arrive at 18h30 and Muse go on stage at 20h30. So it's only 2 hours, and we have to get our t shirt, our sign, etc. And I'm so used to waiting because of Muse :p But for me, it's totally about the experience!




Which kind of expectations? I was hoping that maybe we could go on stage, but it makes sense that we can't, could be fangirl-ish, or dangerous for the band :rolleyes:


Anyways, see you tomorrow :p


I just thought that it might be possible to get the view up there on the thousands of spectators. You're totally right about that but they could have let us walk across it, come down, cut the stairs like they do anyway and then there would have been no Problems.


The whole golden circle thingy really got me and because I told my little sister already that she gets my second ticket for free. I'd feel really bad if I quit. So I go through with it, sell my golden circle ticket to get my sis and her friend a normal ticket and go back to the normal standing. When I pay that much for the circle I would want to see the whole show incl. support.


yeah see you tomorrow :D

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DEADSTAR;7981182']I just thought that it might be possible to get the view up there on the thousands of spectators. You're totally right about that but they could have let us walk across it, come down, cut the stairs like they do anyway and then there would have been no Problems.


The whole golden circle thingy really got me and because I told my little sister already that she gets my second ticket for free. I'd feel really bad if I quit. So I go through with it, sell my golden circle ticket to get my sis and her friend a normal ticket and go back to the normal standing. When I pay that much for the circle I would want to see the whole show incl. support.


yeah see you tomorrow :D


Yeah, maybe. :p we'll get to see the first row, it's gonna be quite impressive, but cool! I have to tell a friend in first row to wait for me, but it isn't very "protester", right? :LOL:


I understand your point, I was quite disappointed about that aswell.. You can still try to sneak into golden circle haha!

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Yeah, maybe. :p we'll get to see the first row, it's gonna be quite impressive, but cool! I have to tell a friend in first row to wait for me, but it isn't very "protester", right? :LOL:


I understand your point, I was quite disappointed about that aswell.. You can still try to sneak into golden circle haha!


I think I take it quiet tomorrow in the back... OMG am I getting old? ...dear lord in 6 days I will even sit in San Siro.



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The first stadium date is upon us! We finally get to see the snazzy new stage with all the fancy lights and effects and UFOs and other things :LOL:


I'm not gonna be going to any stadium shows myself, so bring on the updates/videos! :awesome:

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The first stadium date is upon us! We finally get to see the snazzy new stage with all the fancy lights and effects and UFOs and other things :LOL:


I'm not gonna be going to any stadium shows myself, so bring on the updates/videos! :awesome:




Can't wait for all the twitter updates, photos, and videos. :awesome: I'm so excited for everyone attending these shows! Have fun everyone, and rock on! :happy:

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DEADSTAR;7981032']Sorry that it took so long, I had a few calls to anser...


Ok, here we go:




Ooh, thanks for that. Holy shit, you had to wait longer than in a doctor's waiting room O_O! Did they at least warn you about that before you got there?


Uprising? FUUUUUUUUU. MK Ultra was such a great opener. :supersad:


Ahaha, would be funny if all you protesters protested by not appearing.

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