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dat's 1 we're in common

besides we love MUSE...


we all super in common


ignore what i wrote above


Sensates, just be urself and enjoy the absolutely will be locally the most satisfying gig ever.


Not all Malaysian...

I'm australian... lol.

but malaysia's my home... so its all good.


And about INXS being sold out... Nowhere near.... The rock zone was practically empty until about 10mins before show time. I got ticket number 17... compared to my muse ticket number 1680 or something. I'm thinking muse will be a hell of a lot more crazy... so nobody please hurt my friends...lol


Oh and btw, I'm getting the feeling that a lot of people have this idea that all foreigners are loaded with cash... just so you know, i had to save up for 4 weeks for my rock zone ticket. Its a misconception that i notice a lot in malaysia so yeah, just something i noticed was someone seemed to think that RM1400 was easy money to come by. Beleive me, its not.

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I've got my shirt done for MUSE!! woohoo!!


if anyone feel like having their own designed t-shirt, email: seliper_cakcibor@hotmail.com

for price .. ive got mine for RM50.. since i only print 1 so its a bit expensive..



quality : normal cotton shirt and the print is a normal one .. mine was 2 blocks, middle n bottom right



it's not an official merchandise, its my own designed shirt..




lol nice OOS thingy going on there:happy:

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I've got my shirt done for MUSE!! woohoo!!


if anyone feel like having their own designed t-shirt, email: seliper_cakcibor@hotmail.com

for price .. ive got mine for RM50.. since i only print 1 so its a bit expensive..



quality : normal cotton shirt and the print is a normal one .. mine was 2 blocks, middle n bottom right



it's not an official merchandise, its my own designed shirt..




OMG you guys are also making tshirts!...this one is awesome,OOS is my fav,can i order oversea?I might not be truly "I was there" but...nice OOS stuff there!:happy:

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Shan Wee of 987fm interviewed Dom..i missed it but i managed to find the audio!!!


Part 1: http://www.podcast.sg/987fm/shanwee/muse%20dom%201.mp3

Part 2: http://www.podcast.sg/987fm/shanwee/muse%20dom%202.mp3

Part 3: http://www.podcast.sg/987fm/shanwee/muse%20dom%203.mp3


ok i dont know why it suddenly stopped at the end of part 3..:(:eek:

ill try find another version..

till then..enjoy!

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Oh my, oh my! I know i'm a bit late to notice, but muse's show is sold out. whoohooo!


Looks like i've missed a lot on this thread...


And 7ty6, i think ur tshirt design is very nice! R u gona wear that on the 25th?


yup!, i had 2 made yesterday, so me and my girlfriend will be wearing the same shirt .. Muse is a special band to us and 'pink ego box' and 'escape' was the song that got us together ..



lol nice OOS thingy going on there


OMG you guys are also making tshirts!...this one is awesome,OOS is my fav,can i order oversea?I might not be truly "I was there" but...nice OOS stuff there!



yup, the bottom design was from OOS, first i tried to put showbiz's girl and absolution's 'flying people' but then OOS' poles looks better hehehe..

If you want one, i can order one for ya, since they still keep the block but it will still cost the same as mine..

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yup!, i had 2 made yesterday, so me and my girlfriend will be wearing the same shirt .. Muse is a special band to us and 'pink ego box' and 'escape' was the song that got us together ..








yup, the bottom design was from OOS, first i tried to put showbiz's girl and absolution's 'flying people' but then OOS' poles looks better hehehe..

If you want one, i can order one for ya, since they still keep the block but it will still cost the same as mine..


woa thrilled to hear!:Dhow can i order one?is there...is there any color?

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Oh and btw, I'm getting the feeling that a lot of people have this idea that all foreigners are loaded with cash... just so you know, i had to save up for 4 weeks for my rock zone ticket. Its a misconception that i notice a lot in malaysia so yeah, just something i noticed was someone seemed to think that RM1400 was easy money to come by. Beleive me, its not.


i've never had the impression that all foreigners are rich, never.. wat i meant was if the bidder was a foreigner who doesnt noe how to convert RM83 to his/her own currency.. and yes, i believe u..;)


maybe if i get to see Muse i should wear my red n white striped t shirt which looks like Matts'!!!!! jm1010muse1ne8.jpg



hey.. u'r finally going huh? wat tix u bought? i was thinking of wearing the same shirt eheh..

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woa thrilled to hear!how can i order one?is there...is there any color?


if you want one, i can ask them to make one for you.. mine was done yesterday, should be finished in a week or less , depends on how busy they are.. but definitely by 25th .. hehe

they supply the t-shirt to me, and i choose maroon, since i wanted a gold print, since i'm an ARSENAL fan!!! (there was black, red, white, green and orange shirt)



7ty6 could u please post the photos of tat shirt(i mean real photo),does 'block' mean u giv em a blank t-shirt and they just print the design for u?


the shirt is not ready yet, but it will be in a week or so.. thats what they told me..

block = 1 design block

i just use the stocked t-shirt they have in their studio, and ask them to make 2 blocks (the center one, and the right bottom one) and they'll print it on the shirt :)


if there's a lot of demand for this shirt, maybe i can ask them to print more, and maybe get a cheaper price .. since they already have the blocks to recreate more t-shirt ..


the last time i asked if i wanted more, she said she can give a cheaper price if i wanted more with the same design n colour , shirt colour are limited to what they have (black or maroon, or dark blue etc.)


the gold print and a dark coloured shirt ( prefer maroon / black / dark blue or any colour you think match with gold print)


10 pieces, i can get for RM 40 a piece..

11-15 pieces, i can get for RM 35 a piece..



so if anyone is interested let me know ok by monday night?..

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maybe if i get to see Muse i should wear my red n white striped t shirt which looks like Matts'!!!!! jm1010muse1ne8.jpg


lol i have a top just like that! only its kind of off-shoulder and its short sleeved... hehheh :D i thought of wearing that... until i saw the printed shirt. damn it that shirt is so pretty... but 50 is a wee bit pricey for just a tshirt. i'm in if we're all gonna order 10 pieces and pay 40 bucks for it! :)


and is the shirt tight fitting? or staight like any other regular tshirt? and do you think the gold print will match a white shirt?? or maybe a black shirt? i have a thing for tops like that.. but they're always too pricey if you get them from places like zara and topshop. hehheh :) thats an awesome design btw.

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if you want one, i can ask them to make one for you.. mine was done yesterday, should be finished in a week or less , depends on how busy they are.. but definitely by 25th .. hehe


if there's a lot of demand for this shirt, maybe i can ask them to print more, and maybe get a cheaper price .. since they already have the blocks to recreate more t-shirt ..


the gold print and a dark coloured shirt ( prefer maroon / black / dark blue or any colour you think match with gold print)


10 pieces, i can get for RM 40 a piece..

11-15 pieces, i can get for RM 35 a piece..


so if anyone is interested let me know ok by monday night?..


i would definitely want one if its 40ringgit n below..but do all 10 of us have to order the same color?

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i have bad news for everyone, i'm forced to confirmed the shirts size and quantity today, by 4pm and i didnt have time to get everyone's order..


those who are still interested can call this girl

Hawa - 0123257425

and asked her about the shirt.


you can choose the shirt colour, as long as they have it in their stock, any colour that you think can match a gold print..


you can choose the size of the shirt.. smallest would be XS (recommended to girls if u want a tight fitting and largest would be XXL


the price may be a bit expensive if you're printing single shirt.. but .. for muse, might be my 1st n last muse concert who knows.. i used a week salary just to print 2 shirts haha ..

but i bet there will be people selling muse's shirt outside stadium negara on the day itself..

i'm just doing this to remember my first MUSE concert with my girlfriend :)


again i'm sorry if i was too late telling about this shirt ..

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about all the who's better muse or mcr


it's tru that mcr is more popular in malaysia....IN MALAYSIA...

BUT when we want to judge a rock band, we have to do that through their live perfomance not their studio edited songs from the album...through that we can see who's playing the pure musics of their own bare hands and who's really a rock band.and in this generation, it is obvious that muse has the lead.

so the reality is, internationally, MUSE is more recognized than mcr..just look all the awards...here we could hear lots peeps say mcr is a great band. but what is great compare to a legend. i'm pretty sure everyone agree mcr still has a long way to get that...muse by the way,legendary is just 3 or 4 albums away.well,they already called the genius of modern rock...

mcr for me is like LP,both are very very good band which represent the new taste for rock music of youths nowadays.they might have the same level of muse today in the future if they keep producing great musics as they done it from their past albums...

but now we can only call them a good popular band..not more than that...not genius,not master,not legend..


we have to accept the fact that generally in malaysia british rock music doesn't get the exposure than they deserved.

it's all about american music here in malaysia(which i don't really like, hence i stop listening to radio since like 6 years ago or so)

not much songs that i like being played on the radio

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really? cos i sincerely think it's the other way around when it comes to live performances. what you've said certainly holds true, although only to an extent. somehow, someway, malaysians aren't oblivious. previous big-named american acts received a hearty reception, there's never a doubt about that, but to my knowledge, they've never actually sold out.


the fact that MUSE did, is a surprise, yes, but it certainly speaks volumes about malaysian music fans.

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the fact that MUSE did, is a surprise, yes, but it certainly speaks volumes about malaysian music fans.


either that.. or lotsa people are like "oh lotsa people like this rockband. i should like it too! come 10 friends of mine, lets go to this rock concert and be cool! :cool: "


... i hate people like that. they were like "wha? who's Muse?" when they first heard them, and once they find out that they're sold out, they all want to go. i really dislike these people. why should you go if you dont even know or like the band? because all your other friends are going? meh.

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