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Oh! I was hoping you'd attend my alma mater - Bukit Panjang Government High! Quite a number of Malaysians there...Hope you'll have fun in Marsiling Sec! By the way my name is Hidayah.;)


Ah yes. But I chose schools in the Northern area. I doubt I'd be posted to Bukit Panjang though. :LOL: Thank you! Nice ta meet you, I'm Noor :D

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No wonder. The only thing I know how to say in Hokkien is.....Hokkien mee.


:LOL:Don't worry. I love hokkien mee(the one in Penang) prawn mee is actually hokkien mee in penang. Dunno why the kl people change it's name... :erm: Hehe... Don't worry. I don't really know Mandrin for your infomation :p


what the heck? no. i didn't mean to swear haha. i was trying to say where is the freaking toilet?


sorry for butchering the language.


Hokkien mee sounds so nice but mee rebus is more delicious!


:LOL:Lol... After re-reading your quote back only did I realised you are saying chee sor hai pin to? Bacause you type so hai, I thought it's a bad word.... :ninja::p:LOL:


Honestly I never ate hokkien mee before, the black colour sauce noodle, not prawn mee XP


Hmmm.... :erm: if I were to choose mee rebus or mee jawa, I think I prefer mee jawa XD =P



No, I'll still be staying here (in JB...and here in the boards too...) :D


Wo ge yi chiang hua yi! Yi dian dian only. I get the tones wrong all the time!


Pandorasboxers and Nut,


I chose schools around the Northern part, 'coz I'll be commuting to school :eek: Heheh.

First choice : Marsiling Sec

Basically my parents have had it with the attitudes of the teachers and so on and so forth. And so have I. So I decided to take the SPERS exam. We weren't so serious that time, but after we got the results, and we've chosen the schools...I'm so ready to leave the shit hole I'm studying in




Auntie Faz, Nut, Liz, Tee, Joelyn, I haz PM-ed yous.


Oh.... I thought you are moving to Singapore or staying in the hostel there. Hehe... Don't you ever dare to leave the board :mad: =P


Wow....Wah, ni de hua yi cheng li hai than me .... :p Sorry, I forgot how to say than me XP haha....


Your parents sounds totally great, being so considerate and and attentive towards you :D Will reply your PM asap ;)

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Oh.... I thought you are moving to Singapore or staying in the hostel there. Hehe... Don't you ever dare to leave the board :mad: =P


Wow....Wah, ni de hua yi cheng li hai than me .... :p Sorry, I forgot how to say than me XP haha....


Your parents sounds totally great, being so considerate and and attentive towards you :D Will reply your PM asap ;)



Mehehehe xie xie ni :D


Well, it was their really..silly decision to put me here in the first place. Kononnya nak TRY. I have endured for 5 years, and now they've started to see the 'true colours'.

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2.11 am? wow. what time do you sleep? :stunned:


:LOL:Lol... After re-reading your quote back only did I realised you are saying chee sor hai pin to? Bacause you type so hai, I thought it's a bad word.... :ninja::p:LOL:


Honestly I never ate hokkien mee before, the black colour sauce noodle, not prawn mee XP


Hmmm.... :erm: if I were to choose mee rebus or mee jawa, I think I prefer mee jawa XD =P


hehe.. i didn't mean to say so hai. i do know what that means tho :stunned::LOL:


you prefer mee jawa? awesome! coz i love mee jawa too. well, in small quantity only la.. i can't too much. here, we eat mee jawa for breakfast. yum!


Well, it was their really..silly decision to put me here in the first place. Kononnya nak TRY. I have endured for 5 years, and now they've started to see the 'true colours'.


i hope you'll like your new school. :)


btw, miele, Aida, and Liz,


i think you should check this person's flickr album out. seriously. check out ALL of her Mogwai photos.;)



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Mehehehe xie xie ni :D


Well, it was their really..silly decision to put me here in the first place. Kononnya nak TRY. I have endured for 5 years, and now they've started to see the 'true colours'.


Hehe.... Nice to know :D


Pou yau ker chi :p (I don't even know whether it's right or not)


Lol.... But at least you can see the different cultures between schools :happy: But I believe last time it's not that bad isn't it? :erm:



Kevin's doing a cover theme tonight. 30 minutes in, and I'm hearing Muse's cover of Can't Take My Eyes Off of You :happy::D


2:11am - I think he's playing a live version of Time Is Running Out!


What?! Can't take my eyes off you?!!!


I'm so tuning in! :mad:(looking determine) =p hehe


Is he a fan of Muse?

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2.11 am? wow. what time do you sleep? :stunned:


hehe.. i didn't mean to say so hai. i do know what that means tho :stunned::LOL:


you prefer mee jawa? awesome! coz i love mee jawa too. well, in small quantity only la.. i can't too much. here, we eat mee jawa for breakfast. yum!




i hope you'll like your new school. :)


btw, miele, Aida, and Liz,


i think you should check this person's flickr album out. seriously. check out ALL of her Mogwai photos.;)




:LOL: Maybe it's better if you dunno the meaning :p As long as you know it's a dirty word ma sudah lo :LOL:


:chuckle: Actually jawa mee and mee rebus is quite similar isn't it? Just a little different only >.o

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waaaaaaah this thread has gotten suuuper busy!


btw Happy Chinese New Year guys! :D I balik-ed kampung to Penang this year. omg I LOVE ASAM LAKSA SO MUCH IF IT WAS A PERSON I WANT TO MARRY IT AND HAVE BABIES WITH IT.

Its mad how hot Penang is though :stunned: and i forgot to bring sunblock because I thought it'd be cloudy and rainy like KL :facepalm:


Did any of you guys balik kampung this year?





Ooooh all this talk of food is making me hungry! I've honestly never tried Mee Jawa before. Nice ar? lol. I've tried Mee Rebus though, its like the malay version of Prawn Mee (ie Hokkien Mee apparently?) and its niiiiice. I always order that at my friend's Nyonya restaurant. Did I mention how much I love Asam Laksa? lol.






Auntie Faz, Nut, Liz, Tee, Joelyn, I haz PM-ed yous.


I didnt get a PM? :supersad:






Anyone going for Jason Mraz?

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hey you guys!!! :$:$

yesterday i TERbersembang with the guy from rock corner in mid valley. he usually sits at the cashier. so, i ask him, is sigur ros's album (thnx to u guys i dah fall in love with sigur ros) just huart and heim that they got here. so he said yeah, that's all but if i wait 3 or 4 month lagi, maybe the previous albums will be sold there. then he said the latest album is not as good as Takk and i was like woooo wait a minute? he knows? then he said he got all their albums and he got buy them online, and that their album cant enter malaysia coz the previous albums were under labels that are not very familiar so susah masuk something like that. and i was bayaring my in rainbows cd and he said this one pun just enter malaysia but got sold here a bit mahal coz they're doing it independently and so on. then he said he like radiohead and we chat some more and then he said if u like radiohead and sigur ros, then y not give mogwai a try? then he said mogwai was here recently and i said yeah (but dont really interest me, sorry)and mogwai is more instrumental than radiohead is more in lyrics like that. and i thought wow, so many times i was here, i din know he was into sigur ros, radiohead and mogwai?! i wonder, what else?


oh, oh, i would like to offer you guys something---it's this shopping vouchers from Isetan. i'll update on this tomorrow. i want you guys to have it coz i've already spend all my gaji for this month :erm::stongue:


oh yeah, jason mraz? jangan la pergi! :rolleyes: LOL save money, spend on muse's next concert hahaha


oh yeah, all the best to you guys in whatever you're doing!:p

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Maybe it's better if you dunno the meaning :p As long as you know it's a dirty word ma sudah lo :LOL:


:chuckle: Actually jawa mee and mee rebus is quite similar isn't it? Just a little different only >.o


oh trust me after 4 years of teaching in a chinese school, i think i can understand quite a number of chinese dirty words haha..


eh? sama ke? i thought it's different. :unsure: mee kari is pretty nice too eh? i kinda like to put a lot of asam limau in it. baru kow! feel like swapping the cheesecake am having rite now for a mee kari heh..



hey you guys!!! :$:$

yesterday i TERbersembang with the guy from rock corner in mid valley. he usually sits at the cashier. so, i ask him, is sigur ros's album (thnx to u guys i dah fall in love with sigur ros) just huart and heim that they got here. so he said yeah, that's all but if i wait 3 or 4 month lagi, maybe the previous albums will be sold there. then he said the latest album is not as good as Takk and i was like woooo wait a minute? he knows? then he said he got all their albums and he got buy them online, and that their album cant enter malaysia coz the previous albums were under labels that are not very familiar so susah masuk something like that. and i was bayaring my in rainbows cd and he said this one pun just enter malaysia but got sold here a bit mahal coz they're doing it independently and so on. then he said he like radiohead and we chat some more and then he said if u like radiohead and sigur ros, then y not give mogwai a try? then he said mogwai was here recently and i said yeah (but dont really interest me, sorry)and mogwai is more instrumental than radiohead is more in lyrics like that. and i thought wow, so many times i was here, i din know he was into sigur ros, radiohead and mogwai?! i wonder, what else?


oh, oh, i would like to offer you guys something---it's this shopping vouchers from Isetan. i'll update on this tomorrow. i want you guys to have it coz i've already spend all my gaji for this month :erm::stongue:


oh yeah, jason mraz? jangan la pergi! :rolleyes: LOL save money, spend on muse's next concert hahaha


oh yeah, all the best to you guys in whatever you're doing!:p


eheh.. sorry. a bit obsessed about Mogwai la kebelakangan ini. :$


man, that was a long chat u had there. i am searching for sigur ros latest album as well! i bought Takk at the curve. i like Heim better la i think because of the acoustic versions of some songs. but the last track in Takk is the shiznit!


i think that rock corner mamat is right la. u should try listen to mogwai as well if you're a fan of those bands. how much did u pay for the In Rainbows cd? i saw it at a local record store here in Klang for like RM70++. pretty expensive eh?


waaaaaaah this thread has gotten suuuper busy!


btw Happy Chinese New Year guys! :D I balik-ed kampung to Penang this year. omg I LOVE ASAM LAKSA SO MUCH IF IT WAS A PERSON I WANT TO MARRY IT AND HAVE BABIES WITH IT.

Its mad how hot Penang is though :stunned: and i forgot to bring sunblock because I thought it'd be cloudy and rainy like KL :facepalm:


Did any of you guys balik kampung this year?






oh i balik kampung everday!;)


wah asam laksa! the best asam laksa i've ever tasted was at Little Penang restaurant. freaking nice!


random note,


i do love watching Dom at the countryside with all those sheep!

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2.11 am? wow. what time do you sleep? :stunned:

Late. Or early I should say. Haha.


btw, miele, Aida, and Liz,


i think you should check this person's flickr album out. seriously. check out ALL of her Mogwai photos.



Wow, those concert shots are amazing! Minus...the ones with me in it hahaha! I particularly love the one where they use the combination effect to combine the pictures of the crowd and Stuart on stage. They used you guys as the crowd shot! How lovely. Hee. ;)



Oh and also, I think what you quoted earlier was in cantonese but Joelyn is in Mandarin. I can't speak both though haha :(


What?! Can't take my eyes off you?!!!


I'm so tuning in! :mad:(looking determine) =p hehe


Is he a fan of Muse?

He's ... a fan of good rockin' music. :LOL:



Did any of you guys balik kampung this year?


Anyone going for Jason Mraz?

My kampung is nearby :LOL: So considered balik-ed, right? ;)




hey you guys!!! :$:$

yesterday i TERbersembang with the guy from rock corner in mid valley. he usually sits at the cashier. so, i ask him, is sigur ros's album (thnx to u guys i dah fall in love with sigur ros) just huart and heim that they got here. so he said yeah, that's all but if i wait 3 or 4 month lagi, maybe the previous albums will be sold there. then he said the latest album is not as good as Takk and i was like woooo wait a minute? he knows? then he said he got all their albums and he got buy them online, and that their album cant enter malaysia coz the previous albums were under labels that are not very familiar so susah masuk something like that. and i was bayaring my in rainbows cd and he said this one pun just enter malaysia but got sold here a bit mahal coz they're doing it independently and so on. then he said he like radiohead and we chat some more and then he said if u like radiohead and sigur ros, then y not give mogwai a try? then he said mogwai was here recently and i said yeah (but dont really interest me, sorry)and mogwai is more instrumental than radiohead is more in lyrics like that. and i thought wow, so many times i was here, i din know he was into sigur ros, radiohead and mogwai?! i wonder, what else?


oh, oh, i would like to offer you guys something---it's this shopping vouchers from Isetan. i'll update on this tomorrow. i want you guys to have it coz i've already spend all my gaji for this month

I love my Takk... album! There's definitely something about non-jewel cased CDs that you can't help but fall in love with. If you're looking for Sigur Ros CDs, you might want to head to Acoustic at Pertama Kompleks which is located next to Sogo. Last I checked, they certainly have all the albums there, including Ágætis byrjun! Rock Corner is good too, because that's where I got my Something Corporate, Explosions in the Sky and old Jimmy Eat World CDs - which are also pretty hard to come by. A little more mainstream I guess but it's certainly picking up in the indie department ;] I really miss the CD store at Central Market though. I wonder where has he relocated :(





I went for an interview today (yes, I have finally sent out those resumes lol) and I start my practical training tomorrow!


Eeeek. My holidays have been cut short. *sobs*


But I guess at these times, I shouldn't complain too much hmm?


Jason Mraz is still pending for me, now that I'm working - I would hate to have to stay back for work on Wednesday night =[

Edited by guilt-stricken
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waaaaaaah this thread has gotten suuuper busy!


btw Happy Chinese New Year guys! I balik-ed kampung to Penang this year. omg I LOVE ASAM LAKSA SO MUCH IF IT WAS A PERSON I WANT TO MARRY IT AND HAVE BABIES WITH IT.

Its mad how hot Penang is though :stunned: and i forgot to bring sunblock because I thought it'd be cloudy and rainy like KL


Did any of you guys balik kampung this year?



Ooooh all this talk of food is making me hungry! I've honestly never tried Mee Jawa before. Nice ar? lol. I've tried Mee Rebus though, its like the malay version of Prawn Mee (ie Hokkien Mee apparently?) and its niiiiice. I always order that at my friend's Nyonya restaurant. Did I mention how much I love Asam Laksa? lol.





I didnt get a PM?




Anyone going for Jason Mraz?


I went back to Kedah for 4 and a half day ^ ^ Went back on CNY eve and came back on Thrusday. The weather this year is much more cooler than the years before so yay! not so hot =P The road isn't jam too =D Honestly, for most of us who balik kampung, it looks like the only thing we do the mostly is to eat :rolleyes: LOL


Emmm.... Mee Jawa is a bit like mee rebus but the kuah is much morewatery. Not as thick as mee rebus and I think mee rebus has much more spices(the taste) than mee jawa. It is very hard to find a good mee jawa over here which is why usually I go back to Kedah or Penang, I'll eat the mee jawa ^^ (not to mention a whole lot of other hawker food like hokkien mee, char koay teow, penang laksa, keow teow sup >.<, curry mee, dryn noodles and I can't stop naming each one of them) XP haha.... lol

Thinking about it making me feel nyam nyam.... LOL



oh yeah, jason mraz? jangan la pergi! LOL save money, spend on muse's next concert hahaha


oh yeah, all the best to you guys in whatever you're doing!


Haha... Thanks =D


Lol... Honestly I think the guy in rock corner listen to rock music cause once I ask about 1 rock band, forgot who and he said currently they don't have that album but they have some of their older albums and he name me a few and said, those are quite good if you like that type of genre songs. And also recommend others that isn't exactly mainstream. I'm like :stunned:(wow.... he listens to them) Did not expect that =P



Why Jason Mraz jangan pergi? He is not bad ma, and I quite like some of his singles from his geek in the pink album like word.... something XP (i forgot the title)



oh trust me after 4 years of teaching in a chinese school, i think i can understand quite a number of chinese dirty words haha..


eh? sama ke? i thought it's different. mee kari is pretty nice too eh? i kinda like to put a lot of asam limau in it. baru kow! feel like swapping the cheesecake am having rite now for a mee kari heh..


eheh.. sorry. a bit obsessed about Mogwai la kebelakangan ini.


oh i balik kampung everday!


wah asam laksa! the best asam laksa i've ever tasted was at Little Penang restaurant. freaking nice!


random note,


i do love watching Dom at the countryside with all those sheep!


Haha *ahem* You taught in Chinese school meh?! :eek: I thought all along you taught in sekolah kebangsaan


Mee Kari is pretty nice if the santan is just enough and the kuah cukup 'kau' HAha.... I don't exactly love mee kari much(except the maggi mee one) but I do eat it as well if it's a really good one :happy: Cheese cake!!!! Nicey :D Do you realise with the sudden expension of Secret Recipe all over Klang Valley, suddenly it's kinda hard to find any cake shops that isn't branded? In the end it's hard to find a good and cheap cakey :'(


Little Penang Cafe asam laksa is quite nice but I prefer laksa that is more to Malay style and a blend of Chinese....(lol, in the end, become nyona laksa.... :stunned:) :LOL:


On your random note,


When I first saw the video(w/o the audio cause something wrong with the speaker) I thought they were playing some symphonic monster music in the background with the snare... In the end it's only Dom counting 1,2,3 -thing! and with the sheep edging away :rolleyes::chuckle:



Late. Or early I should say. Haha.


Wow, those concert shots are amazing! Minus...the ones with me in it hahaha! I particularly love the one where they use the combination effect to combine the pictures of the crowd and Stuart on stage. They used you guys as the crowd shot! How lovely. Hee.



Oh and also, I think what you quoted earlier was in cantonese but Joelyn is in Mandarin. I can't speak both though haha



He's ... a fan of good rockin' music.




My kampung is nearby So considered balik-ed, right?


I went for an interview today (yes, I have finally sent out those resumes lol) and I start my practical training tomorrow!


Eeeek. My holidays have been cut short. *sobs*


But I guess at these times, I shouldn't complain too much hmm?


Jason Mraz is still pending for me, now that I'm working - I would hate to have to stay back for work on Wednesday night =[


:LOL: Good for us. We can listen to Muse on radio now :D Hehe...


Lol... Jason Mraz is pending for me too. I won't be able to confirm till quite last minute so it will be a last minute ticket for me :p Hopefully it's not sold out as fast as Muse's concert.... Ekkk

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Wah i missed so much here. :party:




Nut, how was the Prodigy?!



It. was. KERAZAY!!! Full-blown rave party at FCP, that night was! AWESOME stage set up. And the lights. OMG it was even better than when Muse were here. I mean like stroke-inducing strobe lights and scary eyes spotlights! I'll upload some pics here soon lol. And they had a drummer and a guitarist! The highlight for me was during Smack My Bitch Up. Everyone was singing along! As you know there isn't much lyrics in their songs so it was nice to have something to sing to. And the new album material is is definitely worth buying.


But it was damn short la. I think slightly over an hour. AAARRRGHHH!!!


And is anyone paying attention to the world of Muse???!!!!!!



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eheh.. sorry. a bit obsessed about Mogwai la kebelakangan ini. :$


man, that was a long chat u had there. i am searching for sigur ros latest album as well! i bought Takk at the curve. i like Heim better la i think because of the acoustic versions of some songs. but the last track in Takk is the shiznit!


i think that rock corner mamat is right la. u should try listen to mogwai as well if you're a fan of those bands. how much did u pay for the In Rainbows cd? i saw it at a local record store here in Klang for like RM70++. pretty expensive eh?


i do love watching Dom at the countryside with all those sheep!


the curve? aaawwwww that's such a long jurney to make *sign*. might as well go to pertama kompleks, no?;)


well, maybe i should listen to mogwai. hell, i'll download 1 of their songs. what do u recommend? oh yes, it was really expensive. i asked the guy why so expensive lah? then he said coz come straight from sana and emi cant make copies for them in malaysia coz in rainbows is not under emi. apparently radiohead produced it themselves which is good, btw:cool:. it was rm78 but i always got discount from that rock corner guy. ceh, diskaun pun, it was only rm3 diskaun. :wtf:but better than xde langsung:rolleyes:


I love my Takk... album! There's definitely something about non-jewel cased CDs that you can't help but fall in love with. If you're looking for Sigur Ros CDs, you might want to head to Acoustic at Pertama Kompleks which is located next to Sogo. Last I checked, they certainly have all the albums there, including Ágætis byrjun!




I went for an interview today (yes, I have finally sent out those resumes lol) and I start my practical training tomorrow!


thnx;) and good luck with your practical training:happy:


Lol... Honestly I think the guy in rock corner listen to rock music cause once I ask about 1 rock band, forgot who and he said currently they don't have that album but they have some of their older albums and he name me a few and said, those are quite good if you like that type of genre songs. And also recommend others that isn't exactly mainstream. I'm like :stunned:(wow.... he listens to them) Did not expect that =P



Why Jason Mraz jangan pergi? He is not bad ma, and I quite like some of his singles from his geek in the pink album like word.... something XP (i forgot the title)


When I first saw the video(w/o the audio cause something wrong with the speaker) I thought they were playing some symphonic monster music in the background with the snare... In the end it's only Dom counting 1,2,3 -thing! and with the sheep edging away :rolleyes::chuckle:


yeah, geek in the pink is ok to me. but my sis pinjam the latest album from her friend, the album that got lucky and that other song that i cant remember rite now:rolleyes:. anyway, it was such a boring album. the album sounded the same as lucky and that other song from track to track! so i couldnt bring myself to listen to it anylonger!!!:erm: anyway, that's my opinion....well, actually, i just listen to every tracks like 30 seconds and my conclusion is that. well, first off, you dont have to listen to every single song to know it's a good album, yeah? because that's what i do to radiohead, muse, and sigur ros. the first 30 secs of every song is interesting to listen to:yesey:


anyway, if you guys are interested about the Isetan voucher, this is it;

1, clarins skincare set rm140

2, davidoff echo men edt 50ml rm99

3, thomas sabo sterling silver collection rm380 each

4, guess shoes rebate voucher rm50

5, ladies' handbags rebate voucher rm50--brands like elle, kipling, guess, lesportsac, etc

6, ettusais make-up set rm148

7, dockers men's wear rebate voucher rm50

8, levi's men's wear rebate voucher rm50

and so on. so if you guys are interested, just PM me. yes, if you want to bring along ur mom, dad, sis, abg, boyfrens, girlfrens, also can

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03.02.2009 Source : Laureen P. (journalist who worked with Warner)


Warner decided to release the new yet-to-be-named album in September 2009 :eek:. An european tour should follow in fall. :indiff::wtf:


link to support http://www.muselive.com/index.php?m=single&id=4438


so, from now on, maarriii kiittteee semuueeerrr save money and say EUROPAH, HERE WE COME!!!!:D chanting:musesign::musesign::musesign:

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Hehe.... Nice to know


Pou yau ker chi :p (I don't even know whether it's right or not)


Lol.... But at least you can see the different cultures between schools :happy: But I believe last time it's not that bad isn't it? :erm:

Hahaha I think its 'pu ke chi'? Something like that! :LOL:



Um..well..it was quite bad for me :)



I didnt get a PM? :supersad:






Anyone going for Jason Mraz?


Naaaaw, that's coz I already have your msn address! :D


I'm not going :happy:


i do love watching Dom at the countryside with all those sheep!


Hahaha that was random! All the sheep..so next time when you can't sleep, count sheep, and Dom's healing drum beats! :LOL::D


03.02.2009 Source : Laureen P. (journalist who worked with Warner)


Warner decided to release the new yet-to-be-named album in September 2009 :eek:. An european tour should follow in fall. :indiff::wtf:



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oh trust me after 4 years of teaching in a chinese school, i think i can understand quite a number of chinese dirty words haha..


eh? sama ke? i thought it's different. :unsure: mee kari is pretty nice too eh? i kinda like to put a lot of asam limau in it. baru kow! feel like swapping the cheesecake am having rite now for a mee kari heh..


oh i balik kampung everday!


wah asam laksa! the best asam laksa i've ever tasted was at Little Penang restaurant. freaking nice!


random note,


i do love watching Dom at the countryside with all those sheep!


Mmmm... I'd swap my rice for your cheesecake right now :D nom.


Eh where is this Little Penang place? I wanna try their asam laksa too.

Oh yeah, whats up with the sheep? I dont get it :confused:


I went back to Kedah for 4 and a half day ^ ^ Went back on CNY eve and came back on Thrusday. The weather this year is much more cooler than the years before so yay! not so hot =P The road isn't jam too =D Honestly, for most of us who balik kampung, it looks like the only thing we do the mostly is to eat LOL


Emmm.... Mee Jawa is a bit like mee rebus but the kuah is much morewatery. Not as thick as mee rebus and I think mee rebus has much more spices(the taste) than mee jawa. It is very hard to find a good mee jawa over here which is why usually I go back to Kedah or Penang, I'll eat the mee jawa ^^ (not to mention a whole lot of other hawker food like hokkien mee, char koay teow, penang laksa, keow teow sup >.<, curry mee, dryn noodles and I can't stop naming each one of them) XP haha.... lol

Thinking about it making me feel nyam nyam.... LOL


Why Jason Mraz jangan pergi? He is not bad ma, and I quite like some of his singles from his geek in the pink album like word.... something XP (i forgot the title)


On your random note,


When I first saw the video(w/o the audio cause something wrong with the speaker) I thought they were playing some symphonic monster music in the background with the snare... In the end it's only Dom counting 1,2,3 -thing! and with the sheep edging away :


So good :( It was scorching hot in Penang. And I didnt even see the beach this year. Meh. lol. OMG all this talk of food is making me so hungry! :LOL:


What video is that? *lost* :supersad:


yeah, geek in the pink is ok to me. but my sis pinjam the latest album from her friend, the album that got lucky and that other song that i cant remember rite now:rolleyes:. anyway, it was such a boring album. the album sounded the same as lucky and that other song from track to track! so i couldnt bring myself to listen to it anylonger!!!:erm: anyway, that's my opinion....well, actually, i just listen to every tracks like 30 seconds and my conclusion is that. well, first off, you dont have to listen to every single song to know it's a good album, yeah? because that's what i do to radiohead, muse, and sigur ros. the first 30 secs of every song is interesting to listen to


anyway, if you guys are interested about the Isetan voucher, this is it;

1, clarins skincare set rm140

2, davidoff echo men edt 50ml rm99

3, thomas sabo sterling silver collection rm380 each

4, guess shoes rebate voucher rm50

5, ladies' handbags rebate voucher rm50--brands like elle, kipling, guess, lesportsac, etc

6, ettusais make-up set rm148

7, dockers men's wear rebate voucher rm50

8, levi's men's wear rebate voucher rm50

and so on. so if you guys are interested, just PM me. yes, if you want to bring along ur mom, dad, sis, abg, boyfrens, girlfrens, also can


Hey I actually quite like Jason Mraz's new album. I find it really refreshing from all that alt rock I've been listening to, haha. And his songs are really catchy la, there's no doubt in my mind that he is a great musician. His improvisations are superb live. its very jazzy. Thats why i wanna go for his gig so bad! :D but i guess its to each their own right?


OMG. RM50 ladies' handbags rebate voucher. Does it have to be handbags only? What about a wallet or something? :D I so desperately need a new wallet right now, my current one is slowly chipping its life away :stunned:


Hahaha I think its 'pu ke chi'? Something like that!


Um..well..it was quite bad for me


Naaaaw, that's coz I already have your msn address!


I'm not going


Hahaha that was random! All the sheep..so next time when you can't sleep, count sheep, and Dom's healing drum beats! !


I think its 'pu yong ker chi', if you dont mind me butting in your chinese conversation :$


Oh! hahaha cheh. I thought you all were gonna play a Muser outing or something. I thought you tak ajak cos I dont post much anymore or something ehheh.


Eh is there a new Muse video out that I missed? :( I checked the News section and I didnt see anything :(

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I think its 'pu yong ker chi', if you dont mind me butting in your chinese conversation :$


Oh! hahaha cheh. I thought you all were gonna play a Muser outing or something. I thought you tak ajak cos I dont post much anymore or something ehheh.


Eh is there a new Muse video out that I missed? :( I checked the News section and I didnt see anything :(


Ah yes, that's the one :LOL:




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Ah yes, that's the one :LOL:





awww yaaaaaaaaaaaay <3 :kiss: fanks :happy:


man thats one SUPER RANDOM video :LOL:




On another note,


I am disappointed.



NERD is the only confirmed international artist in the line up for Sunburst so far. Coldplay is TBC. WTH. Now I really dont know whether to go or not.

I got a text from Liz saying that Coldplay and The Prodigy is confirmed, so I dont know what to believe!


I hope Coldplay gets confirmed in the next 2 days ie before the early bird tickets promotion ends. I hope they dont put that Coldplay confirmation on hold so that people like me who only want to see Coldplay will pay the full price :eek:

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yeah.. a lot of people are quite furious with pineapple now just like those people in Perak haha..


even if coldplay is confirmed the line up this year is very meh..:indiff: however, there are great local bands performing Butters, Estrella and Meet Uncle Hussain. it's just i dunno if i wanna pay RM 143 to see 'em in a festival kinda setting. if at IB lagi bole la..


my attempt to reply to all the previous posts:


@ hannara. only 1 song? download la 5 ke hehe.. i think Friend of the Night is a nice one to start then maybe I know you are but what am I. am really loving scotland's shame, prerecipe, yes! i am a long way from home and some other earlier songs rite now. but am not really an avid fan of the band. betul2 hooked ngn diorg after seeing them in concert last few weeks.

maybe Liz and Aida can suggest some other songs.


@debbie - Little Penang in midvalley. very delicious la the asam laksa!


september is soooooooooooooo far away. but it's seriously good to have some updates about the band.


@Joelyn, yes. i wish there's more cake/bakery shops here. but there's this one great cupcake shop at the curve which sell amazing cupcakes at a very hefty price tho. i love their red velvet cupcake. simply to die for! ;)


hey, have u guys seen the picture from twitter?


Edited by crazy_mary
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yeah, geek in the pink is ok to me. but my sis pinjam the latest album from her friend, the album that got lucky and that other song that i cant remember rite now:rolleyes:. anyway, it was such a boring album. the album sounded the same as lucky and that other song from track to track! so i couldnt bring myself to listen to it anylonger!!! anyway, that's my opinion....well, actually, i just listen to every tracks like 30 seconds and my conclusion is that. well, first off, you dont have to listen to every single song to know it's a good album, yeah? because that's what i do to radiohead, muse, and sigur ros. the first 30 secs of every song is interesting to listen to


Hmmm.... and I thought hitz fm I think, recommend that album to be a must buy album thingy?

Hmm......I guess everyone has a different taste.


I dunno is it a trend or something but it seems like a few artist is doing the same. The Killers new album, all their music has somewhat the same style. But it's not bad to hear so it's not an entirely a waste :happy:


03.02.2009 Source : Laureen P. (journalist who worked with Warner)


Warner decided to release the new yet-to-be-name album inSeptember 2009 . An european tour should follow in fall.




link to support http://www.muselive.com/index.php?m=single&id=4438


so, from now on, maarriii kiittteee semuueeerrr save money and say EUROPAH, HERE WE COME!!!!


:LOL::LOL::LOL: I do so hope so


Like as if my dad is not gonna kill me if I do that :rolleyes::LOL:


Hahaha I think its 'pu ke chi'? Something like that!


Um..well..it was quite bad for me


Hahaha that was random! All the sheep..so next time when you can't sleep, count sheep, and Dom's healing drum beats!




Arigato ^^

:LOL: Healing drumbeat :eyebrows: :chuckle


Mmmm... I'd swap my rice for your cheesecake right now nom.





Eh where is this Little Penang place? I wanna try their asam laksa too.

Oh yeah, whats up with the sheep? I dont get it


So good It was scorching hot in Penang. And I didnt even see the beach this year. Meh. lol. OMG all this talk of food is making me so hungry!


What video is that? *lost*


Hey I actually quite like Jason Mraz's new album. I find it really refreshing from all that alt rock I've been listening to, haha. And his songs are really catchy la, there's no doubt in my mind that he is a great musician. His improvisations are superb live. its very jazzy. Thats why i wanna go for his gig so bad! but i guess its to each their own right?


I think its 'pu yong ker chi', if you dont mind me butting in your chinese conversation


Oh! hahaha cheh. I thought you all were gonna play a Muser outing or something. I thought you tak ajak cos I dont post much anymore or something ehheh.


Eh is there a new Muse video out that I missed? I checked the News section and I didnt see anything


Little Penang Cafe, they have it in Mid Valley and KLCC just beside Kinokunia. Not sure whether they have it in PJ or not :erm: All the food talking is making me hungry as well




The video is on Dom with Sheeps :D XP


Haha.... Me and my broken Mandrin =P

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Hmmm.... and I thought hitz fm I think, recommend that album to be a must buy album thingy?

Hmm......I guess everyone has a different taste.


I dunno is it a trend or something but it seems like a few artist is doing the same. The Killers new album, all their music has somewhat the same style. But it's not bad to hear so it's not an entirely a waste :happy:


:LOL: Healing drumbeat :eyebrows: :chuck





Little Penang Cafe, they have it in Mid Valley and KLCC just beside Kinokunia. Not sure whether they have it in PJ or not :erm: All the food talking is making me hungry as well




The video is on Dom with Sheeps :D XP


Haha.... Me and my broken Mandrin =P


i have to disagree with ya there about the Killers. i think their new album sounds quite different from their previous Sam's Town or even Hot Fuss. perhaps the synth heavy sound is still there in Human and other songs which i just can't remember the title of but i think the band sounds different now. but i still prefer Sam's Town.


omg yeah.. the healing drumbeat! Nonoor, i forgot to quote u on that!:LOL:


i think Dom looked good in the video.


i should be sleeping now. was really excited about sunburst but what a disappointment now.

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