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I can't believe it's almost 2 years already since Muse graced our Malaysian shores!


Hello everyone!


Great to read about the NY celebrations etc. How's the new year been treating u so far? :)


Update 1: As some of u may already know, I'm trying to get together to watch Mogwai at KLCC on the 21st of January. Havent bought the pre-sale tix yet, will call u guys (of whom I have phone no.s) before I go and buy. Anyone else interested?


Or may be we should just have a Muser meetup? :p



Update 2:Holy macaroni am I excited! Tix details not out yet but the Butterfingers forums are going nuts predicting the acoustic setlist etc. Jom pergi, korang????

@ Update 1. YEAH I'M IN FOR MOGWAI! Though the RM168 ticket price (for doorsale) is a little out of proportion if you ask me. I know I should be saving for my future roadtripping trips and all but ahhh I think considering the fact that Jan 21st is my LAST day of exams, I would certainly be in need of a "release". What better way to watch these Scottish lads blow their bagpipes?! ;) Chinese New Year's also around the corner right...? If they want more people to attend the concert, they should seriously consider dropping the price of tickets. Quantity adds up to the total revenue too, you know? As much as I love soundscape records (since they brought Explosions in the Sky & Mono to Malaysia as well) I think someone should talk to their management about marketing strategies. Haha.


Hmm, I wonder if they're hiring interns? :LOL:


@ Update 2: Nooo it's during my exam period. :( Istana Budaya should be quite syiok though! Since Mamma Mia! is held there too! lol.


P/S: Emmett is such a lovely name haha.



Happy New Year to everyone loL!!!


Cliche question time.


What are you guys' new year resolutions?


Mine, if you bother.


1. Save some more money.


2. Spend some money on self-beneficial stuff.


3. Get a rempit (inspired by Deb's post) license.


4. Be extra kick-ass at designing whatever.


Wah tough man to have 4 resolutions. Tempted to write more though.




Oh yah Musiclover85! I believe Jason Mraz is coming to both KL and SG, so you can have twice the Mraz, if you want! BTW nice pic of 'pretty' Brian Molko you have. Is it true that he's bisexual? :joker:

I only have on new year resolution.




For example, I actually planned my resolutions awhile back but due to procrastination, I haven't come up with a proper list yet :rolleyes::shifty::noey::(




Eh, I think I read an article that Placebo played a show at Angkor Wat, Cambodia! Why did they not stop by Malaysia/Singapore? :(

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Happy New Year to everyone loL!!!


Joelyn - Don't forget us when you've become famous lol! When are the results supposed to be out?


Miele - Is ur fren a fren of Butterfingers? And is the band really good? Never heard their stuff before... Too bad abt the members going back to Boston and actuarial sabbat-what-the-heck?


Kak Faz - Chelmsford is somewhere in England i think, the last time i googled it.. But yah lah damn nice crib! And Scorpions was stalked by that guy in Msia?


Deb - The screensaver thing was pretty complicated. I don't think i want to bother you with the details loL!! NYE was a chill moment for me. No crowded places i.e grinding2 hee hee!! :D


Cliche question time.


What are you guys' new year resolutions?


Mine, if you bother.


1. Save some more money.


2. Spend some money on self-beneficial stuff.


3. Get a rempit (inspired by Deb's post) license.


4. Be extra kick-ass at designing whatever.


Wah tough man to have 4 resolutions. Tempted to write more though.




Oh yah Musiclover85! I believe Jason Mraz is coming to both KL and SG, so you can have twice the Mraz, if you want! BTW nice pic 'pretty' Brian Molko you have. Is it true that he's bisexual? :joker:




Yeah my fren Izmir (who looks a bit like u Nut, heheh) used to go gigging with Emmett and distribute flyers b4 the band got famous.


Butterfingers: Here's a sample: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=123671344


Check out Maharani, that's from the latest album.


If a foreigner were to ask me about Malaysian music, I would so play Butterfingers for them. M.Nasir himself supposedly cited them as the current flagbearer of the local scene, in the face of the supposed 'Indonesian music invasion'.


I guess us 30 y.o. peeps will always have a fond spot for them as they were a fave during the grungy 90's teenage years, with Emmett being a strong devotee of Cobain etc. But for me that love solidified when intheir later albums they began to have a more 'Malaysian' identity / sound (joget, keroncong, ghazal etc) mixed with the rock. To my surprise, Emmet sang in Malay as well.


Yeah la I'm quite sad about the 5-year study leave. Heard that Loque (the main songwriter) is in Berkeley doing music I guess and Emmett's doing actuarial science (he's said to be brilliant or something).


Eh Nut sorila TMI, wrong person to ask about Butterfingers dude. :$




NY Resolutions: Dude, our resolutions all almost the same la :LOL:. Except I want to finally drive my Kancil and we have different job scopes. But great minds and all, eh?


Also: yes, read somewhere that Molko is bi / gay. Or something. Really cool dude though. Btw, when is Prodigy again, dah lepas ke? Keep us informed yeah.




Deb, haha, I lol'd at the grinding with Mat Rempit comment! Goodla, enjoy ur youth babe.



Er anyone else wanna share resolutions here?:D



Ah Liz didnt see ur post, was about to pm u. So ur tix is 130 (RM2 processing fee). How / when do u want to get it? Aida has bought hers, so it looks like the 3 of us so far. U bringing frens? Goodla enjoy after exams ya?


I remember laughing with my fren over the facts that Placebo performed @ Angkot wat together with, wait for it, The Click Five! what a mismatch, MTV.

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Mike McCready is Pearl Jam's guitarist


I'm hooked to Butterfingers' latest album -Kembali. I haven't got their earlier albums though..


Dunno if Brian Molko really was bi, but he has a son now.


Btw I think this is the stage Placebo performed last Dec 6th. It was still there last week



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Miele, about Mogwai, I would love to go! Just like Liz, my last day of exams is on the 21st, and my exams end in the afternoon so I can head to KL at night i s'pose. The problem is that

- i'm beyond broke, and its before CNY so I cant use my angpau money.

- I also.. am pretty new to post rock. I've listened to a few songs from Mogwai and yeah they're nice but.. dunno la, cant really enjoy em as much as I enjoy Muse/Incubus or something. So i dunno whether RM130 is worth it or not :(

- and also, I have noone to go with. Unless I tag along with you guys? :)


Nut, yeah if you dont mind I really REALLY want to know how it came about hahaha. I'm curoius! and I like all these puzzley stuff, despite how much I suck at it like with Muse's past anagrams and whatnot :( Maybe you could just post the muselive link :) thank you haha


My new year's resolutions... hmmm....

1. Stop swearing.


3. Study harder. liek srsly.

4. like liz, STOP PROCRASTINATING. Omg. seriously. I've taken dunno how many showers already just so that I can konnonnya 'wake up' and study.

5. Be more adventurous :D

6. Learn to sleep earlier.

7. Finish any projects/work/games/whatever I started.

8. errrr. I'll think of something later la lol.


lol :LOL: glad I made ppl laugh/inspired ppl with my rempit comment hahaha.

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Happy New Year everyone!


Deb and Nut, as Aida mentioned, Mike is Pearl Jam's guitarist. and no he didn't stalked Scorpions in Malaysia haha.. he hid under the car while the driver was waiting for scorpions at the hotel Deb lol. i was really happy to hear that he understands why some fans stalk them at the airports and hotels coz he used to do the same thing. i feel less embarrassed for stalking Muse and Incubus at the airport now!


Mogwai: i have high expectations for this. people said they're magical live. hopefully i can go.


Butterfingers: this is sad. no Butters till 2014? i thought they're kembali untuk selamanya? :'(:(16th is very soon. am quite surprised they didn't mentioned anything about this on their website. are the tickets limited? shall we go to all four dates? and become groupies?


nonoor, school starts tomorrow for you eh? have fun! :D hope you're fully recovered now. still a GI Jane?


my new year's resolutions ( which i doubt will ever materialized)


1. gain 10 kgs.

2. smile more and worry less

3. be more serious and never talk about Muse and EPL with my students in class

4. complete my dissertation hence my masters

5. stop procrastinating

6. stop thinking and daydreaming about Muse all the time esp at work.

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Eh, I think I read an article that Placebo played a show at Angkor Wat, Cambodia! Why did they not stop by Malaysia/Singapore? :(


They were here in 2006 when MTV held the Fashionably Loud in conjunction with the SG Fashion Festival. It was an invitation only event and i was damned pissed! Wasn't 'atas' enough to be invited LOL!!! They played during the catwalk so cool rite?


Yeah my fren Izmir (who looks a bit like u Nut, heheh) used to go gigging with Emmett and distribute flyers b4 the band got famous.


Butterfingers: Here's a sample: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=123671344


Check out Maharani, that's from the latest album.


If a foreigner were to ask me about Malaysian music, I would so play Butterfingers for them. M.Nasir himself supposedly cited them as the current flagbearer of the local scene, in the face of the supposed 'Indonesian music invasion'.


I guess us 30 y.o. peeps will always have a fond spot for them as they were a fave during the grungy 90's teenage years, with Emmett being a strong devotee of Cobain etc. But for me that love solidified when intheir later albums they began to have a more 'Malaysian' identity / sound (joget, keroncong, ghazal etc) mixed with the rock. To my surprise, Emmet sang in Malay as well.


Eh Nut sorila TMI, wrong person to ask about Butterfingers dude. :$


Thanks for all the info about them! Boy, does he sound like Cobain or what!!! In a very good way. I think their music is not bad! Maharani's first 2 sentences sounds funny loL!


The Prodigy will be playing on Feb 3rd. I'll take many pictures of them don't worry lol. Can't wait to get scared by Keith Flint lol!!


Mike McCready is Pearl Jam's guitarist


I'm hooked to Butterfingers' latest album -Kembali. I haven't got their earlier albums though..


Dunno if Brian Molko really was bi, but he has a son now.


Btw I think this is the stage Placebo performed last Dec 6th. It was still there last week




Brian is really a bi :eek:! And on the topic of not-straight people, the Sigur Ros vocalist is really gay and he's blind in one eye lol! There's something about these people that makes them extremely creative.


If that is really the stage from the 6th of Dec, they're the kings of procrastination lol.


Nut, yeah if you dont mind I really REALLY want to know how it came about hahaha. I'm curoius! and I like all these puzzley stuff, despite how much I suck at it like with Muse's past anagrams and whatnot :( Maybe you could just post the muselive link :) thank you haha



Haha yah i don't know how can these people figure it out. It actually starts from the name of the balloon picture, which is in morse code, then i donno the rest already hahahahaha. You can do your research here http://muselive.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=35938&d=0


If you've turned 21 and you have to club at just one place here in Singapore, you should go to China One. They've got a very good live band(!) and DJ sets alternating every 45 min. Cuz i just went last night to check out the band lol. They played Starlight!!! At like 130% speed though lol.


Happy New Year everyone!


Deb and Nut, as Aida mentioned, Mike is Pearl Jam's guitarist. and no he didn't stalked Scorpions in Malaysia haha.. he hid under the car while the driver was waiting for scorpions at the hotel Deb lol. i was really happy to hear that he understands why some fans stalk them at the airports and hotels coz he used to do the same thing. i feel less embarrassed for stalking Muse and Incubus at the airport now!


my new year's resolutions ( which i doubt will ever materialized)


1. gain 10 kgs.

2. smile more and worry less

3. be more serious and never talk about Muse and EPL with my students in class

4. complete my dissertation hence my masters

5. stop procrastinating

6. stop thinking and daydreaming about Muse all the time esp at work.


Oh ok it's cool that famous people stalk other famous people lol!


I like your first resolution lol! I would love to be a student in your class and talk about Muse!! hahaha.



Yeah Nooor im also curious if you still have the GI Jane look? I think you'll be the coolest girl in school if you do lol!

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Ah Liz didnt see ur post, was about to pm u. So ur tix is 130 (RM2 processing fee). How / when do u want to get it? Aida has bought hers, so it looks like the 3 of us so far. U bringing frens? Goodla enjoy after exams ya?


I remember laughing with my fren over the facts that Placebo performed @ Angkot wat together with, wait for it, The Click Five! what a mismatch, MTV.

Yay! Thhank you although when you called I was having dinner with my family and I haven't told them about Mogwai yet. lol they still don't know at the moment.


Hmmm. Will you be working on the 21st? Or are you on leave? Hehe. I'm not sure when I'll be able to meet up with you in these three weeks. Tomorrow's my final week of the semester and after that exams right away :-/ I think I'll only be able to meet up with you on the 21st itself. Don't worry I'll bring RM130 along, unless you wouldn't want to carry so much cash during the gig? Perhaps I could bank in for you then lol. PM me?


I could talk to a few of my friends and see if they'd like to come. Generally though, I'm not sure if they would want to spare RM130. But who knows..!


Haha The Click FIve and Placebo. I read that Duncan Sheik was there too :eek: or maybe I read wrongly hmm. But wow, if Duncan Sheik played a gig in Malaysia, I would love to hear him croon a live version of Barely Breathing!




Miele, about Mogwai, I would love to go! Just like Liz, my last day of exams is on the 21st, and my exams end in the afternoon so I can head to KL at night i s'pose. The problem is that

- i'm beyond broke, and its before CNY so I cant use my angpau money.

- I also.. am pretty new to post rock. I've listened to a few songs from Mogwai and yeah they're nice but.. dunno la, cant really enjoy em as much as I enjoy Muse/Incubus or something. So i dunno whether RM130 is worth it or not :(

- and also, I have noone to go with. Unless I tag along with you guys? :)

A "release" is definitely a must once the exams are over! The KL Convention Centre is extremely accessible and a convenient location, I feel. It'll definitely give me nostalgic feelings since the

last year was held there. You can watch that vid if you like, to know how it's like when they transform the hall to a rockin' concert stage. :happy:


- Perhaps you could loan a little from your sister? Promise you'll pay her back after CNY :LOL:

- Post rock live is a whole different feeling from what you hear through your speakers. The crowd is also extremely different from Muse/Incubus because you find that they do not sing along much (not that there's anything to sing along to in the first place lol) and they stand extremely still. Only bobbing their heads consistently and cheering. Honestly, that's actually the best part lol. No pushing. No shoving. No crazy screaming girls who can't appreciate the music. It's an entirely different experience on it's own but whether it's one that's worth RM130 - that's still up to you.


Of course, I wouldn't know how the crowd for this would turn out since I've never been to a Mogwai show! From what I've read though - Mogwai can get extremely loud so you might want to be ready for heavy heavy guitar distortions and pounding drums. Personally? I can't wait to see them work their high tech fancy schamncy guitar pedals!

- Hey we're people too. Come along with us and we could queue up together and reminisce over the time we queued up (separately then) at Sg Wang's for Galaxy's 20% off Muse live tickets 2 years ago lol!



Brian is really a bi :eek:! And on the topic of not-straight people, the Sigur Ros vocalist is really gay and he's blind in one eye lol! There's something about these people that makes them extremely creative.


If that is really the stage from the 6th of Dec, they're the kings of procrastination lol.

Jonsi is awesome :)


Also, four weeks of procrastination is actually better than fifteen weeks...


I'm sending out my resumes on Monday though. Finally!!!

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Auntie Faz & Nut Nut, I boleh tahan dah recover quite a lot, Alhamdulillah. :happy: Though my finger is still crooked, and it hasn't achieved full movement. Still need to attend physiotherapy. My hair is now about an inch, maybe a bit more. All the fecking retarded teachers at school today look at me like one kind. Freeeeeaks.


Anyone going for Fall Out Boy in February?

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Again please lead a Loveboat-inept person to where I can vote for Joelyn please?



Congratulations btw! what do u get when / if u win? Fame and glory?


I feel like another Muser meetup, ppl please post here on your preferred date / time / place / activity okay? Negotiations start as of now



Merry Christmas yeah! Have a good holiday!


wat is joelyn's username?

nominated for the pornogenic obsessed muser, right?


still cant catch up with you guys...

too many posts to read..lol


:LOL: Thank you so much guys for voting for me :D Although I did not win but I still feel I'm being loved by all of you :D:D:D


Joelyn, congratulations for being nominated!


You'll get to have a different title name now




Deb perhaps you could take a picture of those notes instead? Lol just a suggestion.




Oi vey, Jason Mraz! That's great news for a lot of my friends. But I'll be doing my internship come February




Oh yes on a very random note, after Christmas dinner yesterday with my family, we headed over to the nearest cinema to catch Yes Man. I've never been a huge Jim Carrey fan but since my sister already got the tickets I had no other choice but to watch it. Despite the movie being rather predictable, I can't help but smile at several LOL moments, notably during the Harry Potter party. Hahhaa omg being the dork that I am, I felt like I wanted to throw a Harry Potter dress-up party as well. Not only that, the movie actually featured pretty good songs! But you'll really have to have a lot of patience over Jim Carrey...


Merry Christmas everyone! TURKEYY yummm. I loved the presents that I got so far - including Snow Patrol's A Million Hundred Suns!


Currently downloading the christmas package from Muse! Can't wait to see it


Haha... Thank you :happy: Jason Mraz is coming to Malaysia? Wow... Nicey!!! =DDDDD


EH WTH how on earth did you get to the screensaver?!



whoa thats actually pretty creepy at first. very blair-witch-esque. but awwww the santa hat :happy: why is Matt the only one wearing one? and yay its great to see them recording again WOOHOOO!



Hmm.... $248. whats the conversion rate from RM ar? I lost track. lol. I heard Singapore's currency is still going strong while Australia and NZ's currency is like plunging down :eek:




Take pictures?? :supersad: but there's so many pages. lol! I could try la. but that would be like supreme cetak rompak :chuckle: Kak Faz do you still want it?


Ooooh how was Yes Man altogether? I'm a fan of Jim Carey!I remember lol-ing so hard whenever I used to watch Ace Ventura last time when i was a kid ehheh.


Btw guys, I had a super Baz Lurhmann film marathon this week. I've watched Australia, Moulin Rouge and William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (got R&J as a christmas present WOOHOO)!! and I cried (well not really cried la, just teared up. like, a lot. :p) in all 3 movies haha... ha..... I'm such a sap. liek srsly. I'm a sucker for romance movies. wuwuwu. :supersad: I love how he dramatizes the scenes though. its like, a bit OTT, but not TOO OTT until it gets stupid, you know? its OTT enough :happy:


deb, i don't want to trouble you. so if it's too much hassle no need la.


i freaking love the screen saver. i thought it was filmed at matt's house in Italy but turns out it was Chelmsford which i have no idea where it is..


joelyn, hope you win! lol..


happy awal muharram everyone! what's our wish for next year?


random note, i just found out that Mike McCready from PJ used to stalk the scorpions. he hid under their car and surprised the basist at their hotel. haha.... sorry so random.


It is kinda creppy especially at the front part =| Lol.... but after seeing Muse, it's not that scary anymore XP

and it looks like it is filmed by a stalker :rolleyes::p

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Hello everyone!


Great to read about the NY celebrations etc. How's the new year been treating u so far? :)


Update 1: As some of u may already know, I'm trying to get together to watch Mogwai at KLCC on the 21st of January. Havent bought the pre-sale tix yet, will call u guys (of whom I have phone no.s) before I go and buy. Anyone else interested?


Or may be we should just have a Muser meetup?



Update 2: My friend Izmir got an e-mail from Emmett of Butterfingers asking bout what songs should they play on their shown @ Istana Budaya from the 16th- 18th!!!!!! :eek:


Holy macaroni am I excited! Tix details not out yet but the Butterfingers forums are going nuts predicting the acoustic setlist etc. Jom pergi, korang???? Here's the e-mail:




Haha it's like Butterfingers is the local cure for PMS or something, since it's so hard to get Muse. :D


Oh noooes, no Butterfingers til 2014!!!!! *cries*



Update 3: In the spirit of NY resolutions and all, I've been finding out @ Mercy Malaysia. Their current emergency relief is at Gaza (Palestine), but the base is at the Egyptian border. If anyone is interested in the info, this is the the link:





Cash donations can be made to CIMB acc no 1424-000-6561053.


Miele, did I reply you about Mogwai. I think I did thou, although I'm not sure.... :erm: sorry if I didn't :$ I don't think I'm going to Mogwai thou cause I don't know them and the tickets are a bit pricey. Sorry :$ I don't really know underground alternative rock music. More to whatever the media plays.... =((


But thank you for inviting :happy::happy:


Happy New Year to everyone loL!!!


Joelyn - Don't forget us when you've become famous lol! When are the results supposed to be out?


Miele - Is ur fren a fren of Butterfingers? And is the band really good? Never heard their stuff before... Too bad abt the members going back to Boston and actuarial sabbat-what-the-heck?


Kak Faz - Chelmsford is somewhere in England i think, the last time i googled it.. But yah lah damn nice crib! And Scorpions was stalked by that guy in Msia?


Deb - The screensaver thing was pretty complicated. I don't think i want to bother you with the details loL!! NYE was a chill moment for me. No crowded places i.e grinding2 hee hee!! :D


Cliche question time.


What are you guys' new year resolutions?


Mine, if you bother.


1. Save some more money.


2. Spend some money on self-beneficial stuff.


3. Get a rempit (inspired by Deb's post) license.


4. Be extra kick-ass at designing whatever.


Wah tough man to have 4 resolutions. Tempted to write more though.




Oh yah Musiclover85! I believe Jason Mraz is coming to both KL and SG, so you can have twice the Mraz, if you want! BTW nice pic of 'pretty' Brian Molko you have. Is it true that he's bisexual? :joker:


Lol.... Results is out on sat midnight(for us) but then they only write out no1 till 3. The full results will only come out later :erm: Haven't check it out yet. Will do soon XP


Auntie Faz & Nut Nut, I boleh tahan dah recover quite a lot, Alhamdulillah. :happy: Though my finger is still crooked, and it hasn't achieved full movement. Still need to attend physiotherapy. My hair is now about an inch, maybe a bit more. All the fecking retarded teachers at school today look at me like one kind. Freeeeeaks.


Anyone going for Fall Out Boy in February?


Awww...... good you are doing okay :happy: Make sure you follow your excercise, keep your diet and take medicineas you need to recover :happy:


Fall Out Boys coming to Malaysia?!!! :eek: When? and where?!!

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I'm not sure if any you all have watch this already...


But browsing through Dominic Howards video's, I come across this




I totally laugh out when I saw that



I really laughed when I saw him like running, not just a slow jog but really run back to his techhie. Hehe.... It's so cute!! Too bad it didn't happen in Malaysia :rolleyes::p


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Oh, I just saw on the chart,



Happy Birthday Nut!!!!!





Would have out some Dommeh picture but I don't think you are a fan of him :p



Have a jolly and fun birthday ;) enjoy!!






Ps. and I've just realise.... You are old! :eek: You are already 24!!!

Just kidding!! :p

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Dropping by quickly to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY NUT!


Unfortch, if I could find the time I would've made you one of those fancy banners you always make for the bday peeps ;)


@ nonoor, don't let the others get to you now. Hope your finger regains full movement soon enough - if it doesn't for this week, does that mean you'll be excused from homework? :D


@ joelyn, you can be the pornogenic obsessed muser for 2009! I think you still get a coloured title for being nominated right? ;)


-i'm gonna go on a hiatus. looking forward to mogwai! take care guys.

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Oh yah Musiclover85! I believe Jason Mraz is coming to both KL and SG, so you can have twice the Mraz, if you want! BTW nice pic of 'pretty' Brian Molko you have. Is it true that he's bisexual? :joker:



yes, brian molko is bisexual..:)


Eh, I think I read an article that Placebo played a show at Angkor Wat, Cambodia! Why did they not stop by Malaysia/Singapore? :(


yes...they did perform at angkor wat with rave reviews..

i guess there aren't many fans of placebo in malaysia:(

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Dropping by quickly to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY NUT!


Unfortch, if I could find the time I would've made you one of those fancy banners you always make for the bday peeps ;)


@ nonoor, don't let the others get to you now. Hope your finger regains full movement soon enough - if it doesn't for this week, does that mean you'll be excused from homework? :D


@ joelyn, you can be the pornogenic obsessed muser for 2009! I think you still get a coloured title for being nominated right? ;)


-i'm gonna go on a hiatus. looking forward to mogwai! take care guys.


:LOL: Nah, it's ok. I don't think I'll be that dedicated this year as got work to do:rolleyes: Hehe... But then it's fun being nominated as well :D:D


Awww...... How long are you going on hiatus, Liz?:( Have fun and take care :happy:

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Haha yah i don't know how can these people figure it out. It actually starts from the name of the balloon picture, which is in morse code, then i donno the rest already hahahahaha. You can do your research here http://muselive.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=35938&d=0


If you've turned 21 and you have to club at just one place here in Singapore, you should go to China One. They've got a very good live band(!) and DJ sets alternating every 45 min. Cuz i just went last night to check out the band lol. They played Starlight!!! At like 130% speed though lol.


Oh wow thanks for that. I had no idea that the balloon thingy was Morse code! Why are these muselive people so smart. sigh. Its cool though. and it was surprisingly easy, compared to Muse's past puzzles and whatnot. I guess they're giving us a break since its Christmas :LOL:


LOL Starlight at 130%.. I'm imagining it being played in a super lala cina ahbeng way where all the cina dudes start shuffling and stuff :LOL:




A "release" is definitely a must once the exams are over! The KL Convention Centre is extremely accessible and a convenient location, I feel. It'll definitely give me nostalgic feelings since the
last year was held there. You can watch that vid if you like, to know how it's like when they transform the hall to a rockin' concert stage. :happy:


- Perhaps you could loan a little from your sister? Promise you'll pay her back after CNY :LOL:

- Post rock live is a whole different feeling from what you hear through your speakers. The crowd is also extremely different from Muse/Incubus because you find that they do not sing along much (not that there's anything to sing along to in the first place lol) and they stand extremely still. Only bobbing their heads consistently and cheering. Honestly, that's actually the best part lol. No pushing. No shoving. No crazy screaming girls who can't appreciate the music. It's an entirely different experience on it's own but whether it's one that's worth RM130 - that's still up to you.


Of course, I wouldn't know how the crowd for this would turn out since I've never been to a Mogwai show! From what I've read though - Mogwai can get extremely loud so you might want to be ready for heavy heavy guitar distortions and pounding drums. Personally? I can't wait to see them work their high tech fancy schamncy guitar pedals!

- Hey we're people too. Come along with us and we could queue up together and reminisce over the time we queued up (separately then) at Sg Wang's for Galaxy's 20% off Muse live tickets 2 years ago lol!


Omg. That video of Switchfoot absolutely KILLED ME Liz! I cant believe I missed that gig! I mean yeah going to Bangkok was awesome too, but OMG THAT GIG LOOKED SO AWESOME. T___T And I'm pretty sure a majority of the crowd arent a bunch of rowdy rowdy people right? I know a whole group of my friends from church went there.

wuwuwu. I'll be adding 'missing Switchfoot's gig' to my list of regrets of 2008 now. *dies*


*cough* yeah but anyway, after watching that video, omg I feel supreeeeemely inclined to go. I was actually gonna tell you guys that I wont be going since I'm broke and I dont wanna spend RM130 on a band I'm not even that familiar with and that I'd rather watch Jason Mraz, but after watching that.... and reading your reasoning, yeah, I want to go. I just need to arrange transport for myself now, and er... I have to go find RM130 and buy the tickets. I'll be searching under my sofa now :chuckle:


Auntie Faz & Nut Nut, I boleh tahan dah recover quite a lot, Alhamdulillah. :happy: Though my finger is still crooked, and it hasn't achieved full movement. Still need to attend physiotherapy. My hair is now about an inch, maybe a bit more. All the fecking retarded teachers at school today look at me like one kind. Freeeeeaks.


Anyone going for Fall Out Boy in February?


Fall Out Boy is coming? :eek: WHEN?


It is kinda creppy especially at the front part =| Lol.... but after seeing Muse, it's not that scary anymore XP

and it looks like it is filmed by a stalker :rolleyes::p


hahaha so what, now Tom Kirk is their new stalker? :LOL:


btw, OMG YOUR VIEW FROM YOUR BALCONY. *nostalgic* I was actually looking for the twin towers since thats what people normally rave about when it comes to their views off their balcony. :LOL: was super surprised to see THAT!

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Haaaave a good one!


Joelyn, Yes yes, I will (:


:LOL: @ the videos..oh Dom. So smexy Dom. Mm.


Liz, Oh the pain they caused today with their little remarks. My hati so sakit, but I shall not bother, 'coz they have no shit idea what I've been through. Hehe, no lah. Its my left middle finger, and I'm a righty meheh



Edited by nonoor
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Haaaave a good one!


Joelyn, Yes yes, I will (:


:LOL: @ the videos..oh Dom. So smexy Dom. Mm.


Liz, Oh the pain they caused today with their little remarks. My hati so sakit, but I shall not bother, 'coz they have no shit idea what I've been through. Hehe, no lah. Its my left middle finger, and I'm a righty meheh




:LOL:Kacang sound so cute... :LOL:


:eek: They actually ejek you?!!!! Bloody hell those people. :mad: They should be sympethetic instead!


So Rihanna and Fall Out Boy is coming somewhere around the same time? :eek::eek:



Honestly all these organiserz shouldn't annouce the concert and ticket price so late! No wonder sometimes the sales are not doing so well....

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