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yeah alice was cute, her voice was almost like what bella described; like wind chimes, it was too sweet. the biology class scene was funny though. everyone laughed when Edward covered his nose :LOL: i like jasper's stoned face, it was funny, hahah! but he loosened up and got better during the baseball scene :D i totally noticed the contacts. it was sooo freaking obvious! but nvm,he was molten-hot nevertheless ;)


i almost flipped out when one of the most interesting and intense and the scene everyone was waiting for was cut!!!!! both tgv and gsc! i was like, WHATTAFUCKINGHELL!!! Edward was going to kiss Bella!! nvm, i watched that scene in youtube, and, my goodness, how i wished it wasn't cut at all....


i truly loved Carlisle. he,too, dazzled me apart form Edward, though i have to agree with you; he was chalky, VERY chalky! :LOL: but then again, he is the oldest in the Cullen clan. can't wait to see how the Volturi will turn out to be in the movie. they were supposed to be translucent-like pale that looked very fragile but tough nevertheless.


hahaha Radiohead kinda caught me off guard. it was wicked awesome though! made the credits that much cooler :happy:


Yeah and Alice is damn graceful kan? especially when she was pitching the baseball.. wow. So much grace, like a ballerina! and even at the first part when they first show the Cullens, in the cafeteria, the way they walk in also is like as if they're gliding. phwoaaar :eek: lol I laughed at the HUGE FAN in the bio lab part. If i didnt read the book, I dunno whether I'd find it funny though.


Eh serious? Did you watch it both in the afternoon? I wanted to try watching it at night.. like a late movie, hopefully they wont censor so much.


Have you seen a picture of Carlisle (forgot his real name. Peter fettucini or something) with dark hair and normal skin colour? he looks DAMN HOT. and he's married to Jenny Garth from 90210!! They're both so good looking, their babies are gonna be extremely good looking la lol :happy:


Eh yeah wei I wonder how they're gonna pull of the Volturi. I imagined them to look suuuper old and wrinkly and white like Bill Nighy in Underworld :chuckle:


Liz: Nah lah Big night out is just a "catchy" phrase thought out by the LAMC marketing people from within the bowels of their stinkin' office.:p There's going to be nothing like the real BDO, man!


Debbie: Ur referring to the Prodigy about the bg music thing? Ur right it's pretty much like that but they're also a great band live!


Your Heart Is My Piñata: Where are you staying at? Not possible to come 2 days later so you don't have to extend 2 more days? I want to catch AVA but only if i got free tickets lol. But who are Stars?


Kak Faz: Yah Firestarter is by the Prodigy and they're still around lol! But they said they were gona stop making albums after The Fat Of The Land but it seems that they didn't.


Aida, Miele: I meant to post this eariler


Didn't get anything else!


Eh to be honest when I first read Big Night Out, I was also thinking 'Big Day Out, only in Singapore' but i forgot to mention it hehe.


Nah I actually referring to The Ting Tings as bg music, sorry I didnt clarify. But yeah The Prodigy also quite bg music kan? hahaha. Both also can be used as bg music i guess!

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A1 was funnn!! It's always nice to go to Sepang. I think I should consider retiring there someday LOL. Despite not exactly being a Team Malaysia supporter but once you're standing at the grandstand with thousands of other Malaysians, you can't help but get into the mood and cheer for Team Malaysia! A pity really that Fairuz went in for that unnecessary pit stop when he was running in third place! Nevertheless the sound of the engines were enough to keep us happy! Oh and of course that impromptu trip to the otherside of the track, the pitlanneee!! Where you get to see mechanics at work with their ... dirty hands



Hahahaha I was extremely excited too the first time I was at the pitlane (during Moto GP last year) I can totally understand how you feel! Would've been nice if we managed to run across all the way to the podium area. Haha... Btw, I'm so glad you managed to get out of Kajang without being too lost. It's not too hard right...? Safe for the little detour to Convent lol. Sorry you had to be late for dinner at One Utama! Did you get there in the end?


What did your brother say of your picture? Did you make him jealous? Hehe :happy:


P/S: Do I spy Mr Darcy in your avatar? =0


Smashed chicken?! Curious!!



A1 was a blast! i love the crowd! it was almost like watching a football match. they really cheer for team Malaysia. very proud to be a part of the crowd that day.:happy:


it would've been easier if it wasn't raining heavily lol. no, i didn't coz i was all sweaty and smelly haha.. my sister was really annoyed but i was too happy to care that night lol.


oooh. u should've seen my bro's face.. green with envy! :LOL:


:chuckle: yup. Matthew Macfayden is seriously one beautiful Mr Darcy. so proud and masculine and yet very vulnerable and gentle. very different from the way Colin Firth portrayed him. However, i am not very fond of Mr Bingley in the 2005 version. he seems quite well, stupid to me rather than a very charming man. you can sense that i've been watching too much Pride and Prejudice now eh? :LOL::$ it really is heaven to have time to chill out and watch all your favourite movies in yr pyjamas once in while before facing another hectic week ahead. and i also found out that Matthew used to play Hareton in Wuthering Heights along side Voldemort (can't remember his real name) as Heathcliff!


i used to call mashed potatoes as smashed potatoes. :$


Yeah I'm very happy that they answered all the questions! there werent enough questions la, aiyo. Wish they could answer moreI love Chris and the way he answered the questions la. like damn relaxed only.




Yeah wei I read the newspapers today, Gallas was accusing Chelsea for lying about him or summat so I'm worried as to how the Chelsea fans might react :eek: I hope it wont affect the game!


Yeah Dr Carlisle quite hot right? I was like.. grinning to myself when he first came in the movie ehheh. he looks too white though! his hair so blonde summore.


WHOA Archie's eyes are SO BROWN!! Didnt know they were as brown as that lol.


Yeah imagine asking someone cheeky like Dom 'does my butt look big in this?' surely he'll come up with some kinda witty answer. hahaha. I have to ask 'does my butt look small in this' though since i have a no-butt. hohoho.


Aiya noone is too old for Twilight!


yeah la.. i love how they answered all the questions! :happy: but it would be better if they made a video of it like the previous muse chat? i would love to see matt's face when he said "does my bum look big in this?". that would've been GOLD. but then if u put all three of 'em together in an interview we wouldn't see how cool Chris is coz then he'll let Matt and Dom do all the talking while he just sits back and laugh once in a while. lol.


i saw an interview with all the actors who play the Cullens before! i must say they look more attractive in real life then in the movie haha.. and yes, Carlisle-- i mean the actor who plays him is super good looking! but i really love him coz he's very fatherly la in the movie. i love when he called Edward "son" and trying to calm him down.


LOL. that question is more like an invitation to check out one's bum rather than a pwoper question if u ask me hehe..


yeah alice was cute, her voice was almost like what bella described; like wind chimes, it was too sweet. the biology class scene was funny though. everyone laughed when Edward covered his nose like jasper's stoned face, it was funny, hahah! but he loosened up and got better during the baseball scene i totally noticed the contacts. it was sooo freaking obvious! but nvm,he was molten-hot nevertheless ;)


i truly loved Carlisle. he,too, dazzled me apart form Edward, though i have to agree with you; he was chalky, VERY chalky! but then again, he is the oldest in the Cullen clan. can't wait to see how the Volturi will turn out to be in the movie. they were supposed to be translucent-like pale that looked very fragile but tough nevertheless.



ok i missed the baseball scene coz i was busy freaking out and singing to SMBH rather than paying attention to the film (i am so obviously obsessed :$). i only remember Jasper as this awkward guy who looks like he's always in pain hehe..


oh yes. Carlisle <3 :happy:


I have to miss The Prodigy! I want to go see The Ting Tings SO SO SO SO SO bad....my mum says she doesn't want to extend my trip by just three days, though!


I'm going to see AVA here, and Stars in Singapore!


are u sure u're 12? may i see yr id please? ;):LOL:


oh wow, two years and am still here and still a very, very dedicated Muse fan! :happy:

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I'm going to see AVA here, and Stars in Singapore! :D

Here... meaning? Sorry, Tee right? Hmm if I'm not mistaken you're from Singapore? :) and holy cow! You're going to see Stars!!! Will you be going alone again like you did for Motley? My sister's gonna be jealous you'll get to hear them live.. We were talking about making yet another trip down to Singapore (in my defence - it's in 2009 at least!), to catch them in the Esplanade. However, Jan 7th kinda clashes with my final exams and we're still relatively broke from our previous Singapore trip lol. Dunno though might just make the final jump in the final week..who knows!


Nut, here's a Stars song for you. right click, save as.


Eh serious? Did you watch it both in the afternoon? I wanted to try watching it at night.. like a late movie, hopefully they wont censor so much.


Have you seen a picture of Carlisle (forgot his real name. Peter fettucini or something) with dark hair and normal skin colour? he looks DAMN HOT. and he's married to Jenny Garth from 90210!! They're both so good looking, their babies are gonna be extremely good looking la lol


Eh yeah wei I wonder how they're gonna pull of the Volturi. I imagined them to look suuuper old and wrinkly and white like Bill Nighy in Underworld

Hmm, I watched the late night movie, they censored as well -__-


Fettuccine? Omg that sounds like a very delicious name!


Bill Nighy as Davey Jones in POTC! Btw, did you notice he was the Christmas-y singer in Love, Actually?! :LOL: (Bill Nighy, sorry - not Carlisle!)



ok i missed the baseball scene coz i was busy freaking out and singing to SMBH rather than paying attention to the film (i am so obviously obsessed :$). i only remember Jasper as this awkward guy who looks like he's always in pain hehe..

Did someone say THE baseball scene?


:D Hurry, you might wanna watch that quick before youtube takes it down!



Did no one mention about the Cullen crest yet?! Both Edward and Emmet were wearing wristbands with the crest right? Rosalie had a pendant, Carlisle a ring and Alice a choker if I'm not mistaken! I didn't notice any on Jasper or Esme, maybe someone who has watched it more than once could clarify that? Heh. Anyway, I loved the wristband :]



yup. Matthew Macfayden is seriously one beautiful Mr Darcy. so proud and masculine and yet very vulnerable and gentle. very different from the way Colin Firth portrayed him. However, i am not very fond of Mr Bingley in the 2005 version. he seems quite well, stupid to me rather than a very charming man. you can sense that i've been watching too much Pride and Prejudice now eh? it really is heaven to have time to chill out and watch all your favourite movies in yr pyjamas once in while before facing another hectic week ahead. and i also found out that Matthew used to play Hareton in Wuthering Heights along side Voldemort (can't remember his real name) as Heathcliff!

Lol I can recognize Mr Darcy anywhere. ;) Seriously, I am equally obsessed with him hahaha. Funny thing though, I hated the 2005 Pride & Prejudice. Maybe it was Kiera Knightley or maybe it was the younger Bennett girls that kept running around... I guess it's just me not allowing myself to have another actor as Mr Darcy besides the Colin Firth :LOL: Do you know how many times I replay that diving scene over and over again?! Hahaha, after reading Bridget Jones Diary, I can't help but follow in her footsteps.


But really, when someone says this in the most romantic way ever:


"In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."


How can you not fall for him?! *melts* :$


oh wow, two years and am still here and still a very, very dedicated Muse fan! :happy:

Aww, happy 2 year anniversary!! It's been quite a long fun journey hmm? ;]


Can you believe it's Decemeber already? craaaap.

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are u sure u're 12? may i see yr id please? ;):LOL:


:LOL: Yes, I am. You mean...scan it onto the computer? :stunned::LOL:


Here... meaning? Sorry, Tee right? Hmm if I'm not mistaken you're from Singapore? :) and holy cow! You're going to see Stars!!! Will you be going alone again like you did for Motley? My sister's gonna be jealous you'll get to hear them live.. We were talking about making yet another trip down to Singapore (in my defence - it's in 2009 at least!), to catch them in the Esplanade. However, Jan 7th kinda clashes with my final exams and we're still relatively broke from our previous Singapore trip lol. Dunno though might just make the final jump in the final week..who knows!


Nut, here's a Stars song for you. right click, save as.




Can you believe it's Decemeber already? craaaap.


'Here' is Bali. :) Yeah, I'm Tee. I'm from Singapore. Yes I am. :D Yeah...I'm always going alone. :rolleyes: Ah, that sucks that you have to miss them. :( It's going on when it's my school break, so I can go. :D


And yeah, wowww. Almost 2009! :stunned:



Wooo....my parents are calling the ticket agency today to change my ticket to come back here for January 14th...so I might see The Ting Tings after all! :happy:

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yup. Matthew Macfayden is seriously one beautiful Mr Darcy. so proud and masculine and yet very vulnerable and gentle. very different from the way Colin Firth portrayed him. However, i am not very fond of Mr Bingley in the 2005 version. he seems quite well, stupid to me rather than a very charming man. you can sense that i've been watching too much Pride and Prejudice now eh? it really is heaven to have time to chill out and watch all your favourite movies in yr pyjamas once in while before facing another hectic week ahead. and i also found out that Matthew used to play Hareton in Wuthering Heights along side Voldemort (can't remember his real name) as Heathcliff!


i used to call mashed potatoes as smashed potatoes.


yeah la.. i love how they answered all the questions! :happy: but it would be better if they made a video of it like the previous muse chat? i would love to see matt's face when he said "does my bum look big in this?". that would've been GOLD. but then if u put all three of 'em together in an interview we wouldn't see how cool Chris is coz then he'll let Matt and Dom do all the talking while he just sits back and laugh once in a while. lol.


i saw an interview with all the actors who play the Cullens before! i must say they look more attractive in real life then in the movie haha.. and yes, Carlisle-- i mean the actor who plays him is super good looking! but i really love him coz he's very fatherly la in the movie. i love when he called Edward "son" and trying to calm him down.


LOL. that question is more like an invitation to check out one's bum rather than a pwoper question if u ask me hehe..


ok i missed the baseball scene coz i was busy freaking out and singing to SMBH rather than paying attention to the film (i am so obviously obsessed). i only remember Jasper as this awkward guy who looks like he's always in pain hehe..


oh yes. Carlisle <3


Whoa how many versions of Pride and Prejudice are there? :stunned:


+1 to everything you said about interviewing Muse. Matt or Dom will probably answer all the questions, unless the question is directed to Chris la. Dom didnt answer many questions on the Muse Questions though, right? :(


Haha Jasper looks damn hot when he was playing baseball la, from then onwards he was damn hot :D I think Edward would've been much much MUCH more attractive (to me) if he kept his British accent :happy: too bad he didnt. roar.


Hmm, I watched the late night movie, they censored as well -__-


Fettuccine? Omg that sounds like a very delicious name!


Bill Nighy as Davey Jones in POTC! Btw, did you notice he was the Christmas-y singer in Love, Actually?! (Bill Nighy, sorry - not Carlisle!)


Did someone say THE baseball scene?


Hurry, you might wanna watch that quick before youtube takes it down!


Did no one mention about the Cullen crest yet?! Both Edward and Emmet were wearing wristbands with the crest right? Rosalie had a pendant, Carlisle a ring and Alice a choker if I'm not mistaken! I didn't notice any on Jasper or Esme, maybe someone who has watched it more than once could clarify that? Heh. Anyway, I loved the wristband :]


Yerrr. Aiyo the Malaysian Censorship Board ppl thing (MCB lol) damn gay la :noey: COME LETS TO GO SINGAPORE AND WATCH TWILIGHT AGAIN! haha. Well its not Fettuccine exactly but it sounds like it! :D very yummy indeed eh? ;)


haha yeah I did! Thats when I first saw Bill Nighy, in Love Actually. From then onwards I kept referring to him as the Christmas dude from Love Actually :chuckle: aww man I should watch that show again.


Aww the baseball scene is seriously my favourite scene la. HOW HOT does Jasper look with the way he's man-handling that bat eh! :$ Eh I had no idea the Cullen crest existed :stunned: Wah even in that youtube video I couldn't see any Cullen crest. I guess this gives me another reason to watch the movie again! :D


Lol I can recognize Mr Darcy anywhere. ;) Seriously, I am equally obsessed with him hahaha. Funny thing though, I hated the 2005 Pride & Prejudice. Maybe it was Kiera Knightley or maybe it was the younger Bennett girls that kept running around... I guess it's just me not allowing myself to have another actor as Mr Darcy besides the Colin Firth: Do you know how many times I replay that diving scene over and over again?! Hahaha, after reading Bridget Jones Diary, I can't help but follow in her footsteps.


But really, when someone says this in the most romantic way ever:


"In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."


How can you not fall for him?! *melts*


Aww, happy 2 year anniversary!! It's been quite a long fun journey hmm? ;]


Can you believe it's December already? craaaap.


Omg, thats so romantic, that line. Is it from Pride and Prejudice? Thats it lah I'm gonna read that book if it is :chuckle:


Argh I hate the fact that its December already, SO FAST. I'm not ready for the year to end yet, I'm not ready to face all my friends leaving me to go to stupid Australia :(

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I would wanna go see AVA but I'm angry at Tom. Heh.


OH all the Twilight buzz..I'm gonna see it 2mr! The baseball scene lol Edward gives Emmett the finger :LOL: LOL Fettuccine! Facinelli!


And yar, it bloody sucks that its December already..so close to !(*$&^£(&^$ )(*$ school.


Oh Auntie Faz, two years for me too! :D

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Joelyn: Hi! Oh yeah i remember seeing your name, but now i'll definitely remember it. Maybe i can get you a Singaporean tourist gift and then you can surprise ur fren lol. Where in Bukit Bintang do you work?


Haha.... You better then :p Lol... Are you coming to Malaysia any time soon then? Might as well get for me the Muse Absolution DVD since I can't get it in Malaysia :rolleyes::D And I don't need to keep on thinking how good will the video look :happy: Yay!!!!

:erm: I still dunno your name...:erm:


Joelyn, YAY then we can watch together-geder but at different places heheh :happy:


=( =.= Lol... Yes, together gether in Malaysia then :rolleyes::p


wow. so many posts to read (you guys went for soundcheck!!!) and to comment!


unfortunately I only have so much time left online at the moment I only have enough to drop by and say that, I just came back from a Twilight screening!



IT WAS SO BADDDD. So so sorry twilighters, but it really wasn't my cup of tea (anymore) and HOW THE HELL CAN THEY NOT EVEN ... EXPLAIN ABOUT TWILIGHT BEING EDWARD'S FAVOURITE TIME OF THE DAY!? :( That was my fav part of the book! Good heavens. You don't call a movie Australia if it's not about Australia or something :-/


Ok, maybe I'm being a little too harsh on the movie considering the fact that I did put rather high expectations for this movie... I went in there thinking I would have plenty of eye candy from the Cullens but ehhhhh the Carlisle in my head didn't turn out to be true, Jasper looks stoned, Emmet didn't really rub off as an elder brother kind of person but more like a ... hmm I can't put the word in my head at the moment. But yeah, Edward. He has REALLY pretty hands (ONE PART TO NOTE: when Edward and Bella are talking about how Carlisle turned him into a vampire, the both of them were squatting down in a clearing of a jungle or whatever and Edward had to stretch his fingers right there and then :D very sexy hands!!). That's all I can say, and should say, before I start commenting about his lipstick. Which certainly didn't do him any good with his acting skills. Or that sparkling scene.


Hmmm don't even get me started with Bella...


and the many many conversations between the both of them that they totally omitted. Instead they included a lot of unnecessary quiet stares that - although I know it fits the characters they play - but I felt that if they actually talked, argued and laughed like how they did in the book, that would've been a better portrayal (Port Angeles car talk scene, anyone?)


The camera positions for the film as well as the direction certainly wasn't anything out of the ordinary.


Howeverr, it was definitely super massive awesome that they played almost the whole Muse song during the baseball scene though! It made me all excited (only time in the movie, I swear). I'm not sure what would've happened if they did not put that song in. It would cripple the movie! haha.


Well okay, to give a little dignity back to the movie, the final James fight scene did get more upbeat but just like the book - it was really short lived.


Oh and finally ... Bella's Lullaby! I adore that piano scene (hello, ample hand shots!) but the lullaby itself ... they didn't even explain what it was and that Edward was inspired to write that piece because of Bella T_T I'm not exactly too fond of it... ok I admit it has that mysterious creepy thing going on, but how can that piece not end in a perfect cadence?! I liked the middle part where it becomes "major notes" sounding but just right before it ended, it was in a minor key again. Boo.


If only Matt got around to write it ... *whistles*



Wow sorry I went on pretty far about it huh? Trust me though, that's not the only parts I feel like getting off my chest. I may just change my thoughts on the movie after I digest everything down properly... But wanna hear the best part?!


After the movie, I went in the car, and Starlight was just playing on Hitz.fm. About 40 seconds after the song ended, I changed the channel and to my surprise, Starlight was also just beginning on Traxx.fm! Talk about being dazzled and amused! :LOL:



awww you should've put all of your high expectations behind before you watch the movie. you must not expect that a book-to-film movie will be exactly or, well, almost exactly like that book. If you do those two, i'm sure you will at least be satisfied. i know i was watched it twice yesterday and gonna go see it again n again!


i LOVE the part in the very end where they showed Victoria all red-eyed but beautifully dressed and then, as she was releasing all the wrath that was her hair and walked down the stairs, 15 Steps came on! it totally caught me off guard. it was wicked awesome!! (to me, at least lol)


*already suffering from withdrawal* :(

I'm not suppose to read the spoiler but I read it anyway. Now I couldn't wait to see the movie just to see the the scene when they play the Muse song XD =P

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Most of my friends listen to me babble on about Muse/AAR/LH is because I don't give them much of a choice! :LOL: They know absolutely nothing about these bands until I came along and told them all about it. Haha. Now if they hear Time is Running Out or Starlight on the radios, they would give me a miss call! <3


OMG I LOVE KEROPOK LEKOR and homemade chili sauce!! Seriously our college don't sell keropok lekor at all besides the hostel canteen! Where do you go to for the best keropok lekor?


I would say the tourism spot in KL would be ... Petaling Street? Haha :-/ But if you want to get souvenirs for a foreigner then I think Malacca might be a good place to start.





A1 was funnn!! It's always nice to go to Sepang. I think I should consider retiring there someday LOL. Despite not exactly being a Team Malaysia supporter but once you're standing at the grandstand with thousands of other Malaysians, you can't help but get into the mood and cheer for Team Malaysia! A pity really that Fairuz went in for that unnecessary pit stop when he was running in third place! Nevertheless the sound of the engines were enough to keep us happy! Oh and of course that impromptu trip to the otherside of the track, the pitlanneee!! Where you get to see mechanics at work with their ... dirty hands :LOL:


Singapore is such an awesome place right? Did you guys take pictures with the Mer-lion from the Esplanade? Haha. Do tell us more about sg! Your lunch, your long wait at the doors, the soundcheck etc!




Hahahaha I was extremely excited too the first time I was at the pitlane (during Moto GP last year) I can totally understand how you feel! Would've been nice if we managed to run across all the way to the podium area. Haha... Btw, I'm so glad you managed to get out of Kajang without being too lost. It's not too hard right...? Safe for the little detour to Convent lol. Sorry you had to be late for dinner at One Utama! Did you get there in the end?


What did your brother say of your picture? Did you make him jealous? Hehe :happy:


P/S: Do I spy Mr Darcy in your avatar? =0







Smashed chicken?! Curious!!


Yay! Glad you guys made it for soundcheck! Did the manic guys say anything when LAMC shoved you guys away? =[ But anyway, it really is something right, when you manage to get in for soundcheck?! Even if you don't record anything ... it's still actually really awesome just sitting down on the grass and listening to them doing their rehearsals!


Lol why does everyone amuse themselves by covering Umbrella thesedays? haha. My sister mentioned that there were super annoying girls in front of them swinging their umbrellas when Manic played that. Pretty cool though that they played their "greatest hits" over the past years as mentioned in an earlier interview. :]


It's nice to know that Manics will be using Richey's lyrics for their upcoming album!





Lol reminds me of the Batman withdrawl!! But yeah, you're right. I know should not put too much expectations on the movie. Can't help it though, really ... haha.


I have to say though, LOTR is probably the only movie that really proved the book-to-film theory wrong ;]




Big Night Out? Is that singapore's version of Big Day Out?


Oooh, I hear Angels & Airwaves are scheduled to play in Sigapore too. Along with Stars!





@ Noor: Ouuch! Have a speedy recovery, dear :[


@ Miele: I'm soo sorry to hear that Bangkok Rock Fest will be cancelled! The three girls that I met with during the Ash SG gig honestly were just as much devastated because they had huuuge plans already regarding seeing Ash and everything! Hell, they even printed ASH-tees and a 5-feet long banner to catch their attention and I'm pretty sure Ash might just remember them from the SG gig! Three of them were supposed to wear A. S. H. tees respectively like this--> [Click.]


@ Achi/Grace: Sorry to hear that you had to miss out on Ash again! :(


:LOL: I used to babble on Muse but now only wehn I see an opportunity, I'll go for it :p:LOL: Haha.... my best friend would sms me to tell me if she heard Starlight(since it's the most well know) on radio or in supermarket and her sms will be, eh, I heard Starlight in isetan. Aiyo... why la they play that? =P (just to annoy the hell out of me) :LOL: and I'll just babble about Dom to annoy her :rolleyes::chuckle:


:LOL: I LOVE keropok lekor too!!! I prefer the soft one thou. The tough ones sometimes hurt my teeth :erm: =P I think all the stall around or near the lrt station sells keropok lekor. But I think the keropok lekor chili sauce play an important role cause sometimes no matter how good they fried it, if the chili sauce is not really good, the keropok lekor won't taste that good as well


:chuckle:I'll look around if I go there but faz is helping me to buy :D Thank you so much!!

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malas nak multiquote!


my dear muse-niece nonoor! :stunned::stunned: i only saw the first two . i couldn't tahan looking at the rest of the pictures. wah.. tabik at u la, dear for being so strong. i bet it must hurt to comb yr hair ek? ish...


deb, yes la. am quite unhappy with arsenal as well la. i was so happy when the beat MU and how brilliant Nasri was but then they started to play awful again after that game. i heard there are some racism issues in the camp. well, real fans follow their team regardless they're winning or losing, so am sticking with arsenal no matter what.


eh where got kids killing lots of people in To Kill a Mockingbird? lol.. Harper Lee is an american writer and the novel is very easy to read. Lord of The Flies, well the novel is about these bunch of middle class english kids stuck in an island after their plane crashed. i don't remember 'em killing each other tho. maybe Piggy died and a group of kids turned out to be like the hunters and acting all primitives after staying in the island for too long. so yeah.. maybe they 'hunted' each other. can't remember much la.. i read the novel long time ago when i was young. lol.. but both novels are very easy to read. if u wanna try old english, then try chaucer. that one satu mende pun i tak pham biler baca haha..


joelyn, i've replied to yr pm. will try to find something interesting there. have u ever been to Jln TAR? or Sogo? there are lots of shops there where u can find some very malaysian gifts. there's a malaysian handcraft center there as well if am not mistaken. u can find some souvenirs at CM as well.


my internet connection is very slow these days. who are guys saying retiring? is it muse? :stunned: oh and i love the way Dom answered the questions on the fans and being a doctor. it's good to know that he doesn't think us fans are embarrassing the band that much. lol. i can't wait to hear that 3 part orchestral piece as well!


wah.. so nice to hear u guys are having a rombongan beramai-ramai to watch Twilight. :happy:



Hehe... Ok. Thank you so much for your help, Faz!! :D:D *muackzzzz*

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OH. My. GOD.


The Prodigy are coming here in Feb.






And im still looking for any local paper reviews of the gig so you guys hold on ok...






Wow. from what I've seen they're really exciting and unpredictable live, should be great. Used to be on my gig wishlist (during Fat of the land time), along with Massive Attack and Weezer.


Thanks man for the review-scouting :) I suddenly have a flashback on how helpful and nice u were during our SG trip, like helping find out the Muse DVD price and ur concern with my headache and all. Good boy la u.






Aww guys I love the way Chris answered this question!



<3 :happy:










Wonder if Keith (the Prodigy singer) still wears the things he wore last time? :pMy friend told me, he was an accountant! :p

Anyway, I dunno if I want to go or not, I only have 2 of their albums hmmm...


Miele & Achi: So sorry you gals don't get to go to Bangkok.

Maybe I should have bought the Manics t-shirt in Spore now that Bangkok didn't happen. So Miele, were u able to get the ticket refund? For the gig, train & flight?


Seriously? With the metal studs, eyeliner and multi-coloured hair? Cool.


Bangkok: Thanks dear. yeah my fren got it all back,they paid back to his credit card. yeah la rugi betul, I wanted that T-shirt also. What to do, takde nasib.







oh wow, two years and am still here and still a very, very dedicated Muse fan! :happy:


Hell yeah *high fives Faz*:\mm/::musesign:


Thanks to you and Liz for the A1 report, I loved reading bout ur experiences, especially about the crowd, pitlane and all. next time wanna follow can?




Robin van Persie, oh how I love you so!


okay goodnight :D


Due to the current points taken off Chelsea, I loved RVP as well that night (Cant believe Im saying this).. But his first goal was clearly offside lol. To be fair, Fabregas is a genius, his assist to RVP was amazing.




Oh dear, did Arsenal lose to Burnley? :stunned: Why la only play well against the big teams?



Yerrr. Aiyo the Malaysian Censorship Board ppl thing (MCB lol) damn gay la :noey: COME LETS TO GO SINGAPORE AND WATCH TWILIGHT AGAIN! haha. Well its not Fettuccine exactly but it sounds like it! :D very yummy indeed eh? ;)


Argh I hate the fact that its December already, SO FAST. I'm not ready for the year to end yet, I'm not ready to face all my friends leaving me to go to stupid Australia :(


Seriously la MCB damn annoying. They ban the stupidest things, but ultraviolent stuff boleh plak lepas. I want to go to SG and watch this Yasmin Ahmad movie: Muallaf, apparenltly not showing in Msia.. Nut would u be seeing it? Tell me if u are okay?


Here's a review: http://yasminthefilmmaker.blogspot.com/2008/11/muallaf-review-from-john-li-of.html


When exactly r they leaving Deb? Have an unforgettable farewell party la. Then save money, and when Muse go to Oz u can visit them and catch Muse at the same time. :)

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Due to the current points taken off Chelsea, I loved RVP as well that night (Cant believe Im saying this).. But his first goal was clearly offside lol. To be fair, Fabregas is a genius, his assist to RVP was amazing.


Oh dear, did Arsenal lose to Burnley? :stunned: Why la only play well against the big teams?


Seriously la MCB damn annoying. They ban the stupidest things, but ultraviolent stuff boleh plak lepas. I want to go to SG and watch this Yasmin Ahmad movie: Muallaf, apparenltly not showing in Msia.. Nut would u be seeing it? Tell me if u are okay?


Here's a review: http://yasminthefilmmaker.blogspot.com/2008/11/muallaf-review-from-john-li-of.html


When exactly r they leaving Deb? Have an unforgettable farewell party la. Then save money, and when Muse go to Oz u can visit them and catch Muse at the same time. :)


I didnt catch the Burnley game, but i saw on my friend's facebook status as "hates staying up late to watch Arsenal lose" :( Haha so you're a Liverpool fan then? I thought you were a Man U fan? Yeah why didnt they un-count his offside goal ar? not that i want them to do that, but why didnt they? :eek:


Yala Arsenal seems to be able to defeat the top 4 only, the rest they just LOSE SO BADLY :(


Ultraviolet stuff? Whats that :confused:


My friends are leaving in February.. but I'm having my mock exams now so I cant really hang out with them, and my real exams only end at the end on January, so banyak susah la, to find time and to spend time with them to the maximum-est :( lol yeah maybe one day if I save up enough money (or earn enough money) then I can go catch Muse along with other bands in BDO! and visit my friends too, woot :D

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Did someone say THE baseball scene?


Hurry, you might wanna watch that quick before youtube takes it down!


Lol I can recognize Mr Darcy anywhere. ;) Seriously, I am equally obsessed with him hahaha. Funny thing though, I hated the 2005 Pride & Prejudice. Maybe it was Kiera Knightley or maybe it was the younger Bennett girls that kept running around... I guess it's just me not allowing myself to have another actor as Mr Darcy besides the Colin Firth Do you know how many times I replay that diving scene over and over again?! Hahaha, after reading Bridget Jones Diary, I can't help but follow in her footsteps.


But really, when someone says this in the most romantic way ever:


"In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."


How can you not fall for him?! *melts*



Aww, happy 2 year anniversary!! It's been quite a long fun journey hmm? ;]


Can you believe it's Decemeber already? craaaap.


nice, Liz. thanks for that youtube link. still can't stop smiling listening to SMBH in that scene. :happy:


the lake scene! haha... i can't believe that he dived into that muddy lake! but who cares eh? he was taking off some clothes in that scene!:chuckle: i used to hate the 2005 P&P coz of Kiera Knightley too and the other too-giggly-and-silly Bennet girls esp Lydia! but i always love Matthew Macfayden! hehehe... he has this voice which is so deep and umm smexy! lol.. but to be fair, the BBC series is more developed and true to the book because it is a series and Colin Firth had more screen time than Matthew. so yeah.. no one can be a better Mr Darcy than Colin Firth! But Matthew brought this vulnerability and tenderness in Mr Darcy that i just can't help loving him as well haha.. i recently watched the movie again while reading the director's commentary and i have to say that i love the movie now! and i love Kiera Knightly playing Lizzie. somehow after reading the commentary she seems so right to play her and so does Matthew Macfayden to be Dracified lol. speaking of Lizzie, Liz, if i have yr name i would definitely asked all my friends to call me Lizzie coz than i can perasan that am Elizabeth Bennet! haha...



OMG that line! i'd definitely go week on my knees if there's a man saying those words to me haiiih.. perasan sajer la ek? haha.. but i love the way Matthew said "I love you. Most ardently" in the movie instead of saying the whole line you just quoted. it's so simple and yet still very romantic. but my most fav lines from the movie has got to be the part where he met Lizzie at the end and confesses that she had "bewitched" him "body and soul" and wishes never to be parted with her for the rest of his life with the sun rising behind them. a very kleenex moment la that one. oh my. i think i've taken this thing too far! :LOL::$ perhaps i should put a spoiler tag on this.



Bridget Jones. ok. am gonna control myself and not talk about the novel and movie. i don't think i should write a 3000 words essay here. lol. suffice to say that Colin Firth is brilliant in the movie.


Thanks! those are your words, remember. not obsessed but dedicated lol. yeah la.. the end of another year. somehow i was humming Apocalypse Please while typing "the end" lol.



Whoa how many versions of Pride and Prejudice are there?


+1 to everything you said about interviewing Muse. Matt or Dom will probably answer all the questions, unless the question is directed to Chris la. Dom didnt answer many questions on the Muse Questions though, right?


Haha Jasper looks damn hot when he was playing baseball la, from then onwards he was damn hot I think Edward would've been much much MUCH more attractive (to me) if he kept his British accent too bad he didnt. roar.


Omg, thats so romantic, that line. Is it from Pride and Prejudice? Thats it lah I'm gonna read that book if it is


Argh I hate the fact that its December already, SO FAST. I'm not ready for the year to end yet, I'm not ready to face all my friends leaving me to go to stupid Australia


am sure there are a lot but i only know 4. the 1950s version, the BBC series, the 2005 movie and a Bollywood take on it as well lol. but i've only seen the BBC series and the 05 movie. you should read the book! go to the library and borrow it now! lol


you're right. Dom didn't answer much and if he did, his answers are always short.


+1 on Edward and the British accent.


I would wanna go see AVA but I'm angry at Tom. Heh.


OH all the Twilight buzz..I'm gonna see it 2mr! The baseball scene lol Edward gives Emmett the finger Fettuccine! Facinelli!


And yar, it bloody sucks that its December already..so close to !(*$&^£(&^$ )(*$ school.


Oh Auntie Faz, two years for me too!



who's tom? Congrats dear! we're both two in Muse board years. oh how i wish to be two again hehe..


Hell yeah *high fives Faz*:\mm/::musesign:


Thanks to you and Liz for the A1 report, I loved reading bout ur experiences, especially about the crowd, pitlane and all. next time wanna follow can?


Due to the current points taken off Chelsea, I loved RVP as well that night (Cant believe Im saying this).. But his first goal was clearly offside lol. To be fair, Fabregas is a genius, his assist to RVP was amazing.



Oh dear, did Arsenal lose to Burnley? :stunned: Why la only play well against the big teams?


it'd be great to go watch A1 with you! if i do go again la kan.


i love it la when scolari was so upset about the equaliser. he becomes more like Jose now haha.. but hey, we follow the ref man. if the lines man didn't raised his flag than it was a solid goal! oh thank you, thank you, my Fabregas was brilliant, as alwayd. i know. hehe..


there goes our chance of winning the Carling Cup.


what's with Ronaldo and his second yellow card against Man City eh? my student was saying that he was preventing the ball from hitting his pretty face hehe... it is sort of true isn't it? :p:LOL:


I didnt catch the Burnley game, but i saw on my friend's facebook status as "hates staying up late to watch Arsenal lose" :( Haha so you're a Liverpool fan then? I thought you were a Man U fan? Yeah why didnt they un-count his offside goal ar? not that i want them to do that, but why didnt they? :eek:


Yala Arsenal seems to be able to defeat the top 4 only, the rest they just LOSE SO BADLY


Ultraviolet stuff? Whats that


My friends are leaving in February.. but I'm having my mock exams now so I cant really hang out with them, and my real exams only end at the end on January, so banyak susah la, to find time and to spend time with them to the maximum-est :( lol yeah maybe one day if I save up enough money (or earn enough money) then I can go catch Muse along with other bands in BDO! and visit my friends too, woot


hey i don't think i'd be happy if they uncount the offside goal! lol.. it's football man, not rugby. they don't have a video ref. or do they? but my point is, normal la like that. refs are human. they make mistakes.


i agree la.. arsenal is so inconsistent. they'll go all out against big teams but played badly against others. remember stoke city? arsenal lost to 'em and yet MU trashed 'em 5-1 or something.. perhaps i should start watching the Malaysian Super league.



oh wow. awesome plan. you should make that happen!


i just bought a new dictionary and i freaking love it!! :happy::LOL: so random.

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I didnt catch the Burnley game, but i saw on my friend's facebook status as "hates staying up late to watch Arsenal lose" :( Haha so you're a Liverpool fan then? I thought you were a Man U fan? Yeah why didnt they un-count his offside goal ar? not that i want them to do that, but why didnt they? :eek:


Yala Arsenal seems to be able to defeat the top 4 only, the rest they just LOSE SO BADLY :(


Ultraviolet stuff? Whats that


My friends are leaving in February.. but I'm having my mock exams now so I cant really hang out with them, and my real exams only end at the end on January, so banyak susah la, to find time and to spend time with them to the maximum-est :( lol yeah maybe one day if I save up enough money (or earn enough money) then I can go catch Muse along with other bands in BDO! and visit my friends too, woot :D




Woah hold ur horses there missy, in no way am I a Liverpool fan, still all United since 1992 :). Nah what I meant was with Chelsea losing and Liverpool getting a draw, United is only 5 points adrift with 1 game in hand. But Arsenal is only 2 points behind us though.


Offside depends on the line official / referee, if no one flags blows for it, then too bad the goal stands. For example Berbatov's goal against Celtic was offside as well. Oh wait I think Faz has explained this, heheh.



Big Day out: Korndamned and I were chatting on FB about the same thing, saving money to go there if Muse came again. He's even thinking of finding a more lucrative job for it! So okay la, let's all be saving sama2, more semangat that way :D




Ultraviolent :facepalm::$ Sometimes I just cannot spell lah.


Btw I bought this movie magazine called First, it has a Twillight feature in it. Would u like it? May be if we have meetup again I pass to u if u want.








nice, Liz. thanks for that youtube link. still can't stop smiling listening to SMBH in that scene. :happy:



Bridget Jones. ok. am gonna control myself and not talk about the novel and movie. i don't think i should write a 3000 words essay here. lol. suffice to say that Colin Firth is brilliant in the movie.




what's with Ronaldo and his second yellow card against Man City eh? my student was saying that he was preventing the ball from hitting his pretty face hehe... it is sort of true isn't it? :p:LOL:




i agree la.. arsenal is so inconsistent. they'll go all out against big teams but played badly against others. remember stoke city? arsenal lost to 'em and yet MU trashed 'em 5-1 or something.. perhaps i should start watching the Malaysian Super league.



oh wow. awesome plan. you should make that happen!


i just bought a new dictionary and i freaking love it!! :happy::LOL: so random.



SMBH baseball scene: So whaddaya think, is it worth it for a non-Twillight fan to go catch the movie just for the scene?


Bridget Jones: i used to feel like her, u know with being overweight, single, clumsy / always saying embarassing things lol. But if at the end can get like Mr Darcy fuh gila best! Heheheh.



Ronaldo: He explained that he heard Micah Richards (City defender) shout in pain and the the ref blew, so he wanted to stop the ball so the guy can get treatment. Yeah right. He just wanted to protect his face for the Ballon D'or ceremony coz live on tv what. He's beyond vain la, that boy, lucky he's such an effective player.



Arsenal: to quote another Arsenal fan, the players have a big game mentality, they want to prove themselves against the big teams yet underestimate the small teams. Plus they dont know what to do when teams park the bus in front of their goal and hit them on the counterattack; i.e. the defense is fragile.



Another random SG flashback moment: when in the bus heading to have dinner at the smashed chicken (ayam penyek) place, we passed by Natinal Library and I teringat u Faz. Like u said u really wanted to go to SG to get some books there or something? Hope u didnt tersedak that day :p

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No time to reply atm, but doo wish me luck that I'll survive the horrendous task of being a bridesmaid tomorrow today!


I feel a sore throat coming :(


What's your favourite lozenges?


Mine is FISHERMAN'S FRIEND. Seriously, I'm practically addicted to it.


:LOL: Awww.... It will be fine :happy:


Mine is Strapsils :D (sorry for the wrong spelling :$)

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Already watch twilight :D:D:D

The movie is not exactly that good but then I think the best part would be the start and the ending. The middle part is kinda boring... And where did Stephanie Meyers made her cameo?! :eek::eek::eek: I didn't see her.....:(



:LOL: Everytime I think of Jasper's stoned expression, I start laughing. It's so funny. Hehe.... And when Carlslie first came onto the screen, the audience(which is mostly girls) totally gasp. I was gigling when they do that. Yah, I know Carlslie is quite good looking but not that hot. Lol... And Edward at first looks weird cause they put a bit too much makeup on him making him look very pale but during the middle of the show, they lighten up on it and he looks much and much better :eyebrows:

Hehe... And Alice is Cute!!! and I think she is much prettier than Rosalie. Rosalie doesn't look like a godess or anything that was describe in the book. She look kinda not bad only... Oh, and I always thought Laurent is a kuai lou :erm: =P and I expect Charlie to be more of a nervous type and, I dunno. Didn't really imagine him with a mustache... =P


And now on the scenes, I expect the car crash part to be more slow motion, then it will make the movie better... Instead they just make it at a normal speed =( Much more nicer if it is slower =D And the baseball scene is really quite cool :happy:Not only did SMBH was played, all of them look cool in that scene banging on each other and hitting the ball. :chuckle: Bella's acting at the part when she screaming because of the venom in the body is quite believable despite her bad acting on looking nervous. And Edward, when he talk, he always pause for a little while. I dunno why does Robert Pattison does that... Maybe he's not very good in it. And Robert Pattison is a brit right cause all the harry potter cast should be a british actor.


Lastly, the part where Bella first came in and Edward look like he smelled something bad... That was really funny. Everyone laugh at that scene and Bella even smell her hair to see if there is something wrong with her :LOL:


Ps. And Mike Newton is kinda cute. Did not expect that :p


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:LOL: Now I know why I have this nagging feeling I must come online today.



Happy Birthday Debbie!!!!!! :D:D:D


Have a great birthday and have lots of fun :happy:




I thought you had the same birthday with Dom :p

:LOL::LOL: Happy Birthday my dear :D:D:happy:

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Quite random but i'm going on holiday to Singapore and Malaysia in two weeks. Nice to know there's Muse fans out there :)


OOohh... Hope you like it here and Singapore :happy: Active fans who seems to forget about Mise once in a while :p


Which part will you be going?



Oh, guys, any tips on the trips?

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haha yeah I did! Thats when I first saw Bill Nighy, in Love Actually. From then onwards I kept referring to him as the Christmas dude from Love Actually :chuckle: aww man I should watch that show again.


Eh I had no idea the Cullen crest existed :stunned: Wah even in that youtube video I couldn't see any Cullen crest. I guess this gives me another reason to watch the movie again! :D


Omg, thats so romantic, that line. Is it from Pride and Prejudice? Thats it lah I'm gonna read that book if it is :chuckle:


Argh I hate the fact that its December already, SO FAST. I'm not ready for the year to end yet, I'm not ready to face all my friends leaving me to go to stupid Australia :(

Now that I'm relatively in a Christmas spirit, I feel like watching Love Actually! That lil boy in it who learned how to play drums for a girl haha omg so cute!


Here's the Cullen crest. They were wearing their baseball outfit during the baseball scene so I guess you couldnt find any of them wearing the crest then.





I'm guessing Bella's wearing Edward's jacket that's why it has the crest!



The wristband looks good, no? :]




Yess, that line is from the book! To think that the girl he professed his love to REJECTED him after that and told him he would be the last man on earth she would marry (or somewhere along those lines)! Waaahh, his maruah surely jatuh like hell but Mr Darcy still kept his pride and chin up! What a LOVEABLE character...:$


I'm with you regarding stupid Australia. But now that my friend is back I wouldn't want to spend so much time thinking about what would happen when she returns to Australia but rather what we could do within these two (albeit short) months! Did you know in Australia's McDonalds they have triple cheeseburgers? Curse you McD!!! Why don't you have that in Malaysia?!


oh and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY DEBBIEEE! 18 finally :D Come, let me bring you to a gig at No Black Tie or something although actually I don't think they had an entrance age limit to begin with haha. Hope you had a fun day!



the lake scene! haha... i can't believe that he dived into that muddy lake! but who cares eh? he was taking off some clothes in that scene!:chuckle: i used to hate the 2005 P&P coz of Kiera Knightley too and the other too-giggly-and-silly Bennet girls esp Lydia! but i always love Matthew Macfayden! hehehe... he has this voice which is so deep and umm smexy! lol.. but to be fair, the BBC series is more developed and true to the book because it is a series and Colin Firth had more screen time than Matthew. so yeah.. no one can be a better Mr Darcy than Colin Firth! But Matthew brought this vulnerability and tenderness in Mr Darcy that i just can't help loving him as well haha.. i recently watched the movie again while reading the director's commentary and i have to say that i love the movie now! and i love Kiera Knightly playing Lizzie. somehow after reading the commentary she seems so right to play her and so does Matthew Macfayden to be Dracified lol. speaking of Lizzie, Liz, if i have yr name i would definitely asked all my friends to call me Lizzie coz than i can perasan that am Elizabeth Bennet! haha...



OMG that line! i'd definitely go week on my knees if there's a man saying those words to me haiiih.. perasan sajer la ek? haha.. but i love the way Matthew said "I love you. Most ardently" in the movie instead of saying the whole line you just quoted. it's so simple and yet still very romantic. but my most fav lines from the movie has got to be the part where he met Lizzie at the end and confesses that she had "bewitched" him "body and soul" and wishes never to be parted with her for the rest of his life with the sun rising behind them. a very kleenex moment la that one. oh my. i think i've taken this thing too far! perhaps i should put a spoiler tag on this.


Lol I actually don't like it if someone calls me Lizzie/Lizzy but the more I tell them not to the more they do. I so do not want to be called Lizzie McGuire in any way! Haha.


Ooh, I've never given P&P 2005 another chance again after watching it (and almost falling asleep...) the first time but maybe i'll just watch the movie again with the commentary on. I do remember this one shot of Matthew's hands when he lead Lizzie up to the horse carriage after she paid a surprise visit to his housemansion. Verrryy smooth looking hands, I wanna hold it too!!


Apart from the lake scene I really loved the part where Mr Darcy hands Lizzie the letter that was supposed to explain everything and clear all her prejudice towards him too. and when she finally realizes he's not a horrible person after all!



Bridget Jones. ok. am gonna control myself and not talk about the novel and movie. i don't think i should write a 3000 words essay here. lol. suffice to say that Colin Firth is brilliant in the movie.



i just bought a new dictionary and i freaking love it!! :happy: so random.

I've yet to read the novel to the first Bridget Jones!! I'm actually hoping I could find one in those book warehouse sales lol but so far I've got none. Tried looking for it at my library too but found nothing. :(




Quite random but i'm going on holiday to Singapore and Malaysia in two weeks. Nice to know there's Muse fans out there :)

Yeah we transmit Muse-ic frequencies from tree tops too. Just kidding. ;)


Hope you'll enjoy Christmas shopping in Singapore and the Year End Sales in Malaysia! :D Have a safe trip and keep us updated ;]

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Already watch twilight :D:D:D

The movie is not exactly that good but then I think the best part would be the start and the ending. The middle part is kinda boring... And where did Stephanie Meyers made her cameo?! :eek::eek::eek: I didn't see her.....:(



:LOL: Everytime I think of Jasper's stoned expression, I start laughing. It's so funny. Hehe.... And when Carlslie first came onto the screen, the audience(which is mostly girls) totally gasp. I was gigling when they do that. Yah, I know Carlslie is quite good looking but not that hot. Lol... And Edward at first looks weird cause they put a bit too much makeup on him making him look very pale but during the middle of the show, they lighten up on it and he looks much and much better :eyebrows:

Hehe... And Alice is Cute!!! and I think she is much prettier than Rosalie. Rosalie doesn't look like a godess or anything that was describe in the book. She look kinda not bad only... Oh, and I always thought Laurent is a kuai lou :erm: =P and I expect Charlie to be more of a nervous type and, I dunno. Didn't really imagine him with a mustache... =P


And now on the scenes, I expect the car crash part to be more slow motion, then it will make the movie better... Instead they just make it at a normal speed =( Much more nicer if it is slower =D And the baseball scene is really quite cool :happy:Not only did SMBH was played, all of them look cool in that scene banging on each other and hitting the ball. :chuckle: Bella's acting at the part when she screaming because of the venom in the body is quite believable despite her bad acting on looking nervous. And Edward, when he talk, he always pause for a little while. I dunno why does Robert Pattison does that... Maybe he's not very good in it. And Robert Pattison is a brit right cause all the harry potter cast should be a british actor.


Lastly, the part where Bella first came in and Edward look like he smelled something bad... That was really funny. Everyone laugh at that scene and Bella even smell her hair to see if there is something wrong with her :LOL:


Ps. And Mike Newton is kinda cute. Did not expect that :p


Stephenie made an appearance as one of the customers at the diner's I believe. Hahaha my cousin said there were these bunch of girls sitting behind him and they totally ooh-ed and aahhhh-ed every single time Robert came on screen. When they finished the movie they completely gushed over it. I know I just cringed a lot - for the movie, not the girls =[




oh and Selamat Hari Raya Haji everyone!


Yay for public holidays =D

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