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Kak faz thanks for the link to that extra dvd content!! It's freaking hilarious! :D

I didn't really hear von's laughter in the invincible video but i'll be sure to check it out later!


Miele, Debbie was very kind to upload the video so that i could dl it, so you have to dl it to watch it! Unless you ask Kak Faz for the link to the youtube one which im sure it exists cuz she mentioned it before...


Shannaz wth is team invincible? :stunned:

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no worries! yeah.. it's kinda funny. got it sent to me by a fellow youtube friend. matt is so adorable there.. i love the part where dom stumbled. it looked like he was faking it but it could be real.. :LOL:


i didn't upload the vid on youtube, sorry. too embarrassed to do that..


i just found out TEAM INVINCIBLE is an april fool's prank. lol.. lucky i didnt send in an e-mail.. but there goes my chance of smelling Dom! :(:LOL:

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no worries! yeah.. it's kinda funny. got it sent to me by a fellow youtube friend. matt is so adorable there.. i love the part where dom stumbled. it looked like he was faking it but it could be real.. :LOL:


i didn't upload the vid on youtube, sorry. too embarrassed to do that..


i just found out TEAM INVINCIBLE is an april fool's prank. lol.. lucky i didnt send in an e-mail.. but there goes my chance of smelling Dom! :(:LOL:


LOL yeah i think most prob Dom was faking it. You could imagine he and Chris were planning it, the way they were talking and then laughed it off after that HAHAHA. Funny lads. But the part before they went on the elevator, you could see Dom was pretty nervous. Intense!


hey, thx for that link, its cool, whos von


If you check the earlier pages of this thread, she was Vspirit. Now she's gone, without a trace.. Just like a spirit. OK lame.

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LOL yeah i think most prob Dom was faking it. You could imagine he and Chris were planning it, the way they were talking and then laughed it off after that HAHAHA. Funny lads. But the part before they went on the elevator, you could see Dom was pretty nervous. Intense!


yeah.. i love that elevator (??) scene. matt was so adorable esp the part where he said he suddenly needs to go to the toilet. lol.. somehow Dom looked like Mr Weasly to me in that scene.. :stunned: i love the documentary. wish it was longer and included in our dvds. :(



whys her name von?


errrr... coz that's what her parents decide to name her?? :rolleyes::p


bloody hell! that video has been removed by the user


yeah.. it's been removed. there are other vids on youtube but they're not as clear. u can always search for it. try typing HAARP documentary.:)


WHAT'S ALL THIS TALK ABOUT TEAM INVINCIBLE??? i haven't a clue :( and it seems that everyone has had their own HAARP :'(


it's an april fool's joke.it's here. not as good as last year's prank. i really fell for that sophia proll's "we are not aMUSEed" thing! :$


the link... dah di removed laa... isk.. what's so special with HAARP dvd ? is there any documentary like Hullabaloo ?


p/s : sapa ada crdt card ? klik sini.. cepat.. sementara stok masih ada.. ;)


if u ask me about the dvd, i dunno coz i still haven't watched it yet. tried to watch it last weekend, but somehow when matt started to sing ayyy ya ya...i was forced to watch Cartoon Network instead.. lol. the documentary is only available in that limited edition eh?


but the CD :\mm/: I LOVE IT!!


only available in US???

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tu la.. they don't ship to malaysia la..


off topic but since i still am crazy about incubus, i just have to do this.


found some pix from sunburst. guilt_stricken, if u have more pics from sunburst do u mind sharing 'em? coz a lot of my pix are blurry..











from singapore. i love jose here:





and MIKE!



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lol from Dexter's Laboratory :LOL: classic Cartoon man.


I don't know Dexter's Laboratory xDDD

I didn't often watch the cartoons when I was a little girl xD

I just watched series :LOL:


But now, I watch the television just for looking the HAARP Tour :D:musesign:

I prefer my computer now :p

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tu la.. they don't ship to malaysia la..


off topic but since i still am crazy about incubus, i just have to do this.


found some pix from sunburst. guilt_stricken, if u have more pics from sunburst do u mind sharing 'em? coz a lot of my pix are blurry..











from singapore. i love jose here:





and MIKE!



HOH :O gorgeous.


I don't know Dexter's Laboratory xDDD

I didn't often watch the cartoons when I was a little girl xD

I just watched series


But now, I watch the television just for looking the HAARP Tour

I prefer my computer now


lol yeah i watch more vids on the computer now too actually if i'm free one day i can find that Dexter Laboratory episode where he says 'omelette au fromage' video on youtube if you want!

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i love the documentary. wish it was longer and included in our dvds. :(



yeah.. it's been removed. there are other vids on youtube but they're not as clear. u can always search for it. try typing HAARP documentary.:)





yea, wish it was longer, but u noe, it was only bout the wembley gig, nothin more could be added. thx for the link :)

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Hello guys, howya doin? :D


Totally random question: how the hell am I supposed to go through the rest of the year without seeing Muse live? :stunned:


:LOL: Right.....:rolleyes:


i know how it feels. i share the pain, mate.:LOL:


esp after i FINALLY watched HAARP yesterday. that dvd seriously will not help me in continuing my life normally without muse. lol... i watched it like 5 times already in the course of 2 days. think it was better than absoultion dvd. Chris really shines in HAARP.. he's so multi-talented! i even found him more attractive then matt and dom. :eek::LOL: man. i have really serious PMS. think i need to go to the doctor. lol..


somehow i always feel obligated to sing the part where Matt let the audience sing during TIRO. another sign of acute PMS. what's even worse is Jose's drums solo in Alive at Red Rocks had made my PIS as acute as my PMS! shit. i have exams to worry about. aduhai...:(

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i know how it feels. i share the pain, mate.:LOL:


esp after i FINALLY watched HAARP yesterday. that dvd seriously will not help me in continuing my life normally without muse. lol... i watched it like 5 times already in the course of 2 days. think it was better than absoultion dvd. Chris really shines in HAARP.. he's so multi-talented! i even found him more attractive then matt and dom. :eek::LOL: man. i have really serious PMS. think i need to go to the doctor. lol..


somehow i always feel obligated to sing the part where Matt let the audience sing during TIRO. another sign of acute PMS. what's even worse is Jose's drums solo in Alive at Red Rocks had made my PIS as acute as my PMS! shit. i have exams to worry about. aduhai...:(


Ya. u're rite kak faz...chris absolutely awesome ;) i lurve his smile act... :p like miele, i can't imagine my entire without watch them live..so jealous watched the crowd in wembley..:(

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I know.. people are quite bz i guess.


i just read the WHOLE RAH thread.. and i just want to cry. Megalomania was just EPIC. i got goosebumps la when seeing it on you tube. so dramatic and very appropriate for RAH. the Osaka jam was just amazing!






how i wish i was there!!!:'(

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Yeah seeing the interior of RAH reminds me of the KL gig, which is also small and indoors... I love the view from the choir section where u get to see the back of Muse. Man those guys that went sure were lucky... I hope they make another trip around here next year, at least, after their latest release.. *fingers crossed*

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exactly. it was almost like in Std Negara! minus the organ at the choir section. the scene during megalomania looked like a production of the phantom of the opera or something.. it looked really dramatic with matt alone at the back with the awesome red lights. so freaking cool. again, how i wish i was there..

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Hey ur right! Now that i think of it, the setting looks like the castle in 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' also.:p


What a damn cool stage layout eh... Megalomania made Matt look like he's the man, and everyone had come just to watch him perform! Also it made him more vampire-ish lol i donno...

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