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yeah guys i cant believe Brandon took off his shirt! SO. HOT.

do you think they're touring around KL now? i remember hearing Jose on hitz.fm the other day saying that when they were here 4 years ago they didnt have the chance to explore the place that well, and now they do! :eek:


guilt striken do you mean this?




or something like that? SO HOT LA FUCK I CANT GET OVER IT.


and you're right, i couldnt really hear Brandon's voice. it's like Mike's guitar was too loud or something. dunno la. i like the pistola echo-ey part though! and the hold the wheel and drive part was AWESOME. and it was ben's birthday on March 12th! so fun :)


yeala miele, we should have taken a photo! shit i totally forgot about that lah. i also didnt expect to see you guys right up front! was shocked to see kak faz! lol.


and kak faz no i didn't get the setlist in the end :( when they were rolling out jose's drums away, i left the stage. WUWUWUW. i dont have the heart to take our my orange wristband thingie that says "music lover" la.







kak faz i think you'll like this :)

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guilt striken do you mean this?




or something like that? SO HOT LA FUCK I CANT GET OVER IT.

Close!! It's the knees on the ground part that I'm looking for though... Ahhh, looks like it was during the intro to Megalomaniac! You can watch part of it here in this vid. The pic you posted however, is nothing short of gorgeousness!


and kak faz no i didn't get the setlist in the end :( when they were rolling out jose's drums away, i left the stage. WUWUWUW. i dont have the heart to take our my orange wristband thingie that says "music lover" la.


I think we should try to work the setlist out? unless someone has already done that :)


I remember them playing (not in exact order - but broken up into parts where Brandon took his shirt off layer by layer. Lol. My way of remembering things are weird, I know. ):



A Kiss To Send Us Off

Nice To Know You

Wish You Were Here

Anna Molly (?)


The Warmth

Favourite Things



Are You In?



Talk Shows on Mute


Sick Sad Little World




Aqueous Transmisson


Hard to believe Incubus was just entertaining Malaysians 25 hours ago! When they came back for the encore and Brandon's "You're steeeelllllaaaarrrr" came on, I almost died. Stellar was simply ... for lack of better words, stellar!


Oh, and I heart my "music lover" wristband as well!

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i kept track of the setlist :)


01. Quicksand

02. Kiss To Send Us Off

03. Nice To Know You

04. Wish You Were Here

05. Anna Molly

06. Vitamin

07. Favourite Things

08. The Warmth

09. Drive

10. Are You In?

11. Pistola

12. Talk Shows On Mute

13. Sick Sad Little World

14. Megalomaniac


15. Stellar

16. Circles

17. Aqueous Transmission

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Extra quickpost alert\;


Deb,nice to finallymeet u! Sorry I was all rocked out by that point, and menggelabah carik my frenz, so couldnt chat. Damn,missed photo op withu n Faz.


Faz, thank u so much. It wasawesome. \but\\\i still wish it was Muse....:LOL:


imagine muse and incubus at next year's sunburst!! :eek: i was so worried about your feet, mate u were wearing sandals. my friend was wondering whether u're ok or not esp after being pushed to the back by that jerk. hope u had fun tho..


Yeah man, standing through Incognito was pretty ... long. Lol but my friends and I sought eye candy from the guys playing the saxaphone I was standing right up front in the

middle - but then several people started pushing through cutting right in front of us. We gave in eventually and when the moshing started during AKTSUO, it got pretty bad. My smaller petite friend was pushed all the way to the front and she had to literally crawl back 7-8 lines behind the barrier to get back to me! We were at the festival since 3pm and I have to say it was rather exhausting. But amazing nonetheless! Incubus really made it allllll worth it. And when he took his shirt off.... Squeeeeeee! Brandon Boyd has got to be the only person that can pull off skinny jeans. (No wait, I stand corrected - Matt too lol okay sorry for the fangirly moment, but really I can't help it!!


the sax guys :LOL: they had some serious moves eh?


yeah the pushing was HELL la i think. but that's just the norm at any rock concert. at least i didn't get pulled out this time around and saw my precious Jose up close. it was priceless when i got to see him laughed at kilmore and Ben. i was separated from miele and my friend by the 4th or third song. but after the 5th song things were a bit better la.. i wanted to stand at mike's end but it was already crowded by the time i got there coz it was just next to the sky stage. anyone noticed that mike smilled a lot? esp during TSOM, while he was sitting and playing next to Ben?


Towards the end, I'm not sure if it was during Circles or Aqueous Transmission - but Brandon kneeled down and leaned his head against the mic? Gosh - I had a perfect view and he seemed so symetrical with the mic parting his face in equal halves! Too bad I couldn't snap a picture of that moment however! I wish someone had though.


Megalomaniac? Did u noticed that he was pulling off his hair band slowly in a dramatic way rite when he knelt down. cair giler at that time. that man knows he's damn sexy la.. when i saw he went to the back of the stage and pulled of his shirt, i looked at my friend and she was like :supertong hahaha... but his sexiest moment has got to be during his djambe solo in sick sad little world with Jose. at the last bit of the jam.. while his back at us, he stretched his arms rite in the air showing how well toned his body is.. man, i swear.. at that time all the girls around me were going like.. "OMG he's sooo sexy" haha..


Thanks for the vids btw! Loved the part when Ben and Brandon started singing "hold the wheel and drive" x82390423 Perfect harmony! I just noticed though - the first Incubus show in Malaysia was in March 16th 2004. Ironically, four years later way past midnight they perform again on March 16th 2008


I'm sure I have a lot more to add to this but right now I gotta go pack coz I'm leaving home in a few hours! Sigh.


that part was actually quite short to what they normally did in other concerts. perhaps Ben has not fully recovered? but my highlight of the set has got to be sick sad little world. brandon and jose jamming and Ben's The Roots style bass line as well as Mike's awesome guitar there.. bloody hell, i almost cried becoz it was soo effing stellar!! there's no complete vid of it on youtube tho..:(


i looked at my 04 incubus tix, u're rite. it was on the 16th of March 2004! and now, on the same date in 2008. how awesome is that? i hope it was intentional.. but i gotta say, their sunburst set was wayyyy more awesome than their concert back in 04. i love it when they played the original Vitamin esp the part where mike and jose and the band goes dum dumdumdum dumdumdum..


yeah guys i cant believe Brandon took off his shirt! SO. HOT.

do you think they're touring around KL now? i remember hearing Jose on hitz.fm the other day saying that when they were here 4 years ago they didnt have the chance to explore the place that well, and now they do!



kak faz i think you'll like this


whaaa whaaat? there was an interview with Jose on hitz.fm? why didn't i know that.:eek::(


thanks, deb! u go mike.. no fighting during the gig! damn, he's AWESOME.


guys, do you have any idea about HAARP's release date there in KL? just checking.


hey, dunno mate. sorry.. some of us are suffering major post incubus sydrome here.


i kept track of the setlist :)


01. Quicksand

02. Kiss To Send Us Off

03. Nice To Know You

04. Wish You Were Here

05. Anna Molly

06. Vitamin

07. Favourite Things

08. The Warmth

09. Drive

10. Are You In?

11. Pistola

12. Talk Shows On Mute

13. Sick Sad Little World

14. Megalomaniac


15. Stellar

16. Circles

17. Aqueous Transmission


awesome. it's the same set as their singapore gig except they played Oil and Water there and Are You In Here. was it just me or did they play more than 75 mins at Sunburst?


oh u should add then they played the extended version of Pistola and Sick Sad Little World as well awesome intro during Circles and Megalomaniac.


Aqueous Transmission was just pure BLISS to watch at the end of the set man. Mike was just AWESOME.


EDIT: i just realised i used too many awesome in this post. lol

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i kept track of the setlist :)


01. Quicksand

02. Kiss To Send Us Off

03. Nice To Know You

04. Wish You Were Here

05. Anna Molly

06. Vitamin

07. Favourite Things

08. The Warmth

09. Drive

10. Are You In?

11. Pistola

12. Talk Shows On Mute

13. Sick Sad Little World

14. Megalomaniac


15. Stellar

16. Circles

17. Aqueous Transmission

Thank you, dear!



the sax guys :LOL: they had some serious moves eh?

Hahaha yeah, they did. Twirling, spinning, dancing, swaying. :LOL: No joke, even the sax guys have to learn choreography!




yeah the pushing was HELL la i think. but that's just the norm at any rock concert. at least i didn't get pulled out this time around and saw my precious Jose up close. it was priceless when i got to see him laughed at kilmore and Ben. i was separated from miele and my friend by the 4th or third song. but after the 5th song things were a bit better la.. i wanted to stand at mike's end but it was already crowded by the time i got there coz it was just next to the sky stage. anyone noticed that mike smilled a lot? esp during TSOM, while he was sitting and playing next to Ben?

I stood somewhere near the guys that were body surfing towards the end of the show. Tsk tsk, I don't know why some people can't just be there to really enjoy the music and not jeopardize someone else's time there. Heh. Rock concerts can be fun - and traumatizing at the same time. I had fun ;D But I feel a bit bad for my two other smaller friends. One of them was telling me last night she will never again go to another rock concert of this genre... :(





Megalomaniac? Did u noticed that he was pulling off his hair band slowly in a dramatic way rite when he knelt down. cair giler at that time. that man knows he's damn sexy la.. when i saw he went to the back of the stage and pulled of his shirt, i looked at my friend and she was like :supertong hahaha... but his sexiest moment has got to be during his djambe solo in sick sad little world with Jose. at the last bit of the jam.. while his back at us, he stretched his arms rite in the air showing how well toned his body is.. man, i swear.. at that time all the girls around me were going like.. "OMG he's sooo sexy" haha..

Oh God, how can you not notice the hairband pulling tease? He seriously teased us! And when he flexed his muscles........ I'm just gonna leave you guys to this:


(Should also be classified as not work safe. Lol!)


The same guy who posted that vid has a kick ass vid of TSOM as well :)




that part was actually quite short to what they normally did in other concerts. perhaps Ben has not fully recovered? but my highlight of the set has got to be sick sad little world. brandon and jose jamming and Ben's The Roots style bass line as well as Mike's awesome guitar there.. bloody hell, i almost cried becoz it was soo effing stellar!! there's no complete vid of it on youtube tho..:(

I think my friend may have got the awesome drums solo part in vid. She needs to send me those vids now! But procrastination runs in my circle of friends, so I'm afraid that may have to wait for awhile. No idea what she really caught on vid though!




i looked at my 04 incubus tix, u're rite. it was on the 16th of March 2004! and now, on the same date in 2008. how awesome is that? i hope it was intentional.. but i gotta say, their sunburst set was wayyyy more awesome than their concert back in 04. i love it when they played the original Vitamin esp the part where mike and jose and the band goes dum dumdumdum dumdumdum..

I loved the '04 set actually. Certain Shade of Green! That was phenomenal! I loved it when they played Warnings as well. Speaking of the '04 set, do you by any chance happen to have the Incubus Live in Malaysia bootleg that they released?


I don't think I can really compare between the two sets though - because each was amazing in their own way. Also the Incubus gig in 2004 is something that I really hold dear because it was my first actual rock concert (not counting Linkin Park's back in 2003) and it gave me exposure to quite a number of things. Heh.




was it just me or did they play more than 75 mins at Sunburst?

They definitely played more than 75 minutes. More than an hour and half, I have to say!

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I stood somewhere near the guys that were body surfing towards the end of the show. Tsk tsk, I don't know why some people can't just be there to really enjoy the music and not jeopardize someone else's time there. Heh. Rock concerts can be fun - and traumatizing at the same time. I had fun ;D But I feel a bit bad for my two other smaller friends. One of them was telling me last night she will never again go to another rock concert of this genre... :(


i was so happy when i saw one of the security pulled out this one crowd surfer and asked him to leave. everyone cheered the security for doing that. i have to say, BOYS at the concert were so selfish and freaking rude. they were taller than most of the girls who were at the front and yet they still wanted to push their way and block all those petit girls views. jerks la..:mad:


Oh God, how can you not notice the hairband pulling tease? He seriously teased us! And when he flexed his muscles........ I'm just gonna leave you guys to this:


(Should also be classified as not work safe. Lol!)


The same guy who posted that vid has a kick ass vid of TSOM as well :)


hey that was a GREAT find. most of the vids on you tube focussed on brandon too much! :p i love this one coz u can see MIKE and his sweet ass intro, and how kilmore and ben were having a great time on stage. it's awesome that this dude tried to focus on jose as well. man, this song was also one of the highlights of the set. although i hate this dude (who pushed miele to the back) standing next to me.. but we were both grinning to each other when we heard the intro.. haha.



I loved the '04 set actually. Certain Shade of Green! That was phenomenal! I loved it when they played Warnings as well. Speaking of the '04 set, do you by any chance happen to have the Incubus Live in Malaysia bootleg that they released?


I don't think I can really compare between the two sets though - because each was amazing in their own way. Also the Incubus gig in 2004 is something that I really hold dear because it was my first actual rock concert (not counting Linkin Park's back in 2003) and it gave me exposure to quite a number of things. Heh.


yeah..the 04 set was great actually. i love it when the played pantomime and clean. but i didn't enjoy it too much coz i was sad after being pulled out from the front and got separated from my friend. this year's set was the most enjoyable gig i've EVER been to.even Muse was not as enjoyable as Incubus at Sunburst!



i don't have their bootleg. u can only get it on line.. now am cursing myself for not buying the morning view session dvd i saw in Bangkok. :(



They definitely played more than 75 minutes. More than an hour and half, I have to say!


yeah.. they came on at 1230 and finished around 2 am kan?


oh, i just realised that HAARP DVD in UK are already out on sale eh? but we can actually download the concert from http://haarp.muse.mu/?? that's like the WHOLE concert tuh.. fuh..




some pictures from the festival ~!


mike sitting with ben. not just brandon :rolleyes:





i love the LCD screen at the back. do u think they'll show the festival on astro?


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oh, i just realised that HAARP DVD in UK are already out on sale eh? but we can actually download the concert from http://haarp.muse.mu/?? that's like the WHOLE concert tuh.. fuh..




some pictures from the festival ~!


mike sitting with ben. not just brandon :rolleyes:





i love the LCD screen at the back. do u think they'll show the festival on astro?


Ok i know you guys are still in PIS but i have to do this;






I'm so overloaded on HAARP awesomenesssssss. It was only S$20.95 at HMV.

nice pics of incubus btw! Glad you guys had fun.

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imagine muse and incubus at next year's sunburst!! :eek: i was so worried about your feet, mate u were wearing sandals. my friend was wondering whether u're ok or not esp after being pushed to the back by that jerk. hope u had fun tho..


eh? so sunburst is gonna be an annual thing? :eek: i noticed lotsa people wore flipflops that night. i felt so out of place with my 3 quart pants and my chunky sports shoes haha.


yeah the pushing was HELL la i think. but that's just the norm at any rock concert. at least i didn't get pulled out this time around and saw my precious Jose up close. it was priceless when i got to see him laughed at kilmore and Ben. i was separated from miele and my friend by the 4th or third song. but after the 5th song things were a bit better la.. i wanted to stand at mike's end but it was already crowded by the time i got there coz it was just next to the sky stage. anyone noticed that mike smilled a lot? esp during TSOM, while he was sitting and playing next to Ben?


i thought the pushing wasnt that bad actually! :stunned: Muse's one was waaaaaaaay worse. i actually thought the crowd during incubus was quite tame. but then again i wasn't at front so i dunno. but the crowd i was around with werent cheering or singing or even jumping man! they were just nodding their head. lightly. whereas for me i was like seriously rocking it out man.. jumping la, woohoo-ing la, i even did some headbanging! my neck was aching the next day haha.


Megalomaniac? Did u noticed that he was pulling off his hair band slowly in a dramatic way rite when he knelt down. cair giler at that time. that man knows he's damn sexy la.. when i saw he went to the back of the stage and pulled of his shirt, i looked at my friend and she was like hahaha... but his sexiest moment has got to be during his djambe solo in sick sad little world with Jose. at the last bit of the jam.. while his back at us, he stretched his arms rite in the air showing how well toned his body is.. man, i swear.. at that time all the girls around me were going like.. "OMG he's sooo sexy" haha..


YES I NOTICED THE DRAMATIC HAIRTIE-PULLING OFF STUNT HE DID. i literally went "whoa" when he did that man. SO. HOT. SO DRAMATIC.


seriously la wei his bod is damn toned. and when he was playing the djembe, showing his sexy back (haha) to the crowd, SO HOT. his back is so toned and tanned and shiny... it's damn sexy. *fans self* :supertong


whaaa whaaat? there was an interview with Jose on hitz.fm? why didn't i know that.:eek:


thanks, deb! u go mike.. no fighting during the gig! damn, he's AWESOME.


awesome. it's the same set as their singapore gig except they played Oil and Water there and Are You In Here. was it just me or did they play more than 75 mins at Sunburst?


oh u should add then they played the extended version of Pistola and Sick Sad Little World as well awesome intro during Circles and Megalomaniac.


Aqueous Transmission was just pure BLISS to watch at the end of the set man. Mike was just AWESOME.


EDIT: i just realised i used too many awesome in this post. lol


yeah man mike is so awesome la. his hair damn funky :LOL: yeah the interview was er, like a few days before the gig. on the phone. it was a short interview though!


yeah the only difference between our setlist and singapore's one is that we got Are You In, and they got Oil And Water. both my favourite Incubus songs. so i'm pretty content with whichever they choose to play :)


Thank you, dear!


I stood somewhere near the guys that were body surfing towards the end of the show. Tsk tsk, I don't know why some people can't just be there to really enjoy the music and not jeopardize someone else's time there. Heh. Rock concerts can be fun - and traumatizing at the same time. I had fun ;D But I feel a bit bad for my two other smaller friends. One of them was telling me last night she will never again go to another rock concert of this genre... :(


Oh God, how can you not notice the hairband pulling tease? He seriously teased us! And when he flexed his muscles........ I'm just gonna leave you guys to this:


(Should also be classified as not work safe. Lol!)


The same guy who posted that vid has a kick ass vid of TSOM as well :)


yeah wei that was some major teasing going on. he's such a porn star haha. kidding :p but seriously though, HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ANOTHER ROCKSTAR AS FIT AS HIM?? (besides Jared Leto). HAVE YOUU?? lol. these 2 are by far the hottest rockers yet.

though, i have yet to see Chris Carrabba's bod though.



I think my friend may have got the awesome drums solo part in vid. She needs to send me those vids now! But procrastination runs in my circle of friends, so I'm afraid that may have to wait for awhile. No idea what she really caught on vid though!


I wanna see I wanna seeeee! :)




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Ok i know you guys are still in PIS but i have to do this;






I'm so overloaded on HAARP awesomenesssssss. It was only S$20.95 at HMV.

nice pics of incubus btw! Glad you guys had fun.


Nut, is that the DVD? omg, am freaking jealous of u now.. seriously, this is unfair. why don't we have HMV?????? :mad: tower records is not that great.


eh? so sunburst is gonna be an annual thing? i noticed lotsa people wore flipflops that night. i felt so out of place with my 3 quart pants and my chunky sports shoes haha.


that's what Pineapple is trying to do. to make it an annual event, which i hope will promise more great bands[ MUSE next year i hope, with Incubus again haha...) for the next Sunburst. i wore my sport shoes as well.. i don't trust any rock crowd. if u go there just to watch ingocnito or john legend then i guess it's ok to wear flipflops..


i thought the pushing wasnt that bad actually! Muse's one was waaaaaaaay worse. i actually thought the crowd during incubus was quite tame. but then again i wasn't at front so i dunno. but the crowd i was around with werent cheering or singing or even jumping man! they were just nodding their head. lightly. whereas for me i was like seriously rocking it out man.. jumping la, woohoo-ing la, i even did some headbanging! my neck was aching the next day haha.


my side was ok actually coz i was to the left a bit compared to my friend who was in the middle facing brandon. that side was HELL la.. boys pushing and screaming at brandon haha.. guess brandon is irresistible to them as well..:rolleyes: that was what i was doing as well. syok la jumping and screaming that nite. even when i was tired and out of breath of jumping i felt like the crowd was kinda lifting me upto jump with them la.. something which i didnt get to do at muse's concert.. my throat still hurts now from the screaming. this is my first gig where i almost lost my voice .. haha..


YES I NOTICED THE DRAMATIC HAIRTIE-PULLING OFF STUNT HE DID. i literally went "whoa" when he did that man. SO. HOT. SO DRAMATIC.


seriously la wei his bod is damn toned. and when he was playing the djembe, showing his sexy back (haha) to the crowd, SO HOT. his back is so toned and tanned and shiny... it's damn sexy. *fans self* :supertong


it's shiny from his sweat la.. lol. u can actually see his impressive tatoo as well. my friend was so happy to see brandon's under pants haha..



yeah man mike is so awesome la. his hair damn funky. yeah the interview was er, like a few days before the gig. on the phone. it was a short interview though!


yeah the only difference between our setlist and singapore's one is that we got Are You In, and they got Oil And Water. both my favourite Incubus songs. so i'm pretty content with whichever they choose to play :)


MIKE IS STELLAR!! :\mm/: haha.. i seriously love him la.. esp when he played the pipa but there's not a lot of shots on him on the you tube vids. i wish i had listen to that interview la.. :'(



yeah wei that was some major teasing going on. he's such a porn star haha. kidding but seriously though, HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ANOTHER ROCKSTAR AS FIT AS HIM?? (besides Jared Leto). HAVE YOUU?? lol. these 2 are by far the hottest rockers yet.

though, i have yet to see Chris Carrabba's bod though.


Jared Leto and Chris Carrabba? no offence deb, they're nothing compared to brandon.. :LOL:


found the setlist for the festival at sunburst's forum. good job, deb. u were spot on! but i sure do wish they played oil and water. but oh well.. no complaints!:D




omg, matt looks so chubby now haha..




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Nut, is that the DVD? omg, am freaking jealous of u now.. seriously, this is unfair. why don't we have HMV?????? tower records is not that great.


that's what Pineapple is trying to do. to make it an annual event, which i hope will promise more great bands[ MUSE next year i hope, with Incubus again haha...) for the next Sunburst. i wore my sport shoes as well.. i don't trust any rock crowd. if u go there just to watch ingocnito or john legend then i guess it's ok to wear flipflops..


yeah exactly. plus the rain stopped so i was sure it was gonna be muddy. thats why i wore my sports shoes! see i'm more practical than stylish haha :D


honestly i doubt they'd bring along muse and incubus. not unless they both release new albums this year! haha! cause normally for festivals they'll only bring acts that have released new material.. you know, so that they have newer songs to play and stuff. so boohoo :(


sometimes i wish i didnt LOVE rock music as much as i do now, so that i can go to tamer concerts :LOL: seriously la i hate going to concerts with rowdy crowds. it really spoils the mood.


my side was ok actually coz i was to the left a bit compared to my friend who was in the middle facing brandon. that side was HELL la.. boys pushing and screaming at brandon haha.. guess brandon is irresistible to them as well.. that was what i was doing as well. syok la jumping and screaming that nite. even when i was tired and out of breath of jumping i felt like the crowd was kinda lifting me upto jump with them la.. something which i didnt get to do at muse's concert.. my throat still hurts now from the screaming. this is my first gig where i almost lost my voice .. haha..


it's shiny from his sweat la.. lol. u can actually see his impressive tatoo as well. my friend was so happy to see brandon's under pants haha..


lol the "the crowd was kinda lifting me upto jump with them" thing happened to me at muse! we were THAT squished la. but for incubus i had lotsa space.. heehee. yeah even the guys think brandon is so irresistible :happy:


it's shiny from his sweat la.. lol. u can actually see his impressive tatoo as well. my friend was so happy to see brandon's under pants haha..





MIKE IS STELLAR!! :haha.. i seriously love him la.. esp when he played the pipa but there's not a lot of shots on him on the you tube vids. i wish i had listen to that interview la..





Jared Leto and Chris Carrabba? no offence deb, they're nothing compared to brandon.. :LOL:


found the setlist for the festival at sunburst's forum. good job, deb. u were spot on! but i sure do wish they played oil and water. but oh well.. no complaints!




omg, matt looks so chubby now haha..




oh is that what the Aqueous Transmission instrument is called? a pipa? lol i thought it was a shamisen!! ahaha :LOL:


but they're hot too... :(


lol i was spot on only because i had lotsa space around me, so i could take out my phone and type out the song before putting my phone back into my pocket and jumping along! so yeah, i was literally writing down the setlist =)


wow matt does look a bit old there with his curly hair and chubby cheeks :stunned:

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imagine muse and incubus at next year's sunburst!! :eek: i was so worried about your feet, mate u were wearing sandals. my friend was wondering whether u're ok or not esp after being pushed to the back by that jerk. hope u had fun tho..



thanks,u guys are so sweet and considerate. No choice la, had to wear sandals, I mati2 bet it was going to rain torrents. If I wore sneakers for sure malam tu takung air.:LOL:


Ok i know you guys are still in PIS but i have to do this;






I'm so overloaded on HAARP awesomenesssssss. It was only S$20.95 at HMV.

nice pics of incubus btw! Glad you guys had fun.


Damn you Singaporean! :p Jealous tuh!


help ppl, where can I find HAARP!






Oh and Deb, that video deserves to be posted on the beautiful men thread.



Faz, the concert was great but sorry, for me PMS is way more powerful than PIS. :D

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dude....HAARP is out in Singapore already?! :eek:





Nut, is that the DVD? omg, am freaking jealous of u now.. seriously, this is unfair. why don't we have HMV?????? :mad: tower records is not that great.




thanks,u guys are so sweet and considerate. No choice la, had to wear sandals, I mati2 bet it was going to rain torrents. If I wore sneakers for sure malam tu takung air.:LOL:




Damn you Singaporean! :p Jealous tuh!


help ppl, where can I find HAARP!


YES people, I'm in possession of a cool 2-disc HAARP DVD+CD!! I've now watched it 3 times over lol. :p It's so cheap you can't believe what a good deal it was.


Notice how i'm not participating in you guys' Incubus 'discussion'. Well that's cuz i'm jealous! HAHAHAHA!

But i got HAARP.:D

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deb, i've been to a number of tamer concerts and acoustic shows before.. the feeling is different. yes, u do enjoy the music but somehow the gigs where i got to jump and let lose are always better.:p


yeah, they normally bring in bands that have new albums. still, there's no harm in wishing..but i was quite surprised that incubus didn't play more songs from LG. most of the songs at Sunburst were from MY and ACLOTM. perhaps they were aiming to please the crowd not just promoting LG.


UNDERPANTS as in he was wearing his jeans very LOW.. as he always does and she could see his boxers (??) lol..


yes, it was the pipa. a chinese instrument, not japanese. i read somewhere that mike is a huge fan of steve vai and he lent him the pipa when they were recording MV. i wonder did he get himself a new pipa while they were in shanghai??


lucky it was an outdoor concert.. so it was not that hot. i think a lot of the crowd were tired and not to mention soaking wet already that they were tamer a bit. heh..


miele, i have to give a brownie point for ur prophecy. outdoor festival = brandon topless. good job for guessing that one rite! :LOL:


i understand how u feel. the same goes for me when i went 4 GC and MCR last year. good concert but muse was better coz i wasn't really a big fan of those 2 bands. but Incubus on the other hand is one of my all time fav band and i've been following 'em since Make Yourself. it was only after i was so into muse that i forgot about 'em for a while. so i was really anxious excited to see 'em. and to get to meet 'em then got to be infront at their set made me even crazier about 'em. seriously, i just simply can't get enough of 'em rite now. i hope i don't have to wait for another leap year to see 'em again lol.. ok. sorry. will shut up about Incubus now. but they fucking rock!! ok, i'll be quiet.


Nut, am jealous of u coz u already have the dvd!! was it good?? but u did missed one hell of a concert! :p

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YES I NOTICED THE DRAMATIC HAIRTIE-PULLING OFF STUNT HE DID. i literally went "whoa" when he did that man. SO. HOT. SO DRAMATIC.


yeah wei that was some major teasing going on. he's such a porn star haha. kidding. but seriously though, HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ANOTHER ROCKSTAR AS FIT AS HIM?? (besides Jared Leto). HAVE YOUU?? lol. these 2 are by far the hottest rockers yet.

though, i have yet to see Chris Carrabba's bod though.



I wanna see I wanna seeeee!

Chris' would be filled with emo tattoos! Lol. Come to think of it, I never really focused on how fit a rockstar really is until you mention it. Haha. My friend says Brandon looks mrore like a junkie :indiff: but she added quickly, "a HOTT junkie though!" :LOL:



Instead of FILMING the drums solo, she actually only took picturessss :( My other friend who's a drummer is pretty mad now coz I remember he specifically told her to film the solo... not take pictures of it! Sigh.


Here are a few pictures taken, nevertheless:







Oh, I see the underpants! Lol.




Mike & his pipa - with Kilmore hiding behind!





A proper picture of Ben/Jose/Brandon. A little too dark however.






deb, i've been to a number of tamer concerts and acoustic shows before.. the feeling is different. yes, u do enjoy the music but somehow the gigs where i got to jump and let lose are always better.

I think I would prefer a smaller, more private concert/gig compared to a big scale outdoor one. The EITS gig @ Ruums KL was spectacular because you could trully take in the awesomeness of the four of them onstage just working out their magic with their instruments in perfect harmony. As much as I love jumping and singing along to songs in a concert - sometimes all the jumping and moshing would really distract you from uncovering the real beauty that lies behind the live music!



my side was ok actually coz i was to the left a bit compared to my friend who was in the middle facing brandon. that side was HELL la.. boys pushing and screaming at brandon haha.. guess brandon is irresistible to them as well.. that was what i was doing as well. syok la jumping and screaming that nite. even when i was tired and out of breath of jumping i felt like the crowd was kinda lifting me upto jump with them la.. something which i didnt get to do at muse's concert.. my throat still hurts now from the screaming. this is my first gig where i almost lost my voice .. haha..


lucky it was an outdoor concert.. so it was not that hot. i think a lot of the crowd were tired and not to mention soaking wet already that they were tamer a bit. heh..


i understand how u feel. the same goes for me when i went 4 GC and MCR last year. good concert but muse was better coz i wasn't really a big fan of those 2 bands. but Incubus on the other hand is one of my all time fav band and i've been following 'em since Make Yourself. it was only after i was so into muse that i forgot about 'em for a while. so i was really anxious excited to see 'em. and to get to meet 'em then got to be infront at their set made me even crazier about 'em. seriously, i just simply can't get enough of 'em rite now. i hope i don't have to wait for another leap year to see 'em again lol.. ok. sorry. will shut up about Incubus now. but they fucking rock!! ok, i'll be quiet.

My part was crazy. I knew eventually after 4-5 songs things would slow down a bit so I told myself to hold on for just a bit. Haha. And I did! I came prepared however, because the 2004 gig kinda gave me a culture shock of some sort. Lol. Plus they actually opened with MEGALOMANIAC that time. The 15 year old in me then almost died!


I developed a severe case of tonsilitis after the Switchfoot concert back in February. It lasted for a good three weeks! Summore that time it was during CNY. I actually had to sacrifice all my pineapple jam tarts!! :( The Muse concert made my voice hoarse - which doesnt sound too bad actually lol almost sexy. I'm sure your voice sounds a bit like that now? Heh.


Oh and I forgot to mention - that countdown thing they had before Incubus started to jam: ABSOLUTELY RAD.


To reduce all the PIS attacks, I've actually taken the time to ... go stalk F1 drivers instead! Wee! It's that time of the season again! Unfortunately, this year there's technically less than 1 week of promotions, so there aren't many events that are open for the public. Booo. So much for 10 years in Formula One and getting the fans involved. I attempted to go for BMW's Pit Lounge thing @ KLCC last night but was sent back out in the rain because I didn't own a BMW and/or I didn't have a pass :-/




Nut, is that the DVD? omg, am freaking jealous of u now.. seriously, this is unfair. why don't we have HMV?????? :mad: tower records is not that great.


YES people, I'm in possession of a cool 2-disc HAARP DVD+CD!! I've now watched it 3 times over lol. It's so cheap you can't believe what a good deal it was.


Notice how i'm not participating in you guys' Incubus 'discussion'. Well that's cuz i'm jealous! HAHAHAHA!

But i got HAARP.


hello there my fellow malaysians.


whats up with HAARP not being sold in Malaysia? same goes for Absolution Tour DVD.

OMG. HMVVVV! And it's less than SD25! Unbelievable!! Do they post it here to Malaysia? lol. I tried pestering the guy in Tower Records two days back about the HAARP dvd but he tried to sell me the Blur DVD instead ?? Also saw Incubus' Alive at Red Rocks DVD and I was soooooooo tempted to buy it because Tower Records currently have a 20% sale storewide!! My friend managed to drag me out however - before I end up prolonging my maggi-mee-only-for-dinner by another 6 weeks!


Hello superolls! Reminds me of that Super Ring snack. Lol. Has anyone tried asking Victoria Music Center?




Wow, that's a pretty long read - sorry if you had to go through all that!

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Hello Guilt-stricken, sorry this is unrelated, but may I know which Tower Records tried to sell you that Blur DVD? 1 Utama ?


That Incubus' Alive at Red Rocks DVD is only RM 39.90 - it's a bargain!


Ahhhh Faz, you're back in love with your former lover (I'm talking about Incubus)..now you've re-discovered the little love lost..

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My part was crazy. I knew eventually after 4-5 songs things would slow down a bit so I told myself to hold on for just a bit. Haha. And I did! I came prepared however, because the 2004 gig kinda gave me a culture shock of some sort. Lol. Plus they actually opened with MEGALOMANIAC that time. The 15 year old in me then almost died!


i HATE their 2004 crowd :mad: i was already at Bkt Kiara at 1pm and those who only got there around 7pm got to be at the front while i had to watch the concert with people sitting like stones at the side. TAK ADIL!! :'( i was pulled out even before Incubus came on stage. But the plus side is i got to see the whole stage and got to hear a better quality sound. that's what happened la if it's a one price, free standing event coz LP was nothing like that. You were 15? where did u stand during that gig? coz i couldn't stand being at the front AT ALL.. i just couldn't breathe and almost fainted. that's why am over the moon to FINALLY get to see Incubus rite in front this year.


Oh and I forgot to mention - that countdown thing they had before Incubus started to jam: ABSOLUTELY RAD.


what countdown? i don't remember any.. :unsure::(


To reduce all the PIS attacks, I've actually taken the time to ... go stalk F1 drivers instead! Wee! It's that time of the season again! Unfortunately, this year there's technically less than 1 week of promotions, so there aren't many events that are open for the public. Booo. So much for 10 years in Formula One and getting the fans involved. I attempted to go for BMW's Pit Lounge thing @ KLCC last night but was sent back out in the rain because I didn't own a BMW and/or I didn't have a pass :-/


:eek: did u take that picture? what's Nico Rosberg doing at LCCT? lol.. i don't like Hamilton winning the first GP la.. i would rather see Alonso winning the first GP than him..so annoying la Hamilton, getting all the press coz he's a brit. oz was just too hot for a lot of teams, but sepang is gonna be terbakar.. lol.. i hate ferrari rite now. how could they give Kimi a car not fit for a world champion?:rolleyes:


Hello Guilt-stricken, sorry this is unrelated, but may I know which Tower Records tried to sell you that Blur DVD? 1 Utama ?


That Incubus' Alive at Red Rocks DVD is only RM 39.90 - it's a bargain!


Ahhhh Faz, you're back in love with your former lover (I'm talking about Incubus)..now you've re-discovered the little love lost..


yeah.. which Tower Records? i'd die if they have Look Alive DVD. I WANT THAT..


haha.. yeah. more than just rediscovered actually..heh..


oh deb, seriously i don't know who looks better in this picture.:stunned:



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Hello Guilt-stricken, sorry this is unrelated, but may I know which Tower Records tried to sell you that Blur DVD? 1 Utama ?


That Incubus' Alive at Red Rocks DVD is only RM 39.90 - it's a bargain!

I was at KLCC's Tower Records. Yessss, the Incubus DVD would only cost RM32 after the 20% discount! The thing is, I am seriously broke - because I'm considering heading to Singapore for the Stereophonics gig in April! Trying to get my sister to loan me cash now however. Haha...


i HATE their 2004 crowd :mad: i was already at Bkt Kiara at 1pm and those who only got there around 7pm got to be at the front while i had to watch the concert with people sitting like stones at the side. TAK ADIL!! i was pulled out even before Incubus came on stage. But the plus side is i got to see the whole stage and got to hear a better quality sound. that's what happened la if it's a one price, free standing event coz LP was nothing like that. You were 15? where did u stand during that gig? coz i couldn't stand being at the front AT ALL.. i just couldn't breathe and almost fainted. that's why am over the moon to FINALLY get to see Incubus rite in front this year.

Ugh. Pop Shuvit and OAG opened for them back then right? They totally drained out the energy of the crowd. I remember being so dehydrated after the two opening acts - but my friend went to get Nescafe Ice Lemon Tea for me. Til now, I am forever in debt of that drink lol. We were standing in between Jose and Ben. Not exactly right up front however. Maybe about 4-5 lines from the stage. But during Mega it got so intense my sister and I were just pushed everywhere. Finally we seeked refuge near this couple and managed to enjoy the rest of the show eventhough I was seperated with my other friend. Too bad la last time got no youtube or anything. I think the videos I took (Brandon + Beanie!) are gone forever when my desktop crashed two years back :( I would looove to listen to the bootleg of it.




what countdown? i don't remember any.. :unsure::(








:eek: did u take that picture? what's Nico Rosberg doing at LCCT? lol.. i don't like Hamilton winning the first GP la.. i would rather see Alonso winning the first GP than him..so annoying la Hamilton, getting all the press coz he's a brit. oz was just too hot for a lot of teams, but sepang is gonna be terbakar.. lol.. i hate ferrari rite now. how could they give Kimi a car not fit for a world champion?:rolleyes:

Lol yesss I'm actually in that picture so technically I took a picture with Nico? Lol. My friend took that shot of me running up to Nico for a handshake. Nico and Kazuki Nakajima were at LCCT (I think they just got off from their flight from Singapore - and yeah they took AirAsia XD ) for some press conference I believe. When I wanted to take a proper picture with Nico however, he was actually all ready to pose and everything lol. Unforunately, this lady came along and drag him away saying he has a busy busy schedule. He looked apologetic as he left me and my friend there standing lol. But a handshake from him was good enough! Also congratulated him for his fantabulous podium finish in Australia!


Very sad lah this year, there's not much promotion going around in KL with drivers' appearances. Even BMW Sauber didn't do an autograph session with their fans this year. Damn disappointed :(


I hope it raiiiinnnns during the race!



oh deb, seriously i don't know who looks better in this picture.:stunned:




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My friendly neighbourhood record store auntie just called to tell that my copy of HAARP is safe and sound. So if a tiny old store in Penang has it, there is hope for us yet Malaysians! :LOL:



Faz, I forgot about your long time fascination with Incubus lah.....asyik ingat Muse ja.




bakumatsu, is that a serious question :p

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My friendly neighbourhood record store auntie just called to tell that my copy of HAARP is safe and sound. So if a tiny old store in Penang has it, there is hope for us yet Malaysians! :LOL:




wow, mcm mana penang bole dpt dulu



bakumatsu, is that a serious question :p


yup, serius duh, aku dah lama tak check muse board

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My friendly neighbourhood record store auntie just called to tell that my copy of HAARP is safe and sound. So if a tiny old store in Penang has it, there is hope for us yet Malaysians! :LOL:



Faz, I forgot about your long time fascination with Incubus lah.....asyik ingat Muse ja.




bakumatsu, is that a serious question :p


Wow great! why haven't you gotten it yet!! Respect to your friendly neighbourhood aunty cd-shop sales person!


My personal faves from the DVD;

-Apocalypse Please,






On the CD havta listen to MOTP :D

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