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Hi everybodeh!


After this, I'll not post for a long time again heh. Exams. :stunned:


Anyway, I GOT HAAAAAAARRP!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



there was a cover performance of time is running out at academy fantas last week


they shouldve done starlight



:LOL: He's voice is ok, but..shouldn't have done that song..

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WAH thanks for that audio link! that's why i love going to this thread, there's always a treat! And you're like king of links, lah! HAhahaha..


SO fookin great of Dom to mention KL's fans, amongst the other SEAsian countries!!! I was one of them hahahaha....

You know i think Matt prob mixed up us fairly-good-english-speaking fans for another country's fans, probably.. That must be the only explaination for that blunder!:p


No worries. it was from this board anyways. Queen not King..:D don't mess with someone who's doing a dissertation on feminism, man! :p


i think Matt is rite la actually. i never understood what he's singing anyways even though i do understand English.. so yeah. in one way. he's dead rite.:stunned:


lol well its like this. every saturday, at 11.30am or 12noon, they'd show this music program la. so i was just flipping through the channels and BOOM I SEE MATT IN HIS RED SUIT IN WEMBLEY AND I'M LIKE "OH FUCK ITS WEMBLEY OMG". then i start texting people tellling them to on 8tv now (crazy_mary was one of them lol) and yeah.. i just watched, and felt PMS again.




and i texted shannaz to see if it was true, but we were both at work. in the paper it said a paramore special not muse! even my students were texting me about it..:( i hope they'll show it again.


eh?? whose myspace is that la?? am confused :unsure:


there was a cover performance of time is running out at academy fantas last week


they shouldve done starlight



he made TIRO sounds so emo man.. lol. seriously. he looks like Gerard Way singing a Muse's song. they should've given him an MCR song, not MUSE.. :LOL: but it was a good try tho.. the drums sound nice.


i know which riff it was and it really was awesome! what are you thoughts on Blackout? it think that it was magnificent. especially when the riff comes on *sigh*


and again, OMG JESS IS NOT WITH DOM ANYMORE???? is it true? :D ooopsss i mean :'( heehee. there's sooo many fake profiles of her and gaia nowadays, i've been reqeusted by a fake gaia twice! though she did have a myspace but had deleted it last year.... but if it's true, it's kinda sad though... poor 'ol dom... *sigh*


oh oh and wasn't there a "Dom has an American girlfriend named Jessica" on the article about dom on Musewiki? it's now missing! hmmmmmmmmmmmm.......


Blackout is awesome. i love it when Matt grabbed the mic and closed his eyes, trying to get the right 'feel' before playing Blackout. lol... that was an "awww... i fancy u, matt" moment. i have never seen Chris so animated and happy before! esp the part after TIRO where he blew a kiss to the audience.. lol. he's sooo adorable in HAARP.


that rumour about Dom has been around for sometime, i think. he's been having an affair with a certain a baju kurung lady from KL haha... OK. i know. not funny.. :$


EDIT: oh and to those who went to see Incubus! :happy:


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that's quite an old thread

but is it true?

if it is, then, i've lost respect for him...

and he cheated twice!


oh my god! i'm so... disappointed. shocked.


did he really cheat on her? according to the other fans he's had a history of cheating? no wonder he's such a charming flirt... lol.


really though, that's just... shocking. i cant believe it. i dont know whether i should be happy or sad!


i think Matt is rite la actually. i never understood what he's singing anyways even though i do understand English.. so yeah. in one way. he's dead rite.


and i texted shannaz to see if it was true, but we were both at work. in the paper it said a paramore special not muse! even my students were texting me about it.. i hope they'll show it again.


eh?? whose myspace is that la?? am confused


Blackout is awesome. i love it when Matt grabbed the mic and closed his eyes, trying to get the right 'feel' before playing Blackout. lol... that was an "awww... i fancy u, matt" moment. i have never seen Chris so animated and happy before! esp the part after TIRO where he blew a kiss to the audience.. lol. he's sooo adorable in HAARP.


that rumour about Dom has been around for sometime, i think. he's been having an affair with a certain a baju kurung lady from KL haha... OK. i know. not funny.. :$


EDIT: oh and to those who went to see Incubus! :happy:



i'm sure you'll understand what he means when he says "far away, this ship is taking me far away, far away from the memories of the people who care if i live or die" right?

as in like, we understand his lyrics... you know, literally, but if we want to think really hard on "hmm i wonder what this song is about", then maybe we wont understand what it means with his lyrics being so cryptic and all. and its okay!


i think he meant that we dont understand what "far away, this ship is taking me far away, far away from the memories of the people who care if i live or die" literally means with the language barrier and all. which is bullcrap for me la honestly because english is my first language! :LOL:


yeah i checked the newspaper and saw it say Paramore special too, but that was after i saw Muse. so yeah.. catching them was really lucky for me. like it was so meant to be! :eek::LOL: kidding.


that's jessica's myspace. dom's girlfriend.. or more like ex girlfriend. it was apparently a fake account, and apparently dom is single now. LIEK ZOMGZ :eek:


oh yeah i saw that kiss he blew to the audience! so sweet la :happy: it was on 8tv. lol. I WANT HAARP!!! OMG.


i didn't know that rumour about dom was around for quite some time! why didnt you say anything :stunned: lol i heard he had an affair with an asian fan from KL. she didnt see him at the airport but a lady in a baju kurung mentioned her and he got intruiged intrigued! so he went to look for her and got her number and when they visited singapore en-route to australia last year, he took the Aeroline bus to 1Utama and met up.

just kidding. yeah sorry kak faz i stole your idea. lol but it was fun!


omg Brandon!!!!!!! :happy: *hyperventilates* why cant muse make personal and intimate videos like that! it'd be so awesome. omg someone tried to steal ben's shoes! in china right? when he was in the hospital? damn you chinese people! hahaha just kidding. yeah i'm aware that i was damning my own race lol.


i dunno why i feel so hyper right now :erm:


MUSE on 8tv?? OMG!!!


Deb, r "they" showing MUSE at Wembley + Interview with Matt & Dom??



*searching for the vid...


they only showed a few songs from HAARP, and thats it! no interview with Matt or Dom or anything unfortunately. the songs were Knights of Cydonia, Supermassive Black Hole, Feeling Good, Time is Running Out, and Plug in Baby! :D

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regarding dom cheating, he's just taking advantage of his fame. that cheeky lad. haha.


and warner malaysia should show muse's concert. idc how they do it, idc if we have to pay but goddamn it, they need to show us it. and quite frankly, we made an awesome crowd. and even better, they should be making them into CDs. like, a malaysian special or something. idk.

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regarding dom cheating, he's just taking advantage of his fame. that cheeky lad. haha.


and warner malaysia should show muse's concert. idc how they do it, idc if we have to pay but goddamn it, they need to show us it. and quite frankly, we made an awesome crowd. and even better, they should be making them into CDs. like, a malaysian special or something. idk.

lol yeah he's so cheeky la. why cant he be loyal like matt and chris? frick man chris has been married for YEARS! he's so awesome. but i guess dom cant help but feel a bit... 'deprived', while he's touring. if you know what i mean. cough cough.


yeah they should! we made an awesome crowd man.. i was so shocked that when i watched the videos. i cant believe it was actually US. and they call malaysians conservative... :noey: lol. maybe they would make official bootlegs and give the profits to charity! like incubus! :D

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they only showed a few songs from HAARP, and thats it! no interview with Matt or Dom or anything unfortunately. the songs were Knights of Cydonia, Supermassive Black Hole, Feeling Good, Time is Running Out, and Plug in Baby! :D


owh.. i thought they showed something like.. from MTV2... Muse special... some HAARP vids + Interview.. :p

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owh.. i thought they showed something like.. from MTV2... Muse special... some HAARP vids + Interview.. :p

hahaha no lah. just the dvd itself. 8tv has a music special program every saturday so yeah. they had a muse special once, where they showed the making of SMBH last time!


okay this is really irrelevant but i cant get over this song. its so beautiful yet so painful. i love it. lol.


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hahaha no lah. just the dvd itself. 8tv has a music special program every saturday so yeah. they had a muse special once, where they showed the making of SMBH last time!


okay this is really irrelevant but i cant get over this song. its so beautiful yet so painful. i love it. lol.



bah incubus, i tot it was muse

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Hello ppl, howyadoin?


1. the SEA / KL fans comment by Dom.


I cant access the link, help? It says error on page :$ *tech-idiot*


2. Warner showing the KL show.

Hell yeah! Now how do we pester Warner?


Wait, did they even record it? :(


3. Incubus goodies.

Thanks loads, luv it!


4. Dom's break up.


blame the Msian baju kurung lady. It's her fault la guys, im sure.


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omg Brandon!!!!!!! :happy: *hyperventilates* why cant muse make personal and intimate videos like that! it'd be so awesome. omg someone tried to steal ben's shoes! in china right? when he was in the hospital? damn you chinese people! hahaha just kidding. yeah i'm aware that i was damning my own race lol.


i like the fact that Mike was there as well and Ben was soooooo sweeeeeeet. lol.. he's man enough to forgive the one who stole his shoes in China. do u know that 21st April is Incubus day? lol.. i only knew about it like yesterday..

regarding dom cheating, he's just taking advantage of his fame. that cheeky lad. haha.


and warner malaysia should show muse's concert. idc how they do it, idc if we have to pay :chucklebut goddamn it, they need to show us it. and quite frankly, we made an awesome crowd. and even better, they should be making them into CDs. like, a malaysian special or something. idk.


Exactly. he's a rock star.. so i wasn't surprised at all. Chris has my utmost respect for being a family man.


we were an AWESOME crowd.they should release a dvd of the KL gig. Perhaps they can like release it together with Muse's new album, Malaysian edition. Good idea eh? wow.. can't believe how smart i am. *masuk bakul angkat sendiri mode*



okay this is really irrelevant but i cant get over this song. its so beautiful yet so painful. i love it. lol.



:yesey: mexico during the morning view session is beautiful.:happy: and yes, the lyrics are quite painful.. like talking about a silent anger or something..brandon always write beautiful lyrics. i adore him for that..


4. Dom's break up.


blame the Msian baju kurung lady. It's her fault la guys, im sure.



Fo' sho...:chuckle


dunno why u couldn't listen to the interview. try this thread then..http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=53528


Btw Kay-a i love ur sig, man.

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hahaha. then again, it might not be true. and do we really know about chris? ;)

someone has GOT to call warner out and say something.


also, that's a rather smart idea, i must say. ;) personally, i don't mind paying extra to see the awesome KL crowd which blew me away.

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screw double posting, haha. it was sweet to hear dom and matt mention KL for the FIRST TIME cause it has always been indonesia. :)


and i don't think matt's exactly wrong because we were just TOO loud. :p or um, i think matt's saying that when in korea, he didn't understand the fans? :/


also, its wonderful to hear them say such things about our crowd. that means we MIGHT GET THEM BACK!

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Sigh. Finishing a course - and moving out - is no easy feat! Glad that I got that over with though. Now I can spend 9 consecutive hours online again! Ah, and that well-deserved backpacking trip up north to Langkawi/Kedah :D


My apologies for not replying to the eariler incubus comments!




am i the only one who is damn jealous that 8tv aired Switchfoot's KL concert last sunday? i wish it was Muse instead..:(


yeah i saw that too! i guess these ppl just dont know how to appreciate great bands! :mad:


8tv was the official tv station for the Switchfoot concert in KL and it's probably the hard work of Wing Meng, the guitarist for Love Me Butch to get their sponsorship in advertising and all. I heard he personally brought the guys to Malaysia when he heard Switchfoot would be doing a show in Singapore, courtesy of his label One Armed Productions. Nothing like Warner/Galaxy who were definitely lacking a bit on their job to keep fans happy :( When I was at the airport to greet Switchfoot - there were actually camera guys around and when I talked to them they said they were making a tv special on SF. (if you caught that tv special two Saturdays ago - you probably would've seen me ;) ) 8tv's been pretty awesome really - and when I heard that they've decided to show one full hour from the concert that night. I flipped out! -- despite having my crucial finals at that time :-/


Yeah and it would be nice to watch the recorded footages from that Muse KL gig. Notably Kak Faz during Invincible? lol I've never actually personally seen it *hinthint* I'm sure these footages are still somewhere. So maybe we just need to pester a certain person and push his/her buttons to release them online or something... If that fails.. well then I'll just go pretend to be a spy and curi all 'em Muse footages from the Warner store room. And if we can't find it... I guess we'll burn the store room down. Haha... :LOL:


Oh and I saw that MTV thing too! Also TIRO @ Wembley at the MTV!Live show or something. Sooo glad that they mentioned the awesome KL fans eventhough it's well one whole year after the gig. Missed the 8tv impromptu Muse @ Wembley show though. *sob* Would've been awesome seeing them on national tv!

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hahaha. then again, it might not be true. and do we really know about chris? ;)

someone has GOT to call warner out and say something.


also, that's a rather smart idea, i must say. ;) personally, i don't mind paying extra to see the awesome KL crowd which blew me away.


ooohhh.. speculations on Chris.. lol. yeah someone has got to call warner. but i dunno if i should be that someone. am very shy.:ninja:


lol.. Thank you. *takes a bow* i don't mind paying extra for their album if it includes a dvd of their KL gig.


8tv was the official tv station for the Switchfoot concert in KL and it's probably the hard work of Wing Meng, the guitarist for Love Me Butch to get their sponsorship in advertising and all. I heard he personally brought the guys to Malaysia when he heard Switchfoot would be doing a show in Singapore, courtesy of his label One Armed Productions. Nothing like Warner/Galaxy who were definitely lacking a bit on their job to keep fans happy :( When I was at the airport to greet Switchfoot - there were actually camera guys around and when I talked to them they said they were making a tv special on SF. (if you caught that tv special two Saturdays ago - you probably would've seen me ;) ) 8tv's been pretty awesome really - and when I heard that they've decided to show one full hour from the concert that night. I flipped out! -- despite having my crucial finals at that time :-/



Oh and I saw that MTV thing too! Also TIRO @ Wembley at the MTV!Live show or something. Sooo glad that they mentioned the awesome KL fans eventhough it's well one whole year after the gig. Missed the 8tv impromptu Muse @ Wembley show though. *sob* Would've been awesome seeing them on national tv!


OMG, THAT WAS U? LOL.. there was only one fan at the airport... so u were so lucky to meet SF all to urself! were they friendly? it looked like they were very down to earth kinda guys from that tv special. i wish galaxy had recorded the same thing with muse. sure my face and shannaz's would be on tv when muse first arrived at the airport! lol.. :p


wow.. i didn't know that MTV showed TIRO@Wembley! i need to watch tv more often.

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wow.. i didn't know that MTV showed TIRO@Wembley! i need to watch tv more often.


yess.. come to the dark side and watch tv... lol! i watched MTV I Love Live also the other day and i saw incubus but i forgot which song they played. it was from their morning view sessions dvd though, that's all i remembered.




but i shouldn't watch it now because i have mock exams this whole week. SHOULD I GIVE IN TO TEMPTATION FOR 2 HOURS???? :eek::eek::eek:

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yess.. come to the dark side and watch tv... lol! i watched MTV I Love Live also the other day and i saw incubus but i forgot which song they played. it was from their morning view sessions dvd though, that's all i remembered.




but i shouldn't watch it now because i have mock exams this whole week. SHOULD I GIVE IN TO TEMPTATION FOR 2 HOURS???? :eek::eek::eek:



you definitely should :D

if not then your mind will be tortured with thoughts of wanting to watch the dvd soooooo badly

you'll be thinking about it with each and every passing minute

and that'll disrupt your concentration

so, yeah, just watch it girl! lol

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omg this sucks. lol. my comp recently got reformatted so now i'm downloading Power DVD.. and i have no idea how long that'll take. :stunned:


oh btw melwhoops, you made me a huge fan of Twilight!! i want my own Edward Cullen!!! lol! and there's a thread on the board about the upcoming movie!



ahaha! thank you thank you *takes a bow* EVERYONE who read the book fell in love with edward, including me of course! he's sooo dreamy.... too bad that that's the truth, he's just a dream :erm: i even joined a group on facebook called "after reading twilight, human boys just seem lacking" hahahah! can't wait for the mooooviiieee!!! robert pattinson *swoon*

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ahaha! thank you thank you *takes a bow* EVERYONE who read the book fell in love with edward, including me of course! he's sooo dreamy.... too bad that that's the truth, he's just a dream :erm: i even joined a group on facebook called "after reading twilight, human boys just seem lacking" hahahah! can't wait for the mooooviiieee!!! robert pattinson *swoon*

yeah. too bad he's fictional. and i wish edward was british though. i'd love him even more! haha i love guys with brit accents. damn sexy :D and its ironic because robert pattinson IS british! :LOL: too bad he has to act with an american accent. such a waste :(

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yess.. come to the dark side and watch tv... lol! i watched MTV I Love Live also the other day and i saw incubus but i forgot which song they played. it was from their morning view sessions dvd though, that's all i remembered.




but i shouldn't watch it now because i have mock exams this whole week. SHOULD I GIVE IN TO TEMPTATION FOR 2 HOURS???? :eek::eek::eek:


first Muse now Incubus? now i HAVE to watch tv more often..!


go and watch it now! heh heh..

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yeah. too bad he's fictional. and i wish edward was british though. i'd love him even more! haha i love guys with brit accents. damn sexy :D and its ironic because robert pattinson IS british! :LOL: too bad he has to act with an american accent. such a waste :(


ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh yesssssssss....... hahah! i wish that edward was a brit too. i LOVE them british boys :eyebrows: well, at least we'll get a british actor for the movie! though i wish he'd speak in british accent though, it'll make edward's character much, much more sexier than he already is! :eyebrows:

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