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oh deb, seriously i don't know who looks better in this picture.:stunned:




aiya jared leto is fugly with eyeliner :( imho anyway!


guys i have the live at red rock's DVD but it's my friend's one and it's er... pirated. i still havent watched it yet. SHAME ON ME. lol! i want the look alive dvd la! do they sell it here? i remember seeing the morning view (or make yourself, i dunno. i always confused with those ttwo) DVD last year at Tower Records! dunno whether they still have it now.


bakumatsu are you serious? Incubus came to our shores, rocked our socks off and left! they came with major advertising and whatnots, not to mention they've been the subject of this thread for the past week! :LOL:


hey can someone like tell me how Incubus started the gig? i missed it la :( i was too busy eating my KFC that time haha. i only started running to the stage when Quicksand started.




guilt striken that's one nice bum he's got :p

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I was at KLCC's Tower Records. Yessss, the Incubus DVD would only cost RM32 after the 20% discount! The thing is, I am seriously broke - because I'm considering heading to Singapore for the Stereophonics gig in April! Trying to get my sister to loan me cash now however. Haha...


so u didn't see HAARP there? wow u've been to a lot of gigs for the past three months and still wanna go to stereophonics? i wish am rich..:(


Ugh. Pop Shuvit and OAG opened for them back then right? They totally drained out the energy of the crowd. I remember being so dehydrated after the two opening acts - but my friend went to get Nescafe Ice Lemon Tea for me. Til now, I am forever in debt of that drink lol. We were standing in between Jose and Ben. Not exactly right up front however. Maybe about 4-5 lines from the stage. But during Mega it got so intense my sister and I were just pushed everywhere. Finally we seeked refuge near this couple and managed to enjoy the rest of the show eventhough I was seperated with my other friend. Too bad la last time got no youtube or anything. I think the videos I took (Brandon + Beanie!) are gone forever when my desktop crashed two years back :( I would looove to listen to the bootleg of it.


i hate pop shuvit ever since that day. i just can't bring myself to like them even to this day.. coz everytime i look at their dj's face, i remember myself being pulled out from the crowd.:(


yeah la.. i wish there was some sort of vid on you tube of their 2004 gig. it was awesome.









when is this? i mean, during what song? shit.. i didn't notice this.. :eek: damn cool la..



Lol yesss I'm actually in that picture so technically I took a picture with Nico? Lol. My friend took that shot of me running up to Nico for a handshake. Nico and Kazuki Nakajima were at LCCT (I think they just got off from their flight from Singapore - and yeah they took AirAsia XD ) for some press conference I believe. When I wanted to take a proper picture with Nico however, he was actually all ready to pose and everything lol. Unforunately, this lady came along and drag him away saying he has a busy busy schedule. He looked apologetic as he left me and my friend there standing lol. But a handshake from him was good enough! Also congratulated him for his fantabulous podium finish in Australia!


Very sad lah this year, there's not much promotion going around in KL with drivers' appearances. Even BMW Sauber didn't do an autograph session with their fans this year. Damn disappointed


I hope it raiiiinnnns during the race!


i just realised that air asia is one of the sponsors for Williams rite? so it only make sense for Nico to be there.. but still, did he get here from melbourne with Air Asia? aww.. lucky u la. i've only seen Kimi from FAR at Bkt Bintang once and that made me all excited already.. haha..


yeah la.. not enough time for promotions la i reckon with only like a week after melbourne.


i hope it rains too.. coz it'll be more exciting other than the fact that i'll be watching the race at home this year so i won't regret for not going there too much.:( budget lari la...




My friendly neighbourhood record store auntie just called to tell that my copy of HAARP is safe and sound. So if a tiny old store in Penang has it, there is hope for us yet Malaysians! :LOL:


TAK ADIL!! :'( how come it's already sold in penang?


guys i have the live at red rock's DVD but it's my friend's one and it's er... pirated. i still havent watched it yet. SHAME ON ME. lol! i want the look alive dvd la! do they sell it here? i remember seeing the morning view (or make yourself, i dunno. i always confused with those ttwo) DVD last year at Tower Records! dunno whether they still have it now.



hey can someone like tell me how Incubus started the gig? i missed it la :( i was too busy eating my KFC that time haha. i only started running to the stage when Quicksand started.


Morning View DVD? i want... yeah la. i want that Look Alive dvd as well.


as i vaguely recall, it was kilmore who came on stage first? and mike was on piano.. that's all i remember coz i was too busy screaming. :LOL:


Who is Jared Leto? He sure looks like a scary girl.


Check out this pic with Chris on drums for a band called Hey Molly.




LOL.. he does look like a girl.


i can see that PEDRO is back. lol..

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He's the lead singer of the band 30 Seconds To Mars. i almost typed Marse. haha.


i cant see that link! :(


That band's quite good eh?


Chris on drums!


as i vaguely recall, it was kilmore who came on stage first? and mike was on piano.. that's all i remember coz i was too busy screaming. :LOL:




LOL.. he does look like a girl.


i can see that PEDRO is back. lol..


Wow Mike can play piano as well eh.... My fave member is Kilmore, he's got funny eyes heh heh...

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hey can someone like tell me how Incubus started the gig? i missed it la :( i was too busy eating my KFC that time haha. i only started running to the stage when Quicksand started.

as i vaguely recall, it was kilmore who came on stage first? and mike was on piano.. that's all i remember coz i was too busy screaming. :LOL:[/Quote]

when is this? i mean, during what song? shit.. i didn't notice this.. :eek: damn cool la..

Riiiiight at the start before Quicksand. After John Legend's show, the DJs over at Sky stage told the crowd to stay on after Incubus... the lights went dim for the Sun stage and Incubus slowly came in with the countdown projected in the big screens? My friend said it started counting down from 5 before Quicksand came on! I remember vaguely because I counted down from 3 onwards. Trying to look for the videos now..





He's the lead singer of the band 30 Seconds To Mars. i almost typed Marse. haha.

Also the actor in Fight Club, Girl Interrupted and American Psycho!





so u didn't see HAARP there? wow u've been to a lot of gigs for the past three months and still wanna go to stereophonics? i wish am rich..

No, no HAARP there as of Wednesday. I asked the guy if he has any idea when it'll be released but he gave me a very blunt no reply. :mad:


These past few months have been the best months of my life thus far. It kinda sucks that my life is hardly really based on reality but it revolves only mainly around music (and F1). Sometimes I feel extremely out of place when I discuss with my collegemates regarding future professional papers to take (read: ACCA, CIMA etc ) :(


I wish I work for some music magazine or something. These people get free tickets AND VIP passes! Getting paid to go to gigs/events... A job to die for!


Someone needs to slap me back to reality. Sigh.




i hate pop shuvit ever since that day. i just can't bring myself to like them even to this day.. coz everytime i look at their dj's face, i remember myself being pulled out from the crowd.:(


yeah la.. i wish there was some sort of vid on you tube of their 2004 gig. it was awesome.

I never liked Pop Shuvit and I never will. I don't get how they're pretty big over in Japan. Sorry to hear about you being pulled out :( If it was me, I think it would've been a really traumatic experience.





i just realised that air asia is one of the sponsors for Williams rite? so it only make sense for Nico to be there.. but still, did he get here from melbourne with Air Asia? aww.. lucky u la. i've only seen Kimi from FAR at Bkt Bintang once and that made me all excited already.. haha..


yeah la.. not enough time for promotions la i reckon with only like a week after melbourne.


i hope it rains too.. coz it'll be more exciting other than the fact that i'll be watching the race at home this year so i won't regret for not going there too much.:( budget lari la...

They took a flight from Melbourne to Singapore then from Singapore to KL through AirAsia. This was the 2nd time I talked to Nico! :D The first time was at the ORIS event @ BB Plaza last year. He was being extremely nice there too! He actually signed my friend's Moral book because she brought that book along to study for her moral studies exam the next day lol.


You were there at KL Plaza during that Kimi TAG Heuer event?! I was there too! That event was crazy packed. Could hardly see Kimi at all! Followerd him all the way around and ended up somewhere in JW Marriott. Lol. Surely I would've bumped into you? Lol. My friend's a HUGE Kimi fan (I find that I cannot bring myself to like him however - after what happened when McLarens picked him instead of Nick Heidfeld to replace Mika Hakkinen. IMHO, Nick is very much an underrated driver. He's only beginning to get in the spotlight now! Ironically, both current Ferrari drivers used to be his teammates back in the Sauber days and Nick actually outqualified both of them during their time together!) but we've managed to work our differences out and focus on our love for Formula One instead ;) So usually we go driver stalking hunting around KL together!


Did you go to last year's BMW Sauber Pit Lane Park along Jalan Binjai @ KLCC?


If it rains tomorrow (or today rather!), I believe Lewis will menggelabah. Lol. No traction control + slippery newly tarred track! Should be a really interesting watch - yay for him being demoted 5 places as well. Heh.

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bakumatsu are you serious? Incubus came to our shores, rocked our socks off and left! they came with major advertising and whatnots, not to mention they've been the subject of this thread for the past week! :LOL:




bahaha, ive been isolated from the world like for many weeks, kinda like matt bellamy in his bunker, its great they come


so how was the concert? is it better than muse?

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Wow Mike can play piano as well eh.... My fave member is Kilmore, he's got funny eyes heh heh...


of course la.. heh heh. he's as multi-talented as Matt tho not as attractive. but Mike still rocks! i can't get enough of him rite now. :D


hey Nut, which is better? Hullabaloo or HAARP?


Riiiiight at the start before Quicksand. After John Legend's show, the DJs over at Sky stage told the crowd to stay on after Incubus... the lights went dim for the Sun stage and Incubus slowly came in with the countdown projected in the big screens? My friend said it started counting down from 5 before Quicksand came on! I remember vaguely because I counted down from 3 onwards. Trying to look for the videos now..


oh yeah.. i remember hearing like someone was talking when the lights were dim which immediately reminds me of the start of Hullabaloo , heh.. so yeah. i did notice the countdown but didn't pay much attention to it coz i was searching for mike on stage. he was hidden while playing the piano.



No, no HAARP there as of Wednesday. I asked the guy if he has any idea when it'll be released but he gave me a very blunt no reply.


i went to KLCC today and got the Alive Red Rocks dvd. i did asked the girl for HAARP and Look Alive but i got the same reply la.. i even told her that i got a friend who already got the dvd in penang and she was like "oh ye??" i hate malaysian record stores! :mad: nasib baik the Red Rocks dvd was worth all the trouble. there's a song in the audio cd which was recorded live during their concert in KL in 04! :happy: brandon saying terima kasiih.lol..


I wish I work for some music magazine or something. These people get free tickets AND VIP passes! Getting paid to go to gigs/events... A job to die for!


Someone needs to slap me back to reality. Sigh.


well, somehow i always find those media people with VIP passes as very snobbish. might be becoz am jealous of their cool job eh? ;)


I never liked Pop Shuvit and I never will. I don't get how they're pretty big over in Japan. Sorry to hear about you being pulled out :( If it was me, I think it would've been a really traumatic experience.


it was a traumatic experience and a very good lesson learnt. since then i didn't even dare to stand at the center of the stage of a concert again coz that's where the crazy, pushy people are (except for muse of course).


They took a flight from Melbourne to Singapore then from Singapore to KL through AirAsia. This was the 2nd time I talked to Nico! :D The first time was at the ORIS event @ BB Plaza last year. He was being extremely nice there too! He actually signed my friend's Moral book because she brought that book along to study for her moral studies exam the next day lol.


You were there at KL Plaza during that Kimi TAG Heuer event?! I was there too! That event was crazy packed. Could hardly see Kimi at all! Followerd him all the way around and ended up somewhere in JW Marriott. Lol. Surely I would've bumped into you? Lol. My friend's a HUGE Kimi fan (I find that I cannot bring myself to like him however - after what happened when McLarens picked him instead of Nick Heidfeld to replace Mika Hakkinen. IMHO, Nick is very much an underrated driver. He's only beginning to get in the spotlight now! Ironically, both current Ferrari drivers used to be his teammates back in the Sauber days and Nick actually outqualified both of them during their time together!) but we've managed to work our differences out and focus on our love for Formula One instead So usually we go driver stalking hunting around KL together!


Did you go to last year's BMW Sauber Pit Lane Park along Jalan Binjai @ KLCC?


If it rains tomorrow (or today rather!), I believe Lewis will menggelabah. Lol. No traction control + slippery newly tarred track! Should be a really interesting watch - yay for him being demoted 5 places as well. Heh.


Lucky u! got to meet Nico again.


yup, i was at the Tag Heuer event too and i won a bag from answering the first question correct. i was on stage with Joey G and Marion and he asked me to cheer for Kimi. i felt so embarrassed at that time :$ yeah, it was crazy packed, i only got a glimpse of kimi then i also followed him when he entered the Tag Heuer shop there.. i left after he came out. so disappointed that i didn't get to see him up close. i only like kimi when he replaced mika hakkinen. i thought Ron Dennis made the right choice in hiring Kimi. he's very quick and sharp. but most importantly he's Finnish just like Hakkinen. call me selfish but i like the fact that Heidfeld is still with BMW Sauber coz he's an ace driver and we need an ace driver driving for Petronas team.


yes. i did go to the Pit Lane Park last year! i still have the tag in my car actually.. and i got to meet and take a picture with Nick Heidfeld :D. i was there even before the gates were opened and i tried every single thing there.. i was interviewed by a reporter and lo behold a few days later i was on Engine Block in Star Sports! haha.. :$


bahaha, ive been isolated from the world like for many weeks, kinda like matt bellamy in his bunker, its great they come


so how was the concert? is it better than muse?


well, i would say it was as awesome as muse! :D




well, for those who understand malay, u should read this very lame article..and tell me what u think. i seriously hope there'll be a day when the malaysian media will be open minded a bit. and i hope incubus won't get banned for this!



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of course la.. heh heh. he's as multi-talented as Matt tho not as attractive. but Mike still rocks! i can't get enough of him rite now. :D


hey Nut, which is better? Hullabaloo or HAARP?





well, for those who understand malay, u should read this very lame article..and tell me what u think. i seriously hope there'll be a day when the malaysian media will be open minded a bit. and i hope incubus won't get banned for this!




In terms of editing and the colouring of the pictures, HAARP scores major points. But in terms of overall Muse-ness content in the DVD, Hullabaloo wins hands down. They should've done another documusetery just like Hullabaloo then it would be the bestest ever.


Seriously that Wanda lady is so lame. Nothing wrong with guys taking off their shirts, as it is really not obscene, isn't it? I mean, religious-wise as well..?

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i went to KLCC today and got the Alive Red Rocks dvd. i did asked the girl for HAARP and Look Alive but i got the same reply la.. i even told her that i got a friend who already got the dvd in penang and she was like "oh ye??" i hate malaysian record stores! nasib baik the Red Rocks dvd was worth all the trouble. there's a song in the audio cd which was recorded live during their concert in KL in 04! brandon saying terima kasiih.lol..

! Ok that's it. I'm not gonna buy my text books first.


Lucky u! got to meet Nico again.


yup, i was at the Tag Heuer event too and i won a bag from answering the first question correct. i was on stage with Joey G and Marion and he asked me to cheer for Kimi. i felt so embarrassed at that time. yeah, it was crazy packed, i only got a glimpse of kimi then i also followed him when he entered the Tag Heuer shop there.. i left after he came out. so disappointed that i didn't get to see him up close. i only like kimi when he replaced mika hakkinen. i thought Ron Dennis made the right choice in hiring Kimi. he's very quick and sharp. but most importantly he's Finnish just like Hakkinen. call me selfish but i like the fact that Heidfeld is still with BMW Sauber coz he's an ace driver and we need an ace driver driving for Petronas team.


yes. i did go to the Pit Lane Park last year! i still have the tag in my car actually.. and i got to meet and take a picture with Nick Heidfeld. i was there even before the gates were opened and i tried every single thing there.. i was interviewed by a reporter and lo behold a few days later i was on Engine Block in Star Sports! haha.. :$

Lol. I think I remember that Joey G/Marion thing onstage! I'm gonna go look at the videos my friend took during that Tag Heuer event to see if she got a shot of you answering that question!


There was a joke somewhere that said if Nick's name was Nicki Heidfeldnen then he might be driving for McLarens in stead. Haha. I think the only thing that irked me was that Nick used to race for Mercedes (and win races/championships for them!) back in his F3000 days. They repaid him by hiring Kimi instead :( But oh well, I suppose if that didn't happen - I wouldn't be able to meet Nick at all these awesome Petronas sponsored events. [safe for this year - what happened?! They didn't even arrange any meet and greet sessions with the fans. So much for being the 10th year anniversary? I was actually at the BMW Sauber Pit Lounge late Wednesday night attempting to enter the event but was rudely shunned out into the rain saying it's an invites-only event (Saw that coming, however). Extremely different from last year's. I could only hear Christian Klein, the third driver for BMW, revving up his F1 engines from outside the tents/gates. So disappointing la :( I really loved the Pit Lane Park last year! Making Sebastian Vettel blush by calling out his name from across the track - asking for a picture with him instead of Nick's (already met Nick earlier that day :happy: ), declaring Chris Pfieffer as the king of all mat rempits! And Dr. Mario waved at me and my friends from the Paddock Lounge balcony :LOL: None of that this year however...]



Star Sports! Quite the famous, are you? Lol I'm surprised I haven't bumped into you at all these events/concerts. I've also done my share of embarrassment in the media notably in front of Nick. I don't know but I get all giddy before meeting him :-/ Maybe because there was once I actually gave him a stalk of rose and the media caught all that in the photos. (Who gives an F1 driver a rose anyway!? I can't believe my friends talked me into doing that lol) The first time I met Nick was back in 2001 when I intruded his little session of pool @ Mid Valley's All Star Sports Cafe to get his signature. Sigh... Those were the days!


OK, I think I may have talked a little too much about this... :$ Formula One is a pretty huge part of my life... So I can get a bit carried away sometimes. Here's hoping BMW might just win their first race this season! Any chance if you'll be heading to Singapore this Sept for the night race?





well, for those who understand malay, u should read this very lame article..and tell me what u think. i seriously hope there'll be a day when the malaysian media will be open minded a bit. and i hope incubus won't get banned for this!




Wow. How insane is that?:noey:

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wow, mcm mana penang bole dpt dulu




yup, serius duh, aku dah lama tak check muse board


Wow great! why haven't you gotten it yet!! Respect to your friendly neighbourhood aunty cd-shop sales person!


My personal faves from the DVD;

-Apocalypse Please,






On the CD havta listen to MOTP :D



Haha, i've pestered auntie record store since January to get HAARP from Warner, that's why :D


Damn u Singaporean, I belum dapat lagi my copy since am still in KL, got some damn Prosecutions course.



Tak sabarnya, I'll only get it on Thursday :(


of course la.. heh heh. he's as multi-talented as Matt tho not as attractive. but Mike still rocks! i can't get enough of him rite now. :D


hey Nut, which is better? Hullabaloo or HAARP?



i went to KLCC today and got the Alive Red Rocks dvd. i did asked the girl for HAARP and Look Alive but i got the same reply la.. i even told her that i got a friend who already got the dvd in penang and she was like "oh ye??" i hate malaysian record stores! :mad: nasib baik the Red Rocks dvd was worth all the trouble. there's a song in the audio cd which was recorded live during their concert in KL in 04! :happy: brandon saying terima kasiih.lol..




it was a traumatic experience and a very good lesson learnt. since then i didn't even dare to stand at the center of the stage of a concert again coz that's where the crazy, pushy people are (except for muse of course).



well, i would say it was as awesome as muse! :D




well, for those who understand malay, u should read this very lame article..and tell me what u think. i seriously hope there'll be a day when the malaysian media will be open minded a bit. and i hope incubus won't get banned for this!



I remember your face getting pale Faz, when u realised we were near the middle.....;)


Bout HAARP, cuba try call / e-mail Warner msia and see?



The stupid Wanda woman should just stfu, it's her kind yg bagi all the cool acts skip Msia and just go to the rest of SEA :mad:

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oooh i know a french phrase. alez le blues!! dunno if that's correct or not! :p

Ahahah lol


It's for football xD

Bleu (blue) => France ^^

Thanks lovebells, my french is basic and rusty. :D

Hihi :LOL:

lol at least you know a little french! all i know is "bonjour", "omelet du fromage" and "vou les vou cou sheck(sp?) ac vec moi se soi?". i'm pretty sure my spelling is all wrong haha. :LOL:


i've love to learn french though. the language is so... romantic. :happy:

Oh xD

- Bonjour (hello)

- "omelet du formage" ? O.O xD It's "omelette au fromage" xD

- "vou les vou cou sheck ac vec moi se soir?" :LOL/ "voulez-vous couchez avec moi ce soir?" :D

lol damn kinky la that sentence. reminds me of Moulin Rouge which is my ALL TIME FAVOURITE MUSICAL OF THEM ALL!! hehheh :D


so it's jaime... like the english name jane? only with an m? or is the 'j' very 'sh'-ish? lol am i making any sense? haha.

Yes, I adore Moulin Rouge :p


J'aime... Yes it's Jane but with a "m" xD => Jame xD

No... "j", it isn't very 'sh'-ish XD

It's difficult to explain :LOL:

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So... how is everyone ? :D

Me? I'm great but I'm tired >.<

In France, it's 08:52 pm and in Malaysia it's 02:52 am ? xD [+ 7 hours than in France xD]


Did you saw The HAARP Tour?

I brought it last Monday (17 March) and... it's so SUPERMASSIVE !!! I love it !!! <3

So wonderful... I don't have words to explain this :D

But the DVD is short :(

[AHHH!!! The macking of! Dom is falling down[like the song :p] xD]

And the galerie <333

Okey, I stop now because I'm going to tell you a big story :LOL:


• To melwhoops => hehe xD Your sign. it's "floccinaucinihilipilification" xD I can say it quickly like Matt :happy: and you ? xD


Kisses =D

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bahaha, ive been isolated from the world like for many weeks, kinda like matt bellamy in his bunker, its great they come


so how was the concert? is it better than muse?


lol both also got its pros and cons la.

i prefer the incubus gig because the crowd was less rough, and brandon boyd took off his shirt, and there was lotsa audience interaction!


but i prefer the muse gig because they played more songs and they had BALLOOONSSS!!!


anyone can create a web for muse fan from malaysia? :)


OMG. ITS THE CREATOR OF THIS THREAD. lol. why you MIA so long la?


and I suck at HTML so dont ask me :p


Ahahah lol


It's for football xD

Bleu (blue) => France ^^


Hihi :LOL:


Oh xD

- Bonjour (hello)

- "omelet du formage" ? O.O xD It's "omelette au fromage" xD

- "vou les vou cou sheck ac vec moi se soir?" :LOL/ "voulez-vous couchez avec moi ce soir?" :D


Yes, I adore Moulin Rouge :p


J'aime... Yes it's Jane but with a "m" xD => Jame xD

No... "j", it isn't very 'sh'-ish XD

It's difficult to explain :LOL:


wow hey at least i got Bonjour right! :LOL: omelette au fromage is supposed to mean er... cheese omelette. i got it from a cartoon :p




hey guys about that Wanda newspaper article, IS SHE REALLY ALLOWED TO TYPE IN SUCH CASUAL MALAY? i thought you have to type all formal and stuff on the newspapers. i had a hard time reading through all those short forms :stunned: no, wait, i'm HAVING a hard time reading through all those short forms. :(


so was she insulting brandon boyd or was she like giving petty reasons for him to take off his shirt?


guilt-striken you're doing ACCA? which college? my sister's doing ACCA too!

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- "omelet du formage" ? O.O xD It's "omelette au fromage" xD

- "vou les vou cou sheck ac vec moi se soir?" :LOL/ "voulez-vous couchez avec moi ce soir?" :D


Yes, I adore Moulin Rouge :p

Cheese omelette! I like!


"Un omelette au fromage, sil vous plait?"


I remember watching Moulin Rouge over and over and over again...Memorizing the lyrics and all. Even told myself to make Come What May my wedding song. :LOL:



anyone can create a web for muse fan from malaysia? :)

Not exactly tech savvy either. A blog maybe..




guilt-striken you're doing ACCA? which college? my sister's doing ACCA too!

Awesome - can I talk to her and ask her questions regarding ACCA? Lol. Just kidding. I'm at the point where I can choose whether I want to continue with my studies that is partly intergrated with ACCA. Sigh, I'm not exactly sure myself because... well let's just say I ended up doing Accounting @ TAR College after my parents helped me to decide what I should do with my life. Basically, heading for National Service kinda messed up my plans/timing a bit... How 'lucky' huh? :S You're doing A Levels now issit?



I have assignments I should complete... But all I can think of doing is uploading the remaining 802934890283 pictures taken during Sunburst!

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In terms of editing and the colouring of the pictures, HAARP scores major points. But in terms of overall Muse-ness content in the DVD, Hullabaloo wins hands down. They should've done another documusetery just like Hullabaloo then it would be the bestest ever.


Seriously that Wanda lady is so lame. Nothing wrong with guys taking off their shirts, as it is really not obscene, isn't it? I mean, religious-wise as well..?


I finally got HAARP!! thanks to Shannaz who bought it for me last nite at 1U. :D:D i haven't watch the dvd yet, but the audio cd is awesome man.THOSE CRAZY RIFFS gave me goosebumps! i felt like i was back in Std Negara while listening to it in my car. it was the most enjoyable 'stuck in the traffic' moment la..:LOL: what did Dom say before the start of Supermassive Black Hole? "this next song is for those who like to groove to r&b"?


oh shannaz, did u notice that u bought the cd/dvd on the 25th of March? that's our anniversary of the concert tuh..so am gonna keep the receipt as a souvenir too. lol. my passion for muse is back! sometimes i find it very difficult to explain to people why am i so obsess with Muse. lol.. i now have acute PIS and PMS. very, very unhealthy..:noey:


OK, I think I may have talked a little too much about this... Formula One is a pretty huge part of my life... So I can get a bit carried away sometimes. Here's hoping BMW might just win their first race this season! Any chance if you'll be heading to Singapore this Sept for the night race?


hey i love F1 too. the only magazine that i buy monthly is F1 magazine (the local RM 10 edition not the imported one! lol). i can't believe that u gave heidfeld roses! :eek: very daring la u. lol.. that pit lane park was one of the greatest F1 moments in my life! did u go to Sepang last week? i don't think i'll be going to singapore. i'd love to watch the first ever(??) F1 night race! but i just can't afford it. :( the circuit looks very impressive eh? it's very ambitious of singapore to hold such an event. imagine how many flood lights they're gonna use. fuh giler tuh..


i have assigments too but all i wanna do now is watch that HAARP dvd that i just got. hey.. post ur pictures from sunburst please!


The stupid Wanda woman should just stfu, it's her kind yg bagi all the cool acts skip Msia and just go to the rest of SEA


+1! as Nut said, there's nothing obscene about a man taking off his shirt. it's not like brandon is doing a strip tease on stage. :mad:


anyone can create a web for muse fan from malaysia?


hey the thread starter!! :D wow, so how do u feel seeing this thread is still active a year after muse's first gig in KL?


hey guys about that Wanda newspaper article, IS SHE REALLY ALLOWED TO TYPE IN SUCH CASUAL MALAY? i thought you have to type all formal and stuff on the newspapers. i had a hard time reading through all those short forms :stunned: no, wait, i'm HAVING a hard time reading through all those short forms.


so was she insulting brandon boyd or was she like giving petty reasons for him to take off his shirt?


part of the reason i hate reading malay entertainment section in the newspaper is becoz of their lame casual style of writing. it's entertainment, so perhaps that's the reason for her writing in that manner. and how pathetic is it to call ur column as 'wazzup!' ?


she was saying that brandon did not respect our country's stage rules like some other international acts who came here before. i wonder who tho?? first, she was being polite about it, saying like yeah.. brandon is a mat saleh so he cannot tahan our hot weather hence the taking off shirt incident but then she called him ignorant. bleh.. the conclusion is simply: wanda iz LAME..:rolleyes:

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lol both also got its pros and cons la.

i prefer the incubus gig because the crowd was less rough, and brandon boyd took off his shirt, and there was lotsa audience interaction!


but i prefer the muse gig because they played more songs and they had BALLOOONSSS!!!



and I suck at HTML so dont ask me :p






god... imagine bellamy takes off his shirt during KL gig, :LOL:


hahaha html, just learnt it at university, thought it was pretty easy

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oh shannaz, did u notice that u bought the cd/dvd on the 25th of March? that's our anniversary of the concert tuh..so am gonna keep the receipt as a souvenir too. lol. my passion for muse is back! sometimes i find it very difficult to explain to people why am i so obsess with Muse. lol.. i now have acute PIS and PMS. very, very unhealthy..:noey:



OMG! i didnt notice! lol! :LOL: lucky i kept the receipt for u! ;)


and i just got mine last nite! woo hoo! but i havent got the chance to watch the DVD yet and i was listening to the CD this morning in my car, im pretty sure everyone else thinks im going mental coz i was like screaming and singing as if i was at their gig! the memory in Stadium Negara is haunting me! :eek:


oh k.faz, my uncle actually gave the DVD to me for free! yay!! :D:happy:

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*Puts HAARP cd in*


*goes insane at the office*



:LOL: I think the police will now think twice before knocking on my door for advice....I was caught rocking out to KOC tadi :D


The beginning lead guitar bits of Invincible is mindblowingly beautiful. Like swimming in the deep blue sea alongside whales or something.


And no, I am not (illicitly) high, haha.



Do you guys think Dom knew how awesome those green pants would turn out in photos?




To Kay-a, great work starting this thread. In case it's not obvious, I love this thread and all of its contents, hehe.

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OMG! i didnt notice! lol! :LOL: lucky i kept the receipt for u! ;)


and i just got mine last nite! woo hoo! but i havent got the chance to watch the DVD yet and i was listening to the CD this morning in my car, im pretty sure everyone else thinks im going mental coz i was like screaming and singing as if i was at their gig! the memory in Stadium Negara is haunting me! :eek:


oh k.faz, my uncle actually gave the DVD to me for free! yay!! :D:happy:


:LOL: i did exactly that too. those awesome in between songs riffs la.. that made me go mental and giggling in the car man. those riffss really reminded of their KL concert. can't believe am still suffering PMS even after a year! am alternating between muse and incubus rite now.


HOH! :eek: lucky nyer. if only i have an uncle like that. is the singapore HAARP similar to the one u bought for me?


*Puts HAARP cd in*


*goes insane at the office*



:LOL: I think the police will now think twice before knocking on my door for advice....I was caught rocking out to KOC tadi :D


The beginning lead guitar bits of Invincible is mindblowingly beautiful. Like swimming in the deep blue sea alongside whales or something.


And no, I am not (illicitly) high, haha.



Do you guys think Dom knew how awesome those green pants would turn out in photos?




To Kay-a, great work starting this thread. In case it's not obvious, I love this thread and all of its contents, hehe.


YES! I LOVE THAT INVINCIBLE INTRO! :\mm/: and i couldn't help doing some head bobbing action in the car as well during KoC riffs.. how ace is it to have Microcuts then straight to Stockholm Syndrome? i wish matt would say, thank u KL, see u tomorrow too la.. :(


i still haven't watched the dvd yet. damn assignment la.. am sure he does!

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Great finally some HAARP fever has hit this thread!


spoilers for the audio and dvd


If you all listen carefully, you could hear Matt screw up the timing a little for TIIRO on the audio cd but it isn't so bad.. and on the DVD, watch out for the outro to MOTP, it is an edit of the 16th June pasted in just like that. look out for his different shoes.



WOah Kay-a! didn't realised you are a living legend. Good job on starting this thread!!;)


Kak Faz, i think if your HAARP edition is without the extra docu footage and some fancy postcards, you have the same version as the SG release, unfortunately. I think the special release is for online purchase? Anyway i think Dom said, "this next song is for anyone who likes a lil' bit of R&B" :D




Chris on drums for Hey Molly, the video!! thanks to http://musedrums.medianewsonline.com/index.shtml

Wow i'm impressed.


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