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OMG. Read that bit over and over again. Thanks Nut!


No worries :)


You have been busy lately, no?:p


I had to leave it in Singapore, because I didn't want it to get smushed...in October I'll bring back a poster tube to put it in haha!


But still. :LOL: For me it's like when I saw Motley...like them, but not a massive fan, but should fucking go see them. :p I think I'm going, wheee!


Seems like you're ok to go for Mr Big in Oct then huh!

Haha hmm we'll see how it goes as the date comes nearer. Maybe youtube'll change my mind?


Mr Big!! My first finger plucking guitar song played properly was To Be With You (in other words, I used to practise this song to bits!). Good times. Lol. I say you should go for it lah. Pester that awesome boss of yours a lil? Or does he only listen to music from the now and not good old oldies? ;) Did you buy the tix to Keane?




Lol, says the "Harry Potter ftw!" geek :nerd::LOL: I just bought the tickets for a late show. Hehe.:happy:


My boss wouldn't want to go for Mr Big i think. :LOL: But one thing cool about him is he saw U2 in Aus in '06 on his bday!!!!!!!!!

Haven't bought tickets for Keane, waiting for a few friends to gang up and buy the special group price tickets.


Hey I'm sure i speak for everyone here when i say adoring Harry Potter is totally cool! :D


Also, what's this I hear? All American Rejects and Kasabian coming to Sunway Lagoon August 15th for MTV Asia Awards 2009? (Which, I believe it's now known as MTV Worldstage 2009 or something)


If that's really true, wow, better get myself ready to fight off Tyson Ritter fangirls..!



WOHOHOHO Kasabian!!! Who says you guys aren't lucky! Now how the hell do we get tickets for this MTV thang?!

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Guest Octazooka
I've got this picture in 2006/2007.. never thought that it would be one of muse new song title...




*take a nice look at matt's hand.. "MK ULTRA":eek:




Yeah! Now I see what Matt was trying to tell us a few years back..

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Also, what's this I hear? All American Rejects and Kasabian coming to Sunway Lagoon August 15th for MTV Asia Awards 2009? (Which, I believe it's now known as MTV Worldstage 2009 or something)


If that's really true, wow, better get myself ready to fight off Tyson Ritter fangirls..!



WHAT?!!!!!! Lol... I guess you won't be the only one who need to fend of Tyson Ritter's fangirl, Liz...:rolleyes::LOL:


And how do we get the tickets? Don't tell me invites again... T___T

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That CD Shop in Paragon. About $20.


Ahh...was that posted on the Ash site? I think I saw it on there. :LOL: Yep, kudos to your friend...me filming soundchecks = :noey:

Eeek. There was one Paragon near my cousin's place, but they didn't have it last time I checked hmm. I don't think I'm going to Singapore any time soon though. :(


Ash posted Blacklisted soundcheck, this is a different one! ;)



My boss wouldn't want to go for Mr Big i think. :LOL: But one thing cool about him is he saw U2 in Aus in '06 on his bday!!!!!!!!!

Haven't bought tickets for Keane, waiting for a few friends to gang up and buy the special group price tickets.


Hey I'm sure i speak for everyone here when i say adoring Harry Potter is totally cool! :D

U2! Eh U2 never played in Singapore before right..? Or have they?


I <3 Harry Potter actually, the books at least. :nerd: Especially Professor Lupin's character!


Public Enemies... Aiyoo... I can't believe I waited two whole years for this, and it's all over in two hours! Pity Johnny Depp and Christian Bale only have like one major scene together :( I think most of the actors were criminally underutilised, especially David Wenham! I didn't like a number of things relating to the movie (shaky cameras) but all the close up hand shots of Bale toying with his hands made up for it! :LOL::happy:


Speaking of Christian Bale, for all Manic Street Preachers lovers, how cool issit that they used a Christian Bale character quote for the opening to Journal for Plague Lovers? XD




And...Kasabian? :eek: -scream- FUUUUUUUCK I need to move back to Singapore and go drive/fly over to KL. :'( Whatttt.


WOHOHOHO Kasabian!!! Who says you guys aren't lucky! Now how the hell do we get tickets for this MTV thang?!



WHAT?!!!!!! Lol... I guess you won't be the only one who need to fend of Tyson Ritter's fangirl, Liz...:rolleyes::LOL:


And how do we get the tickets? Don't tell me invites again... T___T

Don't put your hopes up tooo high just yet though..! and yeah, if it's really happening, the only way to get tix is probably by winning them :-/

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Aww...you need to look carefully, they have a lots of special edition things for quite cheap there.


Ahh, okay.


I think U2 did, I can't remember. It was somewhere in SE Asia, that's for sure. :erm:


I like the third HP book and the fifth is okay, but not my favourite series. Don't really like the movies though.


And nom, Christian Bale. And hehe, The Machinist.<3 I think Nicky said that if there was a Manics movie, Bale would play Richey. Awww. :(


If it's true, I hope they have a full Asia tour scheduled. :LOL:

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Also, what's this I hear? All American Rejects and Kasabian coming to Sunway Lagoon August 15th for MTV Asia Awards 2009? (Which, I believe it's now known as MTV Worldstage 2009 or something)


If that's really true, wow, better get myself ready to fight off Tyson Ritter fangirls..!



:eek: :eek: :eek:

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance:


i really hope it's true. where can we find tickets though? *sigh*

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I hate missing out on the goings on in here. :(



Noor, it really is neat that u get to do some charity work in Thailand! pity that their mentality is like that tho. post some pictures, please. esp the Tioman ones coz i really want to go there!

Noor wow your experience in Thailand is so inspiring! and like what kak faz said, its a shame that the villagers have that kind of mentality. I remember there's a saying that goes something like... Give a man a fish and he wont starve for a day, teach a man to fish and he wont starve for life.. They should really practice that saying huh? I find it a bit insulting that the neighbour dude actually asked the boy to ask for another house. He's really taking your help for granted and he shouldnt! :( so ungrateful la.


Yeah, its really sad...I'm pinning my hopes on the students, hope they get inspired to make a difference :happy:


I will auntie Faz, I will! (I've been saying that a lot, yes) Heh, no, really. Soon. :p


Zane Lowe's thoughts about Muse's "The Resistance" (via his twitter)


[spoiler=The Resistance] Muse "The Resistance". A beautifully recorded, strong, sweeping, fighting, uplifting, rocking, lilting and inclusive record about love.



Musewire have begun twittering the track list to their upcoming record, "The Resistance".


The Resistance


1. Uprising [ 7:44 PM] 03.07.2009

2. Resistance [ 8:44 PM]

3. Undisclosed Desires [ 10:44 PM]

4. United States of Eurasia (+Collateral Damage) [ 10:44 PM]

5. Guiding Light [ 12:44 AM] 04.07.2009

6. Unnatural Selection [ 1:44 AM]

7. Mk. Ultra [ 2:44 AM]

8. I Belong To You (+Mon Coeur S'Ouvre A Ta Voix) [ 3:44 AM]

9. Exogenesis : Symphony Part I (Overture) [4:44 AM]

10. Exogenesis : Symphony Part II (Cross Pollination) [5:13 AM]

11. EXOGENESIS : SYMPHONY PART III (Redemption) [5:40 AM]




I've got this picture in 2006/2007.. never thought that it would be one of muse new song title...




*take a nice look at matt's hand.. "MK ULTRA"


:eek::eek::eek: Can't...wait...


Haha i thought u were serious there for a moment :p.


Yep I've watched it. It started out ok but it went downwards towards the end. A bit much on the USAF show-off. Plus the story was crap. :mad:

I rated it 2.5/5 just for the 3D animation. :)


Harry Potter ftw! hehe.


Oh yeah Tee what was in the Oasis book you bought?


Bbut...I thought it was AWESOME. :happy:



Random (or not) : I heard Bjork's All Is Full of Love & Gorillaz's Hong Kong on the radio!!! :eek:RARE.

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Hey Muse fans,


From what I know, there's a number of Muse listeners that do listen to the danish band Mew as well. And if you're a frenger, please do support by signing here:




As they are coming down to Indonesia on Aug 9, there's a number of fans in M'sia and S'pore who are voicing their request for them to have stopovers here as well. When I get sufficient and reasonable amount of people, I'm then able to address all the requests by SEAsian fans to their tour manager.


Also, do join: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gi...d=100341482902 (you don't really need to be living in Singapore to join, which was a mistake to name the group as it is now)


Thanks a lot! And sorry that I hjack this forum and have offended anyone

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This has come from the French media source “JudeBox”. The review was originally in French, and probably lacks perfection. For the first time we have some song durations.


That was a meeting with Muse? A little patience. First some background: Devon trio Muse will release their fifth album on September 14. Entitled “The Resistance” which will comprises of eleven tracks. For fear of piracy, Warner, their record company, organized a promo with the group on Wednesday July 8 in a Parisian hotel in the 8th arrondissement. Myself and fellow journalists were uncovered “The Resistance” only an hour and a half before my interview with the band. In the end, my interview was reduced to 15 minutes.


Two weeks ago, I was in a hotel room in Paris with the Beastie Boys. We found ourselves having to do an interview after a single listen and without the lyrics. Even if there were ten listens, it’s not enough to write an accurate review. We will not complain about these types of encounters but frankly, what is the point of them organizing these kinds of things? How do you get to the bottom of things when you have just 15 minutes with an artist who has worked maybe 3 years to deliver their music? How do we ask respectable questions when we listened to their work an hour earlier on a headset in hotel suite, guarded by security who searched us head to toe for recording devices?


Anyway, The Resistance is eleven songs, the symphony “Exogenesis” is divided into three movements. My first impressions on this album is powerful but still maybe less extravagant than previous albums... [Read track-by-track review below]


01. “Uprising” 5: 02


Matt Bellamy’s voice is more serious and academic than usual. However it is delivered in a similar vein: Conspiracy, Apocalypse … He announces a “union”, speaks of “victory” that “they do not control.” Sound is still very heavy and dense, accompanied by mounted synthesizers. The structure of the song is simple for once.


02. “Resistance” 5: 46

Entry Piano cavalcade battery. We swear that Freddie Mercury participates in choirs.


03. “Undisclosed Desires” 3: 56

The thud of metal and Depeche Mode on this plane guitar piece but without votes vocodée


04. “United States Of Eurasia (Collateral Damage) 5: 47

Sounds like Bohemian Rapsody (Queen) Lawrence of Arabia (the soundtrack of Maurice Jarre) = Chopin a long trip film classic-rock.

Matt Bellamy’s falsetto is present. The song ends on the sound of a jet (spaceship? Or a missile?)


05. “Guiding Light” 4: 13

The return of guitar solos, one of the trademarks of the fireman’s style in Muse.


06. “Unnatural Selection”

Opens with church organ before battery and powerful guitars. A song lyric and epic.


07. “MK Ultra”

Electronic sounds and riffs bodybuilder.


08. “I Belong To You” (Mon coeur s’ouvre à ta voix)

A title borrowed from the opera Samson et Dalila (see below). Surprisingly lacking in pace. Like the clarinet, which comes at the end of the song. Matt Bellamy sings some verses in french. Almost incomprehensible.


09. “Exogenesis: Symphony Part I” (Overture)

The voice of Matt Bellamy recalls that many of Tom Yorke. This symphony rise to almost the whim of a star by passionate romantic composers: Chopin, Liszt …


10. “Exogenesis: Symphony Part II” (Cross Pollination)

The group works on the visual. It is about a man defying the masses. I asked Dominic to write the name of the English artist who bosse dessus: La Bocca. Nothing on Google. In contrast: LaBoca, it seems paste.


11. “Exogenesis: Symphony Part III” (Redemption)

Inspirational Matthew Bellamy told me about the Queen of 1984, George Orwell, a big book: The Grand chessboard of American political scientist Zbigniew Brzeninski, the opera Samson et Dalila and other things.


Source : musebootlegs.com

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01. « Uprising » 5 :02


Matt bellamy's voice is deeper than usual. In terms of lyrics, its the usual Muse: conspiracies, apocalypse, he announces a gathering, speaks of victory and that "they will not control us." The sound, still very dense and heavy is accompanied by passages of synths. The overall structure is rather straightforward.


02. « Resistance » 5 :46


Opening in Piano, cavalcade of drums. You could swear that Freddi Mercury participated in the chorus



03. « Undisclosed Desires » 3 :56


A sound very reminiscent of Depeche Mode hovers over this piece without guitars but with vocoder laced vocals



04. « United States Of Eurasia » (+ Collateral Damage) 5 :47


Bohemian Rapsody (Queen) + Lawrence of Arabie (la score of Maurice Jarre)+ Chopin =A long cinémato-classic-rock trip


Matt Bellamyhas returned to his falsetto. The song ends on a sound of a plane taking off (Space ship? Missile taking off?)



05. « Guiding Light » 4 :13


Return of the guitar solo. One of the defining features of the pompous style of Muse



06. « Unnatural Selection »


Opens with Church Organs before the arrical of the drums and the powerful guitars. An epic and lyrical song.



07. « MK Ultra »


Lots of electronics and bodybuilder like riffs. (meaning very very powerful?)



08. « I Belong To You » (+ Mon Coeur S'ouvre A Ta Voix)


A title borrowed from the opera Samson and Dalila. A surprising delayed rythm. Clarinette arrives at the end of the song. Matt sings a few verses in French...very hard to understand.



09. « Exogenesis : Symphony Part I » (Overture)

10. « Exogenesis : Symphony Part II » (Cross Pollination)

11. « Exogenesis : Symphony Part III » (Redemption)


Matts voice is very reminiscent of Thom Yorke here. This symphonie would almost pass for the guilty pleasure of a star with a passion for the romantic composers such as Chopin and Liszt...

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All this new album talk is driving me crazy! And now song details? And a new website?? :stongue::dance: THIS ALL SOUNDS VERY INTERESTING!!! :LOL:


Ok Auntie Faz, Tioman Piccars!


[spoiler=Part 1]DSC_1362.JPGSo, like, we traveled in that, lol, nah. :D

DSC_1352.JPGCheck out the beautiful water!



Some of the resorts in Genting :



On the island, you might find a..

DSC_1410.JPG..monkey, or some..

DSC_1427.JPG..chickens :D


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All this new album talk is driving me crazy! And now song details? And a new website?? THIS ALL SOUNDS VERY INTERESTING!!!


Ok Auntie Faz, Tioman Piccars!


[spoiler=Part 1]

Some of the resorts in Genting :



On the island, you might find a..

DSC_1410.JPG..monkey, or some..



[spoiler=Part 2]

Some scenic shots :



DSC_1456.JPGTreetop chalet


DSC_0075.JPGMelina Beach Resort


DSC_0112.JPGMrs. Kayu is always ready to give you a hug


CLICK for more pictures (captions not ready)


those are lovely photos Noor! Thanks. but i can't see yr face in one of those photos :p

awesome photo taking skills there, my dear. :D did u stay at Melina Beach Resort? alright, i shall arise and make plans for a holiday at Tioman soon! the place look so beautiful.


hey, lightamps. am not really a mew fan, but if they do come here, i'll sure want to check them out.


new album. i'm trying very hard not to be too excited about it. a bit scared that i might be disappointed when it finally comes out.


from what i heard, u can get invites for MTV worldstage (MTV Asia Awards) if you an X-Pax / Celcom subscriber.


i can't wait for Harry Potter.

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For those of you who travel for gigs...


In Indonesia: on August 1st Phoenix will be playing in Jakarta, I might go for that if I can have the guts to ask my dad (:LOL:) because I'll be able to get back here the day before school starts...August 3rd Mew will be playing in Bandung but that's when my school starts. :'( August 7th-9th in Jakarta it'll be Mew, Vertical Horizon, Mr. Big, Secondhand Serenade, Melee. :supersad: Arch Enemy on October 28th in Jakarta.


In Singapore: Marie Digby on July 28th, Nine Inch Nails August 10th, Lady Gaga August 12th, Keane August 13th, Anberlin August 28th, Aimee Mann August 29th, Michael Learns To Rock September 4th, Mr Big October 18th.


There's a lot of gigs I want to go to, and a lot that I'm just going :wtf::LOL: at. :chuckle:

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It never came up for me, I had to go select it myself. :erm: Looks cool, but my eyes are used to Stars so I changed it back to that heh. Btw the map is of US, Europe, and Asia merged together...as it was one day, when the whole world was Africa before it was split up into different continents.


Me too Faz, me too. :(

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Btw, here's the awfully late link I promised you (and Grace) ages ago.


Twilight (no, not the vampires) of the Innocents, soundcheckkk @ Singapore.


Much credit to L my dear friend who managed to stay absolutely still and calm throughout the soundcheck. Gosh, the vids that I took only consisted of a very shaky vid with me squeeling "eeeeee twilight!!!" "ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, they're actually playing for usssss!" etc. :facepalm: Anyway, sorry the vid kinda cuts off just as Tim's about to go into the final my heart's still beating part. But look at those fingers! :happy: All three of them looked so laid back, as compared to the real thing when they performed at night :chuckle:




Massive thanks to you Liz and your friend!:awesome: My hands would be trembling shooting that vid..most especially on a soundcheck and when ur real upclose!!!!:LOL:Great job!:happy:



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those are lovely photos Noor! Thanks. but i can't see yr face in one of those photos :p

awesome photo taking skills there, my dear. :D did u stay at Melina Beach Resort? alright, i shall arise and make plans for a holiday at Tioman soon! the place look so beautiful.


hey, lightamps. am not really a mew fan, but if they do come here, i'll sure want to check them out.


new album. i'm trying very hard not to be too excited about it. a bit scared that i might be disappointed when it finally comes out.


from what i heard, u can get invites for MTV worldstage (MTV Asia Awards) if you an X-Pax / Celcom subscriber.


i can't wait for Harry Potter.


:$ Thank you! Yes I did. There are other resorts around the island, like Paya Beach Resort, etc, you should check those out first...but I'd prefer Melina, coz its sort of in a corner, secluded and peaceful :happy: The island is very very beautiful!

My dad subscribes to Celcom lol.



In other news,


I am officially a HUMINT resource for Project Eurasia / Gran Ajedrez, and I have been ordered to urge YOU to join us! Register at http://ununitedeurasia.muse.mu/

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Wah I missed so much :$ I didnt even know there was a countdown to a new website til i got Muse's email.


I hate to say it, but I will be one of those girls who swoon over Tyson Ritter :$ He's cute laaaaa. AAR kinda sucks live but I still want to see them really badly! :happy: I wish it was true. I should check POTBB more often.


Liz, I finally watched Public Enemies! I had no idea what was going on half the time. All their 'kaki' looks the same to me, I had a hard time telling who was who, whether that dude was a good or bad guy... etcetc :$ But the last part was so sad :(. I know I'd've enjoyed the movie more if I understood what was happening. lol.


I love the new skin!! :D its so pretty haha, but its super laggy on my useless computer so I have to change back to the stars skin. boohoo :(


Noor, I am now also officially a HUMINT resource for Project Eurasia! :D

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