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Travis will perform from 10.30 - 11.45 pm on Saturday

Are u going to stay in S'pore ? If yes, where ?

Can I also join u & yr sis in S'pore to go together to the gig? (I'll be coming alone, I'm female)

I haven't bought the tickets though, soon..



Still on?


Thanks !


Hey! I will still go but without a ticket! lol ...


Hope you guys enjor ur stay here! Got anything to ask, you know who to ask...:)



They used KOC in a Prison Break ad on Channel 5..:musesign:


Hey channel 5 as in Sg's chan 5 rite? i got to check that out!

The producers always like to use Muse, it seems.. I remember them using MOTP for prison break too.

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ooh group outings. nice. does he know you've watched this movie before? you could act all scared during the shocking parts : then he can put his arm around you and comfort you


i've never watched anything on IMAX before. i dont know why they dont have the freakin dark knight on imax. ITS THE THE DARK KNIGHT FFS! its MADE for imax


its a t shirt (those tight ones) with a huuuge picture of a girl in aviators on it. :happy: it looks really cool. *is happy*

Bah, he didn't go, but we had a riot anyway!

We went back to kane's house and started watching jackass :LOL:

then my dad came :(



Ohhh I know what that top looks like :)

:eek: IMAX as in 3D?!!! :eek::eek: That is soo freaking good!!!!!


OMG if it was 3D

it would be 10 BILLION time SCARIER hahahaha!!!

In my dreams hahaha!

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Hey channel 5 as in Sg's chan 5 rite? i got to check that out!

The producers always like to use Muse, it seems.. I remember them using MOTP for prison break too.


Yep, and yep they did!


Bah, he didn't go, but we had a riot anyway!

We went back to kane's house and started watching jackass :LOL:

then my dad came :(



Ahh Jackass :\mm/:

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I just watch Dark Knight yesterday :eek:


It is very good :yesey:




Spoiler on dark knight


I think I prefer Katie Holmes more than the new actress as Rachel. There is not much chemistry in the show even with Bruce or with Harvey D. Whi;e there is quite a lot when katie holmes act as rachel :erm:


And they show the Joker much more than Batman(with or without) his suit. :LOL: No wonder everyone only talk about the Joker :rolleyes::LOL: Too bad Heath Ledger wouldn't be able to be Joker in the upcoming sequels :(:(


The pencil trick is amusing.... :rolleyes: I dunno whether to say it is lame or just stupid :rolleyes::LOL: Throughout half of the movie, I feel damn scared like watching a horro movie because they say there is some geli scene where the Joker cut people cheek while they struggle. Ekkk....thank god they cut those scene's off.... And also the show is quite kan chiong, that's why I feel scared. And I do agree with Deb thou, the most kin chiong part is the part where whether will the other side pull/push/turn the trigger..... I think I stop breatjing at those points.....


And also Yay to Alfred for burning the letter.:) I think on some matters it is better that they never knew about it... This movie also makes me think whether would you prefer to know that the person has died or not to know what happen to that person and thinks that they might still be living somewhere in this world? And also would you prefer to see someone you love die in front of your eyes or would you rather die in their place than see them die? I think Dark Knight is one of the shows that will be a bit disturbing, makes you think and gives you some inner deeping to it.


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omg! i wanna book the book too! but i wont be going to MPH anytime soon... argh :mad: did she have to pay a deposit or something?


yay thanks haha :D



on a muse-related note.

I JUST HEARD KNIGHTS OF CYDONIA ON TRAXX.FM WTF! so shcoking to hear the whole KOC on radio man :LOL:


:LOL: My friend didn't pay any deposit. They just write down a resit or something and she only need to pay on the day she came to collect. And they also have soft cover for asian edition(so it is cheaper ^^) :D Yay for stephanie meyer :D:D:D



:LOL:Yah, trax fm listeners does love Muse. especially with paul the cruiser(midnight and abover) the listeners love to request for Muse. I heard before Sing for absolution, KOC, Starlight, Supermassive Black Hole, Time is running out and Hysteria on trax fm :D:D:happy:

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They used KOC in a Prison Break ad on Channel 5..:musesign:


:eek: Really?!! :eek:


:LOL: Wow... I just remembered. You live in Johor right. So good, get to see Malaysian channel and Singapore's channel :rolleyes::D



Hey! I will still go but without a ticket! lol ...


Hope you guys enjor ur stay here! Got anything to ask, you know who to ask...:)



Hey channel 5 as in Sg's chan 5 rite? i got to check that out!

The producers always like to use Muse, it seems.. I remember them using MOTP for prison break too.


:LOL: Still hoping to climb over the fence? :rolleyes::chuckle:

:eek: MOTP? Is Map of Problematique? That means the producers have a great taste :yesey:



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Bah, he didn't go, but we had a riot anyway!

We went back to kane's house and started watching jackass :LOL:

then my dad came :(



Ohhh I know what that top looks like :)



OMG if it was 3D

it would be 10 BILLION time SCARIER hahahaha!!!

In my dreams hahaha!


Sounds like you have a lot of fun :happy: (until your dad came back :rolleyes::p)


:LOL: 3D would be much more scarier and I bet everyone will scream when the body of the batman imposter bang on the window :eek:

and much more tense and edge gripping :yesey:

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They used KOC in a Prison Break ad on Channel 5..


Hey channel 5 as in Sg's chan 5 rite? i got to check that out!

The producers always like to use Muse, it seems.. I remember them using MOTP for prison break too.


Lol... cool. the Channel 5 music-arranging people must really have great taste :D


i've never heard MOTP on any ads before! must be damn syok la, watching the Prison Break ad with MOTP behind.


Bah, he didn't go, but we had a riot anyway!

We went back to kane's house and started watching jackass :LOL:

then my dad came :(



Ohhh I know what that top looks like :)


omg i have a friend named Kane too :LOL: i remember last time when WWF was all hyped up, he'd give everyone pretend-choke-slams! ahahaa.


ooh which jackass did you watch??


haha do you now? i've been wondering whether there are any other colours besides black :)


I just watch Dark Knight yesterday


It is very good




Spoiler on dark knight


I think I prefer Katie Holmes more than the new actress as Rachel. There is not much chemistry in the show even with Bruce or with Harvey D. Whi;e there is quite a lot when katie holmes act as rachel


And they show the Joker much more than Batman(with or without) his suit. :: No wonder everyone only talk about the Joker : Too bad Heath Ledger wouldn't be able to be Joker in the upcoming sequels


The pencil trick is amusing.... I dunno whether to say it is lame or just stupid.Throughout half of the movie, I feel damn scared like watching a horro movie because they say there is some geli scene where the Joker cut people cheek while they struggle. Ekkk....thank god they cut those scene's off.... And also the show is quite kan chiong, that's why I feel scared. And I do agree with Deb thou, the most kin chiong part is the part where whether will the other side pull/push/turn the trigger..... I think I stop breatjing at those points.....


And also Yay to Alfred for burning the letter. I think on some matters it is better that they never knew about it... This movie also makes me think whether would you prefer to know that the person has died or not to know what happen to that person and thinks that they might still be living somewhere in this world? And also would you prefer to see someone you love die in front of your eyes or would you rather die in their place than see them die? I think Dark Knight is one of the shows that will be a bit disturbing, makes you think and gives you some inner deeping to it.




yeah katie holmes would make a better, prettier Rachel. but lotsa people didnt like her in the first movie though. i'm not exactly sure why.. but i think its because her acting was rather dull, or her character was just so... unnecessary.


are you serious? I LOVE THE PENCIL TRICK! i didnt think it was lame at all! i thought it was fantastic! one of my favourite scenes haha.

did they really show the Joker cut the dude's cheek? i thought they just implied it, but they didnt actually show it. but knowing Malaysia and how much they censor movies.... maybe they censored it la. lol.


wow i never actually thought about stuff like that during the movie. maybe i'm just too in awe of it all :p


well, i'd rather know that someone has died. ignorance isnt bliss all the time. if i knew that person had passed, i'd feel more of a sense of closure there. whereas if someone died and you didnt know about it... well, you're bound to find out eventually, and then you might start regretting not getting to know that person enough and its too late to do that. if that makes any sense :erm:

i'd also rather someone died away from me! haha. i'd feel to emotionally wrecked if someone died in front of me. :'(



:LOL: My friend didn't pay any deposit. They just write down a resit or something and she only need to pay on the day she came to collect. And they also have soft cover for asian edition(so it is cheaper ^^) Yay for stephanie meyer



Yah, trax fm listeners does love Muse. especially with paul the cruiser(midnight and abover) the listeners love to request for Muse. I heard before Sing for absolution, KOC, Starlight, Supermassive Black Hole, Time is running out and Hysteria on trax fm


asian edition!! lol that's the difference between that and the normal one? besides the covers. haha.


yeah i heard KOC on traxx.fm at like.. 12am ++. the DJ was taking requests, but i couldnt understand a word he was saying at first because his accent is REALLY thick. i dont even know what accent that is! but it was really weird :LOL:

wow i'd kill to hear Sing for Absolution and Hysteria on the radio. :happy: MOTP too!!

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yeah katie holmes would make a better, prettier Rachel. but lotsa people didnt like her in the first movie though. i'm not exactly sure why.. but i think its because her acting was rather dull, or her character was just so... unnecessary.


are you serious? I LOVE THE PENCIL TRICK! i didnt think it was lame at all! i thought it was fantastic! one of my favourite scenes haha.

did they really show the Joker cut the dude's cheek? i thought they just implied it, but they didnt actually show it. but knowing Malaysia and how much they censor movies.... maybe they censored it la. lol.


wow i never actually thought about stuff like that during the movie. maybe i'm just too in awe of it all :p


well, i'd rather know that someone has died. ignorance isnt bliss all the time. if i knew that person had passed, i'd feel more of a sense of closure there. whereas if someone died and you didnt know about it... well, you're bound to find out eventually, and then you might start regretting not getting to know that person enough and its too late to do that. if that makes any sense :erm:

i'd also rather someone died away from me! haha. i'd feel to emotionally wrecked if someone died in front of me. :'(



asian edition!! lol that's the difference between that and the normal one? besides the covers. haha.


yeah i heard KOC on traxx.fm at like.. 12am ++. the DJ was taking requests, but i couldnt understand a word he was saying at first because his accent is REALLY thick. i dont even know what accent that is! but it was really weird :LOL:

wow i'd kill to hear Sing for Absolution and Hysteria on the radio. :happy: MOTP too!!



:LOL: Pencil trick is amusing but I didn't laugh when I saw it :erm: Yah... Katie Holmes will make a prettier Rachel. Too bad she didn't continue. Yah, Malaysia cinema censored it. That's why. Good think or else I'll be freaking scared and most probably have nightmares at night :eek:


I dunno. For me I think I rather not know if that person has died. I would rather think they are most probably alive somewhere else. Unless they have some message for me I guess. In a way, you don't need to go through the hurt and all the grieving.


Lol... Of course I would prefer someone to die somewhere away for you because it will be haunting if you saw it. But I think I rather be selfish and I rather die in their place than to see them getting killed right in front of me. I don't think I can go through the hurt, sadness and grieve seeing them die right in front of me.



:LOL: Yah, Paul the cruiser program is on after 12 am ++. But I'm not sure exactly which day he is on. I prefer his program because it is more to my type of music. His accent is not to bad I think but it is a bit soft so usually I turn on the volume a bit :p


He play both songs before :happy::D *but also because someone requested for it*


:LOL: I think the difference between both should be that Asian edition is cheaper because it is soft cover and I dunno if they got anything extra or not :erm: I think you might need to ask the bookshop staff about that... :erm:

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Ahh Jackass

haha, i love jackass! ^^

I just watch Dark Knight yesterday


It is very good




Spoiler on dark knight


I think I prefer Katie Holmes more than the new actress as Rachel. There is not much chemistry in the show even with Bruce or with Harvey D. Whi;e there is quite a lot when katie holmes act as rachel


And they show the Joker much more than Batman(with or without) his suit. :LOL: No wonder everyone only talk about the Joker Too bad Heath Ledger wouldn't be able to be Joker in the upcoming sequels


The pencil trick is amusing.... : I dunno whether to say it is lame or just stupid Throughout half of the movie, I feel damn scared like watching a horro movie because they say there is some geli scene where the Joker cut people cheek while they struggle. Ekkk....thank god they cut those scene's off.... And also the show is quite kan chiong, that's why I feel scared. And I do agree with Deb thou, the most kin chiong part is the part where whether will the other side pull/push/turn the trigger..... I think I stop breatjing at those points.....


And also Yay to Alfred for burning the letter. I think on some matters it is better that they never knew about it... This movie also makes me think whether would you prefer to know that the person has died or not to know what happen to that person and thinks that they might still be living somewhere in this world? And also would you prefer to see someone you love die in front of your eyes or would you rather die in their place than see them die? I think Dark Knight is one of the shows that will be a bit disturbing, makes you think and gives you some inner deeping to it.

Yeah I think in that movie a lot of things were brought to light that they just do't show in other movies.

Like the choice on choosing who lives.. and who dies.

Imagine having to choose between two great people.

That would be a horrific thing to do.


But yeah, makes you think really really deep.


: 3D would be much more scarier and I bet everyone will scream when the body of the batman imposter bang on the window

and much more tense and edge gripping

Oh my god, if it was in 3D I probably wouldve latched myself onto Kane for the entire movie :LOL:

even if i knew what was happening! :LOL:

omg i have a friend named Kane too i remember last time when WWF was all hyped up, he'd give everyone pretend-choke-slams! ahahaa.


ooh which jackass did you watch??




yeah katie holmes would make a better, prettier Rachel. but lotsa people didnt like her in the first movie though. i'm not exactly sure why.. but i think its because her acting was rather dull, or her character was just so... unnecessary.


are you serious? I LOVE THE PENCIL TRICK! i didnt think it was lame at all! i thought it was fantastic! one of my favourite scenes haha.

did they really show the Joker cut the dude's cheek? i thought they just implied it, but they didnt actually show it. but knowing Malaysia and how much they censor movies.... maybe they censored it la. lol.


wow i never actually thought about stuff like that during the movie. maybe i'm just too in awe of it all


well, i'd rather know that someone has died. ignorance isnt bliss all the time. if i knew that person had passed, i'd feel more of a sense of closure there. whereas if someone died and you didnt know about it... well, you're bound to find out eventually, and then you might start regretting not getting to know that person enough and its too late to do that. if that makes any sense :erm:

i'd also rather someone died away from me! haha. i'd feel to emotionally wrecked if someone died in front of me.




jackass 1 :D

Haha, after we watched the movie Jumper together the lot of us 'jumped' around for the rest of the day :LOL:


Nah it's not actually shown [pencil trick]

I have a feeling if he did show all that stuff it would have been MA 15+ and I wouldn't have been able to see it

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Yeah I think in that movie a lot of things were brought to light that they just do't show in other movies.

Like the choice on choosing who lives.. and who dies.

Imagine having to choose between two great people.

That would be a horrific thing to do.


But yeah, makes you think really really deep.



Oh my god, if it was in 3D I probably wouldve latched myself onto Kane for the entire movie :LOL:

even if i knew what was happening! :LOL:


Nah it's not actually shown [pencil trick]

I have a feeling if he did show all that stuff it would have been MA 15+ and I wouldn't have been able to see it


Yah.... Dark Knight does make you think stuff that you don't usually think or do unless you are desperate ..... :erm:


If it's 3D, I'll snuggle onto my best friend :rolleyes: or I'll just close my eyes half of the show :ninja::p

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:LOL:Yah, trax fm listeners does love Muse. especially with paul the cruiser(midnight and abover) the listeners love to request for Muse. I heard before Sing for absolution, KOC, Starlight, Supermassive Black Hole, Time is running out and Hysteria on trax fm :D:D:happy:


OMG PAUL LOVEE. Joelyn you totally rock for listening to him! I have a 5 year love-hate relationship with paul. :LOL: First of all, I've been listening to him since pulling all-nighters back in my PMR days! His show is the only radio show that I would listen to 3 hours consecutively without the need to change the channel too frequently. Apart from that, he is super nice! Seriously back in those days, he would answer calls and it would be played on air. The crazy requests and stupid people that he has to deal with ... he manages to deal with them even without showing a single strain of irritation! And how can you not be motivated when he says, "Study study study, don't give up!" at 2:25 in the morning? Lol also, he would constantly give football updates and that is the one thing I love especially when I'm away from home!


Let's just say everytime I hear Paul on early in the wee hours of the morning, my day is instantly better already. I think the best part of listening to Paul is that he loves Muse too and sometimes, there's nothing better than singing out loud to LostProphets' Rooftops when he plays it at 1:30 in the morning. ;)


Wait a minute, this isn't a love-hate relationship.. Lol.


I've made a number of my friends listen to him as well to help keep them up awake whlie studying. They say that they love his music selections, but they can't quite stand his .... retarded voice :( Owell, Paul definitely needs a raise though, that's for sure! I hope he stays on for a long time to come <3





Yayy, glad you've finally watched TDK :] I think people didn't like Katie Holmes mainly because ... she hooked up with Tom Cruise right about that time when Batman Begins was released. A lot of people say it was merely a media gimmick of sorts.. I wasn't sure what it was, but all I know is that... Christian and Katie didn't seem to ... connect too much in the movie lol. But that could be due to Christian not exactly having a lot of chemistry with his other female leads actually. The only possible match I could think of now would be Winona Ryder & Bale in Little Women. Aww, they were so cute in that movie!










PS: Deb, that avy is so distracting! XD <3




They played that HAARP music special thing again on 8tv!






Safe to say my friend didn't get to throw eggs at him yesterday night. Lol. I didn't go in the end because I was running around Bangsar, Bukit Bintang, Dang Wangi, Mid Valley etc earlier that day so I stayed home at night. Only to find out that Lifehouse played SEVENTEEN songs in their gig at Manila. *sob* :( (LH would usually only play about 15 songs or less in a setlist due to Jason's strain of health problems...pneumonia etc) but they made an exception in the Philippines since they were extremely well received there!


Sigh. So any of you guys heading to the airport to greet Mr Jared Leto this week? :D

Edited by guilt-stricken
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OMG PAUL LOVEE. Joelyn you totally rock for listening to him! I have a 5 year love-hate relationship with paul. First of all, I've been listening to him since pulling all-nighters back in my PMR days! His show is the only radio show that I would listen to 3 hours consecutively without the need to change the channel too frequently. Apart from that, he is super nice! Seriously back in those days, he would answer calls and it would be played on air. The crazy requests and stupid people that he has to deal with ... he manages to deal with them even without showing a single strain of irritation! And how can you not be motivated when he says, "Study study study, don't give up!" at 2:25 in the morning? Lol also, he would constantly give football updates and that is the one thing I love especially when I'm away from home!


Let's just say everytime I hear Paul on early in the wee hours of the morning, my day is instantly better already. I think the best part of listening to Paul is that he loves Muse too and sometimes, there's nothing better than singing out loud to LostProphets' Rooftops when he plays it at 1:30 in the morning.


Wait a minute, this isn't a love-hate relationship.. Lol.


I've made a number of my friends listen to him as well to help keep them up awake whlie studying. They say that they love his music selections, but they can't quite stand his .... retarded voice :( Owell, Paul definitely needs a raise though, that's for sure! I hope he stays on for a long time to come <3





Yayy, glad you've finally watched TDK :] I think people didn't like Katie Holmes mainly because ... she hooked up with Tom Cruise right about that time when Batman Begins was released. A lot of people say it was merely a media gimmick of sorts.. I wasn't sure what it was, but all I know is that... Christian and Katie didn't seem to ... connect too much in the movie lol. But that could be due to Christian not exactly having a lot of chemistry with his other female leads actually. The only possible match I could think of now would be Winona Ryder & Bale in Little Women. Aww, they were so cute in that movie!









:LOL: I do love him too. I thought I was the only one who knows about him cause hardly any of my friends know about Radio 4 or trax fm =( Yes!!! I know what you mean. I can totally don't change any channel for the 3 hours because his song selections are really good. It has a whole variety of the old and also new and current ones :D I did do request before and my dedication has been cut short because I put too many names there :p


Aww... Too bad he is only on for 3 days in a week :( It will be totally awesome if he is on every night! My mood is definitely better and I feel more awake to study when I listen to him!! Haha... I do remember that pharse he always use.... Study, study, study... Don't give up and if you can't sleep don't sleep :rolleyes: LOL!


Haha.... Yes! I love lostprophet rooftop because of him! It is like so refrshing when you hear all those songs and Muse one as well ;) I dunno but I find his voice is okay. Just need to turn on the radio a bit louder to hear what he say :p Hehe....


Now I'm totally curious about you. Aihhh.... Too bad we didn't manage to meet up on last tuesday :( I do hope he stay on for years and years to come :happy:


:eek: Christian Bale acted in Little Woman?! Wow.... Must look out for it! Hehe... they do look cute together :rolleyes: :chuckle

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PS: Deb, that avy is so distracting! XD <3




They played that HAARP music special thing again on 8tv!






Safe to say my friend didn't get to throw eggs at him yesterday night. Lol. I didn't go in the end because I was running around Bangsar, Bukit Bintang, Dang Wangi, Mid Valley etc earlier that day so I stayed home at night. Only to find out that Lifehouse played SEVENTEEN songs in their gig at Manila. *sob* :( (LH would usually only play about 15 songs or less in a setlist due to Jason's strain of health problems...pneumonia etc) but they made an exception in the Philippines since they were extremely well received there!


Sigh. So any of you guys heading to the airport to greet Mr Jared Leto this week? :D


:LOL: Lucky for Daughtry then :rolleyes::p Aww.... poor you. You must be very tired then.


:eek: Filipine is is so lucky then. LH went there and they even got extra songs. So nice :(


Err.... Do you know their time of their arrival?

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:LOL: I do love him too. I thought I was the only one who knows about him cause hardly any of my friends know about Radio 4 or trax fm =( Yes!!! I know what you mean. I can totally don't change any channel for the 3 hours because his song selections are really good. It has a whole variety of the old and also new and current ones :D I did do request before and my dedication has been cut short because I put too many names there :p


Aww... Too bad he is only on for 3 days in a week :( It will be totally awesome if he is on every night! My mood is definitely better and I feel more awake to study when I listen to him!! Haha... I do remember that pharse he always use.... Study, study, study... Don't give up and if you can't sleep don't sleep :rolleyes: LOL!


Haha.... Yes! I love lostprophet rooftop because of him! It is like so refrshing when you hear all those songs and Muse one as well ;) I dunno but I find his voice is okay. Just need to turn on the radio a bit louder to hear what he say :p Hehe....


Now I'm totally curious about you. Aihhh.... Too bad we didn't manage to meet up on last tuesday :( I do hope he stay on for years and years to come :happy:


I've never called Paul before though, although all my other friends who listen to him has. Have you? I would actually love to talk to him but ehh.. kinda shy la lol. So usually I'd only send him a text msg and request for Switchfoot if he has already played Muse XD


LOL If you can't sleep, don't sleep! He would also constantly say, "Liverpool ROCKKSSS" which i would sometimes roll my eyes to (Chelsea fan here see :p ) lol. But yeah, he's altogether a very friendly DJ I should say!


Yeaaahh sucks about last Tuesdaay :( Would've been nice to meet you! Did you return your robes on convocation day? Otherwise we can perhaps meet up when you return them this week and gush over how crazy for the past two years we were in college, we never knew there would be another Muser just an arm's length away!




Err.... Do you know their time of their arrival?

Chelsea arrived in KL today from Macau.. Heh. As for Jared Leto... I'll try to dig out for information but I can't be sure if I'll be able to get any. I'm guessing he should arrive on a Friday (or possibly Thursday to pre-film the MAA ads?) , but don't know he'll be flying in from where. 30s to Mars aren't on tour at the moment :-/

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:LOL: Pencil trick is amusing but I didn't laugh when I saw it Yah... Katie Holmes will make a prettier Rachel. Too bad she didn't continue. Yah, Malaysia cinema censored it. That's why. Good think or else I'll be freaking scared and most probably have nightmares at night


I dunno. For me I think I rather not know if that person has died. I would rather think they are most probably alive somewhere else. Unless they have some message for me I guess. In a way, you don't need to go through the hurt and all the grieving.


Lol... Of course I would prefer someone to die somewhere away for you because it will be haunting if you saw it. But I think I rather be selfish and I rather die in their place than to see them getting killed right in front of me. I don't think I can go through the hurt, sadness and grieve seeing them die right in front of me.



Yah, Paul the cruiser program is on after 12 am ++. But I'm not sure exactly which day he is on. I prefer his program because it is more to my type of music. His accent is not to bad I think but it is a bit soft so usually I turn on the volume a bit


He play both songs before *but also because someone requested for it*


:LOL: I think the difference between both should be that Asian edition is cheaper because it is soft cover and I dunno if they got anything extra or not :erm: I think you might need to ask the bookshop staff about that...


aww. i laughed. haha yeah luckily they censored it. i cant stand watching gory stuff. especially movies like Saw. SOOO GORY! :'( i actually get nightmares from it. its so scary.


yeah but if you didnt know that person died, and when you finally do, its like.. you cant help but think of 'what could have been' if you bothered to keep in touch with that person before he/she died, you know? am i making any sense? haha.


yeah thats true. but i wouldnt wanna die though haha. i'd rather someone die in my arms than die a horrible death. i have this irrational fear of feeling excruciating pain haha.


okay all this death talk is making my feel depressed :(


haha good i'll get the cheaper soft cover one then. to match with the rest of my soft cover books :D


jackass 1

Haha, after we watched the movie Jumper together the lot of us 'jumped' around for the rest of the day


Nah it's not actually shown [pencil trick]

I have a feeling if he did show all that stuff it would have been MA 15+ and I wouldn't have been able to see it


ah crap i forgot which jackass i watched :LOL: i watched it like 2 years ago so its all a bit blur to me. oh well :D

haha you guys sound so cute :chuckle


the show should be at least PG13 though. its really dark. when i watched it for the second time, there was this little kid sitting in front of me with his parents and i felt so sorry for him! the joker must look REALLY scary to the kid. i cant imagine what it must've been like for him :(


OMG PAUL LOVEE. Joelyn you totally rock for listening to him! I have a 5 year love-hate relationship with paul. First of all, I've been listening to him since pulling all-nighters back in my PMR days! His show is the only radio show that I would listen to 3 hours consecutively without the need to change the channel too frequently. Apart from that, he is super nice! Seriously back in those days, he would answer calls and it would be played on air. The crazy requests and stupid people that he has to deal with ... he manages to deal with them even without showing a single strain of irritation! And how can you not be motivated when he says, "Study study study, don't give up!" at 2:25 in the morning? Lol also, he would constantly give football updates and that is the one thing I love especially when I'm away from home!


Let's just say everytime I hear Paul on early in the wee hours of the morning, my day is instantly better already. I think the best part of listening to Paul is that he loves Muse too and sometimes, there's nothing better than singing out loud to LostProphets' Rooftops when he plays it at 1:30 in the morning.


Wait a minute, this isn't a love-hate relationship.. Lol.


I've made a number of my friends listen to him as well to help keep them up awake whlie studying. They say that they love his music selections, but they can't quite stand his .... retarded voice :( Owell, Paul definitely needs a raise though, that's for sure! I hope he stays on for a long time to come <3





Yayy, glad you've finally watched TDK :] I think people didn't like Katie Holmes mainly because ... she hooked up with Tom Cruise right about that time when Batman Begins was released. A lot of people say it was merely a media gimmick of sorts.. I wasn't sure what it was, but all I know is that... Christian and Katie didn't seem to ... connect too much in the movie lol. But that could be due to Christian not exactly having a lot of chemistry with his other female leads actually. The only possible match I could think of now would be Winona Ryder & Bale in Little Women. Aww, they were so cute in that movie!






PS: Deb, that avy is so distracting! XD <3




They played that HAARP music special thing again on 8tv!






Safe to say my friend didn't get to throw eggs at him yesterday night. Lol. I didn't go in the end because I was running around Bangsar, Bukit Bintang, Dang Wangi, Mid Valley etc earlier that day so I stayed home at night. Only to find out that Lifehouse played SEVENTEEN songs in their gig at Manila. *sob* (LH would usually only play about 15 songs or less in a setlist due to Jason's strain of health problems...pneumonia etc) but they made an exception in the Philippines since they were extremely well received there!


Sigh. So any of you guys heading to the airport to greet Mr Jared Leto this week?


OH YEAH I FORGOT ABOUT THAT SHOW! I only watched a small part of it on HBO/Cinemax/Star Movies last time. i watched the part where he professed his love to Ryder.. i was like "awww thats so sweet!" and then she go reject him pulak :indiff:


I shall go download that show :happy:


haha i love how distracting my avvy is :happy:

lol if i have transport to KLIA, i actually wouldnt mind! shall we have a muser meet up? :eek:


Wow all this talk about Paul is making me want to listen to him too! when is he on? i wanna listen to him! aha.




OMG! the person who uploaded that video! debfong! thats my friend! ahhaahah such a small world.

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I've never called Paul before though, although all my other friends who listen to him has. Have you? I would actually love to talk to him but ehh.. kinda shy la lol. So usually I'd only send him a text msg and request for Switchfoot if he has already played Muse XD


LOL If you can't sleep, don't sleep! He would also constantly say, "Liverpool ROCKKSSS" which i would sometimes roll my eyes to (Chelsea fan here see :p ) lol. But yeah, he's altogether a very friendly DJ I should say!


Yeaaahh sucks about last Tuesdaay :( Would've been nice to meet you! Did you return your robes on convocation day? Otherwise we can perhaps meet up when you return them this week and gush over how crazy for the past two years we were in college, we never knew there would be another Muser just an arm's length away!





Chelsea arrived in KL today from Macau.. Heh. As for Jared Leto... I'll try to dig out for information but I can't be sure if I'll be able to get any. I'm guessing he should arrive on a Friday (or possibly Thursday to pre-film the MAA ads?) , but don't know he'll be flying in from where. 30s to Mars aren't on tour at the moment :-/


Lol.... I never dared to call him at all. So embarrased. Even sometimes for sms, I'm wondering should I sms to paul or not :$:p Haha.... Yeah... I remember he always support and talks about liverpool and even more especially when there is a match between liverpool and other teams going on. LOL


Awww.... ya la. What to do :( I'm giving back the convo gaun monday morning. Which means today =( I don't think we can meet.... again cause by the time you read this, it's most prbably has pass already =((((( Such a waste la...


:LOL: You are a Chelsea fan... Are you going to watch the friendly match between chelsea and malaysian team?


And maybe we can make a muser meet up if :rolleyes: Haha.... Everyone would be fan girly in KLIA and most probably security can't wait to shoo us :p

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OH YEAH I FORGOT ABOUT THAT SHOW! I only watched a small part of it on HBO/Cinemax/Star Movies last time. i watched the part where he professed his love to Ryder.. i was like "awww thats so sweet!" and then she go reject him pulak :indiff:


I shall go download that show :happy:

Lol yeaah, but I love how the two of them had a ... (almost) platonic girl/guy friendship. :) Didn't like that Teddy ended up marrying Jo's little sister though!




haha i love how distracting my avvy is :happy:

I can totally imagine Christian saying this in a serious tone, "My name is Christian Debbie. What's your name?" :LOL:



lol if i have transport to KLIA, i actually wouldnt mind! shall we have a muser meet up?


Wow all this talk about Paul is making me want to listen to him too! when is he on? i wanna listen to him! aha.




OMG! the person who uploaded that video! debfong! thats my friend! ahhaahah such a small world.

There's always the KLIA transit - albeit a little pricey! ;) I won't be able to make it to the airport though for Jared Leto. I have to pack for Singfest..!


His show times always vary... but usually it should be between 12 midnight to 3am :]


Small world indeed! I saw deb at first and i thought it might be you lol. How did your friend enjoy the concert though?


Lol.... I never dared to call him at all. So embarrased. Even sometimes for sms, I'm wondering should I sms to paul or not Haha.... Yeah... I remember he always support and talks about liverpool and even more especially when there is a match between liverpool and other teams going on. LOL


Awww.... ya la. What to do :( I'm giving back the convo gaun monday morning. Which means today =( I don't think we can meet.... again cause by the time you read this, it's most prbably has pass already =((((( Such a waste la...


:LOL: You are a Chelsea fan... Are you going to watch the friendly match between chelsea and malaysian team?

Next time if I do send a text out to Paul, I'll give you a shoutout? ;)


Aiiii...missed again! You're not coming back to Setapak again anytime soon? :( Sigh, I wonder when then...


Chelsea will be at the Adidas outlet @ Pavilion, 5pm today! Also, I believe they're staying at Palace of the Golden Horses. Unfortunately, nooo i won't be able to squeeze time for the match or to stalk them at the hotel :( I'm currently only taking comfort in the fact that I've already watched them play last time back in ... 2004? They played against Newcastle then in Bukit Jalil :happy: Lampard, Terry, Bridge, Gudjohnsen etc - they were all so young then heh

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aww. i laughed. haha yeah luckily they censored it. i cant stand watching gory stuff. especially movies like Saw. SOOO GORY! :'( i actually get nightmares from it. its so scary.


yeah but if you didnt know that person died, and when you finally do, its like.. you cant help but think of 'what could have been' if you bothered to keep in touch with that person before he/she died, you know? am i making any sense? haha.


yeah thats true. but i wouldnt wanna die though haha. i'd rather someone die in my arms than die a horrible death. i have this irrational fear of feeling excruciating pain haha.


okay all this death talk is making my feel depressed :(


haha good i'll get the cheaper soft cover one then. to match with the rest of my soft cover books :D


the show should be at least PG13 though. its really dark. when i watched it for the second time, there was this little kid sitting in front of me with his parents and i felt so sorry for him! the joker must look REALLY scary to the kid. i cant imagine what it must've been like for him :(




OH YEAH I FORGOT ABOUT THAT SHOW! I only watched a small part of it on HBO/Cinemax/Star Movies last time. i watched the part where he professed his love to Ryder.. i was like "awww thats so sweet!" and then she go reject him pulak :indiff:


I shall go download that show :happy:


haha i love how distracting my avvy is :happy:

lol if i have transport to KLIA, i actually wouldnt mind! shall we have a muser meet up? :eek:


Wow all this talk about Paul is making me want to listen to him too! when is he on? i wanna listen to him! aha.




OMG! the person who uploaded that video! debfong! thats my friend! ahhaahah such a small world.


Good thing they sensored it or else those image are goinghaunt me for quite some time :eek:


Lol.... Opps... sorry. Okay then. I guess the discussion about the death and deeper meaning will just stop here then :happy:


Haha... Nice going for you. Actually I don't own any of the book.... I just borrowed it from my friend :p Hehe... but it should be nice to keep the first book(twilight)


Awww.... yah. Pity that kid. Most probably gonna be scared the next time he seen anyone will a full makeup on his face :( Maybe they shouldn't allow the kids under 10 to go into the movie for dark knight.... :erm:


About the little Woman, I read the novel before. It is quite nice but a pity she married a much older professor :erm: I wonder will Teddy and her be together if not for a misunderstanding that her youngest sister has a crush on Teddy...


I think Paul the cruiser is on, on Sun, Monday and I'm not too sure about Saturday and Monday thou... And he is really nice to listen to :D

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Lol yeaah, but I love how the two of them had a ... (almost) platonic girl/guy friendship. Didn't like that Teddy ended up marrying Jo's little sister though!



There's always the KLIA transit - albeit a little pricey! ;) I won't be able to make it to the airport though for Jared Leto. I have to pack for Singfest..!


His show times always vary... but usually it should be between 12 midnight to 3am :]


Small world indeed! I saw deb at first and i thought it might be you lol. How did your friend enjoy the concert though?



Next time if I do send a text out to Paul, I'll give you a shoutout? ;)


Aiiii...missed again! You're not coming back to Setapak again anytime soon? :( Sigh, I wonder when then...


Chelsea will be at the Adidas outlet @ Pavilion, 5pm today! Also, I believe they're staying at Palace of the Golden Horses. Unfortunately, nooo i won't be able to squeeze time for the match or to stalk them at the hotel :( I'm currently only taking comfort in the fact that I've already watched them play last time back in ... 2004? They played against Newcastle then in Bukit Jalil :happy: Lampard, Terry, Bridge, Gudjohnsen etc - they were all so young then heh



:eek: You saw Debbie?! Cool!!! Awww.... And I thought you are going to KLIA because you mention it :indiff: Where are you staying in sg? Hehe.... Do have fun there ;):D


Haha.... If our message manage to go through :p I'll put your name in =D Honestly being on this board and getting to meet in person in real life makes it kinda feel surreal :rolleyes: LOL...


Sigh.... the opportunity has pass again =( but then I think I will be to TAR College once in a while cause my best friend continue her studies there and I would like to borrow books from the library as an allumni :D =P Hehe...


:eek: Pavilion?!!! Cool!!! Awww.... stupid assignments :mad: But then at least you have seen them before :happy:

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Lol yeaah, but I love how the two of them had a ... (almost) platonic girl/guy friendship. :) Didn't like that Teddy ended up marrying Jo's little sister though!


I can totally imagine Christian saying this in a serious tone, "My name is Christian Debbie. What's your name?" :LOL:


There's always the KLIA transit - albeit a little pricey! ;) I won't be able to make it to the airport though for Jared Leto. I have to pack for Singfest..!


His show times always vary... but usually it should be between 12 midnight to 3am :]


Small world indeed! I saw deb at first and i thought it might be you lol. How did your friend enjoy the concert though?


oh did they? :$ lol i didnt really follow the movie. after that scene i watched, i changed the channel because i had no idea what was going on.

but now that my dad canceled the movie package on Astro (I KNOW WTF RIGHT?), i cant watch it anymore! so i guess i just have to download the torrent. lol.


haha omg that would be so wrong of him to say my name like that :LOL: i can imagine him saying that with his ridiculously low batman voice! hahaha.


Oh yeah i forgot you were heading for Singfest! have funn!!! i have no idea how to board on the KLIA transit. ah well. :( i'm feeling really emo right now because a few of my college friends won tickets for the MAA. SO JEALOUS! :'(


I tried listening last night, I dont know whether it was him though. nobody was talking, and i had to sleep early. lol.


haha her name is debra fong. whereas my name is debbie ong. we've been in the same school/college since primary school :LOL: really cool. haha. yeah she thought it was really great :D and i noticed from that video (despite how bad the quality was) that Daughtry's voice is POWER live wei! cant believe i missed it now :(


Haha... Nice going for you. Actually I don't own any of the book.... I just borrowed it from my friend :p Hehe... but it should be nice to keep the first book(twilight)


Awww.... yah. Pity that kid. Most probably gonna be scared the next time he seen anyone will a full makeup on his face :( Maybe they shouldn't allow the kids under 10 to go into the movie for dark knight....


I think Paul the cruiser is on, on Sun, Monday and I'm not too sure about Saturday and Monday thou... And he is really nice to listen to :D


Yeah the first book is nice enough to stand alone as it is. i find new moon and eclipse to be.. well.. not as nice la. it makes me question my love for bella. she can be so selfish sometimes! :mad:


oh and THANK YOU JOELYN for telling me that your friend got her book pre-ordered. i went and got mine pre-reserved yesterday at MPH. whee :happy:


I think the time i heard Paul was on Friday night. or maybe it wasn't him? but he was playing KOC! so it should be him la right? haha.

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oh did they? lol i didnt really follow the movie. after that scene i watched, i changed the channel because i had no idea what was going on.

but now that my dad canceled the movie package on Astro (I KNOW WTF RIGHT?), i cant watch it anymore! so i guess i just have to download the torrent. lol.


haha omg that would be so wrong of him to say my name like that :LOL: i can imagine him saying that with his ridiculously low batman voice! hahaha.


Oh yeah i forgot you were heading for Singfest! have funn!!! i have no idea how to board on the KLIA transit. ah well. :( i'm feeling really emo right now because a few of my college friends won tickets for the MAA. SO JEALOUS! :'(


I tried listening last night, I dont know whether it was him though. nobody was talking, and i had to sleep early. lol.


haha her name is debra fong. whereas my name is debbie ong. we've been in the same school/college since primary school :LOL: really cool. haha. yeah she thought it was really great :D and i noticed from that video (despite how bad the quality was) that Daughtry's voice is POWER live wei! cant believe i missed it now :(




Yeah the first book is nice enough to stand alone as it is. i find new moon and eclipse to be.. well.. not as nice la. it makes me question my love for bella. she can be so selfish sometimes! :mad:


oh and THANK YOU JOELYN for telling me that your friend got her book pre-ordered. i went and got mine pre-reserved yesterday at MPH. whee :happy:


I think the time i heard Paul was on Friday night. or maybe it wasn't him? but he was playing KOC! so it should be him la right? haha.


Haha... No problem Debbie ;) Wow... Your friends won the tickets to MAA?!!!! :eek: I am so freaking jelous now as well! =((((


Ask them to sneak you in to the award show :p Yah, I know. Twilight is like better than new moon and eclipse. But then they are not that bad =) And bella's attitude of liking strangers than be bothered about her friends at school does annoy me a lot!


I might be him on Friday... :rolleyes: Been some time since I actually tuned in to him :p some times sleep early so didn't listen to him :p :p


And I think I am going to PATD concert. Haven't buy yet but got to bug my brother to buy soon. Are you going?

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I read a blog somewhere that apparently Edison Chen made like a 5 second cameo in The Dark Knight? Is this true? did anyone spot him?





Lol... Didn't yu notice? Is where the part where Morgan Freeman is going to see Mr. Lau to cancel the contract and he purposely left his hp in that company in HK

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omgosh deb, cool avy.. :happy:


u guys posted so many topics hope am not interrupting. guilt_stricken, i didn't know chelsea was at the pavilion! i would've defo be checking 'em out had i known they were there..but am quite content watching the game at s. alam last night. i have to say our football crowd is wayyy different than the tennis crowd. there was mayhem at the entrance gate when people were pushing to get inside the stadium. i seriously felt like i was in a mosh pit, but lucky there was this very nice chinese man infront of us who kinda protecting us making sure that we were ok and not suffocated. i didn't enjoy the game that much..perhaps coz i didn't fancy chelsea -- however to get to see JT, Lampard and Deco rite in front of my eyes made me a bit star -struck la jugak.. heheh. malaysian keeper should've be named man of the match, not lampard! he made outstanding saves last night.


i love morgan freeman in TDK. Lucius is his name in the movie isn't it? i didn't really undertstand the last part of the movie.. did he resign from wayne enterprise? he's damn cool la in the movie..


i'm going to see panic next week. already got my free seating tix.

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