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i don't think i can ever forget the fact that i was suffocating and felt like my ribs were crushed right at the barrier that night. scary.. but then seeing dom smiling and matt laughing on stage were also priceless. :D


omg, avril cekik darah betol. i don't think am going to see her. Panic is more affordable i think. i'll be getting the cheapest tix but it's a bummer that it's not going to be at Std Negara. baru ingat nak imbas kembali kenangan manis at Std Negara hehehe.. it's here




yeah we got CE and the best ever Assassin!


lol.. u deserved the A. haha.. it was a very good research. good job! :D





but can u ever imagine an insane intro like this? chris was just :eek: matt should let him sing some songs for the new album!

and they even get a HAARP signing session! lucky mexicans! :stunned:


from the mexican thread:



hey! awesome.


What, what, what? Free standing and (it's the cheapest ticket) RM 68? :eek: So cheap! Now I really feel like going to their concert. Just scared that I might be asked to work on that day at the last minute :(


Haha.... Yeap! Watching Dom grin is in the concert priceless :D


Lol... I remember they did play Assasin and it is quite cool :happy:


:LOL: Deb does deserve an A with all the detailed and hard research ^ ^


:LOL: That picture of Matt is kinda cute with this kind of hair. This hair is sooo much better than HAARP


(which is kinda crap) Sorry Mafoo's fans :p

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Wah so many peopo! so many posts! So lazy to multi-quote!


It's ok you guys for not coming down for singfest! Ur welcomed anytime in the future alritey! IF i get to get in, i'll snap some pics or the dude who's going can do us a favour lah! :p


WAH Mexicans damn lucky lah!! I bloody love SD!! :stongue:


Yah lah Deb i heard about the Mad Sailor story from my primary school cikgu hehehehe. dono if it's crite dongeng or wat. Could be true...

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Haha... I guess if PATD suck, they might only suck in the vocal part. how bad can their instrument skill be :p But Avril only has the voice so if it suck it might be....really badd... And once I saw her live concert and it is reallly bad... LOL


Does anyone knows how much is PATD tickets? Hmm.... Time to bug my brother


haha yeah thats true. PATD's live music (and music only) isnt that bad live. its just their vocals that suck. but Avril's band are all professional musicians.. so her music is gonna be good too, but only her voice might lack in awesomeness. so.. i really dunno la, which one to go to.


i don't think i can ever forget the fact that i was suffocating and felt like my ribs were crushed right at the barrier that night. scary.. but then seeing dom smiling and matt laughing on stage were also priceless. :D


omg, avril cekik darah betol. i don't think am going to see her. Panic is more affordable i think. i'll be getting the cheapest tix but it's a bummer that it's not going to be at Std Negara. baru ingat nak imbas kembali kenangan manis at Std Negara hehehe.. it's here


yeah we got CE and the best ever Assassin!


lol.. u deserved the A. haha.. it was a very good research. good job! :D





but can u ever imagine an insane intro like this? chris was just :eek: matt should let him sing some songs for the new album!

and they even get a HAARP signing session! lucky mexicans! :stunned:


LOL you endured so much pain for Muse man... gotta respect you for that haha. Matt was laughing on stage? really?? when? :eek:


wow panic is like waaaay cheaper compared to Avril man. and they both are pretty much on the same standard when it comes to live music quality! apa ni. maybe i'll go for Panic instead. its like waaaaaaaaaaay cheaper. or maybe, dont go at all and save money and go shopping hahahaha :D


OMG i forgot about Assassin! shame on me how can i forget it! i was like totally looking forward to it summore. oh shit lah. shame on me, seriously.


wow thanks for those vids. omg they used the HAARP intro! oh shit! i want!!! and Dead Star makes a GREAT opener la omg seriously. these Mexicans are damn lucky. but HAHA we got Assassin and CE! hmph! :phu:


I dont really like Matt's new hair :$


Yah lah Deb i heard about the Mad Sailor story from my primary school cikgu hehehehe. dono if it's crite dongeng or wat. Could be true...


Oh serious? I've never heard of that story before i googled it haha. so cool.



Anyway, I watched The Dark Knight already...


i poured out all my thoughts on that movie on my blog already, so i'm very 'dry' on opinions now haha. but basically, hands down, BEST MOVIE EVER. it is SO epic! Heath Ledger is soooooo talented lah omg.


I wrote this at about 4am this morning but then my internet got screwed over. Sigh.




Hey guys, I'm gonna make this as spoiler-free as I can ;)


We definitely need a dark knight in our city streets! (And Christian Bale too, please?!)


One of the best, most anticipated movie - ever. I have no qualms over the fact that this movie will definitely be worth whatever you're paying for in the theaters. I just came back from the midnight screening and I don't think I can ... fall asleep! So haunting and brilliant was the cast that you would feel very much absorbed into the whole storyline!


As much as I hate to say this, but I actually did find myself sympathizing The Joker a tiny bit more than I did for Batman. That's not a goood thing, seeing that I am usually oblivious to everything else when Mr Bale's hands are waving around... (Please do remember, while watching the movie, to check out his hands sliding around the wheel of his Lamborghini :LOL: ) Much respect to Heath Ledger though. Truly, he portrayed the Joker brilliantly. He definitely added an insane modern touch to his character. Christian too deserves praise because he maintained the awesome portrayal of Bruce Wayne again similar to the first movie - though he definitely seemed a little more intimidated in a few scenes. He can't possibly go wrong though (I'm probably biased haha).


But I need to watch this movie again. I don't think there were any major flaws at all in the movie. Perhaps there were tooo many going on in that 150 minutes and your brain starts to get a tiny bit weary, but that's exactly when Christopher Nolan, the brilliant director, snaps you right back to reality and doesn't insult your intelligence one bit - despite fucking up your brain like that! He's definitely good at that, what with movies like The Prestige and Memento.




Let's just say I doubt I can think coherently in class in a few hours' time.




Now that I've had a little bit of sleep and a long train ride to college, I figured I may actually still like the first movie better than this second one. To compare the both of it is actually unfair though because both movies had two different plots dwelling into completely opposite ... issues. On to comments with possible spoilers in them:



I didn't think the chemistry between Rachel and Harvey was ... as fiesty as I would've hoped it would be. What with both willing to die for the other etc.. I just didn't buy it. Now, if Rachel died because of say, trying to protect Bruce's identity as Batman though, that would be a completely different story. I would've cheered and admired her. Unfortunately, that didn't happen and Bruce still felt it was his responsibility to put her in that position. Three cheers to Alfred for burning her letter though!


Another issue I would like to address would be the suspense and kan cheong-ness that you would've felt when you watch the movie. Gosh, kan cheong sial la. I found myself biting my nails and seating at the edge of my seat. Even attempted to hit my cousin's arm who was sitting beside me because I felt I couldn't take it at one point. Every time The Joker comes on though (which is plentiful, really) you would kinda find yourself fidgeting uncomfortably in your seat - not at will. You might come to care for his character though eventually - not sure if that would be pity - but seriously he was actually kinda cute in a childish but twisted manner (Heath Ledger in drag!!). The Joker's preaching actually makes a lot of sense, what with how we shouldn't be governed by the rules that we set ourselves etc. There were plenty of awesome quotes in this whole movie. Alfred & Lucius (Michael Caine & Morgan Freeman) definitely played the lighter and humorous roles. Even the supporting cast is spot-on.



I'm sure I have more than that to add.. but my brain is currently dead at the moment, over the thought of Bruce Wayne's leather jacket and swimming trunks.Excuse me while I go rehydrate myself.


Sigh... I can't wait to re-watch this movie again!


I doubt you'd be reading this any time soon but..



you're right, the chemistry between Rachel and Harvey was pretty bland. i felt a bit awkward for them whenever they both kissed. but apparently they're very very much in love with each other, so much that Rachel would choose Harvey over the oh-so-sexy Christian Bale. i bought that. haha.


The part where Gordon 'died', i was like "noooooo!!!" it felt like Sirius was dying all over again :LOL: and whenever Alfred was talking to Bruce, advising him and all, it felt SOOOO much like The Prestige again! I know Nolan directed it, i just found it a bit funny how similar it was. the only difference is that the settings this time is in Gotham city and now Bale speaks with an American accent. lol.


Two-Face's 'reign' as the villian was too short la. i actually thought he'd be the next villian for the next movie. and how awesome was Cillian Murphy's little bit at the beginning? i totally didnt expect him to show his face again. i thought he was gone for good! :eek:


and Heath Ledger in drag was just hilarious :LOL: the way he walked in that nurse suit was so funny and awkward aha. and his first 'magic trick' was just PHWOAAAR. and his acting was just beyond awesome la. his laugh, his silliness, its like all in one second, and in the next he's menacingly shoutsl "WHERE IS BATMAN???". like whoa! *whimpers*


and one part that was DAMN KAO FREAKIN KAN CHEONG was when the civilian was about to activate the detonator in the ship.... the music was all high pitched and stuff, and i'm practically DYING thinking "IS HE GONNA TWIST IT? IS HE? IS HE? OH FOR FUCKS SAKE JUST DO IT ALREADY!" but in the end he didnt. thank god la. lol. i think that was THE most kan cheong part.

and one freakin shocking part was when they were at the mayor fella's office, and suddenly BAM, fake batman splats on his window. wah. one girl in the cinema i was in screamed at that part :LOL:



okay i cant think of anything to write anymore. lol.

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haha yeah thats true. PATD's live music (and music only) isnt that bad live. its just their vocals that suck. but Avril's band are all professional musicians.. so her music is gonna be good too, but only her voice might lack in awesomeness. so.. i really dunno la, which one to go to.



LOL you endured so much pain for Muse man... gotta respect you for that haha. Matt was laughing on stage? really?? when? :eek:


wow panic is like waaaay cheaper compared to Avril man. and they both are pretty much on the same standard when it comes to live music quality! apa ni. maybe i'll go for Panic instead. its like waaaaaaaaaaay cheaper. or maybe, dont go at all and save money and go shopping hahahaha :D


OMG i forgot about Assassin! shame on me how can i forget it! i was like totally looking forward to it summore. oh shit lah. shame on me, seriously.


wow thanks for those vids. omg they used the HAARP intro! oh shit! i want!!! and Dead Star makes a GREAT opener la omg seriously. these Mexicans are damn lucky. but HAHA we got Assassin and CE! hmph! :phu:


I dont really like Matt's new hair :$




Oh serious? I've never heard of that story before i googled it haha. so cool.


okay i cant think of anything to write anymore. lol.



:LOL: Yup!!! Now I really feel like going to PATD concert. So much cheaper than Avril and the free standing is cheaper than the free seating :eek:http://www.axcess.com.my/s_panicatthedisco.asp?id=3098733667508025324836235206691405753202 The only problem have to go hours earlier :rolleyes: LOL... BUt then if...if I really can't go to the concert last minute... who am I going to give the ticket to :(


Sighhh..... Worry later la.... =P


:LOL: Muse does get repetitive on every concert... :rolleyes: But intro of HAARP in concert with Dom, Chris and Matt coming out of the stage will be :eek::eek:


:LOL: I dunno but I prefer Matt's hair like that. It looks soft and a little fluffy :p

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:LOL: Yup!!! Now I really feel like going to PATD concert. So much cheaper than Avril and the free standing is cheaper than the free seating http://www.axcess.com.my/s_panicatthedisco.asp?id=3098733667508025324836235206691405753202 The only problem have to go hours earlier :rolleyes: LOL... BUt then if...if I really can't go to the concert last minute... who am I going to give the ticket to :(


Sighhh..... Worry later la.... =P


:LOL: Muse does get repetitive on every concert... :rolleyes: But intro of HAARP in concert with Dom, Chris and Matt coming out of the stage will be :eek::eek:


:LOL: I dunno but I prefer Matt's hair like that. It looks soft and a little fluffy :p

hahaha yeah. i still remember when Muse came out during the M'sian gig. i totally didnt expect it. i was still at the front at that time, and when everything went black, i looked to my left, noone was there, to my right, noone was there. i looked to my left again and like WHAT THE HELL IS THAT MATTHEW BELLAMY HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT! then i look to my right, OMG ITS CHRIS. WHERE DID THEY COME FROM?? and then i looked straight and i see Dom.... :happy: and in this moment i am happy. happyyy :happy:

and they were all smiling!! it was such bliss la, seriously. i think it was at that moment, i had my very own 'muse' moment :happy:


anyway, sorry, i digress. haha. i cant believe they opened with the HAARP intro though. its damn cool. and they started with Dead Star. its like HAARP + Hullaballoo! :eek:


i prefer his shorter hair. or his early BHNR hair... the hair he had when he came to malaysia :D

now it looks a bit brown.. and maybe even a bit blonde? i prefer it black :)

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hahaha yeah. i still remember when Muse came out during the M'sian gig. i totally didnt expect it. i was still at the front at that time, and when everything went black, i looked to my left, noone was there, to my right, noone was there. i looked to my left again and like WHAT THE HELL IS THAT MATTHEW BELLAMY HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT! then i look to my right, OMG ITS CHRIS. WHERE DID THEY COME FROM?? and then i looked straight and i see Dom.... :happy: and in this moment i am happy. happyyy :happy:

and they were all smiling!! it was such bliss la, seriously. i think it was at that moment, i had my very own 'muse' moment :happy:


anyway, sorry, i digress. haha. i cant believe they opened with the HAARP intro though. its damn cool. and they started with Dead Star. its like HAARP + Hullaballoo! :eek:


i prefer his shorter hair. or his early BHNR hair... the hair he had when he came to malaysia :D

now it looks a bit brown.. and maybe even a bit blonde? i prefer it black :)



Er.... Like the hair when he came to Malaysia? :erm:






:eek: Now you said it, I've realised! They are doing HAARP+Hulabalooo :eek: They are so lucky!!!


:LOL: I just remembered when Muse walk on to the stage, the whole stadium like went outside down... Everyone was screaming, jumping and everything. That is one of my Muse concert moment... I can't really see their faces cause I'm quite far :$

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Er.... Like the hair when he came to Malaysia? :erm:






:eek: Now you said it, I've realised! They are doing HAARP+Hulabalooo :eek: They are so lucky!!!


:LOL: I just remembered when Muse walk on to the stage, the whole stadium like went outside down... Everyone was screaming, jumping and everything. That is one of my Muse concert moment... I can't really see their faces cause I'm quite far :$

okay no not in that particular picture la.. but









its long-ish, and its black. concentrate on the black! haha.

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okay no not in that particular picture la.. but









its long-ish, and its black. concentrate on the black! haha.


:LOL: I see. Matt does look good in that second picture for the photoshoot :eyebrows: :chuckle Oh... So you like guys with black hair? Hehe... Then you don't need to worry. Almost all boys/men in Malaysia have black hair :rolleyes::p:LOL:

Edited by DMHLover
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Hi Malaysia fans, i'm from Slovenia and want to share with you my Supermassive black hole Video cover:




Hope you like it :)


Awesome!! Good job :D


i don't think i can ever forget the fact that i was suffocating and felt like my ribs were crushed right at the barrier that night. scary.. but then seeing dom smiling and matt laughing on stage were also priceless. :D





but can u ever imagine an insane intro like this? chris was just :eek: matt should let him sing some songs for the new album!

and they even get a HAARP signing session! lucky mexicans! :stunned:





:LOL: I see. Matt does look good in that second picture for the photoshoot :eyebrows :chuckle Oh... So you like guys with black hair? Hehe... Then you don't need to worry. Almost all boys/men in Malaysia have black hair :rolleyes::p:LOL:




:( When will I ever see Muse live..

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I didn't think the chemistry between Rachel and Harvey was ... as fiesty as I would've hoped it would be. What with both willing to die for the other etc.. I just didn't buy it. Now, if Rachel died because of say, trying to protect Bruce's identity as Batman though, that would be a completely different story. I would've cheered and admired her. Unfortunately, that didn't happen and Bruce still felt it was his responsibility to put her in that position. Three cheers to Alfred for burning her letter though!


Another issue I would like to address would be the suspense and kan cheong-ness that you would've felt when you watch the movie. Gosh, kan cheong sial la. I found myself biting my nails and seating at the edge of my seat. Even attempted to hit my cousin's arm who was sitting beside me because I felt I couldn't take it at one point. Every time The Joker comes on though (which is plentiful, really) you would kinda find yourself fidgeting uncomfortably in your seat - not at will. You might come to care for his character though eventually - not sure if that would be pity - but seriously he was actually kinda cute in a childish but twisted manner (Heath Ledger in drag!!). The Joker's preaching actually makes a lot of sense, what with how we shouldn't be governed by the rules that we set ourselves etc. There were plenty of awesome quotes in this whole movie. Alfred & Lucius (Michael Caine & Morgan Freeman) definitely played the lighter and humorous roles. Even the supporting cast is spot-on.



I'm sure I have more than that to add.. but my brain is currently dead at the moment, over the thought of Bruce Wayne's leather jacket and swimming trunks.Excuse me while I go rehydrate myself.


Sigh... I can't wait to re-watch this movie again!


ahh.. finally i can talk about The Dark Night. but am just tired and my brain is currently not functioning well. nevertheless the movie was bloody AWESOME!! even though i was like 15 minutes late coz i was so hungry and i just need to eat first.



i agree. the chemistry was not there. i wasn't aware that Mrs Cruise is not playing rachel anymore so i was quite surprised to see a diff person playing her -- i dunno the actress' name, btw-- i didn't like the way she died. why would batman be saving dent rather than the love of his life?? bleh.. so unromantic! lol.. i missed the first 15 minutes so i was really annoying my friend when i asked her what happened earlier plus i had stomach discomfort from very bad kenduri food yesterday.. so i couldn't enjoy the movie as much as i wanted to.. gah.. i need to watch it again! :(

i agree about the kan cheong ness in the movie man. the music really sounds like a horror film tau. and the cinema where i was watching the movie is said to be haunted! so i was kinda scared esp when the three seats next to me were empty and we were at the back of the cinema. there were even times when i heard a man's voice laughing from those empty seats! i dunno.. maybe i was being paranoid, but that was a distraction. but OMG Bruce Wayne is the sexiest superhero ever to exist in the entire movie world! well, he wasn't a hero but a keeper of peace? is that what gordon called him? but in a nutshell, The movie was amazing. i just have to watch it again!



LOL you endured so much pain for Muse man... gotta respect you for that haha. Matt was laughing on stage? really?? when? :


wow panic is like waaaay cheaper compared to Avril man. and they both are pretty much on the same standard when it comes to live music quality! apa ni. maybe i'll go for Panic instead. its like waaaaaaaaaaay cheaper. or maybe, dont go at all and save money and go shopping hahahaha


OMG i forgot about Assassin! shame on me how can i forget it! i was like totally looking forward to it summore. oh shit lah. shame on me, seriously.


wow thanks for those vids. omg they used the HAARP intro! oh shit! i want!!! and Dead Star makes a GREAT opener la omg seriously. these Mexicans are damn lucky. but HAHA we got Assassin and CE! hmph! :phu:


I dont really like Matt's new hair



Anyway, I watched The Dark Knight already...


i poured out all my thoughts on that movie on my blog already, so i'm very 'dry' on opinions now haha. but basically, hands down, BEST MOVIE EVER. it is SO epic! Heath Ledger is soooooo talented lah omg.




you're right, the chemistry between Rachel and Harvey was pretty bland. i felt a bit awkward for them whenever they both kissed. but apparently they're very very much in love with each other, so much that Rachel would choose Harvey over the oh-so-sexy Christian Bale. i bought that. haha.


The part where Gordon 'died', i was like "noooooo!!!" it felt like Sirius was dying all over again :LOL: and whenever Alfred was talking to Bruce, advising him and all, it felt SOOOO much like The Prestige again! I know Nolan directed it, i just found it a bit funny how similar it was. the only difference is that the settings this time is in Gotham city and now Bale speaks with an American accent. lol.


Two-Face's 'reign' as the villian was too short la. i actually thought he'd be the next villian for the next movie. and how awesome was Cillian Murphy's little bit at the beginning? i totally didnt expect him to show his face again. i thought he was gone for good! :eek:


and Heath Ledger in drag was just hilarious the way he walked in that nurse suit was so funny and awkward aha. and his first 'magic trick' was just PHWOAAAR. and his acting was just beyond awesome la. his laugh, his silliness, its like all in one second, and in the next he's menacingly shoutsl "WHERE IS BATMAN???". like whoa! *whimpers*


and one part that was DAMN KAO FREAKIN KAN CHEONG was when the civilian was about to activate the detonator in the ship.... the music was all high pitched and stuff, and i'm practically DYING thinking "IS HE GONNA TWIST IT? IS HE? IS HE? OH FOR FUCKS SAKE JUST DO IT ALREADY!" but in the end he didnt. thank god la. lol. i think that was THE most kan cheong part.

and one freakin shocking part was when they were at the mayor fella's office, and suddenly BAM, fake batman splats on his window. wah. one girl in the cinema i was in screamed at that part



okay i cant think of anything to write anymore. lol.


i guess i did endure a lot of pain for muse. but it was all worth it. i just don't think i can do the same thing again now that am a bit older. hehe.. Matt was laughing a number of times during the concert. the one moment that i remember most was after this one song-- i can't remember which but he was on the piano--, he looked at Dom and both of them were grinning to each other. haha... that was priceless!


his new hair made him looks a bit younger imo. like what he used to look like during their early years in the music biz. :p




i can't believe that i forgot to mentioned anything about the Joker! heath ledger was BRILLIANT. he looked, sounded.. i dunno.. everything was so different about him in the movie. i kept searching for his real face underneath those face paint or make-up trying to convince myself that it was him. i think he deserve an oscar for his role in this movie. i actually love the joker more than harvey dent or 'two face' or even batman himself! the joker in drag was one of the higlights in the movie man. :LOL: and what about his version of jerry macguire's "you complete me" line to batman? haha...that was hillarious. i seriously love the part when batman suddenly came out form his bat mobile riding the bat bike(??) lol... my friends and i were like WOAH :eek: so smexy !! :stongue: in the cinema man.i swear, everything about bruce wayne is damn hot in the movie! sorry for the fan-girlish-ness. haha.. heck, am gonna say it again. i need to watch the movie again.



Yup!!! Now I really feel like going to PATD concert. So much cheaper than Avril and the free standing is cheaper than the free seating http://www.axcess.com.my/s_panicatthedisco.asp?id=3098733667508025324836235206691405753202 The only problem have to go hours earlier LOL... BUt then if...if I really can't go to the concert last minute... who am I going to give the ticket


Muse does get repetitive on every concert... But intro of HAARP in concert with Dom, Chris and Matt coming out of the stage will be


hey, thanks for the info. i think i'll settle for the seating tix. and it's great that there's discounts for the early birds. :D


oh yeah... the setlist is a bit repetitive. but i don't think i would complaint about that if i get to see 'em in concert again. will they ever play bliss (with balloons) again i wonder? hmm..


hahaha yeah. i still remember when Muse came out during the M'sian gig. i totally didnt expect it. i was still at the front at that time, and when everything went black, i looked to my left, noone was there, to my right, noone was there. i looked to my left again and like WHAT THE HELL IS THAT MATTHEW BELLAMY HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT! then i look to my right, OMG ITS CHRIS. WHERE DID THEY COME FROM?? and then i looked straight and i see Dom.... and in this moment i am happy. happy

and they were all smiling!! it was such bliss la, seriously. i think it was at that moment, i had my very own 'muse' moment


anyway, sorry, i digress. haha. i cant believe they opened with the HAARP intro though. its damn cool. and they started with Dead Star. its like HAARP + Hullaballoo!



i didn't notice they were smiling when they first came out! come to think of it, i dont remember who i saw first on stage. maybe it was dom. all i remember was trying to breathe coz people were pushing me to the barrier.


bloody hell, HAARP + Hullabaloo??!! now am even more jealous! yeah man, HAARP intro and Deadstar. intro to die for..

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I see. Matt does look good in that second picture for the photoshoot Oh... So you like guys with black hair? Hehe... Then you don't need to worry. Almost all boys/men in Malaysia have black hair


nah i didnt mean that. i mean that Matt looks good in black hair, in my opinion! haha. he looks good in red too. but i just prefer him in black hair. thats all. :happy:


ahh.. finally i can talk about The Dark Night. but am just tired and my brain is currently not functioning well. nevertheless the movie was bloody AWESOME!! even though i was like 15 minutes late coz i was so hungry and i just need to eat first.



i agree. the chemistry was not there. i wasn't aware that Mrs Cruise is not playing rachel anymore so i was quite surprised to see a diff person playing her -- i dunno the actress' name, btw-- i didn't like the way she died. why would batman be saving dent rather than the love of his life?? bleh.. so unromantic! lol.. i missed the first 15 minutes so i was really annoying my friend when i asked her what happened earlier plus i had stomach discomfort from very bad kenduri food yesterday.. so i couldn't enjoy the movie as much as i wanted to.. gah.. i need to watch it again!

i agree about the kan cheong ness in the movie man. the music really sounds like a horror film tau. and the cinema where i was watching the movie is said to be haunted! so i was kinda scared esp when the three seats next to me were empty and we were at the back of the cinema. there were even times when i heard a man's voice laughing from those empty seats! i dunno.. maybe i was being paranoid, but that was a distraction. but OMG Bruce Wayne is the sexiest superhero ever to exist in the entire movie world! well, he wasn't a hero but a keeper of peace? is that what gordon called him? but in a nutshell, The movie was amazing. i just have to watch it again!





i can't believe that i forgot to mentioned anything about the Joker! heath ledger was BRILLIANT. he looked, sounded.. i dunno.. everything was so different about him in the movie. i kept searching for his real face underneath those face paint or make-up trying to convince myself that it was him. i think he deserve an oscar for his role in this movie. i actually love the joker more than harvey dent or 'two face' or even batman himself! the joker in drag was one of the higlights in the movie man. :LOL: and what about his version of jerry macguire's "you complete me" line to batman? haha...that was hillarious. i seriously love the part when batman suddenly came out form his bat mobile riding the bat bike(??) lol... my friends and i were like WOAH : so smexy !! :stongue: in the cinema man.i swear, everything about bruce wayne is damn hot in the movie! sorry for the fan-girlish-ness. haha.. heck, am gonna say it again. i need to watch the movie again.




bruce wayne wanted to save Rachel instead of Harvey, but the Joker switched up the addresses instead. so bruce was rushing to save Rachel but he was actually saving Harvey, he just didnt know it until he got there. get it? i damn kao pity him la, he rush like mad to save rachel, but instead he saves the man rachel loves. so it was pretty romantic because he memang wants to save her!


omg, that cinema of yours sounds damn creepy :stunned::stunned: i'd be scared too if i were you.


there was one part, at the parade, for a very short and brief second you could see heath ledger without his make up, but with scars on his face ma. when he 'killed' jim gordon. that part, he really did look like the normal heath ledger i've come to know and love :happy: only with ugly scars on his face :erm:


and yeah you're right, BRUCE WAYNE IS DAMN HOT. SOOSOSOSOSOOOS SEXY. :stongue::happy:



i guess i did endure a lot of pain for muse. but it was all worth it. i just don't think i can do the same thing again now that am a bit older. hehe.. Matt was laughing a number of times during the concert. the one moment that i remember most was after this one song-- i can't remember which but he was on the piano--, he looked at Dom and both of them were grinning to each other. haha... that was priceless!


his new hair made him looks a bit younger imo. like what he used to look like during their early years in the music biz. :p


hey, thanks for the info. i think i'll settle for the seating tix. and it's great that there's discounts for the early birds. :D


oh yeah... the setlist is a bit repetitive. but i don't think i would complaint about that if i get to see 'em in concert again. will they ever play bliss (with balloons) again i wonder? hmm..


i didn't notice they were smiling when they first came out! come to think of it, i dont remember who i saw first on stage. maybe it was dom. all i remember was trying to breathe coz people were pushing me to the barrier.


bloody hell, HAARP + Hullabaloo??!! now am even more jealous! yeah man, HAARP intro and Deadstar. intro to die for..


aww thats so cute. i love the 'chemistry' between matt and dom la :LOL:


wow you're getting seated ticks? i think if i'm going, i'll get standing tickets. its cheaper ma :D


yeah thats true, i could roughly predict their old setlist last time. i was really bummed that they didnt play bliss though :( i love that song so much.

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hey, thanks for the info. i think i'll settle for the seating tix. and it's great that there's discounts for the early birds.


oh yeah... the setlist is a bit repetitive. but i don't think i would complaint about that if i get to see 'em in concert again. will they ever play bliss (with balloons) again i wonder? hmm..



i didn't notice they were smiling when they first came out! come to think of it, i dont remember who i saw first on stage. maybe it was dom. all i remember was trying to breathe coz people were pushing me to the barrier.


bloody hell, HAARP + Hullabaloo??!! now am even more jealous! yeah man, HAARP intro and Deadstar. intro to die for..



Wow... You all are praising Dark Knight so much making me very curious about Dark Knight as well :unsure: I'm curious to watch it now....lol


Muse still uses baloon like the one concert in Malaysia and in Hulabaloo. Lol... Pity the mak cik for the massive and endless sweeping of confetti :rolleyes::LOL:


Haha... I did notice once in a while the band members will look at each other like matt and dom, dom and chris and chris and matt sometimes will look at each other and then grin. :D Lol... Kinda cute in a way but they seems to be a bit shy in concert or massive crowds... :erm: Lol... and you would have thought they are over it by now... :p




nah i didnt mean that. i mean that Matt looks good in black hair, in my opinion! haha. he looks good in red too. but i just prefer him in black hair. thats all.



aww thats so cute. i love the 'chemistry' between matt and dom la


wow you're getting seated ticks? i think if i'm going, i'll get standing tickets. its cheaper ma


yeah thats true, i could roughly predict their old setlist last time. i was really bummed that they didnt play bliss though i love that song so much.



:LOL: Okay. I see... I think Matt looks the best in black and blue colour hair :happy:


:LOL:the shemistry between Dom and Matt. It is a little obvious in concert's sometimes it's it? :p:LOL:


Crazy mary, you are getting free seating seats? Why? As long as you don't go all the way to the front, you won't get pancaked by the massive crowd :p

Hehe... I think I'm getting the free standing tickets as well. Cheaper :p *I'm really getting cheapskate these days :rolleyes:*

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ahh.. finally i can talk about The Dark Night. but am just tired and my brain is currently not functioning well. nevertheless the movie was bloody AWESOME!! even though i was like 15 minutes late coz i was so hungry and i just need to eat first.



why would batman be saving dent rather than the love of his life?? bleh.. so unromantic!


i agree about the kan cheong ness in the movie man. the music really sounds like a horror film tau. and the cinema where i was watching the movie is said to be haunted! so i was kinda scared esp when the three seats next to me were empty and we were at the back of the cinema. there were even times when i heard a man's voice laughing from those empty seats! i dunno.. maybe i was being paranoid, but that was a distraction. but OMG Bruce Wayne is the sexiest superhero ever to exist in the entire movie world! well, he wasn't a hero but a keeper of peace? is that what gordon called him? but in a nutshell, The movie was amazing. i just have to watch it again!



you're right, the chemistry between Rachel and Harvey was pretty bland. i felt a bit awkward for them whenever they both kissed. but apparently they're very very much in love with each other, so much that Rachel would choose Harvey over the oh-so-sexy Christian Bale. i bought that. haha.




okay i cant think of anything to write anymore. lol.




Hmmm, I think Rachel chose to marry Harvey because she knows Bruce will never stop being Batman. Poor Harvey, if Rachel lived - he would've married a Rachel that is still in love with Bruce! I'm curious as to who will play Batman's next love interest though - assuming there will be another sequel. Batgirl?


I'm glaaadd that they didn't dwell too long over Rachel's death though!




Faz, eeek! You have to have to watch The Dark Knight again! The first 5 minutes of the movie features one of the best bank robbery scenes! Plus, that guy from Prison Break's in it. Haha.


Batman saved Dent because THAT EVIL SICK BASTARD Joker switched up the locations of the place. All this while Batman thought he would be saving Rachel, but when he opened that warehouse door to find Dent you could actually see the reactions in his eyes (ooooh Christian Bale even manages to ooze out emotions through that Bat suit!). My heart ached for that man eventhough I know he's completely fictional. Lol. I don't blame you for going all fangirly at all!! But I believe... The Joker actually had a lot more screen time than Bruce Wayne himself! I mean, if you minus out all the Batman scenes... you find that Bruce's final scene is actually during that Lambo car accident scene! :(


Batman is not a hero. He is a keeper that watches over Gotham, a silent guardian. He is whatever Gotham needs him to be. He is The Dark Knight! Lol, okay maybe I need to watch this movie another 5 times or so to completely memorize the script. I've watched it ... 3 times now though XD



and what about his version of jerry macguire's "you complete me" line to batman? haha...that was hillarious.

Lol, I swear if Heath Ledger is still around and doing press conferences together with Christian Bale.. I don't think I would let that "Then you're gonna love me!" part die so easily too. Seriously, there were quite a number of Batman/Joker slashy moments :LOL: Unintentional, I know...But I just can't help thinking it over.


Sigh, I solemnly swear I will stop being a Bale-head and get back to work on my lousy ass(ignment)s.



P/S: Can you believe he used to voice a character in Pocahontas?! :eek::D:happy:



PP/S: I'm sure by now you would've heard about the new Terminator movie that Christian Bale will star? They've recently released a teaser trailer to it ... and I gotta say, Christian Bale sounds extreeeeemely sexy in here! (As much as I am still cringing to the fact that Bale will be in the next Terminator movie...)






Not tooo sure if this Twilight bit has been posted.. Buut this just made me go




wow panic is like waaaay cheaper compared to Avril man. and they both are pretty much on the same standard when it comes to live music quality! apa ni. maybe i'll go for Panic instead. its like waaaaaaaaaaay cheaper. or maybe, dont go at all and save money and go shopping hahahaha :D

I'll probably do that. But then again I'll be broke anyway due to SingFest!


Speaking of concerts though - any of you interested with Daughtry playing at OU on the 26th of July? I may just show up and climb through the barriers (lol inspiration from a certain nut... *cough*) just to get myself occupied and not think about the Lifehouse gig that would be going on at the same time in the Philippines! I have a friend that hates Daughtry a lot (no offense, Daughtry fans..) and he's planning to crash the party as well.. just so he could throw eggs at him :LOL: I'm sure he's just kidding... I think.

Edited by guilt-stricken
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I'll probably do that. But then again I'll be broke anyway due to SingFest!


Speaking of concerts though - any of you interested with Daughtry playing at OU on the 26th of July? I may just show up and climb through the barriers (lol inspiration from a certain nut... *cough*) just to get myself occupied and not think about the Lifehouse gig that would be going on at the same time in the Philippines! I have a friend that hates Daughtry a lot (no offense, Daughtry fans..) and he's planning to crash the party as well.. just so he could throw eggs at him :LOL: I'm sure he's just kidding... I think.


:LOL::LOL: Throw eggs?!!! :LOL: LOL

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Wow... You all are praising Dark Knight so much making me very curious about Dark Knight as well :unsure: I'm curious to watch it now....lol


Muse still uses baloon like the one concert in Malaysia and in Hulabaloo. Lol... Pity the mak cik for the massive and endless sweeping of confetti


Haha... I did notice once in a while the band members will look at each other like matt and dom, dom and chris and chris and matt sometimes will look at each other and then grin. Lol... Kinda cute in a way but they seems to be a bit shy in concert or massive crowds... Lol... and you would have thought they are over it by now...


Okay. I see... I think Matt looks the best in black and blue colour hair


the chemistry between Dom and Matt. It is a little obvious in concert's sometimes it's it?


omg you didnt intend to watch it?? GO WATCH IT ALREADY HOLY SHIT! and i thought everyone (and i mean everyone) was super hyped about it.


haha i love the balloons man. i was so happy they released the balloons :happy: aiya the mak ciks are paid to sweep up. they get to watch the concert too! so syok. watching concerts as part of the job. haha.


yeah thats true. they're awfully to-themselves when it comes to gigs. that's one thing i dont like about Muse, they hardly interact with the crowd at gigs! i suppose its to make it 'strictly professional' and stuff but really, isnt interaction what a gig is all about? connecting with your fans.. playing for your fans.. and all that. :erm:


Hmmm, I think Rachel chose to marry Harvey because she knows Bruce will never stop being Batman. Poor Harvey, if Rachel lived - he would've married a Rachel that is still in love with Bruce! I'm curious as to who will play Batman's next love interest though - assuming there will be another sequel. Batgirl?


I'm glaaadd that they didn't dwell too long over Rachel's death though!




Faz, eeek! You have to have to watch The Dark Knight again! The first 5 minutes of the movie features one of the best bank robbery scenes! Plus, that guy from Prison Break's in it. Haha.


Batman saved Dent because THAT EVIL SICK BASTARD Joker switched up the locations of the place. All this while Batman thought he would be saving Rachel, but when he opened that warehouse door to find Dent you could actually see the reactions in his eyes (ooooh Christian Bale even manages to ooze out emotions through that Bat suit!). My heart ached for that man eventhough I know he's completely fictional. Lol. I don't blame you for going all fangirly at all!! But I believe... The Joker actually had a lot more screen time than Bruce Wayne himself! I mean, if you minus out all the Batman scenes... you find that Bruce's final scene is actually during that Lambo car accident scene!


Batman is not a hero. He is a keeper that watches over Gotham, a silent guardian. He is whatever Gotham needs him to be. He is The Dark Knight! Lol, okay maybe I need to watch this movie another 5 times or so to completely memorize the script. I've watched it ... 3 times now though XD




Lol, I swear if Heath Ledger is still around and doing press conferences together with Christian Bale.. I don't think I would let that "Then you're gonna love me!" part die so easily too. Seriously, there were quite a number of Batman/Joker slashy moments. Unintentional, I know...But I just can't help thinking it over.


Sigh, I solemnly swear I will stop being a Bale-head and get back to work on my lousy ass(ignment)s.



P/S: Can you believe he used to voice a character in Pocahontas?!



PP/S: I'm sure by now you would've heard about the new Terminator movie that Christian Bale will star? They've recently released a teaser trailer to it ... and I gotta say, Christian Bale sounds extreeeeemely sexy in here! (As much as I am still cringing to the fact that Bale will be in the next Terminator movie...)





my friend told me that in the comic books, Jim Gordon's daughter becomes batgirl in the end. JIM GORDON'S DAUGHTER! THAT LITTLE GIRL! :LOL: I dont think she'll turn into batgirl anytime soon haha.


but Gordon's son showed lotsa interest towards Batman though. i dunno about the comics, but i'm guessing he'll grow up all disturbed and angry, because Gotham is against Batman whereas he KNOWS the truth and that Batman is innocent, but nobody will believe him! He is SO angry with his father for keeping up with that 'facade' of chasing after Batman and then in the end.... he becomes ROBIN! :eek:

i duno, i could see all that happening when they showed the boy saying "but he didnt do anything wrong :(". yeah my imagination tends to get a bit wild haha.


man i NEED to watch this movie again! i didnt concentrate much on Bruce Wayne himself because i was too fixated by The Joker. apparently Bruce Wayne was topless for a bit? i dont freakin remember! THIS IS WRONG! i ALWAYS notice topless guys! :LOL: especially if they are as sexy as Christian Bale. sigh. shame on me.


that guy from prison break? who? michael schofield? i didnt know this!


omg i love that final line :LOL: it was because of that line, that made me go "PHWOAAAAAAR THIS MOVIE IS MASSIVE!" you watched it 3 times already? :eek: all in one weekend? WHOA.


oh, i forgot to notice Bruce's hands on the steering wheel of the Lambo :$ once again, shame on me.


oh, i HATE batman's stupid raspy sore-throat voice lah. i hate it so much. its so stupid. i wish he'd just shut up sometimes when he's talking in long sentences in that voice. bring back Bruce Wayne's real voice!



Yeah he's acting as John Conner! i find it so hard picturing him as John. I've always had this picture in my head where John is just a boy! a very cute boy, may i add, but still a young boy nonetheless.


argh i dont know what's wrong with my computer, but my youtube isnt working. it wont stream, and even if it does, i cant hear anything. gay. :mad:


Who did he play in Pochahontas? :eek: no freakin way! :LOL:



Not tooo sure if this Twilight bit has been posted.. Buut this just made me go





I'll probably do that. But then again I'll be broke anyway due to SingFest!


Speaking of concerts though - any of you interested with Daughtry playing at OU on the 26th of July? I may just show up and climb through the barriers (lol inspiration from a certain nut... *cough*) just to get myself occupied and not think about the Lifehouse gig that would be going on at the same time in the Philippines! I have a friend that hates Daughtry a lot (no offense, Daughtry fans..) and he's planning to crash the party as well.. just so he could throw eggs at him. I'm sure he's just kidding... I think.


yep that vid was from the MTV VMA awards! damn spoiler la. BREAKING DAWN IS COMING OUT WOOHOO! :D


omg you're going for SingFest :'( like that you dont need to go for Panic la.


eh? its a proper gig at OU? wtf? which part of OU? i thought it was like.. part of some festival thingie thingie. omg dont throw eggs! haha. thats horrible.

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omg you didnt intend to watch it?? GO WATCH IT ALREADY HOLY SHIT! and i thought everyone (and i mean everyone) was super hyped about it.


haha i love the balloons man. i was so happy they released the balloons :happy: aiya the mak ciks are paid to sweep up. they get to watch the concert too! so syok. watching concerts as part of the job. haha.


yeah thats true. they're awfully to-themselves when it comes to gigs. that's one thing i dont like about Muse, they hardly interact with the crowd at gigs! i suppose its to make it 'strictly professional' and stuff but really, isnt interaction what a gig is all about? connecting with your fans.. playing for your fans.. and all that.



:LOL: My interest in batman before all the hype is just so-so only. If I do watch it then great... If not then ma never mind lo. :p I do know everyone is very hyped up about it :rolleyes::LOL:


Haha... The baloon is fun :D but sometimes it's a bit distracting :p You can beat da baloon around ;):LOL: Yah.... :rolleyes: lucky mak ciks :chuckle:


Hmm.... Muse is a bit into themself during concerts. I dunno is it because they are quite nervous in big crowds and shy :$:rolleyes: LOL


:yesey: in concert you aee suppose to connect with fans and say you love them (althought you don't) :p

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Forgot was I was going to say, can only remember the Bale-love :p Thanks to u Faz, heheh.


He's amazing in everything that he's done. I've had a weird crush on him since I was a little girl and he was playing an English schoolchild lost in Shanghai(?) in the Spielberg war movie Empire of the Sun (his first role I think).


Him and McAvoy, yum. Ok I'll stop now.




Aaah the Muse memories. I love all of your flashbacks ppl, keep em coming! I still remember thinking that I was going to die during KOC, what a way to go huh?


However in a weird way, due to how amazing the crowd, Muse and everything was overall, it was my privilege to feel that pain, it added to the 'experience' :LOL: I would so do it again, over and over. :LOL:


Oh and now nak tiru u la Faz, ya 1000 doesnt such like much for a single Muse tix. :D

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Wow, great news Nut. Are the main stars coming (Kaka etc) or is it the Olympic team (Ronaldinho, Anderson etc?)


Hope u r not like some of us Malaysians, ashamed of our national teams performance :$





Hi Sair! yeah the Dark Knight was incredible, I cant wait to watch it again too. Love the performance of the whole cast, full of actor I love (bale Oldman freeman etc)

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Not tooo sure if this Twilight bit has been posted.. Buut this just made me go


Speaking of concerts though - any of you interested with Daughtry playing at OU on the 26th of July? I may just show up and climb through the barriers (lol inspiration from a certain nut... *cough*) just to get myself occupied and not think about the Lifehouse gig that would be going on at the same time in the Philippines! I have a friend that hates Daughtry a lot (no offense, Daughtry fans..) and he's planning to crash the party as well.. just so he could throw eggs at him :LOL: I'm sure he's just kidding... I think.




Yeah I wanna see Daughtry!



Squee hey guys!

I saw the dark knight on saturday!

It was amaazing :happy:

I'm seeing it again on friday at IMAX! :happy:

how are you all lately :)



Ahh cool cool :happy:

I've been very tired haha..you?

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Wow, great news Nut. Are the main stars coming (Kaka etc) or is it the Olympic team (Ronaldinho, Anderson etc?)


Hope u r not like some of us Malaysians, ashamed of our national teams performance :$





Hi Sair! yeah the Dark Knight was incredible, I cant wait to watch it again too. Love the performance of the whole cast, full of actor I love (bale Oldman freeman etc)



It's the Olympic team actually bt im not complaining! Actually im going to support the obvious, and they don't have red on their colours! :p:D

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