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WE MUST CONVERT PEOPLE TO MUSE!!! On a serious note, after I found Muse on the radio some time in the summer of 2003 (yeah, I'm a fairly new überfan - Korean by descent, raised in America, and NOT a fan of crap rock, K-pop, or country), it took a little while for me to get more Muse stuff, but after I heard Hysteria, the Muse hysteria pretty much overtook me, and now I = Muse überfan. I've bought as many of the albums as I can get my hands on (I'm only missing Hullaballoo right now) as well as the bonus tracks (Fury and Glorious definitely don't disappoint), and a large number of my friends are now Muse fans - I can definitely count a few who are Muse fans directly because of my influence, and a few others who may have been fans before I could claim credit. But yes, I am definitely a "Muse prophet" and I blast it in the car with the windows (somewhat) down as often as I can and let people listen to what I have of Muse. And of course, I always highly recommend any Muse album (and, I have noticed recently, I have some weird ability to come across as highly authoritative and as such, very convincing >P heh).


i think we all do LOL

hahahha:LOL: all addicted!!!

all craz!!!

all maze!!!

and argghhh!!!!


im still jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on Crazy_Mary, aMUSEing ShAnNaZ!!!!!


ahhh i saw u b4 at the main gate, wait for leaving!!!! arhhhh

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do you guys in malaysia get special dvds for the gig?


not really...

only stated on paper that we can buy special edition BH&R CD and get bonus DVD...

not live DVD of the gig though...


but the other day i went to tower records and there's no sign of special edition CD/DVD..only the normal CD

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lol Matt seems to be more intimidating right? prolly cause he's the frontman of the band. and you should have talked to him! lol i heard this story where he was willing to call his fan who couldnt make it backstage.. heard that story from muse_music i think. it gave me the impression that he really really does care about his fans. :) meaning, all of us.

its still bugging me. what exactly did you guys talk about to the band?? :LOL:

yep it was me..he willingly suggested to call them..i wish i had given you my number auntie mary!!!!!!

lol at this vid! dom was so cute when he stopped and turned around to the fans :LOL: like as if he was trying to scare them.


at least they're nice enough to stop and 'layan' their fans. :)?


:yesey::D:LOL::D :D and see Matt's face after that..:D :D

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haha, i can't help but get this impression that the moment the last bell rings, you'd be the first one out the class. then you'd make a beeline for home, not letting anybody stop you lest they slow you down or god forbid, ask you out thus putting themselves neatly and firmly before you and your computer, drop your bag at the fron entrance of your home, race to your computer, boot it up and check the boards post haste, still clad in your nice blue school pinafore (or are you the baju kurung wearing type?).


LOL the bolded bits was how i was this afternoon.


but truth be told i'm not really like that. its just the PMS. i swear. really. its true. :LOL: and yes i'm the 'baju kurung wearing type'. lol gosh am i that predictable? :LOL:

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oh debbie!!! if not mistake on starzTWO and had a pic Matt in red..

ermm got member(didnt remember, the page grow really fast) here post about that.. he type everything about that news.. oh ya.. later i scan the paper... so everybody can download it as a part of collection :p


cant wait for the scan ::)


hey, im a newbie here..nice meeting ya guys..


hey there, welcome to the board! :D


as i recall i didnt really talk much to the band, was too busy taking pictures of them, lol! and i was also afraid that if i start talking to them then i cant stop then i would be disturbing them then they will get annoyed, i really didnt want that to happen! so i just kept quiet n have a nice view at what they r all doing ;)


lol yeah.. haha admiring them from afar eh? lol but that was very considerate of you.. so kudos to you for that. :) and for taking lots and lots of yummy pictures. haha.

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n yeah that pix of Dom is the one i took while he was talking to u crazy_mary! lol! he was right in front of me, i'd be stupid if dont snap his pix!


i still wish i had more conversation with Matt though! but i just didnt know what to say to him at that time! *what an idiot i was* but its still good enough that i get to meet them, its a once in a lifetime moment that i will cherish for the rest of my life! :LOL:


yeay!! i was rite. he was facing at me eh? ehehh.. coz i was asking so.. how was malaysia? and he was telling us wat they did on monday.. my memory is now slowly creeping back..:D yeah.. i wish i had more time for a more meaningful conversation wif ém.. I Misssssss émm!!



OMG i'm so loving this vid!!! i thought i heard matt said.. "cant believe there's more people". the crowd was actually chasing ém and was buzzing wif excitement. i remember when they arrived at klia i was the only one who screamed and shannaz and her sis were soo quiet. i was actually very scared to get close to them.. and those bodyguards :mad: there were none in taipei!:eek: dom was very cheeky:LOL:



its still bugging me. what exactly did you guys talk about to the band?? :LOL:


and when i was right up front when the gig juuuust started, when i saw matt coming on stage i saw this smile on his face... it was almost like as if he's happy to see such a huge turnout. or he looked like he was happy or excited to play live on stage once again. whatever it is, its the look of utter joy and uh, like "we're finally playing in malaysia... yippe!".

you know. that grin of his. *daydreams*


... or maybe its all just in my imagination. :(


lol.. none of us can remember it clearly.. and we seemed to be contradicting each other:LOL: we were too excited. if it were u, do u think u can? forgive me, but i'm old..and my memory level is very low rite now..


i saw the smile too.. and dom was smiling a lot too.. when matt n dom were looking at each other during some songs, they were actually grinning to each other. it looked like they were having a great time that nite!


btw deb... yup, i'm now officially on dom's side!!!! and i wish i haf ur number as well, muse_music


http://yourheadsnotright.blogspot.com/ review and some decent pics. :)


i kinda get a very bad vibe from this review.. is this dude really a muse fan? it was the greatest gig ever compared to any concerts held in this country.... not onlycompared to PCD, Ill Divo and definitely no comparison to RAIN!!!

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i kinda get a very bad vibe from this review.. is this dude really a muse fan? it was the greatest gig ever compared to any concerts held in this country.... not onlycompared to PCD, Ill Divo and definitely no comparison to RAIN!!!

oh, i dunno about that. guy's got a bod to die for and all that.

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oh, i dunno about that. guy's got a bod to die for and all that.


lol yeah he does. i just like him because and only because of his killer dance moves and his matching killer body. :LOL: not a huge fan of his songs. they're too... punny. "rain is coming" "its raining" and all that.





yeay!! i was rite. he was facing at me eh? ehehh.. coz i was asking so.. how was malaysia? and he was telling us wat they did on monday.. my memory is now slowly creeping back..:D yeah.. i wish i had more time for a more meaningful conversation wif ém.. I Misssssss émm!!




OMG i'm so loving this vid!!! i thought i heard matt said.. "cant believe there's more people". the crowd was actually chasing ém and was buzzing wif excitement. i remember when they arrived at klia i was the only one who screamed and shannaz and her sis were soo quiet. i was actually very scared to get close to them.. and those bodyguards :mad: there were none in taipei!:eek: dom was very cheeky:LOL:




lol.. none of us can remember it clearly.. and we seemed to be contradicting each other:LOL: we were too excited. if it were u, do u think u can? forgive me, but i'm old..and my memory level is very low rite now..


i saw the smile too.. and dom was smiling a lot too.. when matt n dom were looking at each other during some songs, they were actually grinning to each other. it looked like they were having a great time that nite!


btw deb... yup, i'm now officially on dom's side!!!! and i wish i haf ur number as well, muse_music




i kinda get a very bad vibe from this review.. is this dude really a muse fan? it was the greatest gig ever compared to any concerts held in this country.... not onlycompared to PCD, Ill Divo and definitely no comparison to RAIN!!!


lol if i were you i'd ask him meaningless questions too, like "so how's the weather been for you? too hot and humid?" or "so what malaysian food have you eaten yet? :LOL: " you know.. stuff thats related to our country and all. i really wanna know what they think of us! contradicting each other? like how??


and i love Dom's little stunt. he just turned around and all the girls were like "Aaaaeeeeh!!!! eeeeeeheeee-heee-hee-heeee!" lol its so cute :LOL: squeeling and everything.


and yeah about that review, i dont think that person is a full crazy hardcore muse fan like us. he/she is however, a hardcore crazy the strokes fan. thought he/she prefers the kaiser chiefs and franz ferdinand to muse. he/she should be living in england then.


and you forgot to add THE CLICK FIVE!! GAHAHA.

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oh, i dunno about that. guy's got a bod to die for and all that.


i just think that he is very cheesy... but my sis loves him to death..


lol if i were you i'd ask him meaningless questions too, like "so how's the weather been for you? too hot and humid?" or "so what malaysian food have you eaten yet? :LOL: " you know.. stuff thats related to our country and all. i really wanna know what they think of us! contradicting each other? like how??


and i love Dom's little stunt. he just turned around and all the girls were like "Aaaaeeeeh!!!! eeeeeeheeee-heee-hee-heeee!" lol its so cute :LOL: squeeling and everything.


and yeah about that review, i dont think that person is a full crazy hardcore muse fan like us. he/she is however, a hardcore crazy the strokes fan. thought he/she prefers the kaiser chiefs and franz ferdinand to muse. he/she should be living in england then.


and you forgot to add THE CLICK FIVE!! GAHAHA.


ahh.. should've asked those questions la.. but as i said, my mind just went blank. it's like sitting in a job interview!! too nervous.. to think of anything.


+1! :LOL:


yeah? i felt like he tried to say something like.. yeah, it was muse and they were good.. so wat?? and plus the setlist pic he posted was actually taken from this thread.


o gawd:rolleyes: yes, the click- boyband wanna be rock band-:LOL: five..

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oooohh...i think this pms thingy wont stop for months or for me it could be worse if they dont come here asap,matt's voices ring-a-linging in my head every single moment and i couldnt concentrate even the most handsomous lecturer givin lectures in front of me,my coach was like,"are u okay?" when i suddenly giggle during my physical training(i actually wanna lol remembering how crazy i sing along from the beginning to the end of the concert),hahah...it's hillarious,i couldnt help laughing when i watch back what i've recorded using my cam,especially when it comes to feeling good,oh my, i cant help myself from crying,yeah,i was crying when matt played feeling good,for me the best song of the concert was feeling good,with that megaphone thingy,and feathers,it makes me cry(what a shame me cried that night but seriously i cant help myself u noe...please dont call me jerk for that crying thing

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Crazy_mary, here's the news abt Beastie Boys (The Star, 12 Jan 2007)


Beastie Boys switch dates to September


PETALING JAYA: Fans of hip-hop band Beastie Boys will have to wait a little longer than expected as the New York outfit has rescheduled its upcoming show in Malaysia on Feb 22 to September. “The reason I was given was that one of the band members, they didn’t say who, had to return to the United States around the time of the concert in Malaysia for personal reasons,” said Razman Razali, managing director of organisers Pineapple Concerts.


Ya, end of sept will be puasa already. Hopefully they'll come before puasa.


Back to Muse:

There was an article on The Sun, Wed, 28/02/07 here (e-paper):


But I couldn't open it. If anyone could open it, could you paste it here for everyone's reading or those who have Wednesday's edition could you pls scan and paste it here.


Some more reviews on the gig (by M'sian press, but I think you guys couldn't have written it miles better..anyway, it's good to have a neutral point of view from an observer)




On the S'pore gig, written prior to KL gig:


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Some more reviews on the gig (by M'sian press, but I think you guys couldn't have written it miles better..anyway, it's good to have a neutral point of view from an observer)




On the S'pore gig, written prior to KL gig:



Sorry, mis-typed. It should be : (by M'sian press, but I think you guys could have written it miles better..)


Anyway, I did record a few piano playing & jamming parts from the giant screen.


- Finest moments with the piano for the song "Butterflies & Hurricanes"

- Jamming part towards ending of assassin, an improvisation of the album version

- Matt on piano at his melancholic best - ending of Citizen Erased

- Matt acts as if he's going to collapse on the piano at the end of the song Hoodoo

- Matt on megaphone for Feeling Good, then throwing confetti over his piano


( Sorry, most of them are on Matt.)


Anyone interested? Since there are lots of recordings already on the net, they may be redundant. Anyway, if anyone's interested, I'll upload it on you tube (or is there a better site to upload videos where people can download them easily?)

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really?! which one is u?!


oh ya..

at the main gate, when all fans 'Q' dengan RELA too :p after show.


and all of us waiting for them(MUSE)..


i saw u with ermmm if not mistake white tudung..

am i???

hahah.. anyways if wrong sorry LOL


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Debie!!!! here the review!!!!


Starlight express





Muse mesmerised their fans at an unforgettable concert on Sunday night.


If you weren’t at the Muse concert in Stadium Negara in Kuala Lumpur last Sunday night, then you missed catching what is easily the greatest rock band in the world. Those BBC and Brit awards didn’t lie.


If you think I’m kidding, just ask any of the 6,000-strong audience who attended the concert and they’ll tell you it was nothing short of “Awesome!” or “Incredible!” or “Unbelievable!” In fact, there should be T-shirts which read: “My Friends Went to the Muse Concert ... And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt!”



RIOT IN RED: Matt Bellamy leading the Muse charge in front of a sold-out concert at Stadium Negara.

Yes, it was that good. And to think there were only three guys (and a tour keyboardist) performing on stage ... words simply cannot describe it.


As far as experiencing a molten piece of alternative rock genius, this was the gig. It didn’t take long for the crowd to go ballistic and for the mosh-pit to swing into action once the lights went out in Stadium Negara at 8.40pm. Underneath the glow of atmospheric red lights, frontman Matthew Bellamy and band-mates – bassist Chris Wolstenholme and drummer Dominic Howard – stormed their way through and opened with the operatic Knights of Cydonia.


At that moment and right till the end of the show, everyone was mesmerised and hypnotised by Muse. Short of a religious experience, the concert saw the audience singing along to every song ... and the performance ... well, it was an adrenalin rush watching Muse unleash a monstrous romp. They had the rock energy and symphonic pretensions, and they played an incredible set with relentless frenzy.




A different class


Now Muse is not your typical rock act, in the sense that you can’t really pigeonhole them, even in the different branches under the rock genre. Their music has elements of classical, pop and metal, and they can fuse everything within a song. So one minute you’re waving your lighters to Butterflies and Hurricanes, lost in Bellamy’s dreamy, airy, falsetto vocals. Then, before you know it, the song shifts gears and suddenly you’re head-banging away before Bellamy relinquishes the guitar for a moment and hits the piano with a brief but classically inclined passage ... and then it starts all over again.


Of course there were songs which were just energy-driven, like Hysteria, Supermassive Black Hole, Assassin, Citizen Erased and Stockholm Syndrome, to name a few. Now I’ve listened to these songs on my CD player but watching and hearing Muse play right in front of me and the incredible sound they generated caused a surge in one’s system, and it wasn’t just me; everybody – including those who were seated – got up on their feet when the distinct opening riff to Plug In Baby came on.


For a band that has played at the world’s largest and best-known music festivals, this stop could have just been a routine set, but take nothing away from Muse in pushing themselves to the limit.


In KL, the fans had 19 tunes to savour, that's three more than Muse's gig in Singapore last month.


Visually, Bellamy was the main focus on stage, and he lived up to his rock ’n’ roll showman credentials. But I’m forgetting the other two guys who were responsible for driving the songs – Howard and Wolstenholme. Howard’s steady drumming grew more and more intense with every song and his rolls were tasteful and earth-shattering. Wolstenholme secured the bottom-end or the thunder, as I like to call it, with a variety of basses (he was changing basses for almost every song) but, more importantly, his playing style and use of effects was blistering. He was singing back-up vocals, too, on top of it all.


Bellamy was just amazing to watch. He assaulted our senses with raw distortion, shrieks, shrills from his guitar(s) all built in with effects and bleeding out of the PA.


When he took to the piano, he displayed just how much of a virtuoso he is on that instrument; he even put the piano through effects pedals, which was just jaw-dropping to hear.


With Bellamy on piano, the hard-rocking trio did an excellent version of the standard Feeling Good, which was made popular by Nina Simone.




Encore bonanza


When Muse said goodbye after playing Time is Running Out and New Born and left the stage, the crowd was screaming, “We want more!” over and over again.


And so they returned for the encore with not one or two, but four songs: Soldiers, Invincible, Stockholm Syndrome and Take a Bow.


A generous encore for sure, and Muse’s energy levels didn’t seem to drop a bit after playing a little over two hours. In fact they seemed to be getting more energised but in the end, they called it a night ... and what a night it was.


A limited tour edition of Muse’s Black Holes and Revelations, featuring a bonus live DVD, is available from Warner Malaysia.




Gaaahhh finally found it!!!!


ermmm do you still want the scan copy???


ehuh ehuh???

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oh ya..

at the main gate, when all fans 'Q' dengan RELA too :p after show.


and all of us waiting for them(MUSE)..


i saw u with ermmm if not mistake white tudung..

am i???

hahah.. anyways if wrong sorry LOL



no that wasnt ME! i think that was crazy_mary, i was the one without the tudung! :D

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i just think that he is very cheesy... but my sis loves him to death..




oooohh...i think this pms thingy wont stop for months or for me it could be worse if they dont come here asap,matt's voices ring-a-linging in my head every single moment and i couldnt concentrate even the most handsomous lecturer givin lectures in front of me,my coach was like,"are u okay?" when i suddenly giggle during my physical training(i actually wanna lol remembering how crazy i sing along from the beginning to the end of the concert),hahah...it's hillarious,i couldnt help laughing when i watch back what i've recorded using my cam,especially when it comes to feeling good,oh my, i cant help myself from crying,yeah,i was crying when matt played feeling good,for me the best song of the concert was feeling good,with that megaphone thingy,and feathers,it makes me cry(what a shame me cried that night but seriously i cant help myself u noe...please dont call me jerk for that crying thing


:LOL: i myself keep "suddenly smiling" in class..thinking about crazy_mary's 'encounter'....:rolleyes:

page 100!! WOOT

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