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02 looks good to me. i can smell it even...


and i seriously don't doubt the restrictions are just there for show. galaxy, the /major/ organizer, has firmly said there aren't any. they're probably the ones responsible for handling all the red tape. i imagine tigermusic's role in being joint organizer is to advertise, promote and generally spread the word. and like someone else has said, since tigermusic's the one handling all the publicity, they probably had little choice but to put that restriction notice there to throw authorities off their back. no doubt the 'event' in question is merely the buying of beer from the stand located in some corner. i wouldn't worry overly much if i were you.

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Did anyone watch BlastOff last saturday??? a band call Coda did Muse cover songs, they played Starlight and Plug In Baby, i just got this info after i read the Malay Mail just now and they only mention it was not loud but memorable, if anyone has the RECORDING OF IT, plz UPLOAD!!! i really wanna see how they pulled off Muse songs in front of the Malaysian crowd..

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Did anyone watch BlastOff last saturday??? a band call Coda did Muse cover songs, they played Starlight and Plug In Baby, i just got this info after i read the Malay Mail just now and they only mention it was not loud but memorable, if anyone has the RECORDING OF IT, plz UPLOAD!!! i really wanna see how they pulled off Muse songs in front of the Malaysian crowd..


oh cool maybe there might be a repeat!

arrggh u guys are making me excited!!!

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gah..they wont sound good covering muse i reckon..even 1st runner up(blastoff season 1)media puppet did cover tiro and they spoiled the song btw, i thought it was cool to see some local band did cover muse song but it all ended with the same result...they cant make it sounds good enough as they cover other bands songs(this is due to making effects that they arent good at i reckon)however in this cases those bands who did cover muse will get my vote as they appreciate what we called good music...heheh..;)

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damn it man, The Pitt's tics are long gone and The Rock Zone has 70 tics left!


My friends are looking for the Pitt's tics so anyone selling here???

But the stadium aint that big, Rock Zone is that far from the stage right??

RM113 tics are good enough for me *muakz tics*:D


Lets post what songs they're gonna sing!


Let's sing along now...:cool:


* * * * *(Starlight)* * * * *

...But I'll never let you go

If you promised not to fade away

Never fade away


Our hopes and expectations

Black holes and revelations

Our hopes and expectations

Black holes and revelations...

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gah..they wont sound good covering muse i reckon..even 1st runner up(blastoff season 1)media puppet did cover tiro and they spoiled the song btw, i thought it was cool to see some local band did cover muse song but it all ended with the same result...they cant make it sounds good enough as they cover other bands songs(this is due to making effects that they arent good at i reckon)however in this cases those bands who did cover muse will get my vote as they appreciate what we called good music...heheh..;)


well it seems uv misjudged them, they pulled it off quite well and unexpectedly impressed all the judges, heres the review i read, theyr the only band got 5/5 rating, cool isnt it...


Stage 3




Last week, Brian Vinesh thought that their performance so far has been average, but been impressed with the band playing. Apparently, Brian has also said that this band has so far not picked the right songs to perform throughout the show. This week, CODA performed an outstanding show by actually playing each other guitar, 3 in a row. Dedicating to their family and friends, 'Starlight' and dedicating this song to Bunkface and United Kids of Oi! 'Plug In Baby' by Muse.




Brian Vinesh: Sat here for 4-5 weeks, and it's the first performance that


indeed wanted to clap for them


Good job on all the Muse songs


Very good performance, very impressive as Brian is a fan of




If 'Plug In Baby' was performed wildly, would have given all


the votes




Joe Flizzow: Very impressed


Very good show and good set


Very confident on stage


Good vocals and very good show




Out of 5 stars: 5/5

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damn it man, The Pitt's tics are long gone and The Rock Zone has 70 tics left!


how do u noe that? dat's good news.. i think


good to noe that there's a malaysian band who's brave enuff to do muse cover.


EDIT: just checked galaxy's website, yes the pitt's tix r sold out..:eek: suddenly my pitt tix seemed so precious now.

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how do u noe that? dat's good news.. i think


good to noe that there's a malaysian band who's brave enuff to do muse cover.


EDIT: just checked galaxy's website, yes the pitt's tix r sold out..:eek: suddenly my pitt tix seemed so precious now.


omg are you serious??? oh nooo!!! i need to buy a few more pitt tickets for my other friends now!


is there anyone here selling The Pitt tickets? PLEASE???




wow.. i cant believe it really is sold out.


i'm so ambivalent now! i dunno whether to feel happy that Muse are doing so well here or bummed that i wont be able to get tickets for my other friends who want to go... :(


and you're right, suddenly my Pitt tickets seems to precious... lol :LOL:

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70 rockzone tix left? w00t, i hope those sell out quick, too...no wait...i hope they sell out /after/ Nutz and his bro and his bunch of frens have gotten theirs. You guys had better hurry if you don't wanna have to settle for seated tix.


in fact, i hope everything sells out by by CNY...

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omg are you serious??? oh nooo!!! i need to buy a few more pitt tickets for my other friends now!


is there anyone here selling The Pitt tickets? PLEASE???


theres a muse in concert contest in the sun (mini) paper today, and theres 2 pitt tickets for Grand prize winner, so let ur friend go grab em while they still can!

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how do u noe that? dat's good news.. i think


good to noe that there's a malaysian band who's brave enuff to do muse cover.


EDIT: just checked galaxy's website, yes the pitt's tix r sold out..:eek: suddenly my pitt tix seemed so precious now.


Yea you're damn lucky to have it man... u better run in 1st with the tic b4 u loose it while bragging it outside the da stadium man. I went to the Putra Stadium to get those tics, the lady told me Muse giler hebat.


I was like " Wa, aku tak sangka Muse kat Malaysia band scene kuat". :pope:


She say " Muse hebat man, tapi kebanyakan yang pegi tu Malay boys, masa Jan 7th kat Sg Wang tu, 1k+ ppl pegi sana beli ticket cos 30% off, hampir habis...":cool:


Me again "Bagus la, kalau Msia bawak band cam nih byk lagi bagus... my friends who wanted those Pitt tics would fly over from Sarawak for them..."



One of my friend say that this kinda indie, alt etc music scene still do not appeal much to alota chinese peeps, its even harder to open up their mind to indulge and enjoy this kinda genre. (He and I are cinapeks going to muse OH HELL YEAH! :musesign: )

What you guys think?

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70 rockzone tix left? w00t, i hope those sell out quick, too...no wait...i hope they sell out /after/ Nutz and his bro and his bunch of frens have gotten theirs. You guys had better hurry if you don't wanna have to settle for seated tix.


in fact, i hope everything sells out by by CNY...


Oh yea, she say " I rasa 2 hari lagi semua ROCK ZONE ticket habis..." :eek:

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:eek: indeed.


there /are/ chinese fans...i saw quite a lot of em...but most chinese who listen to them are prollly bananas...if ya know what i mean...and i've always had the impression that malay rock fans seem partial to britrock and indie stuff so yeah, there were a substantial amount of youngish malays that day. i heard, tho not in so many words, that a lot of them (the young ones) aren't the politest of people and that even if you're a tiny weak sickly girl standing at about 4 feet in height, and one of them can easily triple you in mass and body weight, will still gladly step on your face to get to the front.


this doesn't bode very well for some of us...i'm not vain by any means but i still love my face for the biological and physical convenience it allows me. granted i'm neither sickly nor weak, and neither am i a 4-footer, i'm not very substantial in size at all...someone bellamy's size will break into tiny lil pieces in there...and i'm smaller than him.


that group idea is really sounding more and more like an extremely wise one...

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mostly malay boys? kinda ironic dont u think since tiger kept announcing that d gig is only for non muslim n 18 years n above? vspirit, as much as hate to say this, but i kinda agree wif u.. i dun wanna d crowd to b like rock d world crowd, where mostly r malay BOYS acting like idiots.. but i may b wrong n i dun want to accuse anyone as being violent n throwing racist remark or watever.. coz i myself a malay n there r chinese n other boys who tend to act like punks during concerts.. perhaps d key word here is BOYS rather than d race.. its kinda weird when u say its rare for chinese people to like muse since most of d peeps in this board r chinese ..(well, i always assume)

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lol actually every time i've been run over in an environment when the adrenaline surge is high, it's almost always a male of the young (prolly still a high-school goer or a first year college freshie) and malay variety. i never really thought much about it but thinking back on it now, i've never really had that kinda problem with males of other races...malay girls, on the other hand, are generally nicer than some from the other races that i know, my own included. so it's a race + gender thing, i reckon, tho not in the biological sense so don't get me wrong. here, let me elaborate:


i'm sure they're punks of other races but i'm willing to venture a guess that their problem all boil down to their attitudes. they prolly aren't very likeable at other times either but these malay kids, they probably are great people, so i'm not saying that they don't have hearts in all the right places, because they do. even moreso than the others but let's not go there. they do, however, in a high-energy environment, seem more prone to letting all the adrenaline go to their heads and cloud their judgment than other people of the same gender but different races. and if i have to turn analytical, i'd venture that it's the environment in which they grew up, and the people they hang with, rather than their biological makeup cos that just plain doesn't make sense, that makes them more prone to totally losing themselves. which means, i don't think that all the young malay kids of the male kind are all completely uncouth when excited. i'm aware that i may be stereotyping some but i'm also well and truly aware that it's not written in stone that as long as they're young and they're malay, they're all gonna be like that. I have met quite a few who behave in an exemplary manner...but there do seem more of the former than the latter in events like this in M'sia, based on personal experience (which i'm sure you yourself have a lot of, crazy...more than I do even, if we're talking about gigs held on local grounds). =/


in hindsight, though, most of the nice malay guys i've met in int'l concerts here were pretty stable and laidback and...they're adults. so there's no telling that when these hooligan-wannabes become full blown adults, they won't do a complete 180. sigh...or maybe i should just chalk it down to MUSE bringing out the worst in everyone. it's all their fault. bloody over-talented freaks.


and tackling that other issue you brought up, crazy, there aren't that many fans gathered in this thread to begin with, a handful only, really, if you factor in just how many turned up to buy tix on the 7th. it's just the same old people over and over again with the occasional new handles who post sporadically and then disappear altogether. that, and let's not forget that i said most chinese who like these sorta bands are bananas, meaning english is their...our...strongest mean to express ourselves in, written or spoken. the rest will go for stuff like...leehom, i guess (ironically, leehom is pretty much a banana himself but it's all about catering to the market innit xD)? whereas, like i said earlier, for malays, it doesn't matter whether or not they speak good english, they are more partial to the english rock scene (and this is totally my biasness speaking, have better taste in music) in general. so with this board and thread mainly in english, i don't think they'd feel too driven to post here. a couple tried, trying to start conversations but in malay, and well, you saw for yourself how that turned out. we answered, though in english, and they're never seen or heard from again, resulting in the only malays who remain gathered here to post regularly are ones like yourself and nuts and a few others i'm sure, who are on top of the food chain within your racial bracket when it comes to communicating in english...and, at the risk of stating the obvious, there really aren't that many of you.

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thats y they say Muse play intelligent music...;)


sometimes its not just them or us being partial to the rock scene eg indie, alt rock. If we really learn, analyzes, "listen" to their music as well as to how the band play as a band and their instrumental skills, and enjoy doing it at the same time,... being at the top, mid or bottom of any racial tree ( as what vspirit says) it doesnt matter anymore. I dont mind talking Malay or English or Mandarin because to me, language is just a medium of communication, the only means to create racial integration.:)


I really hope the Msian thread grows out to all races after the show, then we might get to know alota people, maybe hidden local band gems that are overshadowed by very,very commercial bands that sounds like some other. (I really like networking :D )


People in nature like to belong to something because it creates the sense of security. Who knows those who are here, may one day, after the show or future gigs, chinese, malay, indian and other races hang out? that'll be real nice man...:happy:

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phew.. that was long eh? hey.. it's all good, no matter wat colour u r.. as long as we r m'sians n we all agree that muse RAWKS! didnt mean to start a discussion bout wat our social backround r. just trying to say that rock concert tend to make some of us go wild regardless of our ethnicity.. i didnt actually quite understand parts of ur post:LOL:


EDIT: now i do..hmm shuld i say s'thin? mayb not..

btw, has anyone seen their absolution tour dvd? noe where i can get it?

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^^; well yanno me. once i have something i wanna say, i need to get em all outta my chest so there might be some irrelevant stuff i've mentioned in there. sorry you had to go through all that, heh heh...if you did, that is. and thank you.


and the absolution dvd is but a myth to me.

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Oh c'mon! Surely you know the Absolution dvd does exist? I got mine at Gramophone in sg.. I think hmv shld have it? It's the 2004 glastonbury performance(not full setlist though) plus some extras like TOADA, the groove, fury and endlessly!!


Actually i feel that the Malay dudes in sg can be quite energetic during small gigs too. If you happen to attend an 'emo-core' or whatever 'core' nonsense gig there is, the mosh is usually made up of Malay dudes. Occasionally you can see one or two girls in it (almost always Malays too). Strange aint it.

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Woah! The band haven't even played and look at all these pages. It's even more than the Singapore thread :p And the sold out pit tickets? Totally Wow! It's great to see there's so many Malaysian fans. Memang Malaysia boleh ;) I hope everything goes well for you guys. Wish I could be there.

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the absolution tour dvd DOES exist! i'm having my friend's one right now.. he bought it from a pasar malam. lol. he also borrowed me his Incubus live in Red Rocks one which he bought from a pasar malam too. its amazing, what you can find in your regular pasar malam. however, the absolution dvd he got doesnt have TOADA and stuff..but it does have the ending Stockholm Syndrome though. which is really awesome :)


lol Skylar, this thread has been going on since even before Muse announced their gig at Singapore, nevermind Malaysia! lol :LOL:


oh yeah i wanted to ask you a question, vspirit. did Matt sing "our trials and tribulations" in Starlight at Singapore? or did he sing the normal "our hopes and expectations"??

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i know it exists. i've just never seen it before. tho it probably shouldn't come as a surprise cos i'm kind of a slacker and don't really /look/ for things...even things i tell myself i want badly. *chuckle*


right, your question. if i was out of it enough to completely miss MoTP and Bliss (even while i was just standing there and watching the balloons being popped one after another), what makes you think I'd be paying attention to what he's actually singing? xP i was so far removed, i prolly still would've completely missed it if he sang the whole thing in Hokkien.


so i cheated and checked youtube ahahaha. bet you never thought of doing /that/, huh? xxxD er...ignore that last bit. anyway that's what i did, and the answer is....nope. followed the album version to a T. well almost to a T, but you get what i mean...right?

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