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Time Is Running Out without Bass.

Citizen Erased

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I've been here a year and this is my first thread :facepalm: Anyway. Feel free to move/merge if it's not in the right place.


My friend needs some sort of backing track for Time Is Running Out without the bass for a music assessment. I don't know where to look really, and don't know where to start with Muselive, it's like wading through treacle.


If anyone knows a website, or a link to a download, it'd be a MASSIVE help :)

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if you havnt checked muselive.com try that, and if that fails, on youtube theres some guy, instrumentalsandmore (i think thats his name) and the only way i can think to do it is play the drums and 'tar at the same time and record it with audacity or something he can play along to that.... damn i dunno if he does the drums... well good luck anyhoo :D

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