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nah we ate inside. we then left him to put my brother's kid to bed and went to the movies. it's amazing what a different kid he is without his mother around. we've been playing heaps, he was jumping on me and riding me like a horse and i even managed to dress him.


although he did yell out "aunty jo has a diddle!" and then grabbed my boob. :facepalm: even more reasons to never want my own kids.

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if i don't know the answer, i'd usually say a stupid thing like the actual answer. :LOL: there were some trick questions in there. "why don't tigers eat smaller animals in the african game parks?"


I always get the trick questions! It's so annoying!


although he did yell out "aunty jo has a diddle!" and then grabbed my boob. :facepalm: even more reasons to never want my own kids.


That kid is going to be surprised later in life :LOL:


I went to the beach on Christmas and my sister came over. It was very hot and nice, and we had lots of good food. We busted out my DVD for the first play as well :happy:


As for the Muse Christmas video, you can play it on Quicktime :erm:

What's the deal with the extra files? Jam in some venue? Okay...

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I always get the trick questions! It's so annoying!




That kid is going to be surprised later in life :LOL:


I went to the beach on Christmas and my sister came over. It was very hot and nice, and we had lots of good food. We busted out my DVD for the first play as well :happy:


As for the Muse Christmas video, you can play it on Quicktime :erm:

What's the deal with the extra files? Jam in some venue? Okay...

i don't have quicktime as it used to fuck up my old laptop and its so annoying. and you can't even download it by itself anymore, has to come bundled with itunes.


it was a link to glascow jam.


my mum turned up uprising in the car yesterday and went on about how much she liked it.

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i don't have quicktime as it used to fuck up my old laptop and its so annoying. and you can't even download it by itself anymore, has to come bundled with itunes.


it was a link to glascow jam.

my mum turned up uprising in the car yesterday and went on about how much she liked it.


I'm guessing you don't have itunes then either...? :chuckle:


Oh okay.


I got a call this morning from a pet store that I applied to in Mt Eden. The lady seemed interested, despite the fact that I had literally just woken up (I'd thought my phone ringing was my alarm!) and was kind of slow on the uptake in answering her question.

But then she was like "it all sounds very good... but oh, I just looked at your cover letter (hey look, those things do have a use after all) and it says you want to have summer work."

Me: "Well, with work extending into the New Year"

Her: "I'm looking for someone able to work February to December, both weekend days."

Me: "Oh..."

Her: "Okay well thanks for your time!"


It was very disappointing. I'm flattered that my CV is so outstanding that you want to hire me before even finishing it, but don't wave a job in front of me and then pull it away! She didn't even give me a chance to discuss the timetabling. Although she did say that it looked like I was going to be "the next Tarantino", because my CV is full of film and tv stuff :LOL:

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although he did yell out "aunty jo has a diddle!" and then grabbed my boob. :facepalm: even more reasons to never want my own kids.



Oh wow, haha, kids! Fun nad cute but it was so nice to be able to walk away from them!




As for the Muse Christmas video, you can play it on Quicktime :erm:

What's the deal with the extra files? Jam in some venue? Okay...


Oh i have quicktime, I'll try and play it in that, cheers!


I'm guessing you don't have itunes then either...? :chuckle:


Oh okay.


I got a call this morning from a pet store that I applied to in Mt Eden. The lady seemed interested, despite the fact that I had literally just woken up (I'd thought my phone ringing was my alarm!) and was kind of slow on the uptake in answering her question.

But then she was like "it all sounds very good... but oh, I just looked at your cover letter (hey look, those things do have a use after all) and it says you want to have summer work."

Me: "Well, with work extending into the New Year"

Her: "I'm looking for someone able to work February to December, both weekend days."

Me: "Oh..."

Her: "Okay well thanks for your time!"


It was very disappointing. I'm flattered that my CV is so outstanding that you want to hire me before even finishing it, but don't wave a job in front of me and then pull it away! She didn't even give me a chance to discuss the timetabling. Although she did say that it looked like I was going to be "the next Tarantino", because my CV is full of film and tv stuff :LOL:



Aw, rough! I always do that with my phone because I keep it on vibrate at work and a few times I've flipped it open thinking it's a text only to find I have answered the phone on the first ring and not said anything!


It's good that your cv is getting noticed, even if it didn't work out for this job, it should be the sign of th ings to come! Now that the ball is rolling!

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if my work place isnt careful i will be having to call someone to see if they can give me work i mean i gave the dates i am avalible and they havent bothered to contact me like they said i would and well i will prolly have to call them and i will let them know and i am kinda stressing out because i have bills to pay and also if i dont have the work i wont be able to go to the big day out and i will murder someone if that happened.

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so would you not want the weekend work later on?


the best phone interview i did was drunk on a train stuck in Reading on the way to London with IRD. i couldn't think of the words i wanted and really needed a piss but you can't when the trains are in the station.


i somehow got a second interview for when i was back in NZ.

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so would you not want the weekend work later on?


the best phone interview i did was drunk on a train stuck in Reading on the way to London with IRD. i couldn't think of the words i wanted and really needed a piss but you can't when the trains are in the station.


i somehow got a second interview for when i was back in NZ.



Ha, now that is pretty impressive! Though I think being drunk on a train sounds like a bad idea all round! :D



I'm having to do all of this three-part miniseries at work (6 hours of wonderful action in total!) called Comanche Moon.


Karl Urban as a cowboy = :facepalm: Complete and utter ACCENT FAIL.


Good old Shorty eh!


I'm buggered, stayed up talking til 4 am and am so paying for it now!

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That sounds like an epic talk!


WOW I just did the most amazing thing. We flipped a coin to decide who would do the first part of the news, as we always do. But this time, the coin bounced off my shoe, landed on its side and ROLLED OUT THE DOOR. :eek:


We decided to redo the flip, but it was pointless really because I lost both times.

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That sounds like an epic talk!


WOW I just did the most amazing thing. We flipped a coin to decide who would do the first part of the news, as we always do. But this time, the coin bounced off my shoe, landed on its side and ROLLED OUT THE DOOR. :eek:


We decided to redo the flip, but it was pointless really because I lost both times.


We had a years worth of gossip to catch up on!!



WOAH, that is SO cool! Don't you love when stuff like that happens? :awesome::awesome::awesome: I'm cracking up laughing like a maniac!:happy:

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so would you not want the weekend work later on?


the best phone interview i did was drunk on a train stuck in Reading on the way to London with IRD. i couldn't think of the words i wanted and really needed a piss but you can't when the trains are in the station.


i somehow got a second interview for when i was back in NZ.


I don't know, I mean it wouldn't have been ideal, but she didn't even tell me the times or anything. She was just like 'yeah sorry about that, bye!'. I barely had a chance to say 'call me if anything changes' :stunned:

Probably didn't help that I had just woken up. When she said 'why do you want to work at this pet store?' my response was something like 'well, I like animals... and... I like caring for animals... and um... I volunteered at the SPCA for a while... so I'd like to help people care for their animals...' Usually I'm a fast thinker but I was caught out on that one!

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Understandably. If I'd just been woken up by the phone ringing I doubt I'd be able to think of anything at all when asked questions like that.


There goes another job, slipping through my fingers :( It would have been nice to at least find out what the weekend times were, even if they weren't ideal. Sigh.


It was in Mt Eden though.

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I don't know, I mean it wouldn't have been ideal, but she didn't even tell me the times or anything. She was just like 'yeah sorry about that, bye!'. I barely had a chance to say 'call me if anything changes' :stunned:

Probably didn't help that I had just woken up. When she said 'why do you want to work at this pet store?' my response was something like 'well, I like animals... and... I like caring for animals... and um... I volunteered at the SPCA for a while... so I'd like to help people care for their animals...' Usually I'm a fast thinker but I was caught out on that one!


Understandably. If I'd just been woken up by the phone ringing I doubt I'd be able to think of anything at all when asked questions like that.


Man I am incoherant and unintelligable for about the first hour after I wake up, so I would be totally useless in that situation!

How silly of her not to even discuss with you what could work for you both.



My best friend and the kids have just left, her 43 year old uncle died unexpectedly last night, and all the family was here for Christmas, so that was a shock, and an emotional goodbye today. :(

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There goes another job, slipping through my fingers :( It would have been nice to at least find out what the weekend times were, even if they weren't ideal. Sigh.


It was in Mt Eden though.


your not missing out on much it soundslike the same place i went to apply i went there for the interview the person that was doing the interviewing went home for the day and forgot about me coming in for the interview and asked if wanted to come back the next day for another one i said no thanks

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